Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1310 The support of the six masters?

"Don't make a fuss, my junior sister can't be underestimated." The short-haired woman said.

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed and accepted that old woman Yun Jianxin as his teacher. Anyone who dared to bully her in the future would have to taste Yun Jianxin's anger first.

"Who is she?" Ji Wufeng pointed at the woman who had been silent.

This person feels very familiar, I must know him.

"You'd better ask her yourself. We can only help you hold down five old Taoist priests, but we can't help you with the rest."

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Ji Wufeng looked worried.

"If we are not completely sure, master will not let us come." After the short-haired woman finished speaking, she strode towards an old Taoist priest.

Once he heard that Yun Jianxin had released it himself, Ji Wufeng felt relieved.

The three girls rushed towards the five old Taoist priests. In terms of strength, it was impossible for the three to compete with the five elders. However, they did not prove confrontation with the five, but used their mysterious body skills to constantly provoke them.

The Taoist power of the five elders is extremely terrifying, but in terms of physical strength, it is impossible to compare with the warriors.

It seems that Yun Jianxin is indeed a strong man of the generation, and he has pinpointed the weaknesses of people in the Taoist sect, otherwise he would not dare to let his three disciples come.

However, although the three body techniques are mysterious, they are far apart in terms of real strength. They can only last for a while at most, but that is enough for Ji Wufeng.

The five elders were entangled, and the faces of the six masters changed, because without the Taoist sect, they would not be Ji Wufeng's opponents at all.

"Hmph, you've been severely injured just now. You can't use the royal space. What else can you do to us?" Li Zhenlei sneered.

The other five family heads were all bright-eyed. Without the kingly space as a killer weapon, Ji Wufeng would have lost his biggest support!

"If you think that my greatest reliance is the Kingly Space, then you are underestimating me."

Ji Wufeng shouted loudly and threw his body like a cannonball at the six masters!

In the distance, Han Chong said: "Prince, aren't we ready to take action? Now that Ji Wufeng is injured, I'm afraid we can no longer stop him."

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "Now is not the best time. If I take action at this time, the most I can do is help him repel the six masters. It has no great value. Moreover, even if he is injured, with his strength, he has to deal with it." It’s not a difficult task for the six masters!”

"Has his strength reached this level?" Han Chong asked in shock.

Gu Tianyang said confidently: "If he can't even do this, how can he be worthy of being my opponent? If there is no support from the six major families, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive in the hands of Ji Wufeng."

Gu Tianyang can be sure that the six masters are not his opponents. As his opponent, Ji Wufeng is naturally stronger than the six masters.

"Is there any support from the six major families?" Han Chong looked stunned.

Gu Tianyang smiled lightly and said: "If it were just these people in front of me, I wouldn't be interested in coming to watch the battle."

Ji Wufeng rushed into the flock of sheep like a tiger. Although he was seriously injured and his fighting power was not as strong as before, he was still not something that the six masters could contend with. As a cultivator, his physique was far stronger and tougher than that of a warrior.

At the same time, true energy is a level higher than true energy. As long as there is spiritual energy between heaven and earth, it can be continuously absorbed into the physical body to replenish combat power and live forever.

r\u003e Bang!

Jin Shisheng was punched and was unable to get up for a long time after landing.


Mu Tianchao was directly slapped to the ground, and a large human-shaped pit appeared on the ground. It took him a long time to climb out of the pit.

The other four masters also had a hard time. Ji Wufeng became more and more courageous as he fought. He was simply a tireless humanoid machine.

Everyone watching the battle was stunned at this time, with disbelief written on their faces. The heads of the six major martial arts families were beaten like dead dogs. They couldn't even imagine such a scene in their dreams.

Especially the young disciples of the martial arts families were so angry that they wanted to shout loudly, but they couldn't open their mouths. Ji Wufeng was so powerful that they didn't even have the courage to curse.

The heads of the six families now all had bruises and swollen faces, and were all dressed in rags. How could they still have the majestic aura of the kingly warriors and overlords they had before?

