Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1312 Who wouldn’t have some trump cards?

In an instant, there were loud roars, black air soared into the sky, and the sky turned dark instantly. The sky was originally clear, but now it was like falling into an endless hell.

Everyone was terrified, because they felt as if they had really entered the underworld, full of evil ghosts who could eat people alive.

"Hundred Ghosts Night Curse!" The five elders were shocked.

Yu Longfei chuckled and said: "The five elders really have good eyesight, it's the Hundred Ghosts Night Curse!"

People in the martial arts don't know why, but when the Taoist disciples heard the Hundred Ghosts Night Mantra, their faces instantly turned pale, and they were almost scared to death.

The Hundred Ghosts Night Curse was created hundreds of years ago by a Taoist genius who became possessed while practicing Taoism.

If you want to refine this spell, you must first unjustly kill hundreds of people, and then capture their resentful souls to refine it.

Not only is the refining method of this spell extremely cruel, but its power is also extremely powerful. Just like the Blood Demon Sect of the Demon Sect, it is regarded as a taboo and disciples are not allowed to practice it, otherwise they will suffer extremely cruel punishments.

The five elders were furious. The Blood Demon Technique and the Night Curse of Hundred Ghosts were all evil techniques that dehumanized humanity. Those who could practice such magic techniques must be heinous people. And they had just helped these villains fight Ji Wufeng. , What a conspiracy!

The short-haired woman stepped forward and said: "The five seniors, they used such cruel and inhumane methods to deal with Ji Wufeng, they must have been very clear that they are the evil spirits who should be eliminated!"

Several old Taoist priests were deceived like this. At this time, they almost turned away in anger and said sternly: "Today the poor Taoist will slay demons!"


The five people once again joined forces to cast the Heaven-Exploding Curse, and there were bursts of wind and thunder in the air. Unfortunately, they were injured by Mu Tianchao's blow before, and the current power is not as powerful as before!

"Hey, five elders, after you die, I will definitely tell the world that you died in the battle to kill the big devil Ji Wufeng. Your names will be respected by the disciples of the Bagua Sect and the entire Tao Sect forever, haha..."

Yu Longfei laughed loudly and waved his palm, and a sinister wind suddenly rose in the air. The black air in the sky entangled itself and turned into a terrifying ghost and pounced on the five elders!


The sky-breaking curse will pounce on the fierce ghosts and scatter them, but there are at least hundreds of ghosts walking in the night. There are too many. The Taoist magic of the five elders is constantly being consumed, which affects the injuries on the body. Blood begins to flow from the mouth. Sooner or later, it will not be able to hold on. If you go down, you will definitely be eaten alive by hundreds of ghosts!

"Ji Wufeng, I told you that you will not escape death today!" Jin Shisheng said with a ferocious expression.

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind Ji Wufeng, swatting at him like a demonic shadow!


With a soft shout, three graceful bodies came through the air and stood in front of Ji Wufeng. They could only see the three of them walking in lotus steps, their figures looming like phantoms.

"You little bitch who doesn't know how to live or die."

Jin Shisheng had a fierce look on his face and struck down with his palm.


Jin Shisheng was shocked and took a step back. The three girls joined forces and actually had an incomparable strength that was enough to withstand Jin Shisheng's attack.

"Is this the Three Ultimate Formations of Bingqingxue Pavilion?"

Jin Shisheng was shocked: "It's impossible, Bingqingxue Pavilion has been lost!"

Bingqingxue Pavilion is almost extinct. There is only one person, Yun Jianxin, and he has not left home for decades. How can there still be three unique formations?

The masked girl said angrily: "Bah, you thing, your family has lost its heritage. Even if you die, Bingqingxue Pavilion will not lose it. Did you see that this young lady is the most talented disciple of Bingqingxue Pavilion? Bingqingxue Pavilion will rise again and become so powerful in the martial arts world that the martial arts family will be unable to hold their heads up. Why don't you come down and lick me as soon as possible?"

"You little bitch who doesn't care about life and death, I will make Bingqingxue Pavilion disappear completely today!"

Jin Shisheng was furious and struck again, but the three unique formations were extremely mysterious. Although the attack power was not strong, the defensive power was extremely tenacious. With the three women joining forces, Jin Shisheng found it difficult to break through for a while!

Ji Wufeng was overjoyed. Bingqingxue Pavilion was indeed not simple, but in just a few days, they had achieved such strength.

