"Hehe, it's so boring to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight. Wouldn't the third tiger be able to sit still?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"what's the situation?"

"I just arrived at the Dragon Team today and I received a mission of this level. What do you think will happen?" Ji Wufeng said.

Ji Wufeng is now the leader of the Xuanzi Group of the Dragon Group, and he is Gu Tianyang's subordinate. Gu Tianyang said that Kuang Long died in an accident, but now someone asked him to investigate the real cause of Kuang Long's death. Isn't this because he is deliberately trying to tell Gu Tianyang that Kuang Long died in an accident? Can’t the sun make it through?

"It must be Xiao Mingyu's pretty boy who did it. He's so vicious." Lu Zifeng said angrily.

If Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng got into a fight, Xiao Mingyu would be able to watch the fun and get a big deal, and there would be no one else but him.

"Why are you scolding him? I want to give him a big gift now." Ji Wufeng said hehey.

"Damn it, he dug a hole for you to jump into, and you still want to give him a gift. Are you okay with your mind?" Lu Zifeng said. ??

"If you think about it carefully, Gu Tianyang has controlled the Dragon Group for so many years. Logically speaking, I would never be able to infiltrate it so easily. Even the Xuanzi Group, because of Kuang Long's death, I could barely do it, but the Dizi Group What about the yellow character group? There is no hope at all, but what is the use of just taking a Xuanzi group? And even so, the Xuanzi group cannot have absolute trust in me, so now, to put it bluntly, I don’t care about anything. Didn’t catch it.”

"But now I have an opportunity. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation into Kuanglong's death, as long as I carry out the investigation in a big way with orders from above, Gu Tianyang's prestige in the Dragon Group will definitely be affected!"

Of course he knew that this was Xiao Mingyu's plan to divide the situation, but it was also good for him. In this case, there was no need for him to reject it.

Anyway, these two guys are not good people. They will be killed sooner or later. It makes no difference who comes first and who comes last.

In the Martyrs Cemetery, in front of Kuang Long’s tombstone, Ji Wufeng spilled a bottle of wine on the ground and said: “Brother, although we have never met, we are now comrades in arms. Don’t worry, if you are really wronged, I will definitely avenge you. "

A black shadow suddenly appeared and appeared behind Ji Wufeng. He stretched his head and looked around for a long time and said, "You bastard, can't you choose a good place to meet?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "You are from the Demon Sect, are you still afraid of ghosts?"

Bai Xinyu curled her lips and said, "I am from the Demon Sect, not from the underworld, so of course I am afraid."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "Don't be afraid. Although they are dead, they are the most heroic warriors in China in front of them. There is only awe-inspiring aura here, not ghostly aura."

Hearing this, Bai Xinyu was silent for a while, walked to Kuanglong's tombstone and bowed deeply.

Investigating the cause of Kuanglong's death is not that simple. If it was really Gu Tianyang who did it, it would be flawless. If he wanted to find out something, he would have to use extraordinary means.

Bai Xinyu is undoubtedly the most suitable person, and her method is also the best that Ji Wufeng can think of.

"I traveled all night, thank you for your hard work." Ji Wufeng said.

Bai Xinyu rolled her eyes at him and said, "At least you have some conscience and know how hard I have worked."

Ji Wufeng said with certainty: "I can promise you that as long as the matter in Hua Jing is over, I will give you and your senior sister a stable life, and you won't have to wander around like this anymore."


Although he was born into a demon sect, he knew that Bai Xinyu was a kind and pure girl. She should marry a man who loved her, have several children, and live a stable and happy life.

"What do you mean? Do you want to admit what you promised me?"

Who knew that Bai Xinyu didn't appreciate it at all, and jumped up all of a sudden, staring at Ji Wufeng angrily like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Ji Wufeng had a headache and said, "The prejudice against the Demon Sect has been ingrained for a long time. Instead of expecting hopeless things, why not give yourself a chance to live a good life?"

"I don't care, this is my master's last wish, and it is also the lifelong wish of my senior sister and I. If you are not willing to help me, just return the Heavenly Demon Token to me." Bai Xinyu said coldly.

Ji Wufeng could only say: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I promise to help your Demon Sect clear its name in the future, okay?"

"Who is the target?" Bai Xinyu's expression softened, but it still showed indifference.

