Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1274 I suspect you are an accomplice


After eating and drinking, he did not strangle Ji Wufeng's neck, but was held tightly by his palms. However, the man in black did not panic, but instead had a sinister smile on his face as if his plot was successful.

"Why are you so stupid? Do you think I've been poisoned by your corpse and am dead?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"Jie Jie... Since you know about the Infernal Corpse Hand, you know that as long as you touch my hand, you will be poisoned by my corpse poison!"

The man in black had a proud sneer on his face, but his expression suddenly changed again, and he said sharply: "How could this happen...ah!"

Ji Wufeng's hand holding his palm was twisted violently. There was a crisp sound, and the entire bones of his arm were twisted to pieces with a strong force!


Ji Wufeng kicked him, and the man in black flew out like a dead dog. He lay on the ground with blood spurting from his mouth. His face was full of horror and he said, "Who are you?"


Ji Wufeng took out a sign and threw it in front of the man in black, saying: "The evil heretic is killing innocent people in public. As a law enforcement elder, I will punish you on the spot now!"

The man in black looked at the sign in front of him, his expression suddenly changed, and he said: "This is the law enforcement elder's order, you are the law enforcement elder!"

" are still...a bitch and you still want to run away?"

Before Ji Wufeng finished speaking, the man in black got up and ran away. He was so angry that he stamped his feet. Just as he was about to catch up, a police car suddenly drove over quickly with its siren blaring. Several police comrades rushed over. He came down, pointed the gun at him and shouted: "Squat on the ground, hold your head in your hands!"

Such a big thing happened and guns were fired. Naturally, the police got the news and rushed over immediately.

"Comrade police, your guns shouldn't be pointed at me," Ji Wufeng said.

At this time, Bai Weihao stood up and said in a cold voice: "Shouldn't he be facing you? He committed a murder in the street in full public view. Comrade police, I suspect he is going to carry out some kind of terrorist act, so arrest him immediately."

Ji Wufeng smiled at Bai Weihao and said, "Believe it or not, the police uncle will definitely not arrest me today, but he will definitely arrest you."

Bai Weihao said with hatred on his face: "Comrade police, what are you waiting for? He committed a murder on the street and was extremely cruel. Everyone present can testify. Arrest him quickly."

Yes, Ji Wufeng did commit the murder on the street, and a police comrade immediately came over with handcuffs.

Ji Wufeng immediately said: "Wait a moment."

He took out a notebook and handed it to the police comrade, and said sternly: "Longfeng Brigade obeys the order and will immediately hunt down the murderer. Anyone who dares to stop him will be executed on the spot!"


There was a burst of shouting, and a dozen fat and strong young people suddenly rushed out from the crowd. Half of them left quickly, which was exactly the direction the man in black fled. The remaining people stood beside Ji Wufeng, looking murderous. steaming.

Bai Weihao was stunned and said sternly: "Ji Wufeng, do you know what you are doing? You are under arrest. The police comrades have the right to shoot and execute you on the spot."

But when the police comrade saw the notebook in Ji Wufeng's hand, he looked shocked, then handed the notebook back to him and performed a solemn military salute.

That book is Ji Wufeng's ID, representing the identity of the Dragon Group.

Two young men stepped forward and pulled the desperado man on the ground

The boy was handcuffed, and Ji Wufeng said: "Take him back and interrogate him strictly. If he shoots in the street, there must be someone behind the scenes. Once found out, he will be severely punished."

Bai Weihao's expression changed and he said, "Ji Wufeng, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know. I am a Chinese soldier, and I am carrying out the glorious mission of protecting our homeland, our country, and our people!"

Ji Wufeng puffed out his chest and looked arrogant. Then he looked at Bai Weihao and said, "I almost forgot that the murderer who escaped just now came with you. I suspect that you are also an accomplice. Take him away!"

After saying that, two Longfeng members immediately came up and cuffed him.

Bai Weihao was confused. Today was his special day. The bride had been robbed, but now she was handcuffed. Isn't this too bullying?

"Ji Wufeng, you bastard, just wait, I won't let you go!" Bai Weihao roared.

"Okay, I'll wait and see how you won't let me go and take you away. If you dare to escape, I'll execute you on the spot immediately." Ji Wufeng waved his hand.