"Ji Wufeng, if you give up your martial arts now and follow us, maybe I can let you live a little longer." Mu Tianchao sneered.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Can you stop bragging and acting like you can really handle me!"

"Do you think you can stop the five of us with your own strength?" Li Zhenlei said ferociously.

"I can't stop it!" Ji Wufeng said honestly.

Now these five old guys have practiced the Blood Demon Technique, and their skills are several times that of before. Their strength is not much worse than Gu Mingxiu of the Gu family. Not to mention whether Ji Wufeng can win the fight, running away is probably a problem.

"Is there any point in fighting a trapped beast when we know we are outmatched?"

"I can't beat you alone, but I didn't say I wanted to fight you alone." Ji Wufeng said.

"Don't you still want to count on them?" Mu Tianchao looked disdainful.

The five elders are currently resisting Yu Longfei. They have been seriously injured and cannot resist the Hundred Ghost Night Curse. It will be a matter of time before they are killed by Yu Longfei.

The Three Jue Formation is enough to resist Jin Shisheng, but it is just a resistance and will be defeated sooner or later.

As for the rest of Nie Hu, they were fighting with Li Tianqing and the others. Even if they could win in the end, they would only die if they faced the six masters in the end.

"Of course they are not the ones I can count on. Who wouldn't have some trump cards?"

Ji Wufeng turned around and shouted: "Hey, we are allies now. Are you so insidious that you didn't come out until I was beaten to death by them?"


There was an uninhibited chuckle, and everyone looked sideways. Who has the courage to fight against the six masters with Ji Wufeng?

I saw a mighty and upright young man walking slowly towards him, with a wild aura all over his body and a faint smile on his face, which made it difficult for anyone to feel bad about him.

But at the same time, an aura of arrogance and domineering spread from him, making people retreat unconsciously.

"It's Gu Tianyang!"

"It's him, God of War Gu Tianyang, what is he doing here?"

"Isn't he a sworn enemy of Ji Wufeng? Why did he come to help?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, Gu Tianyang is the prince, but in the hearts of martial arts practitioners, he is the invincible God of War!

At that time, Gu Tianyang went to the West at a young age and single-handedly defeated more than a hundred young people in the West. He did not even worship him, which frightened the young generation in the West and showed off the power of China's martial arts. Idols of worship. In an instant, there were loud roars, black air soared into the sky, and the sky turned dark instantly. The sky was originally clear, but now it was like falling into an endless hell.

Everyone was terrified, because they felt as if they had really entered the underworld, full of evil ghosts who could eat people alive.

"Hundred Ghosts Night Curse!" The five elders were shocked.

Yu Longfei chuckled and said: "The five elders really have good eyesight, it's the Hundred Ghosts Night Curse!"

People in the martial arts don't know why, but when the Taoist disciples heard the Hundred Ghosts Night Mantra, their faces instantly turned pale, and they were almost scared to death.

The Hundred Ghosts Night Curse was created hundreds of years ago by a Taoist genius who became possessed while practicing Taoism.

If you want to refine this spell, you must first unjustly kill hundreds of people, and then capture their resentful souls to refine it.

Not only is the refining method of this spell extremely cruel, but its power is also extremely powerful. Just like the Blood Demon Sect of the Demon Sect, it is regarded as a taboo and disciples are not allowed to practice it, otherwise they will suffer extremely cruel punishments.

The five elders were furious. The Blood Demon Technique and the Night Curse of Hundred Ghosts were all evil techniques that dehumanized humanity. Those who could practice such magic techniques must be heinous people. And they had just helped these evil people to fight against Ji Wufeng. , What a conspiracy!

The short-haired woman stepped forward and said, "Five seniors, they used such cruel and inhumane methods to deal with Ji Wufeng. It must be clear that they are the evil spirits who should be eliminated!" .??.??

Several old Taoist priests were deceived like this. At this time, they almost turned away in anger and said sternly: "Today the poor Taoist will slay demons!"


The five people once again joined forces to cast the Heaven-shattering Curse, and there were bursts of wind and thunder in the air. Unfortunately, they were injured by Mu Tianchao's blow before, and the current power is not as powerful as before!

"Hey, five elders, after you die, I will definitely tell the world that you died in the battle to kill the big devil Ji Wufeng. Your names will be respected by the disciples of the Bagua Sect and the entire Tao Sect forever, haha..."

Yu Longfei laughed loudly and waved his palm, and a sinister wind suddenly rose in the air. The black air in the sky entangled itself and turned into a terrifying ghost and pounced on the five elders!


