Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1275 It’s hard to tell the truth from the truth

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dozen Longfeng players carried Ma Tianlin and left in a swaggering manner.

The guests who were still gathered around were stunned at first, and then smiled bitterly. What is this?

As for the people of the Bai family, they are crying without tears. It doesn't matter if the bride is not taken back. Now even the groom and the official are involved, and all their money is lost. From now on, the Bai family will become the laughing stock of the entire Huajing City. .

The Bai family, who were preparing to welcome the bride, did not receive the bride, but received news that the bride had been robbed and the bride's house was arrested.


Old Man Song, who was drinking tea in the main hall, suddenly threw the precious purple clay pot in his hand on the ground, blushed and shouted: "You are too presumptuous, little Ji family, you are too arrogant!"

Old Man Song is old and rarely goes out. Today he came to Bai's house specially to drink his grandson's wedding banquet, but his grandson was arrested.

"Grandpa, what should we do now?" Song Jianghe asked with a livid face.

"I'm going to ask him for help now!" Bai Weihao's father, Bai Mingzhong, was furious. He stood up and walked out.


Old Man Song shouted loudly, turned his head to Song Jianghe and said, "What did the prince say?"

Song Jianghe shook his head and said, "I don't know. He may not have received the news yet."

"No way!"

Old Man Song calmed down and said, "What can Hua Jing hide from his eyes? He probably got the news earlier than us, but he didn't take any action, so we can't do anything now."

"Dad, Weihao has been taken away now, are we just going to wait like this?" Bai Mingzhong shouted.

Old Man Song nodded and said: "Yes, the prince has not done anything now. He must have his own reasons. Don't worry. It's just that now that Hua Jing is divided into three parts of the world, the prince will never do such a thing that will chill his own heart." Come."

"No, I must bring Weihao back!"

"Uncle, just listen to grandpa first."

"Jiang He, that's your cousin. Even if you don't think about me, do you think you don't even care about your aunt?"

"But I should think more about the Song family and the Bai family."

If a dog wants to be loved by its owner, it must be a good dog. You can only bite when the owner asks you to bite. When the owner doesn't want you to bite, just lie there honestly.

Otherwise, in the eyes of the owner, it is just a mad dog that bites people, and has no other value except killing and eating meat.

Why could Song Jianghe be at the mercy of Gu Tianyang and Gu Tianhao? Just because he is a good dog who knows when to bite and when to lie still.

In the Gu family, Han Chong said: "Prince, are you sure you can't afford to take a look?"

"What's the point of going and seeing? The person has been taken away. Do we have to pay a high price to get him back?" Gu Tianyang said calmly.

"You just tolerate it?" Han Chong asked.

By doing this, Ji Wufeng was openly slapping Gu Tianyang in the face, but Gu Tianyang didn't intend to do anything.

"Do you think he hit me in the face? Actually, that's right. He did hit me in the face."

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "You must be wondering why he still goes against me since he has formed an alliance with me, right? In fact, if it were me, I would slap him in the face like this."

"What?" Han Chong looked confused.

"Now everyone knows that we have formed an alliance, but no one dares to be 100% sure. What is the most difficult thing for the opponent to figure out? Between reality and reality!"

Han Chong understood at once that this was a scene directed by the two of them. The two of them had made an alliance before, and everyone knew about it, but now Ji Wufeng fucked Bai Weihao and slapped Gu Tianyang in the face. , and made everyone think that their alliance may not be true.

These two bastards are really more sinister than the other. Although they are young, they both behave like old foxes.

Having seen how insidious the two of them were, Han Chong couldn't help but mourn Xiao Mingyu. After encountering these two bastards full of evil, he probably wouldn't even dare to dream when sleeping, right?

Xiao Mingyu also got the news soon. His hand when pouring tea paused slightly, and the woman in black sitting opposite said: "Are you very uneasy now?"

"Yes, I am indeed a little uneasy because I don't understand what the two of them are doing now."

Xiao Mingyu smiled and said: "Do you think their alliance is true or false?"

"Whether it's true or not, they are now aligned."

"But it's hard to distinguish between true and false, which is a headache."