Everyone present was stunned. Your uncle is ready to execute people on the spot. Are you performing official duties or do you want to avenge yourself?

Although everyone knew it, no one had the courage to say it out. They even dared to touch the eldest young master of the Bai family, let alone a little person who couldn't stand on the stage?

But at the same time, everyone couldn't figure it out. Didn't Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang form an alliance? But is this a complicated matter? Gu Tianyang said that he would be the witness in person, but it was better for Ji Wufeng to lead his men to snatch the bride away, and the groom was arrested. Wasn't this a deliberate attempt to slap Gu Tianyang in the face?

The Bai family's lungs are almost exploding with anger, but the people who are least willing to accept it now are the Mo family.

He wanted to get close to the Bai family, but now that Bai Weihao has been arrested, why should he get close to a hammer?

Not only that, if the Bai family and the Song family get angry afterwards, and even the Mo family cleans up, it will be completely over.

"You bastard, I'll fight you!"

The first person who couldn't bear it was Mo Qingran's mother. Not to mention the good deeds, it might lead to disaster. Finally, she couldn't control herself and rushed towards Ji Wufeng like a crazy shrew!

But before she could meet Ji Wufeng, two members of the Longfeng Brigade rushed over and held her up.

Ji Wufeng said majestically: "You actually attacked me. Now I suspect that you and that murderer are also in the same group. Someone..."

Such a vicious-hearted woman is simply a scumbag and unworthy of being a mother.


Mo Qingran ran over and said, "She is my mother after all. Brother-in-law, just let her go this time."

Seeing that Mo Qingran was about to burst into tears, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to curl his lips and say: "Huh, if I don't do it next time, I'll spare you this time. If you do it again, I'll deal with you together!"

After being challenged by two Longfeng players, Huang Lianpo calmed down completely and was so frightened that her whole body trembled.

Ji Wufeng glared at him and looked at the Mo family members. The Mo family members were immediately frightened and stepped back, worried that this devil would also deal with them.

Ji Wufeng looked fierce and said, "Listen carefully, Mo Qingran is my sister. If you dare to force her to do things she doesn't want to do, there will be no need for the Mo family to continue to exist. Let's go." Bang. !

After eating and drinking, he did not strangle Ji Wufeng's neck, but was held tightly by his palms. However, the man in black did not panic, but instead had a sinister smile on his face as if his plot was successful.

"Why are you so stupid? Do you think I was poisoned by your corpse and am dead?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"Jie Jie... Since you know about the Infernal Corpse Hand, you know that as long as you touch my hand, you will be poisoned by my corpse poison!"

The man in black had a proud sneer on his face, but his expression suddenly changed again, and he said sharply: "How could this happen...ah!"

Ji Wufeng's hand holding his palm was twisted violently. There was a crisp sound, and the entire bones of his arm were twisted to pieces with a strong force!


Ji Wufeng kicked him, and the man in black flew out like a dead dog. He lay on the ground with blood spurting from his mouth. His face was full of horror and he said, "Who are you?"


Ji Wufeng took out a sign and threw it in front of the man in black, saying: "The evil heretics are killing innocent people in public. As a law enforcement elder, I will punish you on the spot now!"

The man in black looked at the sign in front of him, his expression suddenly changed, and he said: "This is the law enforcement elder's order, you are the law enforcement elder!"

" are still...a bitch and you still want to run away?"

Before Ji Wufeng finished speaking, the man in black got up and ran away. He was so angry that he stamped his feet. Just as he was about to catch up, a police car suddenly drove over quickly with its siren blaring. Several police comrades rushed over. He came down, pointed the gun at him and shouted: "Squat on the ground, hold your head in your hands!"

Such a big thing happened and guns were fired. Naturally, the police got the news and rushed over immediately.

"Comrade police, your guns shouldn't be pointed at me," Ji Wufeng said.

At this time, Bai Weihao stood up and said in a cold voice: "Shouldn't he be facing you? He committed a murder in the street in full public view. Comrade police, I suspect he is going to carry out some kind of terrorist act, so arrest him immediately."

Ji Wufeng smiled at Bai Weihao and said, "Believe it or not, the police uncle will definitely not arrest me today, but he will definitely arrest you."

