Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1298 Who is the protagonist?

Everyone wanted to come up and get close to each other, but no one dared to come forward. The auras of the four people were so overbearing that ordinary people didn't even have the courage to get close.

Ma Tianlin and a group of people were staggering around while drinking from wine bottles. They looked at the majestic four masters and said drunkenly: "Who are these four old guys? They are too cool!"

Ah Hu hurriedly covered his mouth and said: "Damn it, please keep your voice down. They are the heads of the Li family, the Han family, the Ren family and the Yuan family, which are famous martial arts families. Crushing you to death would be like crushing an ant to death!"

The martial arts family has a deep foundation and has many masters. To become the head of the family, the person who not only has both ability and political integrity, but also has superior strength is the first choice. It is said that being a kingly warrior is the basic condition for the family to choose the head of the family.

With such a distinguished status as the four masters, it was naturally impossible for them to be arranged in the courtyard. Jiang Hui welcomed him into the inner hall and specially entertained them!

Mr. Jiang has been waiting there for a long time. They don't have to give Jiang Hui face, but they are still relatively polite to Mr. Jiang, because Mr. Jiang was already famous when he was young, and the four of them were just kids at that time.

After chatting for a while, Mr. Jiang left the scene. After all, he knew very well that these four people were not here to have a wedding banquet, but had other things to do. Mr. Jiang did not want the Jiang family to be involved.

As soon as Mr. Jiang left, the atmosphere at the table immediately changed.

Yuan Zhi asked: "Lao Li, is it really worth it for us to do this?"

Li Zhenlei's eyes flashed and he said: "You are not tempted by such a good opportunity?" ??

Han Renjie was a little worried and said: "My heart is naturally moved, but I heard that that boy is a disciple of the Sword Master."

Ren Mingdao smiled evilly and said: "That dead old ghost disappeared more than ten years ago. He has probably died of old age somewhere now. What are you afraid of?"

Li Zhenlei also smiled and said: "Yes, it doesn't matter even if he intervenes? The Sword Master claims to be the righteousness of the world, so what will happen if he comes? Unless he wants to become a public enemy of the righteousness of the world."

"But the Ji family has to guard against it. It is said that the Feather Guards have appeared again." Han Renjie said again.

"Yu Lingwei only obeys orders and Ji Hongtu. Now that Yu Lingwei has appeared, it further proves that the Ji family has never cared about Ji Wufeng."

"That's right, if the Ji family valued him, there would be no need for the Feather Guards to take action."

"When will the Jin family and Mu family arrive?" Yuan Zhi asked.

"Don't worry, Ji Wufeng destroyed the Huajingjin family, and the Mu family also suffered a big loss. Now that the daughter-in-law has not been found, they are probably more anxious than us!"

"Now that the news has spread, the Daomen side has also set off and will appear on time. This time, the boy is unable to fly!"

The eyes of the four people suddenly became hot. Although there are risks, once it succeeds, no matter how high the price is, it will be worth it.

It was getting late, and the time for the banquet was getting closer and closer. The entire garden was brightly lit, and the tables in the courtyard were filled with food and wine. The guests who came took their seats one by one.

In the attic, Jiang Xinyue said: "There is no time difference."

Ji Wufeng was sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs and knocking melon seeds, and said, "What's the rush? It will take a while before the food is served."

Jiang Xinyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was very hot outside at the moment, but this guy was still cracking melon seeds and waiting for the food to be served. Wasn't he too worried?

"You'd better leave quickly. If grandpa comes to call me later, it will be troublesome if he sees you here." Jiang Xinyue said.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "That would be great, let them think you are already mine, and let them stop thinking about it."

"You bastard, who is yours? Get out quickly, or I will fall out." Jiang Xinyue said angrily.

"Okay, okay, little brother, I obey." Ji Wufeng stood up slowly.

Before Ji Wufeng went out, Jiang Xinyue said from behind: "You will definitely not let anything happen to the Jiang family, right?"

Ji Wufeng said solemnly: "I will definitely not let anything happen to you, not necessarily the Jiang family, but for your sake, I will protect you."

Jiang Xinyue was moved and said, "Xiao Feng, thank you."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Are you very touched? Are you so moved that you want to pledge yourself to me?"

"Get out!"

Ji Wufeng was kicked out of the door. He got up depressed and said, "I should have promised you my life. Why did you have to resort to tricks when you get here?"

