All the people who placed bets were dumbfounded. After working for a long time, they didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would win them and return to before liberation.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you still having fun? If you can't afford it, forget it. Anyway, I'll get my money back." Ji Wufeng said scornfully.

"Who can't play? Come again!"

Everyone was angry when Ji Wufeng was so irritated, and immediately took out their money to place bets. After all, Ji Wufeng had lost so many times, and it was normal for him to win one now.

But then Ji Wufeng was like the God of Gamblers. He killed continuously and won back all the money he had lost in a few games, and he won a lot.

Those people were all anxious now. They were all blushing and scratching their heads. The suits they were wearing were all brand-name suits worth hundreds of thousands, but now they were rubbing them like they were street stalls that cost tens of dollars a piece.

Ji Wufeng held down the cup and said, "It's a bit boring to play like this. Besides, the banquet is about to start. Let's seize the time and make the game bigger and more exciting. How about it?"

"How would you like to play?"

Ji Wufeng threw the card out and said: "I have at least 100 million in this card. Let's treat it as 100 million. We will decide the outcome and then it will be over. But if they think the stakes are too high and don't have the guts to play, forget it."

After speaking, he looked at several members of the martial arts families with disdain, and his expressions clearly showed that he looked down on them.

As a member of an aristocratic family, face is the most important thing, yet you are actually being looked down upon?

A young man stared and said, "You said you don't have the guts to play? Come on, let's continue!"

"I'm not interested in knowing if you have the guts, but I need to know if you have that much money to bet with me." Ji Wufeng said scornfully.

Those young people were suddenly stunned. They came from a good family, but they were not direct descendants. It would be nice to have a few million pocket money. Where did they get hundreds of millions?

"It doesn't matter

, they don’t have it, I lend it to them! "

"That's right, 100 million soon? I'll come out and play with him!"

In any case, these people all come from martial arts families, and their identities are not simple. Naturally, some people want to curry favor with them. For some rich people, 100 million is really not too much.

The children of those aristocratic families were overjoyed when they heard that someone was willing to lend them money, but they didn't notice that Yuan Dongdong and Zhao Jiaolong looked at them as if they were idiots, and they would probably lose their pants later.

"Very good. Since there is a bet now, let's place the bet. I'm going to start." Ji Wufeng couldn't wait to shake the cup and said...


A young man from an aristocratic family said: "It's unfair for you to do this. Let's change our approach and fight in a fair battle!"

"No problem, what do you think we should do differently?" Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows.

"You have been playing the banker just now. It's not fair for you to take them with the same points. Now there is no distinction between the banker and the player. Both parties will roll out their own points. It won't matter whether they win or lose. If a leopard comes out, the points will be doubled as compensation. Do you dare?" the young man said.

The eyes of several other young people suddenly lit up. They were all born in martial arts families and were masters of martial arts. It was too easy to control the points of the dice.

The bet is 100 million. Once the leopard comes out, it can be doubled several times or ten times. That is hundreds of millions or more. Thinking of this, they were so excited that they almost had a brain hemorrhage.

Ji Wufeng seemed a little hesitant, and a young man sneered: "Don't you have the guts to play? Just forget it if you don't have the guts."

Ji Wufeng gritted his teeth and said, "Who said I

No more courage? I'm just afraid that you will lose too much and not admit it! "

"What did you say, kid? Who are we? Are we going to deny it?" a young man said angrily.

"That's good."

Ji Wufeng said to the crowd of onlookers: "There are so many people here. If they don't admit it then, you have to come out and testify."

At this time, Yuan Dongdong took out his mobile phone and said: "Don't worry, I have already recorded the video. When the time comes, they will not be able to admit it."

Several young people didn't care. They were all martial arts masters, but they couldn't win against a mere gambler?

I don't know who started shouting there, saying that the bet here had been increased to hundreds of millions. In an instant, more than half of the guests gathered around, and the place was immediately filled with water.

Someone ran to where Li Tianqing was resting and shouted, "Master, Li Tianxiang is gambling with Ji Wufeng."

"What did you say?"

Li Tianqing suddenly stood up from his chair and said, "This idiot!"

"It's just a bet, there's no need to be so nervous, right?" Yuan Yulong said with an indifferent expression.

Li Tianqing said coldly: "Do you know that Ji Wufeng was the champion of the last gambling king competition? Even Gu Tianyang lost at his hands. Even if Li Tianxiang bets the whole family's heads, it won't be enough for him to lose!"

The other three immediately shut up, of course they all knew about this.

The person who came to report the news added: "In addition to Li Tianxiang, Yuan Zhenghui, Han Xiaonian and Ren Haitao also joined the gambling game."


When the three of them heard this, they jumped up as if they had been stung by a scorpion and rushed out.

Ji Wufeng pushed the golden cup over and said, "You just lost, so

Let you go first, but you can't have four people playing with one of me. You send one representative. "

Several young people from aristocratic families all looked at the same person and said, "Tianxiang, come here."

"Okay, I'll do it!" Li Tianxiang stepped forward and said.

Among these people, he has the highest cultivation level, and naturally he is the most confident. In front of the real martial arts masters, those so-called gambling masters are simply vulnerable. As long as the internal power is used properly, the dice can be determined at any time. Come what time.

They did not question the opinions of the other gamblers at all, and those few people did not dare to have any opinions. They directly handed over the initiative to Li Tianxiang.

"Then I'll start." Li Tianxiang grabbed the cup. He was extremely confident. In his opinion, as long as he took action, Ji Wufeng had no hope of winning.

The cup suddenly rose in his hand, and his hand was separated from the cup. It was as if an invisible thread was driving the golden cup, spinning rapidly, and the sound of dice constantly colliding with each other came from inside.


The onlookers immediately cheered in unison. Many people present were martial arts people. They all saw that Li Tianxiang was using his inner strength to control the cup. He could even control the cup at will, not to mention the three small dice.

The cup rotated faster and faster, and finally it was no longer possible to see clearly, and only a golden shadow was seen.


The golden cup fell, and at the same time, Ji Wufeng's fingers tapped lightly on the chessboard.

"I'm so dazzled by the shaking, I wonder what the points are like?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"You must lose anyway."

Li Tianxiang opened the cup and saw three dice lying there, one with five points and two with six points, for a total of seventeen points.

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