Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1311 Who is the evil heretic?

"Who else is it if it's not them?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"When you get to the underworld, someone will tell you!"

Jin Shisheng yelled, "Death!"

The auras of the six masters burst out, causing sand and rocks to fly in an instant. The spectators around them couldn't bear it, and they spit out blood in great horror. Aren't they trying to eradicate the evil spirits? But now they look even more sinister and terrifying than demons!

The five elders of the Taoist sect on one side were also startled. This was the first time they felt such an evil and terrifying aura. The short-haired woman immediately said: "Five seniors, I believe you can see clearly now who should be eradicated." Devil."

"What do you want to say?" an old Taoist priest asked in a deep voice. ??

"Don't you understand now? They are the heads of aristocratic families who represent the righteous path of martial arts, but they practice such evil magic skills. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?" said the short-haired woman.

An old Taoist priest snapped at the six masters: "Tell me clearly what's going on!"

Mu Tianchao said with a cruel smile: "Old waste, you are of no use at all, go to hell!"

Before he finished speaking, Mu Tianchao's body had already rushed in front of the old Taoist priest, and a terrifying black energy emitted from his claws grabbed the old Taoist priest's face.

The other four elders were shocked and rushed over immediately. Mu Tianchao waved his big hand and said sternly: "Get out of here!"

Bang bang bang...

Before the five elders could figure out the situation, they were thrown away by a terrifying force, spurting blood in the air.

Those Taoist disciples were all confused. Didn't they come to join forces to deal with the big devil Ji Wufeng? Why are you trying to pinch yourself?


The five elders all had police looks on their faces. They would never have thought that the head of a majestic martial arts family would actually take action against them. What was even weirder was that Mu Tianchao's skill had obviously increased several times, and was beyond what he could compare to before.

Fortunately, the five old Taoist priests have profound Taoist skills, otherwise, Mu Tianchao's blow just now would have killed them!

Ji Wufeng had carefully observed Mu Tianchao's move just now, and found that it was indeed different from Qianye style, but other than that, was there any other way to drastically increase his skill?

"Blood Demon Magic?"

Ji Wufeng asked: "Have you practiced the Blood Demon Technique?"

The five elders immediately shouted: "The Blood Demon Technique? Absolutely impossible. The Blood Demon Technique is a taboo of the Demon Sect. Even the disciples of the Demon Sect cannot practice it, otherwise they will be severely punished."

Ji Wufeng was just guessing, because the demonic cultivators in the world of cultivation also knew this kind of demonic skills, which was similar to Mu Tianchao's current delicacy.

However, very few people practice the Blood Demon Technique. The cultivation method of the Blood Demon Technique is extremely cruel, relying on devouring other people's blood to obtain other people's skills.

As for those who are devoured, their blood will be drained bit by bit, which is very painful.

However, although the blood magic method can quickly improve the skill, it has a huge side effect, that is, the body cannot withstand this sudden and powerful force, and it is easy to lose control, lose the mind, and finally go crazy and explode to death. .

Therefore, for cultivators, the Blood Demon Technique is not as good as Liu. Ji Wufeng only saw it once and did not recognize it at once.

The five elders still don’t believe it.

, because the Blood Demon Technique is a taboo practice even on earth, and even people from the Demon Sect are unwilling to practice it.

Ji Wufeng laughed coldly: "Except for the Blood Demon Technique, judging from their virtues, I can't create such a technique that can double my power, right?"

"Hehe, yes, it's the Blood Demon Technique!" Mu Tianchao sneered.

The five elders were furious. The Blood Demon Technique had been lost for at least a hundred years. They did not expect it to appear on the head of a martial arts family who represented the righteous people in the world.

An old Taoist priest was furious and shouted: "As the head of a martial arts family, you represent the right way in the world. You actually practice such evil skills. Aren't you afraid of being cast aside by the martial arts people in the world?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but if you all die, no one will know about this, and who will spurn us?" Jin Shisheng's eyes were scarlet, and the murderous intent on his body became more intense!


A scream suddenly rang out, and a disciple of the Jin family pierced the chest of a Taoist disciple with a sword, and then laughed ferociously at the corpse: "Except for the people from the six major martial arts families and the Bagua sect, here today Besides, no one can leave alive!"

In an instant, people from the six major martial arts families and the Bagua Sect surrounded the rest of the people, with fierce faces and murderous aura on their bodies.