After leaving the attic and heading to the front yard, I saw that the tables in the yard were full of people and the dishes were served. I saw Nie Hu and the others sitting on a table, holding a big leg of lamb, shouting: "Come on, master, I I’ll hold your seat for you!”

Seeing Nie Hu's greasy mouth, Ji Wufeng turned around and wanted to leave. "Your uncle, as my disciple, you will become a saint in the future. It's so shameful to be so low-class. Be careful, I will expel you from the school!"

He reluctantly walked over and saw that no one else had used their chopsticks on the table, but there were almost only empty plates of food on this table, which made him almost run away without getting up.

Nie Hu took a bite of the large ham, then handed it to Ji Wufeng and said, "Master, this lamb leg is roasted well. I've already eaten two of them. You can try it!"

"Get out!"

Suddenly, the extremely noisy courtyard suddenly became quiet. Jiang Hui walked out accompanied by four imposing middle-aged men. His eyes were as sharp as knives. Looking at it, everyone lowered their heads. , dare not look at each other.

Ji Wufeng nodded silently. The head of a martial arts family is indeed not simple.

The four people's eyes finally fixed on Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng suddenly focused his eyes and went directly to meet him.

It was so murderous. He felt the fierce murderous aura emanating from the four masters!

Although I don’t know what agreement the mastermind behind the scenes reached with them, there is no doubt that these four old guys are here for me.

The protagonist of today's engagement party is not Li Tianqing or Jiang Xinyue, but Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, using such a huge array to set up a trap for himself. If he didn't fall into the trap, wouldn't he be wasting your kindness?

But I just don’t know if the knot of your condom is strong enough to trap me.

As soon as Li Zhenlei sat down, the banquet began. It was time for the heroine to appear.

Someone came through the entrance of the back garden, and everyone present looked at it. The Jiang family was a wealthy family. To hold such a grand banquet, it was natural to hire someone to decorate the venue.

Fresh and elegant music sounded. Although the lights suddenly appeared, colorful and colorful, Jiang Xinyue, who had already put on new clothes, was slowly walking over holding Mr. Jiang's arm.

At this time, Jiang Xinyue was dressed in white palace clothes from ancient times. Her whole temperament had undergone a huge change. She looked extraordinary. Moreover, the palace clothes had been processed and added fashionable modern elements, which made people look twice. One light. Everyone wanted to come up and get close to each other, but no one dared to come forward. The auras of the four people were so overbearing that ordinary people didn't even have the courage to get close.

Ma Tianlin and a group of people were staggering around while drinking from wine bottles. They looked at the majestic four masters and said drunkenly: "Who are these four old guys? They are too cool!"

Ah Hu hurriedly covered his mouth and said: "Damn it, please keep your voice down. They are the heads of the Li family, the Han family, the Ren family and the Yuan family, which are famous martial arts families. Crushing you to death would be like crushing an ant to death!"

The martial arts family has a deep foundation and has many masters. To become the head of the family, the person who not only has both ability and political integrity, but also has superior strength is the first choice. It is said that being a kingly warrior is the basic condition for the family to choose the head of the family.

With such a distinguished status as the four masters, it was naturally impossible for them to be arranged in the courtyard. Jiang Hui welcomed him into the inner hall and specially entertained them!

Mr. Jiang has been waiting there for a long time. They don't have to give Jiang Hui face, but they are still relatively polite to Mr. Jiang, because Mr. Jiang was already famous when he was young, and the four of them were just kids at that time.

After chatting for a while, Mr. Jiang left the scene. After all, he knew very well that these four people were not here to have a wedding banquet, but had other things to do. Mr. Jiang did not want the Jiang family to be involved.

As soon as Mr. Jiang left, the atmosphere at the table immediately changed. ??

Yuan Zhi asked: "Lao Li, is it really worth it for us to do this?"

Li Zhenlei's eyes flashed and he said: "You are not tempted by such a good opportunity?"

Han Renjie was a little worried and said: "My heart is naturally moved, but I heard that that boy is a disciple of the Sword Master."

Ren Mingdao smiled evilly and said: "That dead old ghost disappeared more than ten years ago. He has probably died of old age somewhere now. What are you afraid of?"

Li Zhenlei also smiled and said: "Yes, it doesn't matter even if he intervenes? The Sword Master claims to be the righteousness of the world, so what will happen if he comes? Unless he wants to become a public enemy of the righteousness of the world."

"But the Ji family has to guard against it. It is said that the Feather Guards have appeared again." Han Renjie said again.