It was indeed a headache. If it was really confirmed that the two of them would join forces, he would prepare a plan to deal with both of them at the same time, which would require him to do his best.

But if he attacks with all his strength and only defeats one of them, when he is exhausted, the other one jumps out, and he will be caught off guard.

If his plan was only to deal with one person, how could he resist if two people attacked him together during the decisive battle?

"How do you think I should cope now?" Xiao Mingyu asked.

After a moment of silence, the woman in black said: "Dragon Team!"

"Yes, after such a long delay, it's time to start." Xiao Mingyu refilled the half cup of tea in front of him with a faint smile on his face.

"It hurts, oh, it hurts..." Ma Tianlin screamed.

Mo Qingran took the ointment and smeared it on her body while blowing on the wound and said, "Hey, don't move. If you move, you will pull the wound and it will hurt even more."

The poison on Ma Tianlin's body has been detoxified by Ji Wufeng, but the areas on his body that have been corroded by the corpse poison still need to be treated with medicine.

"Okay, I won't move around. Qing Ranqian, are you tired? Are your hands sore? If your hands are sore, rest for a while. If it makes you tired, my wound won't hurt. I feel bad."

"That won't work. Your wound hurts so much. I feel bad for you too. Be good, don't move. I'll finish applying the medicine soon."

"Okay, okay, Qing Ranqian, please wipe it, I will be obedient and stop moving."

After successfully snatching the bride, Fatty Fatty and Mo Qingran hooked up like this. Lu Zifeng felt it was too sudden.

Ma Tianlin said confidently: "Love is so magical, it comes when you say it, without saying hello, you know what a hammer it is!"

Seeing the tired and numb expressions of the two of them, Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "I told you to apply the medicine, just apply it. Can you come into the room? If you have to dirty our eyes in front of us, I will vomit out my overnight meal." "

It's okay that Ji Wufeng didn't speak. As soon as he opened his mouth, Ma Tianlin immediately became angry. When he opened his mouth, he spat and cursed: "You bastard, if it weren't for you, how could I be like this? If you had come earlier, I wouldn't have been able to do this." Is the injury so serious?" After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dozen Longfeng players carried Ma Tianlin and left in a swaggering manner.

The guests who were still gathered around were stunned at first, and then smiled bitterly. What is this?

As for the people of the Bai family, they are crying without tears. It doesn't matter if the bride is not taken back. Now even the groom and the official are involved, and all their money is lost. From now on, the Bai family will become the laughing stock of the entire Huajing City. .

The Bai family, who were preparing to welcome the bride, did not receive the bride, but received news that the bride had been robbed and the bride's house was arrested.


Old Man Song, who was drinking tea in the main hall, suddenly threw the precious purple clay pot in his hand on the ground, blushed and shouted: "You are too presumptuous, little Ji family, you are too arrogant!"

Old Man Song is old and rarely goes out. Today he came to Bai's house specially to drink his grandson's wedding banquet, but his grandson was arrested.

"Grandpa, what should we do now?" Song Jianghe asked with a livid face.

"I'm going to ask him for help now!" Bai Weihao's father, Bai Mingzhong, was furious. He stood up and walked out.


Old Man Song shouted loudly, turned his head to Song Jianghe and said, "What did the prince say?"

Song Jianghe shook his head and said, "I don't know. He may not have received the news yet."

"No way!"

Old Man Song calmed down and said, "What can Hua Jing hide from his eyes? He probably got the news earlier than us, but he didn't take any action, so we can't do anything now."

"Dad, Weihao has been taken away now, are we just going to wait like this?" Bai Mingzhong shouted.

Old Man Song nodded and said: "Yes, the prince has not done anything now. He must have his own reasons. Don't worry. It's just that now that Hua Jing is divided into three parts of the world, the prince will never do such a thing that will chill his own heart." Come."

"No, I must bring Weihao back!"

"Uncle, just listen to grandpa first."

"Jiang He, that's your cousin. Even if you don't think about me, do you think you don't even care about your aunt?"

"But I should think more about the Song family and the Bai family."

If a dog wants to be loved by its owner, it must be a good dog. You can only bite when the owner asks you to bite. When the owner doesn't want you to bite, just lie there honestly.

