With a slender figure, delicate cheeks, graceful and elegant hairstyle, and a delicate diamond necklace hanging from her white neck, the whole person looks like a fairy who has descended from the mortal world.

In an instant, all the men present looked dull, while the women looked intoxicated.

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so beautiful. Is she a fairy?"

Ren Tianming almost drooled and said, "Boss Li, this Jiang Xinyue is so beautiful, I can't wait any longer."

Han Yufei and Yuan Yulong's faces were filled with eagerness. They were right when they said it before. Compared with Jiang Xinyue, the so-called beauties they played with before were simply cheap street stall goods.

Li Tianqing had a cold look on his face. He was also attracted by Jiang Xinyue's beauty, but the more he did this, the more he hated it. Ji Wufeng had taken the lead for such a beautiful woman with such a role.

"Come over Xinyue, I've met your four elders." Jiang Hui shouted. Since Jiang Xinyue has come out, of course he has to say hello to the most prestigious people first.

"Hello, four uncles." Jiang Xinyue walked over and greeted her elegantly.

"Okay, it turns out that she is beautiful and smart. Our family, Tianqing, is very lucky."

Li Zhenlei laughed. No matter what the final result was, Li Tianqing would be very happy to have such an outstanding woman as a father. Then he said to Li Tianqing who was sitting at another table: "Tianqing, come here."

Li Tianqing walked over, put on a smiling face and said, "Hello Xinyue."

"Hello, brother Tianqing." Jiang Xinyue said expressionlessly.

Li Tianqing's eyes were stern, "Huh, you bitch, even if you become a broken shoe, I will still play with you."

"Xinyue, why are you so polite? We are a family from now on, so let's shake hands first." Jiang Hui said.

Yuan Yulong and others immediately shouted: "Yes, Boss Li, why are you so shy? Let's shake hands with my sister-in-law first!"

"Haha, we'll be a couple soon anyway. I don't even dare to touch my hands, and I'm even more embarrassed to touch other places!"

"Yes, Boss Li, hurry up and touch it. If you don't touch it, I will!"

Li Tianqing smiled and stretched out his hand, saying, "Let's shake hands first."

Jiang Xinyue frowned immediately and stepped back involuntarily. She turned around and saw Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng smiled at her, stood up and walked over.

I saw Ji Wufeng running up to Li Zhenlei and the other four, and said with a smile: "Well done, seniors. I have heard of many of your heroic deeds, and I am already very familiar with your reputation."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, what does this kid want to do? I just cheated each of their families for more than one billion, and now I'm actively trying to get close to them. Is there something wrong with my brain?

The expressions of the four people were also stagnant. They didn't know what Ji Wufeng wanted to do, but it was definitely not something good. Yuan Zhi said with a cold face: "Are you okay?"

"It's a little trivial. The four seniors are all powerful and respected figures in the martial arts world. I'm sure they won't default on their debts or do anything to jeopardize their status, right?"

Ji Wufeng took out four pieces of paper with a smile, handed them over, and said: "For the reputation of the four seniors, I ask you to pay back the money first."

Everyone was immediately stunned. How the hell did this kid get so crazy? He actually forced four heads of martial arts families to collect gambling debts in public?

"What's this?"

Li Zhenlei took an IOU and looked at it carefully and almost fainted.


It turned out to be an IOU worth 1.8 billion. Not only him, but the other three people were almost too angry to recover.

Damn it, even if you owe money, you are actually being called for debt in front of so many people. This is a huge shame. If word spreads, won't the entire martial arts world laugh to death?

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "Four seniors, don't be angry. What will happen if you are so angry? But I can understand it completely. After all, who wouldn't be angry if you gave birth to such a prodigal son? If I had such a son, I wouldn't be angry to death. No, but no matter how angry you are, you have to pay back the money first. You can’t let your son go, right? He’s grown so big that no matter what brand of abortion pill you take, he won’t be able to abort it.”

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces, even though they were asking for debt in public, they actually spoke in such a degrading manner and even took abortion pills.

Damn it, is this bastard tired of living?

And he was not the only one who got tired of living. Zhao Jiaolong shouted heartlessly: "Oh, if I give birth to such an unworthy son, I will be so angry that I will have a cerebral infarction."

Yuan Dongdong followed immediately and said: "You dare to show yourself to such a shameful son. If it were me, I would have strangled him to death at home."