The sky-breaking curse will pounce on the fierce ghosts and scatter them, but hundreds of ghosts are walking in the night. There are at least hundreds of fierce ghosts. There are too many. The Taoist magic of the five elders is constantly being consumed, which affects the injuries on the body. Blood begins to flow from the mouth. Sooner or later, it will not be able to hold on. If you go down, you will definitely be eaten alive by hundreds of ghosts!

"Ji Wufeng, I told you that you will not escape death today!" Jin Shisheng said with a ferocious expression.

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind Ji Wufeng, swatting at him like a demonic shadow!


With a soft shout, three graceful bodies came through the air and stood in front of Ji Wufeng. They were walking in lotus steps, their figures looming like phantoms.

"You little bitch who doesn't know how to live or die."

Jin Shisheng had a fierce look on his face and struck down with his palm.


Jin Shisheng was shocked and took a step back. The three girls joined forces and actually had an incomparable strength that was enough to withstand Jin Shisheng's attack.

"Is this the Three Ultimate Formations of Bingqingxue Pavilion?"

Jin Shisheng was shocked: "It's impossible, Bingqingxue Pavilion has been lost!"

Bingqingxue Pavilion is almost extinct. There is only one person, Yun Jianxin, and he has not left home for decades. How can there still be three unique formations?

The masked girl said angrily: "Bah, you thing, your family just lost the inheritance. Even if you die, Bingqingxue Pavilion will not lose it. Did you see that I am the most talented disciple of Bingqingxue Pavilion? Bingqingxue Pavilion will rise again and become so powerful in the martial arts world that the martial arts family will be unable to hold their heads up. Why don't you come down and lick me as soon as possible?"

"You little bitch who doesn't care about life and death, I will make Bingqingxue Pavilion disappear completely today!"

Jin Shisheng was furious and struck again, but the Three Ultimate Formations were extremely mysterious. Although their attack power was not strong, their defensive power was extremely tenacious. With the three women joining forces, Jin Shisheng found it difficult to break through for a while!

Ji Wufeng was overjoyed. Bingqingxue Pavilion was indeed not simple, but in just a few days, they had achieved such strength.

"Ji Wufeng, if you give up your martial arts now and follow us, maybe I can let you live a little longer." Mu Tianchao sneered.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Can you stop bragging and acting like you can really handle me!"

"Do you think you can stop the five of us with your own strength?" Li Zhenlei said ferociously.

"I can't stop it!" Ji Wufeng said honestly.

Now these five old guys have practiced the Blood Demon Technique, and their skills are several times that of before. Their strength is not much worse than Gu Mingxiu of the Gu family. Not to mention whether Ji Wufeng can win the fight, running away is probably a problem.

"Is there any point in fighting a trapped beast when we know we are outmatched?"

"I can't beat you alone, but I didn't say I wanted to fight you alone." Ji Wufeng said.

"Don't you still want to count on them?" Mu Tianchao looked disdainful.

The five elders are currently resisting Yu Longfei. They have been seriously injured and cannot resist the Hundred Ghost Night Curse. It will be a matter of time before they are killed by Yu Longfei.

The Three Jue Formation is enough to resist Jin Shisheng, but it is just a resistance and will be defeated sooner or later.

As for the rest of Nie Hu, they were fighting with Li Tianqing and the others. Even if they could win in the end, they would only die if they faced the six masters in the end.

"Of course they are not the ones I can count on. Who wouldn't have some trump cards?"

Ji Wufeng turned around and shouted: "Hey, we are allies now. Are you so insidious that you didn't come out until I was beaten to death by them?"


There was an uninhibited chuckle, and everyone looked sideways. Who has the courage to fight against the six masters with Ji Wufeng?

I saw a mighty and upright young man walking slowly towards him, with a wild aura all over his body and a faint smile on his face, which made it difficult for anyone to feel bad about him.

But at the same time, an aura of arrogance and domineering spread from him, making people retreat unconsciously.

"It's Gu Tianyang!"

"It's him, God of War Gu Tianyang, what is he doing here?"

"Isn't he a sworn enemy of Ji Wufeng? Why did he come to help?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, Gu Tianyang is the prince, but in the hearts of martial arts practitioners, he is the invincible God of War!

At that time, Gu Tianyang went to the West at a young age and single-handedly defeated more than a hundred young people in the West. He did not even worship him, which frightened the young generation in the West and showed off the power of China's martial arts. Idols of worship.

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