Nie Hu threw his phone over. There was a video of the previous gambling game.

After Jiang Hui read it, he almost fainted. Your uncle, your family has defrauded 1.8 billion. Isn't your kid too dark?

"Not only that, there were many people present who saw it with their own eyes. They were all witnesses, so even the host doesn't have to be embarrassed. We just need to do business as usual." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

If there is a hole in the ground at this time, Jiang Huili will get in without saying a word. It doesn't matter how much money you make, it's none of my business. Whether you hit it or scold it, I don't care.

But he knew he couldn't do this, so he could only say to Li Zhenlei with a sad face: "Brother Li, look at this..."

There is no way, not only does he have an IOU, but there is also other evidence, and it is also ironclad evidence. No matter how shameless he is and wants to favor the four major families, he can't tell lies with his eyes open, right?

In this case, the solution is very clear. It is only natural to pay back debts.

Ren Daoming immediately became furious and pointed at Jiang Hui's nose and said, "Jiang Hui, you are so brave. We came to the banquet to give you face, but you actually colluded with this little bastard to blackmail us."

Jiang Hui was confused. What does this have to do with me?

"Brother Ren, I really don't know about this." Jiang Hui said hurriedly.

"Huh, this is the Jiang family. Wouldn't you know that something like this happened?" Shi Daoming said angrily.

"Jiang Hui, you are getting more and more crazy. Do you think this is the Jiang family? You don't even care about us, do you want to bully us?" Han Renjie sneered on his face.

Jiang Hui's eyes darkened, "Oh my god, am I bullying you?" It's obvious that you are bullying me, okay?

Mr. Jiang, who had never spoken a word, was also livid. He was angry at the shamelessness of Li Zhenlei and others, and even more hated Ji Wufeng, the culprit. He looked at Ji Wufeng with a look as if he could kill him and not understand the hatred.

Seeing Jiang Hui being forced into that state, Jiang Xinyue looked anxious and looked at Ji Wufeng for help. Ji Wufeng smiled gently at her and told her not to worry.

At this time, Li Zhenlei suddenly spoke and said: "I think there must be some misunderstanding about this matter. Besides, there are too many guests today. If Brother Jiang is busy, he may not know about it. But it's useless for everyone to be angry. Let’s take care of things first, right?”

Seeing Li Tianqing say something fair, Mr. Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and Jiang Hui burst into tears of gratitude. Relatives are relatives, and they know how to protect their own people.

"How to deal with it? Are you really asking us to give you money?" Yuan Zhihuan said with a smile.

Are you kidding me, that's not a dozen dollars, but a billion dollars. Even a martial arts family can't just take it out casually.

"Let me, Jiang Hui, the host, handle this matter personally." Li Zhenlei said with a smile.

Everyone's mouth twitched. Damn it, the money belongs to you, but you let others handle it? This heart is so dark!

Mr. Jiang's heart suddenly sank. He understood what Li Zhenlei meant. Let the Jiang family solve the problem, which meant that the Jiang family recognized the debt, but they would not pay a dime.

One family is worth 1.8 billion, and the four families add up to 7.6 billion!

Let's not talk about whether the Jiang family can get such a large sum of money. If it can, this is already a super consortium. Will the Bajie Li family still use it?

This is deliberately forcing the Jiang family to die.

"Nephew Li Xian, are you sure this

Does the Jiang family need to handle this matter? Mr. Jiang asked with a smile, but his smile was very stiff.

"Mr. Jiang, since this matter happened in the Jiang family, it should be handled by the Jiang family, right?" Li Zhenlei said with a smile.

Mr. Jiang's face suddenly turned pale. Although he knew that the four major martial arts families came together this time, it was by no means simply to drink wedding wine. They must have other purposes.

But he never expected that the Li family would be so ruthless. They just got married and then stabbed the Jiang family with the back foot, forcing the Jiang family to die.

He suddenly felt that he was too naive. He originally thought that this was an opportunity for the Jiang family to rise again, but who knew that it would bring even more disaster to the future.

Ren Daoming looked at Mr. Jiang with contempt. He knew that this was a naked threat. If the Jiang family did not acknowledge the debt today, they would be waiting to bear the wrath of the four major martial arts families.

Mr. Jiang knew that the situation was over, so he closed his eyes and sighed: "That's it, the Jiang family accepts this account!"


Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that Mr. Jiang would actually accept the debt. You know, once the money is taken out, it is likely that everyone in the Jiang family will sleep on the street.

"Uncle..." Jiang Hui looked pale.


Jiang Chengfeng jumped out, pointed at Ji Wufeng and screamed: "It's obviously a bastard cheating, why should we give money? I want to call the police, but the police arrest him..."


Mr. Jiang became angry, slapped him in the face, and said sternly: "Shut up!"

Jiang Xinyue was a girl anyway. The reason why he insisted on handing over the Jiang family to Jiang Xinyue was actually because the Jiang family had no one available.

As long as Jiang Chengfeng and his son lived up to their expectations, he would not hand over this important task to a girl. He knew that Jiang Chengfeng was not living up to his expectations, but he did not expect that he would be so stupid.

Forget it, no matter how much money you don't have, you can still make money. Anyway, the Jiang family can't be saved if it falls into the hands of such a idiot.

"Young man, the Jiang family accepts this account, but the Jiang family does not have that much money, but you can rest assured that I will promise that even if one person in the Jiang family is still alive, I will try my best to pay off the money." Mr. Jiang looked at it. Ji Wufeng said.

The whole audience was in awe for a moment. Mr. Jiang was on the verge of dying, but his strength was still the same as before.

"Grandpa!" Jiang Xinyue cried.

She had complained about her grandfather before, but now she finally knew that the old man had to bear too much for the Jiang family.

"Old man, I believe in your character. The Jiang family can repay this money whenever they want. I'm not in a hurry anyway." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

He originally wanted to teach this old man a lesson, but seeing that he still had some backbone, he just let it go.

Everyone in the Jiang family breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, the Jiang family was not forced to die. In an instant, everyone in the Jiang family looked at Ji Wufeng gratefully.

Jiang Hui's expression was complicated, and Mr. Jiang was also looking at him carefully.

"But old man, I have a request." Ji Wufeng said.

Everyone instantly began to despise him again. It turned out that this guy was pretending to be generous. After all, he had other motives. It was so despicable. The grateful eyes of the Jiang family immediately turned into angry glares.

Ji Wufeng handed over the four IOUs in his hand and said, "I want to ask the old man to accept my betrothal gift!" Nie Hu threw his phone over. There was a video in it, which was taken from the previous scene. gambling.

After Jiang Hui read it, he almost fainted. Your uncle, your family has defrauded 1.8 billion. Isn't your kid too dark?

"Not only that, there were many people present who saw it with their own eyes. They were all witnesses, so even the host doesn't have to be embarrassed. We just need to do business as usual." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

If there is a hole in the ground at this time, Jiang Huili will get in without saying a word. It doesn't matter how much money you make, it's none of my business. Whether you hit it or scold it, I don't care.

But he knew he couldn't do this, so he could only say to Li Zhenlei with a sad face: "Brother Li, look at this..."

There is no way, not only does he have an IOU, but there is also other evidence, and it is also ironclad evidence. No matter how shameless he is and wants to favor the four major families, he can't tell lies with his eyes open, right?

In this case, the solution is very clear. It is only natural to pay back debts.

Ren Daoming immediately became furious and pointed at Jiang Hui's nose and said, "Jiang Hui, you are so brave. We came to the banquet to give you face, but you actually colluded with this little bastard to blackmail us."

Jiang Hui was confused. What does this have to do with me?

"Brother Ren, I really don't know about this." Jiang Hui said hurriedly.

"Huh, this is the Jiang family. Wouldn't you know that something like this happened?" Shi Daoming said angrily.

"Jiang Hui, you are getting more and more crazy. Do you think this is the Jiang family? You don't even care about us, do you want to bully us?" Han Renjie sneered on his face.

Jiang Hui's eyes darkened, "Oh my god, am I bullying you?" It's obvious that you are bullying me, okay?

Mr. Jiang, who had never spoken a word, was also livid. He was angry at the shamelessness of Li Zhenlei and others, and even more hated Ji Wufeng, the culprit. He looked at Ji Wufeng with a look as if he could kill him and not understand the hatred.

Seeing Jiang Hui being forced into that state, Jiang Xinyue looked anxious and looked at Ji Wufeng for help. Ji Wufeng smiled gently at her and told her not to worry.

At this time, Li Zhenlei suddenly spoke and said: "I think there must be some misunderstanding about this matter. Besides, there are too many guests today. If Brother Jiang is busy, he may not know about it. But it's useless for everyone to be angry. Let’s take care of things first, right?”