"Gu Tianyang!"

Bai Xinyu frowned immediately. How could she not know who Gu Tianyang was? Anyone who knew Gu Tianyang knew how powerful and terrifying this person was.

Seeing Bai Xinyu frowning, Ji Wufeng said, "If you don't want to, I can let someone else take charge."

Of course he knew the danger of getting close to Gu Tianyang, but Bai Xinyu was the best candidate, but if Bai Xinyu didn't want to go, he would never force her.

"Hmph, you mean I'm scared?" Bai Xinyu rolled her eyes.

"I don't know if you're afraid, but I'm afraid," Ji Wufeng said.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you will be in danger then!"

"Just wait to receive the news!"

Bai Xinyu turned around and left the cemetery. Bai Xinyu murmured, "Is he worried about me?"

But soon she shook her head and said in annoyance: "Bai Xinyu, you big idiot, what are you daydreaming about? There are so many women of his, all of them are prettier than you, will you fall in love with you?"

The news that Ji Wufeng was ordered to investigate Gu Tianyang didn't know who leaked the news. This instantly raised the hearts of everyone who had never thought about the team. Haven't they already formed an alliance? Why did it happen again? Could it be that the alliance is simply fake?

But for the next few days, when everyone was expecting Ji Wufeng to make some big move, this bastard actually walked around the streets with a beautiful girl.

Damn it, you bastard, can you be more sensible? Everyone is running around anxiously, like ants on a hot pot, but you are lucky enough to still have time to pick up girls!

In the shopping mall, Ji Wufeng's body was covered with packaging bags. Except for his two eyes that were exposed to see the road, basically the rest of his body was covered. But Ji Qingzi was still wandering around in the mall and saw something. Just take whatever.

Ji Wufeng felt like crying but didn't have any tears. Shopping is really a skill that women are born with.

Didn’t Nie Hu and those bastards already notify them to come over? It's been several days and I haven't seen anyone yet. I have to take care of them when they come!

Ever since he brought Ji Qingzi back in the Gambling King Competition, Ji Wufeng basically didn't pay much attention to her, but he didn't expect that she would run to Huajing alone. It would be a lie to say that Ji Wufeng was not moved. "Hehe, it's so boring to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight. Wouldn't the third tiger be able to sit still?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"what's the situation?"

"I just arrived at the Dragon Team today and I received a mission of this level. What do you think will happen?" Ji Wufeng said.

Ji Wufeng is now the leader of the Xuanzi Group of the Dragon Group. He is considered to be Gu Tianyang's subordinate. Gu Tianyang said that Kuang Long died in an accident, but now someone asked him to investigate the real cause of Kuang Long's death. Isn't this because he deliberately wants to follow Gu Tianyang? Can’t the sun make it through?

"It must be Xiao Mingyu's pretty boy who did it. He's so vicious." Lu Zifeng said angrily.

If Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng got into a fight, Xiao Mingyu would be able to watch the fun and get a big deal, and there would be no one else but him.

"Why are you scolding him? I want to give him a big gift now." Ji Wufeng said hehey.

"Damn it, he dug a hole for you to jump into, and you still want to give him a gift. Are you okay with your mind?" Lu Zifeng said.

"If you think about it carefully, Gu Tianyang has controlled the Dragon Group for so many years. Logically speaking, I would never be able to infiltrate it so easily. Even the Xuanzi Group, because of Kuang Long's death, I could barely do it, but the Dizi Group What about the yellow character group? There is no hope at all, but what is the use of just taking a Xuanzi group? And even so, the Xuanzi group cannot have absolute trust in me, so now, to put it bluntly, I don’t care about anything. Didn’t catch it.”

"But now I have an opportunity. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation into Kuanglong's death, as long as I carry out the investigation in a big way with orders from above, Gu Tianyang's prestige in the Dragon Group will definitely be affected!"

Of course he knew that this was Xiao Mingyu's plan to divide the situation, but it was also good for him. In this case, there was no need for him to reject it.

Anyway, these two guys are not good people. They will be killed sooner or later. It makes no difference who comes first and who comes last.