Han Renjie shouted sharply, raised his finger in the air, and shot two terrifying energy towards the two of them like lightning...

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore, I'm so angry that I'm taking action!" Yuan Dongdong moved the fastest, and quickly stepped aside as soon as his footsteps moved.

Zhao Jiaolong was not stupid and quickly backed away.

His energy was gone and he hit the table.


The whole table seemed to be hit by a cannonball and flew up. Ma Tianlin and others immediately screamed and jumped away.

Everyone was full of horror. They didn't expect Han Renjie to take action as soon as he came up. However, they were even more shocked that Yuan Dongdong and Han Renjie took action but were not injured.

Zhao Jiaolong immediately became angry, rolled up his sleeves and howled: "You old man, if you dare to sneak up on me, you can punch me if you dare!"

Everyone was instantly stunned. These boys were so audacious. They dared to provoke the head of the Han family, a martial arts family, in public. This was completely seeking death.

"You don't know the bounds of the world. If you are so presumptuous, I will teach you a lesson for your family!" Han Renjie had a look of evil on his face and stood up, ready to take action.


Li Zhenlei coughed a few times and said: "Brother Han, no matter what, we are all guests today, and subordinates come first. This kind of matter should be handled by the master..."

Han Renjie knew what Li Zhenlei meant, glanced at Ji Wufeng with a sinister look, and then said ferociously to Zhao Jiaolong: "Ignorant junior, let me let you go for now."

Zhao Jiaolong wanted to speak, but was stopped by Ji Wufeng's eyes.

Li Zhenlei looked at Jiang Hui and said, "Brother Jiang, this is your house after all, let this host handle it."

At this time, Jiang Hui even wanted to die. He was not a fool. He knew that he couldn't afford to offend both sides. Letting him handle it would be like putting him on the fire.

He scolded Ji Wufeng all at once in his heart, you little bastard, first you ruined my treasure, and now you go to provoke the four major aristocratic families, aren't you deliberately trying to trick me?

Ji Wufeng knew that this old guy Li Zhenlei was deliberately diverting trouble, but he was as clever as a monkey and said to Jiang Hui with a smile: "This debt owed not only requires IOUs, but also other strong evidence. This is not nonsense. Ahu." With a slender figure, delicate cheeks, graceful and elegant hairstyle, and a delicate diamond necklace hanging from her white neck, the whole person looks like a fairy who has descended from the mortal world.

In an instant, all the men present looked dull, while the women looked intoxicated.

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so beautiful. Is she a fairy?"

Ren Tianming almost drooled and said, "Boss Li, this Jiang Xinyue is so beautiful, I can't wait any longer."

Han Yufei and Yuan Yulong's faces were filled with eagerness. They were right when they said it before. Compared with Jiang Xinyue, the so-called beauties they played with before were simply cheap street stall goods.

Li Tianqing had a cold look on his face. He was also attracted by Jiang Xinyue's beauty, but the more he did this, the more he hated it. Ji Wufeng had taken the lead for such a beautiful woman with such a role.

"Come over Xinyue, I've met your four elders." Jiang Hui shouted. Since Jiang Xinyue has come out, of course he has to say hello to the most prestigious people first.

"Hello, four uncles." Jiang Xinyue walked over and greeted her elegantly.

"Okay, it turns out that she is beautiful and smart. Our family, Tianqing, is very lucky."

Li Zhenlei laughed. No matter what the final result was, Li Tianqing would be very happy to have such an outstanding woman as a father. Then he said to Li Tianqing who was sitting at another table: "Tianqing, come here."

Li Tianqing walked over, put on a smiling face and said, "Hello Xinyue."

"Hello, brother Tianqing." Jiang Xinyue said expressionlessly.

Li Tianqing's eyes were stern, "Huh, you bitch, even if you become a broken shoe, I will still play with you."

"Xinyue, why are you so polite? We are a family from now on, so let's shake hands first." Jiang Hui said.

Yuan Yulong and others immediately shouted: "Yes, Boss Li, why are you so shy? Let's shake hands with my sister-in-law first!"

"Haha, we'll be a couple soon anyway. I don't even dare to touch my hands, and I'm even more embarrassed to touch other places!"

"Yes, Boss Li, hurry up and touch it. If you don't touch it, I will!"

Li Tianqing smiled and stretched out his hand, saying, "Let's shake hands first."