Otherwise, in the eyes of the owner, it is just a mad dog that bites people, and has no other value except killing and eating meat.

Why could Song Jianghe be at the mercy of Gu Tianyang and Gu Tianhao? Just because he is a good dog who knows when to bite and when to lie still.

In the Gu family, Han Chong said: "Prince, are you sure you can't afford to take a look?"

"What's the point of going and seeing? The person has been taken away. Do we have to pay a high price to get him back?" Gu Tianyang said calmly.

"You just tolerate it?" Han Chong asked.

By doing this, Ji Wufeng was openly slapping Gu Tianyang in the face, but Gu Tianyang didn't intend to do anything.

"Do you think he hit me in the face? Actually, that's right. He did hit me in the face."

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "You must be wondering why he still goes against me since he has formed an alliance with me, right? In fact, if it were me, I would slap him in the face like this."

"What?" Han Chong looked confused.

"Now everyone knows that we have formed an alliance, but no one dares to be 100% sure. What is the most difficult thing for the opponent to figure out? Between reality and reality!"

Han Chong understood at once that this was a scene directed by the two of them. The two of them had made an alliance before, and everyone knew about it, but now Ji Wufeng fucked Bai Weihao and slapped Gu Tianyang in the face. , and made everyone think that their alliance may not be true.

These two bastards are really more sinister than the other. Although they are young, they both act like old foxes.

Having seen how insidious the two of them were, Han Chong couldn't help but mourn Xiao Mingyu. After encountering these two bastards full of evil, he probably wouldn't even dare to dream when sleeping, right?

Xiao Mingyu also got the news soon. His hand when pouring tea paused slightly, and the woman in black sitting opposite said: "Are you very uneasy now?"

"Yes, I am indeed a little uneasy because I don't understand what the two of them are doing now."

Xiao Mingyu smiled and said: "Do you think their alliance is true or false?"

"Whether it's true or not, they are now aligned."

"But it's hard to distinguish between true and false, which is a headache."

It was indeed a headache. If it was really confirmed that the two of them would join forces, he would prepare a plan to deal with both of them at the same time, which would require him to do his best.

But if he attacks with all his strength and only defeats one of them, when he is exhausted, the other one jumps out, and he will be caught off guard.

If his plan was only to deal with one person, how could he resist if two people attacked him together during the decisive battle?

"How do you think I should cope now?" Xiao Mingyu asked.

After a moment of silence, the woman in black said: "Dragon Team!"

"Yes, after such a long delay, it's time to start." Xiao Mingyu refilled the half cup of tea in front of him with a faint smile on his face.

"It hurts, oh, it hurts..." Ma Tianlin screamed.

Mo Qingran took the ointment and smeared it on her body while blowing on the wound and said, "Hey, don't move. If you move, you will pull the wound and it will hurt even more."

The poison on Ma Tianlin's body has been detoxified by Ji Wufeng, but the areas on his body that have been corroded by the corpse poison still need to be treated with medicine.

"Okay, I won't move around. Qing Ranqian, are you tired? Are your hands sore? If your hands are sore, rest for a while. If it makes you tired, my wound won't hurt. I feel bad."

"That won't work. Your wound hurts so much. I feel bad for you too. Be good, don't move. I'll finish applying the medicine soon."

"Okay, okay, Qing Ranqian, please wipe it, I will be obedient and stop moving."

After successfully snatching the bride, Fatty Fatty and Mo Qingran hooked up like this. Lu Zifeng felt it was too sudden.

Ma Tianlin said confidently: "Love is so magical, it comes when you say it, without saying hello, you know what a hammer it is!"

Seeing the tired and numb expressions of the two of them, Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "I told you to apply the medicine, just apply it. Can you come into the room? If you have to dirty our eyes in front of us, I will vomit out my overnight meal." "

It's okay that Ji Wufeng didn't speak. As soon as he opened his mouth, Ma Tianlin immediately became angry. When he opened his mouth, he spat and cursed: "You bastard, if it weren't for you, how could I be like this? If you had come earlier, I wouldn't have been able to do this." Injured so badly?"

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