Bai Weihao said with hatred on his face: "Comrade police, what are you waiting for? He committed a murder on the street and was extremely cruel. Everyone present can testify. Arrest him quickly."

Yes, Ji Wufeng did commit the murder on the street, and a police comrade immediately came over with handcuffs.

Ji Wufeng immediately said: "Wait a moment."

He took out a notebook and handed it to the police comrade, and said sternly: "Longfeng Brigade obeys the order and will immediately hunt down the murderer. Anyone who dares to stop him will be executed on the spot!"


There was a burst of shouting, and a dozen fat and strong young people suddenly rushed out from the crowd. Half of them left quickly, which was exactly the direction the man in black fled. The remaining people stood beside Ji Wufeng, looking murderous. steaming.

Bai Weihao was stunned and said sternly: "Ji Wufeng, do you know what you are doing? You are under arrest. The police comrades have the right to shoot and execute you on the spot."

But when the police comrade saw the notebook in Ji Wufeng's hand, he looked shocked, then handed the notebook back to him and performed a solemn military salute.

That book is Ji Wufeng's ID, representing the identity of the Dragon Group.

Two young men stepped forward and pulled the desperado man on the ground

The boy was handcuffed, and Ji Wufeng said: "Take him back and interrogate him strictly. If he shoots in the street, there must be someone behind the scenes. Once found out, he will be severely punished."

Bai Weihao's expression changed and he said, "Ji Wufeng, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know. I am a Chinese soldier, and I am carrying out the glorious mission of protecting our homeland, our country, and our people!"

Ji Wufeng puffed out his chest and looked arrogant. Then he looked at Bai Weihao and said, "I almost forgot that the murderer who escaped just now came with you. I suspect that you are also an accomplice. Take him away!"

After saying that, two Longfeng members immediately came up and cuffed him.

Bai Weihao was confused. Today was his special day. The bride had been robbed, but now she was handcuffed. Isn't this too bullying?

"Ji Wufeng, you bastard, just wait, I won't let you go!" Bai Weihao roared.

"Okay, I'll wait and see how you won't let me go and take you away. If you dare to escape, I'll execute you on the spot immediately." Ji Wufeng waved his hand.

Everyone present was stunned. Your uncle is ready to execute people on the spot. Are you performing official duties or do you want to avenge yourself?

Although everyone knew it, no one had the courage to say it out. They even dared to touch the eldest young master of the Bai family, let alone a little person who couldn't stand on the stage?

But at the same time, everyone couldn't figure it out. Didn't Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang form an alliance? But is this a complicated matter? Gu Tianyang said that he would be the witness in person, but Ji Wufeng just led people to snatch the bride away, and the groom was arrested. Wasn't this a deliberate slap in Gu Tianyang's face?

The people of the Bai family are almost bursting with anger at this moment, but the people who are least willing to accept it now are the people of the Mo family.

He wanted to get close to the Bai family, but now that Bai Weihao has been arrested, why should he get close to a hammer?

Not only that, if the Bai family and the Song family get angry afterwards, and even the Mo family cleans up, it will be completely over.

"You bastard, I'll fight you!"

The first person who couldn't bear it was Mo Qingran's mother. Not to mention the good deeds, it might lead to disaster. Finally, she couldn't control herself and rushed towards Ji Wufeng like a crazy shrew!

But before she could meet Ji Wufeng, two members of the Longfeng Brigade rushed over and held her up.

Ji Wufeng said majestically: "You actually attacked me. Now I suspect that you and that murderer are also in the same group. Someone..."

Such a vicious-hearted woman is simply a scumbag and unworthy of being a mother.


Mo Qingran ran over and said, "She is my mother after all. Brother-in-law, just let her go this time."

Seeing that Mo Qingran was about to burst into tears, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to curl his lips and say: "Huh, if I don't do it next time, I'll spare you this time. If you do it again, I'll deal with you together!"

After being challenged by two Longfeng players, Huang Lianpo calmed down completely and was so frightened that her whole body trembled.

Ji Wufeng glared at him and looked at the Mo family members. The Mo family members were immediately frightened and stepped back, worried that this devil would also deal with them.

Ji Wufeng looked fierce and said, "Listen clearly to me, Mo Qingran is my sister. If you dare to force her to do things she doesn't want to do again, there will be no need for the Mo family to continue to exist. Let's go."

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