In the Martyrs Cemetery, in front of Kuang Long’s tombstone, Ji Wufeng spilled a bottle of wine on the ground and said: “Brother, although we have never met, we are now comrades in arms. Don’t worry, if you are really wronged, I will definitely avenge you. "

A black shadow suddenly appeared and appeared behind Ji Wufeng. He stretched his head and looked around for a long time and said, "You bastard, can't you choose a good place to meet?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "You are from the Demon Sect, are you still afraid of ghosts?"

Bai Xinyu curled her lips and said, "I am from the Demon Sect, not from the underworld, so of course I am afraid."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "Don't be afraid. Although they are dead, they are the most heroic warriors in China in front of them. There is only awe-inspiring aura here, not ghostly aura."

Hearing this, Bai Xinyu was silent for a while, walked to Kuanglong's tombstone and bowed deeply.

Investigating the cause of Kuanglong's death is not that simple. If it was really Gu Tianyang who did it, it would be flawless. If he wanted to find out something, he would have to use extraordinary means.

Bai Xinyu is undoubtedly the most suitable person, and her method is also the best that Ji Wufeng can think of.

"I traveled all night, thank you for your hard work." Ji Wufeng said.

Bai Xinyu rolled her eyes at him and said, "At least you have some conscience and know how hard I have worked."

Ji Wufeng said with certainty: "I can promise you that as long as the matter in Hua Jing is over, I will give you and your senior sister a stable life, and you won't have to wander around like this anymore."


Although he was born into a demon family, he knew that Bai Xinyu was a kind and pure girl. She should marry a man who loved her, have several children, and live a stable and happy life.

"What do you mean? Do you want to admit what you promised me?"

Who knew that Bai Xinyu didn't appreciate it at all, and jumped up all of a sudden, staring at Ji Wufeng angrily like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Ji Wufeng had a headache and said, "The prejudice against the Demon Sect has been ingrained for a long time. Instead of expecting hopeless things, why not give yourself a chance to live a good life?"

"I don't care, this is my master's last wish, and it is also the lifelong wish of my senior sister and I. If you are not willing to help me, just return the Heavenly Demon Token to me." Bai Xinyu said coldly.

Ji Wufeng could only say: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I promise to help your Demon Sect clear its name in the future, okay?"

"Who is the target?" Bai Xinyu's expression softened, but it still showed indifference.

"Gu Tianyang!"

Bai Xinyu frowned immediately. How could she not know who Gu Tianyang was? Anyone who knew Gu Tianyang knew how powerful and terrifying this person was.

Seeing Bai Xinyu frowning, Ji Wufeng said, "If you don't want to, I can let someone else take charge."

Of course he knew the danger of getting close to Gu Tianyang, but Bai Xinyu was the best candidate, but if Bai Xinyu didn't want to go, he would never force her.

"Hmph, you mean I'm scared?" Bai Xinyu rolled her eyes.

"I don't know if you're afraid, but I'm afraid," Ji Wufeng said.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you will be in danger then!"

"Just wait to receive the news!"

Bai Xinyu turned around and left the cemetery. Bai Xinyu murmured, "Is he worried about me?"

But soon she shook her head and said in annoyance: "Bai Xinyu, you big idiot, what are you daydreaming about? There are so many women of his, all of them are prettier than you, will you fall in love with you?"

The news that Ji Wufeng was ordered to investigate Gu Tianyang didn't know who leaked the news. This instantly raised the hearts of everyone who had never thought about the team. Haven't they already formed an alliance? Why did it happen again? Could it be that the alliance is simply fake?

But for the next few days, when everyone was expecting Ji Wufeng to make some big move, this bastard actually walked around the streets with a beautiful girl.

Damn it, you bastard, can you be more sensible? Everyone is running around anxiously, like ants on a hot pot, but you are lucky enough to still have time to pick up girls!

In the shopping mall, Ji Wufeng's body was covered with packaging bags. Except for his two eyes that were exposed to see the road, basically the rest of his body was covered. But Ji Qingzi was still wandering around in the mall and saw something. Just take whatever.

Ji Wufeng felt like crying but didn't have any tears. Shopping is really a skill that women are born with.

Didn’t Nie Hu and those bastards already notify them to come over? It's been several days and I haven't seen anyone yet. I have to take care of them when they come!

Ever since he brought Ji Qingzi back in the Gambling King Competition, Ji Wufeng basically didn't pay much attention to her, but he didn't expect that she would run to Huajing alone. It would be a lie to say that Ji Wufeng was not moved.

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