"Yu Lingwei only obeys orders and Ji Hongtu. Now that Yu Lingwei has appeared, it further proves that the Ji family has never cared about Ji Wufeng."

"That's right, if the Ji family valued him, there would be no need for the Feather Guards to take action."

"When will the Jin family and Mu family arrive?" Yuan Zhi asked.

"Don't worry, Ji Wufeng destroyed the Huajingjin family, and the Mu family also suffered a big loss. Now that the daughter-in-law has not been found, they are probably more anxious than us!"

"Now that the news has spread, the Daomen side has also set off and will appear on time. This time, the boy is unable to fly!"

The eyes of the four people suddenly became hot. Although there are risks, once it succeeds, no matter how high the price is, it will be worth it.

It was getting late, and the time for the banquet was getting closer and closer. The entire garden was brightly lit, and the tables in the courtyard were filled with food and wine. The guests who came took their seats one by one.

In the attic, Jiang Xinyue said: "There is no time difference."

Ji Wufeng was sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs and knocking melon seeds, and said, "What's the rush? It will take a while before the food is served."

Jiang Xinyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was very hot outside at the moment, but this guy was still cracking melon seeds and waiting for the food to be served. Wasn't he too worried?

"You'd better leave quickly. If grandpa comes to call me later, it will be troublesome if he sees you here." Jiang Xinyue said.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "That would be great, let them think you are already mine, and let them stop thinking about it."

"You bastard, who is yours? Get out quickly, or I will fall out." Jiang Xinyue said angrily.

"Okay, okay, little brother, I obey." Ji Wufeng stood up slowly.

Before Ji Wufeng went out, Jiang Xinyue said from behind: "You will definitely not let anything happen to the Jiang family, right?"

Ji Wufeng said solemnly: "I will definitely not let anything happen to you, not necessarily the Jiang family, but for your sake, I will protect you."

Jiang Xinyue was moved and said, "Xiao Feng, thank you."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Are you very touched? Are you so moved that you want to pledge yourself to me?"

"Get out!"

Ji Wufeng was kicked out of the door. He got up depressed and said, "I should have promised you my life. Why did you have to resort to tricks when you get here?"

After leaving the attic and heading to the front yard, I saw that the tables in the yard were full of people and the dishes were served. I saw Nie Hu and the others sitting on a table, holding a big leg of lamb, shouting: "Come on, master, I I’ll hold your seat for you!”

Seeing Nie Hu's greasy mouth, Ji Wufeng turned around and wanted to leave. "Your uncle, as my disciple, you will become a saint in the future. It's so shameful for you to be so low-class. Be careful, I will expel you from the school!"

He reluctantly walked over and saw that no one else had used their chopsticks on the table, but there were almost only empty plates of food on this table, which made him almost run away without getting up.

Nie Hu took a bite of the large ham, then handed it to Ji Wufeng and said, "Master, this lamb leg is roasted well. I've already eaten two of them. You can try it!"

"Get out!"

Suddenly, the extremely noisy courtyard suddenly became quiet. Jiang Hui was seen walking out accompanied by four imposing middle-aged men. His eyes were as sharp as knives. Looking at it, everyone lowered their heads. , dare not look at each other.

Ji Wufeng nodded silently. The head of a martial arts family is indeed not simple.

The four people's eyes finally fixed on Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng suddenly focused his eyes and went directly to meet him.

It was so murderous. He felt the fierce murderous aura emanating from the four masters!

Although I don’t know what agreement the mastermind behind the scenes reached with them, there is no doubt that these four old guys are here for me.

The protagonist of today's engagement party is not Li Tianqing or Jiang Xinyue, but Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, using such a huge array to set up a trap for himself. If he didn't fall into the trap, wouldn't he be wasting your kindness?

But I just don’t know if the knot of your condom is strong enough to trap me.

As soon as Li Zhenlei sat down, the banquet began. It was time for the heroine to appear.

Someone came through the entrance of the back garden, and everyone present looked at it. The Jiang family was a wealthy family. To hold such a grand banquet, it was natural to hire someone to decorate the venue.

Fresh and elegant music sounded. Although the lights suddenly appeared, colorful and colorful, Jiang Xinyue, who had already put on new clothes, was slowly walking over holding Mr. Jiang's arm.

At this time, Jiang Xinyue was dressed in white palace clothes from ancient times. Her whole temperament had undergone a huge change. She looked extraordinary. Moreover, the palace clothes had been processed and added fashionable modern elements, which made people look twice. One light.

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