For a high-ranking and pampered man, being beaten to such a miserable state and not going crazy at this time is considered to be of good psychological quality.

For a person who loves face so much, being abused like this would probably break his heart!

"Ji Wufeng, I want you to die without a burial place!" Jin Shisheng yelled crazily.

Ji Wufeng said with a sneer: "You've been beaten like this and you're still bragging. If you stop bragging a little longer, will you die?"

"You are seeking death yourself!"

Jin Shisheng suddenly lowered his head, and a fierce and cold aura suddenly spread from his body. The veins on his forehead popped out and squirmed like a snake.

Traces of black energy began to spread from his body. In an instant, a gloomy and terrifying aura from death enveloped the hearts of everyone watching the battle. It was a terror they had never felt before.


Jin Shisheng's face changed. The redness on his face quickly faded away, turning into a bloodless color, and traces of black energy began to appear on his extremely pale face.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng felt that Jin Shisheng's aura was growing crazily with several times the power. This made his expression change, and he said: "Damn it, why did he suddenly become so powerful? Could it be that he took stimulants?"


At the same time, the bodies of the other six masters also experienced the same changes. The terrifying aura on their bodies continued to surge, and their bodies were exuding a terrifying black energy.

The aura of death burst out from the six people, plop... plop... Many onlookers could not resist this terrifying aura at all. Their eyes went dark and they fell to the ground one after another.

Those who had been determined not to faint were also uncomfortable. Their whole bodies were shaking unconsciously, and their faces and eyes were full of panic. Although they had never experienced it, they were sure that they all felt death.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said coldly: "I think I underestimate you even if I say you are shameless. I didn't expect that you, as the head of a martial arts family in China, would actually collude with the Qianye family."

The strength of these people was improved using the same methods as Chiba-ryu, but not their true strength. This shows that they all colluded with the Chiba family.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were cold. He knew that the six masters must have the last trump card if they dared to attack him, but he never expected that they would resort to such vicious methods.

"Hey, are those losers from the Qianye family qualified to cooperate with us?" Li Zhenlei looked disdainful. "Don't make a fuss, my junior sister can't be underestimated." The short-haired woman said.

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed and accepted that old woman Yun Jianxin as his teacher. Anyone who dared to bully her in the future would have to taste Yun Jianxin's anger first.

"Who is she?" Ji Wufeng pointed at the woman who had been silent.

This person feels very familiar, I must know him.

"You'd better ask her yourself. We can only help you hold down five old Taoist priests, but we can't help you with the rest."

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Ji Wufeng looked worried.

"If we are not completely sure, master will not let us come." After the short-haired woman finished speaking, she strode towards an old Taoist priest.

Once he heard that Yun Jianxin had released it himself, Ji Wufeng felt relieved.

The three girls rushed towards the five old Taoist priests. In terms of strength, it was impossible for the three to compete with the five elders. However, they did not prove confrontation with the five, but used their mysterious body skills to constantly provoke them.

The Taoist power of the five elders is extremely terrifying, but in terms of physical strength, it is impossible to compare with the warriors.

It seems that Yun Jianxin is indeed a strong man of the generation, and he has pinpointed the weaknesses of people in the Taoist sect, otherwise he would not dare to let his three disciples come.

However, although the three body techniques are mysterious, they are far apart in terms of real strength. They can only last for a while at most, but that is enough for Ji Wufeng.

The five elders were entangled, and the faces of the six masters changed, because without the Taoist sect, they would not be Ji Wufeng's opponents at all.

"Hmph, you've been severely injured just now. You can't use the royal space. What else can you do to us?" Li Zhenlei sneered.

The other five family heads were all bright-eyed. Without the kingly space as a killer weapon, Ji Wufeng would have lost his biggest support!

"If you think that my greatest reliance is the Kingly Space, then you are underestimating me."

Ji Wufeng shouted loudly and threw his body like a cannonball at the six masters!

In the distance, Han Chong said: "Prince, aren't we ready to take action? Now that Ji Wufeng is injured, I'm afraid we can no longer stop him."

