Everyone was exclaiming, seventeen o'clock, just one point away from the leopard's eighteen o'clock. This is a huge number, and it is basically a sure win in an ordinary gambling game.

But Li Tianxiang's face was ashen and he said: "How is this possible? What I shook was clearly three and six leopards."

That's right, with his skill, he must be at three or six, so there can be no mistakes, but it's just a little bit off.

However, the rest of the bettors cheered and jumped up and said: "Hahaha... great, seventeen o'clock, the number is so big, we are sure to win!"

Hearing this, Li Tianxiang breathed a sigh of relief. Although Ji Wufeng won several games in a row just now, his methods were very clumsy, and he lost so much at the beginning. At first glance, he knew that he was just an ordinary person, all relying on luck, and he must have been shaken. No more than three sixes.

"It's your turn." Li Tianxiang said solemnly.

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "It's over now. It's seventeen o'clock. I will definitely lose."

"Let's start quickly. Even if you lose, you have to shake it, so as not to say that we bullied you later." Someone urged impatiently.

"Damn it, sir, I'll admit it if I lose. At worst, if I can't afford the compensation, I'll pay with my body!"

The black thread on everyone's head, flesh compensation? In addition to Li Tianxiang and the other four, there were five or six people who placed bets. The total compensation would be at least one billion. If you pay for it with meat, how much would a pound of your meat cost?

"The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, God of Gambling bless me and I will definitely win!"

Ji Wufeng picked up the cup, shook the dice feebly, and then put the cup down lightly.

"Open!" Li Tianxiang said impatiently.

"Really let me drive?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Hurry up and drive it for me, why are you waiting?"

"If I open it, you can't regret it."

"Asshole, I will regret it?" Li Tianxiang said angrily, as long as he opened the cup, he would get 100 million, and only a fool would regret it.

"Then I'll open it!" Ji Wufeng opened the cup.

Three dice were lying there honestly, one was six, two were six, three were six, leopard, eighteen!

"Hahaha...it's a leopard!"

Ji Wufeng jumped up like a chicken in an instant, and howled excitedly: "I won, 1.8 billion per person, give me money, give me money quickly!"

Each person's bet is 100 million. According to the previous agreement, the compensation will be calculated according to points. At 18 points, that is 1.8 billion per person!

Someone in the crowd made an incredible sound and said: "Isn't it too weird? The leopard actually got three sixes!"

"One person is worth 1.8 billion. Let me see how many people there are. Oh my God, eight or nine, a little over 20 billion..."

In addition to Li Tianxiang and the other four, there were also four or five young people with high net worth who participated in the gambling. The total amount was indeed almost 20 billion.

None of the guests who came today were short of money, but the amount was so huge that many of them were frightened to the point of weakness.

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible, you can't roll three sixes, you must be a cheat!" Li Tianxiang and the other three young people from aristocratic families shouted angrily.

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry and said with a cold face: "Hey, if you talk nonsense, be careful, I will sue you for slander. I, the world's gambling king, will cheat with you?"

"The gambling king of the world? What gambling king?"

Most of the people present today are people from the world of gambling.

However, many people recognized Ji Wufeng and exclaimed in shock: "He is Ji Wufeng, he is the champion of this World Gambling King Competition and the new gambling king!"

"I also heard that the new gambling king is named Ji Wufeng. Is it him?"

"It's an honor, it's such an honor. I didn't expect that I could see the King of Gamblers in person!"

Everyone was amazed. As for the young people who had participated in the gambling game before, they suddenly became very excited and rushed to Ji Wufeng. ."

Ji Wufeng patted them on the shoulders and said, "Don't cry, be good, there are so many people, it's so embarrassing!"

"As long as you can become the gambling king's disciple, are you still afraid of being embarrassed?"

Li Tianxiang and others were immediately dumbfounded. Of course they had heard of Ji Wufeng's name. Not only was he a gambling king, but he was also a big devil. They had really fallen into trouble today.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said to Li Tianxiang and others: "The gambling game is over, let's settle the matter. Do you want to pay with cash or by card?"

"We don't have that much money!" Li Tianxiang took a step back.

They are not the core direct descendants of the family. They have enough money for eight million, but they can't get it out even if they are sold for more than one billion.