An old Taoist priest shouted sternly: "Jade Dragon Flying!"

At this time, they had realized that not only had they been tricked by the six major martial arts families, but Yu Longfei, the most outstanding disciple of the Bagua Sect, was an accomplice.

Yu Longfei used a spell to force Ma Tianlin away who was fighting with him, and said with a smile: "Five elders, I am also thinking about the Bagua Sect!"

"You bastard, you colluded with evil spirits and harmed fellow disciples. You are so rebellious and unethical, and you dare to say it was for the Bagua Sect!" An old Taoist priest was furious.

"The Tiandao Order is the token left by the ancestor of my Taoist sect. Whoever gets the Tiandao Order can command the Taoist sects in the world. If mine arrives, then I will be the master of the Taoist sect, and the Bagua sect will be the master of the Taoist sect. Can the sect be like this?" Brilliant, isn't this for the Bagua Sect?" Yu Longfei was originally a rich and handsome guy, but now his face was full of ferocity and was a little distorted.

"Asshole, my Bagua Sect is a well-known and upright sect. I will never associate with evil spirits, let alone do evil things. Today I will get rid of this unscrupulous disciple like you for the sect leader and clean up the sect!" the old Taoist priest shouted.

"Elders, it seems that you are really old and confused. You have always been the winner and the loser. Who cares whether the winner is right or wrong?"

Yu Longfei looked murderous and said: "Besides, if everyone here dies, who will know what I did today?"

"Hmph, you can kill them and silence them, but can you stop me?"

"Of course, if you die too, wouldn't your mouths be blocked?" Yu Longfei smiled grimly.

"What did you say?"

The five elders were furious. They did not expect Yu Longfei to be so crazy. Not only did he want to kill everyone who disobeyed him, but he also wanted to get rid of the elders of their sect.

"Unworthy disciple, today this poor Taoist will eradicate this evil disciple like you for the Bagua Sect!" An old Taoist priest couldn't hold himself back any longer, and struck the Jade Dragon Fei with a powerful curse across the sky.

With Yu Longfei's Taoist cultivation, he couldn't withstand the Sky-Hunting Curse at all, but Yu Longfei's face was full of ridicule, his body suddenly stepped back, and a spell exuding black energy suddenly appeared above him! "Who else is it if it's not them?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"When you get to the underworld, someone will tell you!"

Jin Shisheng yelled, "Death!"

The auras of the six masters burst out, causing sand and rocks to fly in an instant. The spectators around them couldn't bear it, and they spit out blood in great horror. Aren't they trying to eradicate the evil spirits? But now they look even more sinister and terrifying than demons!

The five elders of the Taoist sect on one side were also startled. This was the first time they felt such an evil and terrifying aura. The short-haired woman immediately said: "Five seniors, I believe you can see clearly now who should be eradicated." Devil."

"What do you want to say?" an old Taoist priest asked in a deep voice.

"Don't you understand now? They are the heads of aristocratic families who represent the righteous path of martial arts, but they practice such evil magic skills. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?" said the short-haired woman.

An old Taoist priest snapped at the six masters: "Tell me clearly what's going on!"

Mu Tianchao said with a cruel smile: "Old waste, you are of no use at all, go to hell!"

Before he finished speaking, Mu Tianchao's body had already rushed in front of the old Taoist priest, and a terrifying black energy emitted from his claws grabbed the old Taoist priest's face.

The other four elders were shocked and rushed over immediately. Mu Tianchao waved his big hand and said sternly: "Get out of here!"

Bang bang bang...

Before the five elders could figure out the situation, they were thrown away by a terrifying force, spurting blood in the air.

Those Taoist disciples were all confused. Didn't they come to join forces to deal with the big devil Ji Wufeng? Why are you trying to pinch yourself?


The five elders all had police looks on their faces. They would never have thought that the head of a majestic martial arts family would actually take action against them. What was even weirder was that Mu Tianchao's skill had obviously increased several times, and was beyond what he could compare to before.

Fortunately, the five old Taoist priests have profound Taoist skills, otherwise, Mu Tianchao's blow just now would have killed them!

Ji Wufeng had carefully observed Mu Tianchao's move just now, and found that it was indeed different from Qianye style, but other than that, was there any other way to drastically increase his skill?

"Blood Demon Magic?"

Ji Wufeng asked: "Have you practiced the Blood Demon Technique?"