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "Now is not the best time. If I take action at this time, the most I can do is help him repel the six masters. It has no great value. Moreover, even if he is injured, with his strength, he has to deal with it." It’s not a difficult task for the six masters!”

"Has his strength reached this level?" Han Chong asked in shock.

Gu Tianyang said confidently: "If he can't even do this, how can he be worthy of being my opponent? If there is no support from the six major families, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive in the hands of Ji Wufeng."

Gu Tianyang can be sure that the six masters are not his opponents. As his opponent, Ji Wufeng is naturally stronger than the six masters.

"Is there any support from the six major families?" Han Chong looked stunned.

Gu Tianyang smiled lightly and said: "If it were just these people in front of me, I wouldn't be interested in coming to watch the battle."

Ji Wufeng rushed into the flock of sheep like a tiger. Although he was seriously injured and his fighting power was not as strong as before, he was still not something that the six masters could contend with. As a cultivator, his physique was far stronger and tougher than that of a warrior.

At the same time, true energy is a level higher than true energy. As long as there is spiritual energy between heaven and earth, it can be continuously absorbed into the physical body to replenish combat power and live forever.

r\u003e Bang!

Jin Shisheng was punched and was unable to get up for a long time after landing.


Mu Tianchao was directly slapped to the ground, and a large human-shaped pit appeared on the ground. It took him a long time to climb out of the pit.

The other four masters also had a hard time. Ji Wufeng became more and more courageous as he fought. He was simply a tireless humanoid machine.

Everyone watching the battle was stunned at this time, with disbelief written on their faces. The heads of the six major martial arts families were beaten like dead dogs. They couldn't even imagine such a scene in their dreams.

Especially the young disciples of the martial arts families were so angry that they wanted to shout loudly, but they couldn't open their mouths. Ji Wufeng was so powerful that they didn't even have the courage to curse.

The heads of the six families now all had bruises and swollen faces, and were all dressed in rags. How could they still have the majestic aura of the kingly warriors and overlords they had before?

For a high-ranking and pampered man, being beaten to such a miserable state and not going crazy at this time is considered to be of good psychological quality.

For a person who loves face so much, being abused like this would probably break his heart!

"Ji Wufeng, I want you to die without a burial place!" Jin Shisheng yelled crazily.

Ji Wufeng said with a sneer: "You've been beaten like this and you're still bragging. If you stop bragging for a little longer, will you die?"

"You are seeking death yourself!"

Jin Shisheng suddenly lowered his head, and a fierce and cold aura suddenly spread from his body. The veins on his forehead popped out and squirmed like a snake.

Traces of black energy began to spread from his body. In an instant, a gloomy and terrifying aura from death enveloped the hearts of everyone watching the battle. It was a terror they had never felt before.


Jin Shisheng's face changed. The redness on his face quickly faded away, turning into a bloodless color, and traces of black energy began to appear on his extremely pale face.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng felt that Jin Shisheng's aura was growing crazily with several times the force, which made his face change and said: "Damn it, why did he suddenly become so powerful? Could it be that he took stimulants?"


At the same time, the bodies of the other six masters also experienced the same changes. The terrifying aura on their bodies continued to surge, and their bodies were exuding a terrifying black energy.

The aura of death burst out from the six people, plop... plop... Many onlookers could not resist this terrifying aura at all. Their eyes went dark and they fell to the ground one after another.

Those who had been determined not to faint were also uncomfortable. Their whole bodies were shaking unconsciously, and their faces and eyes were full of panic. Although they had never experienced it, they were sure that they all felt death.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said coldly: "I think I underestimate you even if I say you are shameless. I didn't expect that you, as the head of a martial arts family in China, would actually collude with the Qianye family."

The strength of these people was improved using the same methods as Chiba-ryu, but not their true strength. This shows that they all colluded with the Chiba family.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were cold. He knew that the six masters must have the last trump card if they dared to attack him, but he never expected that they would resort to such vicious methods.

"Hey, are those losers from the Qianye family qualified to cooperate with us?" Li Zhenlei looked disdainful.

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