Seeing Li Tianqing say something fair, Mr. Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and Jiang Hui burst into tears of gratitude. Relatives are relatives, and they know how to protect their own people.

"How to deal with it? Are you really asking us to give you money?" Yuan Zhihuan said with a smile.

Are you kidding me, that's not a dozen dollars, but a billion dollars. Even a martial arts family can't just take it out casually.

"Let me, Jiang Hui, the host, handle this matter personally." Li Zhenlei said with a smile.

Everyone's mouth twitched. Damn it, the money belongs to you, but you let others handle it? This heart is so dark!

Mr. Jiang's heart suddenly sank. He understood what Li Zhenlei meant. Let the Jiang family solve the problem, which meant that the Jiang family recognized the debt, but they would not pay a dime.

One family is worth 1.8 billion, and the four families add up to 7.6 billion!

Let’s not talk about whether the Jiang family can get such a large sum of money. If it can, this is already a super consortium. Will the Bajie Li family still use it?

This is deliberately forcing the Jiang family to die.

"Nephew Li Xian, are you sure this

Does the Jiang family need to handle this matter? Mr. Jiang asked with a smile, but his smile was very stiff.

"Mr. Jiang, since this matter happened in the Jiang family, it should be handled by the Jiang family, right?" Li Zhenlei said with a smile.

Mr. Jiang's face suddenly turned pale. Although he knew that the four major martial arts families came together this time, it was by no means simply to drink wedding wine. They must have other purposes.

But he never expected that the Li family would be so ruthless. They just got married and then stabbed the Jiang family with the back foot, forcing the Jiang family to die.

He suddenly felt that he was too naive. He originally thought that this was an opportunity for the Jiang family to rise again, but who knew that it would bring even more disaster to the future.

Ren Daoming looked at Mr. Jiang with contempt. He knew that this was a naked threat. If the Jiang family did not acknowledge the debt today, they would be waiting to bear the wrath of the four major martial arts families.

Mr. Jiang knew that the situation was over, so he closed his eyes and sighed: "That's it, the Jiang family accepts this account!"


Everyone was astonished. They didn't expect that Mr. Jiang would actually accept the debt. You know, once the money is taken out, everyone in the Jiang family will probably sleep on the street.

"Uncle..." Jiang Hui looked pale.


Jiang Chengfeng jumped out, pointed at Ji Wufeng and screamed: "It's obviously a bastard cheating, why should we give money? I want to call the police, but the police arrest him..."


Mr. Jiang became angry, slapped him in the face, and said sternly: "Shut up!"

Jiang Xinyue was a girl anyway. The reason why he insisted on handing over the Jiang family to Jiang Xinyue was actually because the Jiang family had no one available.

As long as Jiang Chengfeng and his son lived up to their expectations, he would not hand over this important task to a girl. He knew that Jiang Chengfeng was not living up to his expectations, but he did not expect that he would be so stupid.

Forget it, no matter how much money you don't have, you can still make money. Anyway, the Jiang family can't be saved if it falls into the hands of such a idiot.

"Young man, the Jiang family accepts this account, but the Jiang family does not have that much money, but you can rest assured that I will promise that even if one person in the Jiang family is still alive, I will try my best to pay off the money." Mr. Jiang looked at it. Ji Wufeng said.

The whole audience was in awe for a moment. Mr. Jiang was on the verge of dying, but his strength was still the same as before.

"Grandpa!" Jiang Xinyue cried.

She had complained about her grandfather before, but now she finally knew that the old man had to bear too much for the Jiang family.

"Old man, I believe in your character. The Jiang family can repay this money whenever they want. I'm not in a hurry anyway." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

He originally wanted to teach this old man a lesson, but seeing that he still had some backbone, he just let it go.

Everyone in the Jiang family breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, the Jiang family was not forced to die. In an instant, everyone in the Jiang family looked at Ji Wufeng gratefully.

Jiang Hui's expression was complicated, and Mr. Jiang was also looking at him carefully.

"But old man, I have a request." Ji Wufeng said.

Everyone instantly began to despise him again. It turned out that this guy was pretending to be generous. After all, he had other motives. It was so despicable. The grateful eyes of the Jiang family immediately turned into angry glares.

Ji Wufeng handed over the four IOUs in his hand and said, "I want to ask the old man to accept my betrothal gift!"

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