Jiang Xinyue frowned immediately and stepped back involuntarily. She turned around and saw Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng smiled at her, stood up and walked over.

I saw Ji Wufeng running up to Li Zhenlei and the other four, and said with a smile: "Well done, seniors. I have heard of many of your heroic deeds, and I am already very familiar with your reputation."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, what does this kid want to do? I just cheated each of their families for more than one billion, and now I'm actively trying to get close to them. Is there something wrong with my brain?

The expressions of the four people were also stagnant. They didn't know what Ji Wufeng wanted to do, but it was definitely not something good. Yuan Zhi said with a cold face: "Are you okay?"

"It's a little trivial. The four seniors are all powerful and respected figures in the martial arts world. I'm sure they won't default on their debts or do anything to jeopardize their status, right?"

Ji Wufeng took out four pieces of paper with a smile, handed them over, and said: "For the reputation of the four seniors, I ask you to pay back the money first."

Everyone was immediately stunned. How the hell did this kid get so crazy? He actually forced four heads of martial arts families to collect gambling debts in public?

"What's this?"

Li Zhenlei took an IOU and looked at it carefully and almost fainted.


It turned out to be an IOU worth 1.8 billion. Not only him, but the other three people were almost too angry to recover.

Damn it, even if you owe money, you are actually being called for debt in front of so many people. This is a huge shame. If word spreads, won't the entire martial arts world laugh to death?

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "Four seniors, don't be angry. What will happen if you are so angry? But I can understand it completely. After all, who wouldn't be angry if you gave birth to such a prodigal son? If I had such a son, I wouldn't be angry to death. No, but no matter how angry you are, you have to pay back the money first. You can’t let your son go, right? He’s grown so big that no matter what brand of abortion pill you take, he won’t be able to abort it.”

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces, even though they were asking for debt in public, they actually spoke in such a degrading manner and even took abortion pills.

Damn it, is this bastard tired of living?

And he was not the only one who got tired of living. Zhao Jiaolong shouted heartlessly: "Oh, if I give birth to such an unworthy son, I will be so angry that I will have a cerebral infarction."

Yuan Dongdong followed immediately and said: "You dare to show yourself to such a shameful son. If it were me, I would have strangled him to death at home."


Han Renjie shouted sharply, raised his finger in the air, and shot two terrifying energy towards the two of them like lightning...

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore, I'm so angry that I'm taking action!" Yuan Dongdong moved the fastest, and quickly stepped aside as soon as his footsteps moved.

Zhao Jiaolong was not stupid and quickly backed away.

His energy was gone and he hit the table.


The whole table seemed to be hit by a cannonball and flew up. Ma Tianlin and others immediately screamed and jumped away.

Everyone was full of horror. They didn't expect Han Renjie to take action as soon as he came up. However, they were even more shocked that Yuan Dongdong and Han Renjie took action but were not injured.

Zhao Jiaolong immediately became angry, rolled up his sleeves and howled: "You old man, if you dare to sneak up on me, you can punch me if you dare!"

Everyone was instantly stunned. These boys were so audacious. They dared to provoke the head of the Han family, a martial arts family, in public. This was completely seeking death.

"You don't know the bounds of the world. If you are so presumptuous, I will teach you a lesson for your family!" Han Renjie had a look of evil on his face and stood up, ready to take action.


Li Zhenlei coughed a few times and said: "Brother Han, no matter what, we are all guests today, and subordinates come first. This kind of matter should be handled by the master..."

Han Renjie knew what Li Zhenlei meant, glanced at Ji Wufeng with a sinister look, and then said ferociously to Zhao Jiaolong: "Ignorant junior, let me let you go for now."

Zhao Jiaolong wanted to speak, but was stopped by Ji Wufeng's eyes.

Li Zhenlei looked at Jiang Hui and said, "Brother Jiang, this is your house after all, let this host handle it."

At this time, Jiang Hui even wanted to die. He was not a fool. He knew that he couldn't afford to offend both sides. Letting him handle it would be like putting him on the fire.

He scolded Ji Wufeng all at once in his heart, you little bastard, first you ruined my treasure, and now you go to provoke the four major aristocratic families, aren't you deliberately trying to trick me?

Ji Wufeng knew that this old guy Li Zhenlei was deliberately diverting trouble, but he was as clever as a monkey and said to Jiang Hui with a smile: "This debt owed not only requires IOUs, but also other strong evidence. This is not nonsense. Ahu."

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