The five elders immediately shouted: "The Blood Demon Technique? Absolutely impossible. The Blood Demon Technique is a taboo of the Demon Sect. Even the disciples of the Demon Sect cannot practice it, otherwise they will be severely punished."

Ji Wufeng was just guessing, because the demonic cultivators in the world of cultivation also knew this kind of demonic skills, which was similar to Mu Tianchao's current delicacy.

However, very few people practice the Blood Demon Technique. The cultivation method of the Blood Demon Technique is extremely cruel, relying on devouring other people's blood to obtain other people's skills.

As for those who are devoured, their blood will be drained bit by bit, which is very painful.

However, although the blood magic method can quickly improve the skill, it has a huge side effect, that is, the body cannot withstand this sudden and powerful force, and it is easy to lose control, lose the mind, and finally go crazy and explode to death. .

Therefore, for cultivators, the Blood Demon Technique is not as good as Liu. Ji Wufeng only saw it once and did not recognize it at once.

The five elders still don’t believe it.

, because the Blood Demon Technique is a taboo practice even on earth, and even people from the Demon Sect are unwilling to practice it.

Ji Wufeng laughed coldly: "Except for the Blood Demon Technique, judging from their virtues, I can't create such a technique that can double my power, right?"

"Hehe, yes, it's the Blood Demon Technique!" Mu Tianchao sneered.

The five elders were furious. The Blood Demon Technique had been lost for at least a hundred years. They did not expect it to appear on the head of a martial arts family who represented the righteous people in the world.

An old Taoist priest was furious and shouted: "As the head of a martial arts family, you represent the right way in the world. You actually practice such evil skills. Aren't you afraid of being cast aside by the martial arts people in the world?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but if you all die, no one will know about this, and who will spurn us?" Jin Shisheng's eyes were scarlet, and the murderous intent on his body became more intense!


A scream suddenly rang out, and a disciple of the Jin family pierced the chest of a Taoist disciple with a sword, and then laughed ferociously at the corpse: "Except for the people from the six major martial arts families and the Bagua sect, here today Besides, no one can leave alive!"

In an instant, people from the six major martial arts families and the Bagua Sect surrounded the rest of the people, with fierce faces and murderous aura on their bodies.

An old Taoist priest shouted sternly: "Jade Dragon Flying!"

At this time, they had realized that not only had they been tricked by the six major martial arts families, but Yu Longfei, the most outstanding disciple of the Bagua Sect, was an accomplice.

Yu Longfei used a spell to force Ma Tianlin away who was fighting with him, and said with a smile: "Five elders, I am also thinking about the Bagua Sect!"

"You bastard, you colluded with evil spirits and harmed fellow disciples. You are so rebellious and unethical, and you dare to say it was for the Bagua Sect!" An old Taoist priest was furious.

"The Tiandao Order is the token left by the ancestor of my Taoist sect. Whoever gets the Tiandao Order can command the Taoist sects in the world. If mine arrives, then I will be the master of the Taoist sect, and the Bagua sect will be the master of the Taoist sect. Can the sect be like this?" Brilliant, isn't this for the Bagua Sect?" Yu Longfei was originally a rich and handsome guy, but now his face was full of ferocity and was a little distorted.

"Asshole, my Bagua Sect is a well-known and upright sect. I will never associate with evil spirits, let alone do evil things. Today I will get rid of this unscrupulous disciple like you for the sect leader and clean up the sect!" the old Taoist priest shouted.

"Elders, it seems that you are really old and confused. You have always been the winner and the loser. Who cares whether the winner is right or wrong?"

Yu Longfei looked murderous and said: "Besides, if everyone here dies, who will know what I did today?"

"Hmph, you can kill them and silence them, but can you stop me?"

"Of course, if you die too, wouldn't your mouths be blocked?" Yu Longfei smiled grimly.

"What did you say?"

The five elders were furious. They did not expect Yu Longfei to be so crazy. Not only did he want to kill everyone who disobeyed him, but he also wanted to get rid of the elders of their sect.

"Unworthy disciple, today this poor Taoist will eradicate this evil disciple like you for the Bagua Sect!" An old Taoist priest couldn't hold himself back any longer, and struck the Jade Dragon Fei with a powerful curse across the sky.

With Yu Longfei's Taoist cultivation, he couldn't withstand the Sky-Hunting Curse at all, but Yu Longfei's face was full of ridicule, his body suddenly stepped back, and a spell exuding black energy suddenly appeared above him!

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