So, when Ji Qingzi asked Ji Wufeng to go shopping with him, he agreed without hesitation. How could he refuse such a simple thing?

But when he came to the mall, he immediately regretted it. Was this shopping? This is obviously a move, bringing the entire shopping mall home!

Ji Qingzi was originally a beautiful woman. Just walking around in the mall like this, she quickly attracted the attention of many people. Everyone stared at her with gleaming eyes. Ji Wufeng naturally noticed it, but they could only watch. Son.

However, there are always some people who are short-sighted and think that God is the boss and he is the second child.

A well-dressed young man with an arrogant look strode over, smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "Miss, may I know you?"

Ji Qingzi glanced at him and said, "Who are you? Why should I let you know me?"

"I have shares in this shopping mall, I think I should be able to help you." The young man smiled.

To have shares in such a big shopping mall at such a young age can definitely be called a young man with a lot of money and a promising career. Ji Qingzi's eyes lit up and she asked: "Can you really help me?"


"Well, the things in your mall are too expensive, give me a discount." Ji Qingzi said.

"no problem."

When the young man saw that Ji Qingzi had taken the bait, he said happily: "I'll give you a 50% discount."

"It's only 50% off. That's not much. It's really stingy. I think it's 10% off." Ji Qingzi shook her head and curled her lips.

The young man's face suddenly darkened. He looked at the things on Ji Wufeng's body and saw that they were at least hundreds of thousands. It was no longer profitable to give them a 50% discount. If they were a 10% discount, they would probably lose even their pants.

But how can you not spend money to pick up girls? The corner of the young man's mouth twitched, and he pretended to be cheerful and said: "No problem, if the lady says 10% off, then I'll do it 10% off."

But you have to spend a lot of money to pick up girls, young people

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, just one fold!"

"Oh, handsome guy, you are such a good person. Look, I'm so tired from shopping all day today. Can you please help me send my things back?" Ji Qingzi said happily.

"Of course, I will drive you home personally." The young man said with great joy.

I've helped you send your things back. You're already home. You can invite me to come and sit with you. As long as you enter the house, good things won't be far away.

"Thank you so much. You are such a nice person."

Ji Qingzi turned her head very excitedly and said: "My dear, put things down quickly. Now there are people willing to help us carry them. How stupid are you for still carrying them?"



Ji Wufeng and the young man were both stunned.

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while, feeling that Ji Qingzi was playing tricks on this kid.

The young man was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out. Damn it, your man is right next to you. Why are you still clinging to this young master here?

"Do you dare to play tricks on me?" The young man's face turned cold instantly.

"When did I fool you? But you took the initiative to get to know me, you were willing to get a discount, and you said it yourself to help me send the things back. How did I fool you?" Ji Qingzi said innocently.

"Hmph, you bitch, wait for me!" The young man said with a fierce look, turned around and left.

Ji Wufeng became angry and said: "Stop!"

It's okay if this kid just leaves like this, but he shouldn't scold Ji Qingzi, you lick your own face and come here to be a bitch

, who can you blame?

"You still want to fight with me here?" the young man sneered.

"Apologise to her!" Ji Wufeng said.

"My damn head!" the young man cursed arrogantly.


Ji Wufeng raised his leg and kicked him, saying: "If you are so mean-mouthed, then there is no need to apologize."

This kick directly hit the young man's thigh, and he immediately bent over and squatted on the ground, screaming in pain.

"Let's go." Ji Wufeng picked up the things in his hands and said. He had been carrying them for most of the day and was sweating all over. After working so hard, he couldn't throw them away.

"You bastard, you beat me and still want to leave? Come here!" the young man shouted sternly.

In an instant, a large group of wolf-like security guards rushed over and surrounded Ji Wufeng and Ji Qingzi. The young man said fiercely: "Beat me to death. It doesn't matter if you kill someone, it's mine!"

"Stop it!"

There was a loud shout, and then a middle-aged man walked over with a cold face and asked: "What happened?"

When the young man saw the middle-aged man, he immediately became honest, lowered his head and said, "Dad!"


The middle-aged man glared at him fiercely and looked at Ji Wufeng. After being surprised, he frowned and asked, "Are you Ji Wufeng?"

"I am Ji Wufeng, you are..."

Ji Wufeng had never seen this person before, so he didn't know how he knew him, but there were too many people who knew him.

The middle-aged man glanced at Ji Qingzi and said coldly: "For Xinyue's sake, I won't care about it this time. If it happens again, blame me for being rude. Let's go!"

Xinyue? Jiang Xinyue? \u003c


Jiang Xinyue returned to Tiannan after leaving Yuzhou. Although they had not met each other, they had some contact.

After returning to Tiannan, Jiang Xinyue was deeply favored by the old man. She quickly entered the core decision-making position of the family and developed very well.

"It turns out to be Uncle Jiang. I offended you so much just now. How is Xinyue now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Hmph, whether Xinyue is okay or not has nothing to do with you. Also, from now on, I hope you will have nothing to do with Xinyue." The middle-aged man left after saying that.

Ji Wufeng was speechless, what are you doing? It's not a matter of deep hatred. How could the Jiang family be so willing to sacrifice themselves?

Seeing the middle-aged man leave with a displeased look on his face, Ji Qingzi asked in a low voice: "Brother, have I caused trouble for you?"

The middle-aged man has left, but the young man has not left yet. Instead, he stepped forward and said with a ferocious smile: "Are you Ji Wufeng? I advise you to stay away from Sister Xinyue in the future, otherwise my brother-in-law will not let you go. ."

This guy should be Jiang Xinyue's cousin, but he is actually a shareholder of this shopping mall, but that's not right.

Although the Jiang family is very powerful in Tiannan, this is Huajing. No matter how capable Jiang Xinyue is, it is impossible for her business to reach Huajing so quickly.

And who is the brother-in-law he talks about? Is Jiang Xinyue getting married? I'm about to get married and you didn't invite me to a wedding banquet. It's really unfaithful.


Until now, Mo Qingran has not forgiven Ma Tianlin, but she didn't ignore him completely. She just kept a distance when it was cold and hot, which made Ma Tianlin very uncomfortable.

I'm talking about it, but it looks like there's still a chance if I try hard, but I think it's hopeless. Just when I was about to stick it, a big mouth slapped him over. Ma Tianlin has been tormented in the past few days, and he has lost several kilograms of meat. .

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