Ji Wufeng immediately opened his eyes and said fiercely: "Don't have that much money? Why do you bet with me if you have no money? I know, you must want to default on the bill, someone is coming, someone is coming quickly, Dangdang Wulin People from aristocratic families are so shameless and refuse to pay back the money they owe. I have a hundred-year-old Mu above me and a child with a yellow mouth to support. Aren't you bullying others?"

Everyone onlookers immediately started talking. Although they did not dare to speak loudly because they were afraid of the martial arts family, they only dared to whisper, but it was definitely not something nice.

"Don't worry, repaying debts is a matter of course. Our big families will not default on their debts." At this time, a voice sounded.

Everyone immediately pushed aside to make way for them. Following the voice, they saw four young people striding over. Everyone immediately started talking again.

"Isn't that Li Tianqing who left home?"

The crowd began to talk anxiously. Although they did not dare to speak out loud in public and could only talk in low voices, they were definitely not pleasant words.

"Don't worry, our four great families will never default on their debts!" ​​Someone said loudly at this time.

The crowd made a way and saw four young men walking in. The crowd immediately started talking:

"Isn't that the Qingshan of the Li family?"

"And Han Yufei, Ren Tianming and Yuan Yulong, why are they all here?"

"This is pure nonsense. After losing more than a billion in one breath, the martial arts family can't handle it. Can they not come?"

Ji Wufeng stared at Li Tianqing in the middle, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and finally couldn't help but come out, don't you want to get a wife? Then I will win all your wife's money.

"As long as you don't default on your debt, just pay me the money first. Each person has 1.8 billion, a total of 7.2 billion. Do you want cash or credit card?" Ji Wufeng put on a smiling face and said with a smile.

Li Tianqing's face immediately twitched. He thought it would only be tens of millions or hundreds of millions at most, but he didn't expect that he lost 1.8 billion in one breath. The Wulin family is not a super consortium, and even if he is the eldest young master of the Li family, this one breath is enough. Can't take it out.

Seeing that Li Tianqing didn't give him any money, Ji Wufeng said with a mocking look on his face: "You don't have the money to pay, right? Since I don't have the money, what can I do for you? Come and see, all of you, a great martial arts family is losing money and pretending not to admit it... ..." Everyone exclaimed, seventeen o'clock, just one point away from the leopard's eighteen o'clock. This is a huge number, and it is basically a sure win in an ordinary gambling game.

But Li Tianxiang's face was ashen and he said: "How is this possible? What I shook was clearly three and six leopards."

That's right, with his skill, he must be at three or six, so there can be no mistakes, but it's just a little bit off.

However, the rest of the bettors cheered and jumped up and said: "Hahaha... great, seventeen o'clock, the number is so big, we are sure to win!"

Hearing this, Li Tianxiang breathed a sigh of relief. Although Ji Wufeng won several games in a row just now, his methods were very clumsy, and he lost so much at the beginning. At first glance, he knew that he was just an ordinary person, all relying on luck, and he must have been shaken. No more than three sixes.

"It's your turn." Li Tianxiang said solemnly.

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "It's over now. It's seventeen o'clock. I will definitely lose."

"Let's start quickly. Even if you lose, you have to shake it, so as not to say that we bullied you later." Someone urged impatiently.

"Damn it, sir, I'll admit it if I lose. At worst, if I can't afford the compensation, I'll pay with my body!"

The black thread on everyone's head, flesh compensation? In addition to Li Tianxiang and the other four, there were five or six people who placed bets. The total compensation would be at least one billion. If you pay for it with meat, how much would a pound of your meat cost?

"The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, God of Gambling bless me and I will definitely win!"

Ji Wufeng picked up the cup, shook the dice feebly, and then put the cup down lightly.

"Open!" Li Tianxiang said impatiently.

"Really let me drive?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Hurry up and drive it for me, why are you waiting?"

"If I open it, you can't regret it."

"Asshole, I will regret it?" Li Tianxiang said angrily, as long as he opened the cup, he would get 100 million, and only a fool would regret it.

"Then I'll open it!" Ji Wufeng opened the cup.

Three dice were lying there honestly, one was six, two were six, three were six, leopard, eighteen!

"Hahaha...it's a leopard!"

Ji Wufeng jumped up like a chicken in an instant, and howled excitedly: "I won, 1.8 billion per person, give me money, give me money quickly!"

Each person's bet is 100 million. According to the previous agreement, the compensation will be calculated according to points. At 18 points, that is 1.8 billion per person!

Someone in the crowd made an incredible sound and said: "Isn't it too weird? The leopard actually got three sixes!"

"One person is worth 1.8 billion. Let me see how many people there are. Oh my God, eight or nine, a little over 20 billion..."

In addition to Li Tianxiang and the other four, there were also four or five young people with high net worth who participated in the gambling. The total amount was indeed almost 20 billion.

None of the guests who came today were short of money, but the amount was so huge that many of them were frightened to the point of weakness.

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible, you can't roll three sixes, you must be a cheat!" Li Tianxiang and the other three young people from aristocratic families shouted angrily.

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry and said with a cold face: "Hey, if you talk nonsense, be careful, I will sue you for slander. I, the world's gambling king, will cheat with you?"

"The gambling king of the world? What gambling king?"

Most of the people present today are people from the world of gambling.

However, many people recognized Ji Wufeng and exclaimed in shock: "He is Ji Wufeng, he is the champion of this World Gambling King Competition and the new gambling king!"

"I also heard that the new gambling king is named Ji Wufeng. Is it him?"

"It's an honor, it's such an honor. I didn't expect that I could see the King of Gamblers in person!"

Everyone was amazed. As for the few young people who participated in the gambling game before, they suddenly became excited and rushed to Ji Wufeng. ."

Ji Wufeng patted them on the shoulders and said, "Don't cry, be good, there are so many people, it's so embarrassing!"

"As long as you can become the gambling king's disciple, are you still afraid of being embarrassed?"

Li Tianxiang and others were immediately dumbfounded. Of course they had heard of Ji Wufeng's name. Not only was he a gambling king, but he was also a big devil. They had really fallen into trouble today.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said to Li Tianxiang and others: "The gambling game is over, let's settle the matter. Do you want to pay with cash or by card?"

"We don't have that much money!" Li Tianxiang took a step back.

They are not the core direct descendants of the family. They have enough money for eight million, but they can't get it out even if they are sold for more than one billion.

Ji Wufeng immediately opened his eyes and said fiercely: "Don't have that much money? Why do you bet with me if you have no money? I know, you must want to default on the bill, someone is coming, someone is coming quickly, Dangdang Wulin People from aristocratic families are so shameless and refuse to pay back the money they owe. I have a hundred-year-old Mu above me and a child with a yellow mouth to support. Aren't you bullying others?"

Everyone onlookers immediately started talking. Although they did not dare to speak loudly because they were afraid of the martial arts family, they only dared to whisper, but it was definitely not something nice.

"Don't worry, repaying debts is a matter of course. Our big families will not default on their debts." At this time, a voice sounded.

Everyone immediately pushed aside to make way for them. Following the voice, they saw four young people striding over. Everyone immediately started talking again.

"Isn't that Li Tianqing who left home?"

The crowd began to talk anxiously. Although they did not dare to speak out loud in public and could only talk in low voices, they were definitely not pleasant words.

"Don't worry, our four great families will never default on their debts!" ​​Someone said loudly at this time.

The crowd made a way and saw four young men walking in. The crowd immediately started talking:

"Isn't that the Qingshan of the Li family?"

"And Han Yufei, Ren Tianming and Yuan Yulong, why are they all here?"

"This is pure nonsense. After losing more than a billion in one breath, the martial arts family can't handle it. Can they not come?"

Ji Wufeng stared at Li Tianqing in the middle, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and finally couldn't help but come out, don't you want to get a wife? Then I will win all your wife's money.

"As long as you don't default on your debt, just pay me the money first. Each person has 1.8 billion, a total of 7.2 billion. Do you want cash or credit card?" Ji Wufeng put on a smiling face and said with a smile.

Li Tianqing's face immediately twitched. He thought it would only be tens of millions or hundreds of millions at most, but he didn't expect that he lost 1.8 billion in one breath. The Wulin family is not a super consortium, and even if he is the eldest young master of the Li family, this one breath is enough. Can't take it out.

Seeing that Li Tianqing didn't give him any money, Ji Wufeng said with a mocking look on his face: "You don't have the money to pay, right? Since I don't have the money, what can I do for you? Come and see, all of you, a great martial arts family is losing money and pretending not to admit it... …”

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