Ji Wufeng looked down and even the children of the aristocratic families had fanaticism in their eyes. Ji Wufeng felt unhappy. He should have known better than to form an alliance with this bastard. This was completely stealing my limelight.


There was a series of explosions, and all the glass containers in the room couldn't withstand the pressure on Xiao Mingyu's body and shattered. He said coldly: "You said Gu Tianyang has arrived?"

The person who came to deliver the news lay on the ground trembling and said, "Yes..."


Xiao Mingyu's palm suddenly slapped on the top of his head, and there was a sudden burst of miserable howling. The man's whole body shriveled up quickly in convulsions, like a deflated balloon, and instantly turned into a mummy.

The masked woman in black came out and said, "How many times have I told you, don't use the Blood Demon Technique lightly, it won't do you any good!"

"Tsk, tsk, that's not what you said when you asked me to practice."

Xiao Mingyu retracted his palm and said with a cold look on his face: "Your methods are really difficult for others to see through. The nephew who cultivated me wholeheartedly is at odds with me. Now even the allies you must trust must be against me."

"This is something I didn't expect. I didn't expect that Gu Tianyang would choose to cooperate with Ji Wufeng!"

"Unexpectedly? Gu Tianyang is not Gu Mingtang. You can play with Gu Mingtang at your fingertips, but Gu Tianyang cannot, otherwise he would not be worthy of being my strongest opponent!"

The woman in black took a deep breath and said: "I admit that I was at fault, but now is not the time to pursue the case. Gu Tianyang is here now, and they can't stop you. You are in danger now!"

Xiao Mingyu said coldly: "You think I can't think of this? Although I gave them the Blood Demon Technique and the Hundred Ghost Night Spell, no one knows my specific identity, and I won't be exposed."

The masked woman was delighted and said, "That's great."

Xiao Mingyu turned around suddenly and said with a stern face: "You hope you remember that there will be no next time. If something happens that exceeds my bottom line again, you'd better know that that pitiful family affection will never be my concern." trip."

The woman in black looked at him deeply, turned around and left silently.

In the cell, Chu Tianshu put down the newspaper in his hand and said, "You are very uneasy now."

The woman in black smiled bitterly and said, "Do you care about me?"

Chu Tianshu picked up the newspaper again, and there was silence for a while. The woman in black asked: "If only one person can survive between Mingyu and Ji Wufeng, who do you hope it will be?"

"Ji Wufeng!"

The woman in black looked cold and said, "Are you really so heartless?"

"Only when you have feelings in your heart can you be ruthless."

Chu Tianshu turned his back to him and said: "Let go, Ji Wufeng can't die, and Xiao Mingyu, life and death are just a matter of thoughts!"

The woman in black had a look of resentment on her face and said, "Chu Tianshu, you will regret today's choice one day!"

Hearing the footsteps of the woman in black leaving, Chu Tianshu couldn't help but sigh, shook his head and said helplessly: "Infatuation, the most difficult evil thought in the world to get rid of, but how many people in the world can do it?"

In the old house of the Jiang family, when they saw Gu Tianyang coming, the expressions of the six masters of the family immediately changed. Gu Tianyang became famous as a young man and had brilliant achievements. He was definitely worthy of their fear.

At the same time, the masked girl's eyes were stunned, and her body could not help but tremble slightly.

Ji Wufeng shouted with an unhappy look on his face: "Hey, you are really unreasonable. You have been watching for a long time.

Are you waiting for me to be beaten to death before you come out to watch the joke? "

Gu Tianyang chuckled and said, "If I come out too early, I'm afraid you'll say I stole your limelight."

"Now you've stolen my limelight too!" Ji Wufeng glared.

Gu Tianyang spread his hands and said helplessly: "If you don't want to see it, I can leave right now!"

"You were already late, and now you want to leave without working. In terms of shamelessness, few people can match you." Ji Wufeng curled his lips.

The faces of the six masters were full of fear. Their plan to surround and kill Ji Wufeng today was foolproof. They expected that Ji Wufeng must have a helper, but they never expected that his helper would be Gu Tianyang.

What exactly is going on? Aren't the two of them fighting each other to the death? But now they have joined forces, is there any integrity at all?

"Gu Tianyang, what do you want to do here?" Li Zhenlei asked coldly.

"Senior Li, can't you see what I want to do?" Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

"Gu Tianyang, he is your deadly rival? Why should you help him?"

"Just because he is my opponent, I will not allow others to knock him out before me."

Gu Tianyang turned his head, his eyes narrowed, and he said arrogantly and domineeringly: "Because you are not worthy!"

You are not worthy!

This is the first time someone dares to speak to the head of a martial arts family in such a tone, and also to the six heads of the family at the same time. It is really crazy!

But no one here dared to say that Gu Tianyang was arrogant. So what if he was young? But he is Gu Tianyang, he is the undefeated young god of war, and he is the undefeated king who can overpower his peers!

He is crazy, but he has the right to be so crazy!

Ji Wufeng is his opponent, so he can only defeat his opponent personally. Others are not qualified, even the heads of the six major martial arts families!

The masters of the six families were furious and said: "Gu Tianyang, you are too arrogant. Since you deliberately came to die, don't blame us for being ruthless in holding hands!"

Although they were wary of Gu Tianyang, the six masters were more confident in their own strength.

"Hey, it's such a lively scene. Fortunately, my legs and feet are fast enough. Otherwise, wouldn't I miss this great show?"

An evil laugh rang out, and a mighty and tall young man in black clothes with long black hair reaching his waist strode over. Every step he took seemed to crush a mountain, which made people feel heart-stopping.

The person who came was covered in terrifying demonic aura, as if a demon god had descended!

"Why are you here?" Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng asked in shock at the same time.

The long-haired young man in black chuckled and said, "You guys are so uninterested. You have such a fun fight and you didn't even notify me."

Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang both looked speechless. This bastard was really a militant. He would come to him just because he smelled a fight.

The long-haired young man in black stared at the six masters and said: "The Blood Demon Technique is indeed extraordinary. My skill has indeed improved a lot, which is good, otherwise killing you would be like chopping vegetables. It would be too boring."

Everyone's face was full of astonishment. This fierce man came out of nowhere and actually bluntly wanted to kill the six masters!

"Tian Wuxin, you, a big devil, actually have the guts to show up?" Li Zhenlei said solemnly.

Tian Wuxin?

Isn't Tian Wuxin the young master of the Demon Sect? Why is he here too? Ji Wufeng looked down and even the children of the aristocratic families had fanaticism in their eyes. Ji Wufeng felt unhappy. He should have known better than to form an alliance with this bastard. This was completely stealing my limelight.


There was a series of explosions, and all the glass containers in the room couldn't withstand the pressure on Xiao Mingyu's body and shattered. He said coldly: "You said Gu Tianyang has arrived?"

The person who came to deliver the news lay on the ground trembling and said, "Yes..."


Xiao Mingyu's palm suddenly slapped on the top of his head, and there was a sudden burst of miserable howling. The man's whole body shriveled up quickly in convulsions, like a deflated balloon, and instantly turned into a mummy.

The masked woman in black came out and said, "How many times have I told you, don't use the Blood Demon Technique lightly, it won't do you any good!"

"Tsk, tsk, that's not what you said when you asked me to practice."

Xiao Mingyu retracted his palm and said with a cold look on his face: "Your methods are really difficult for others to see through. The nephew who cultivated me wholeheartedly is at odds with me. Now even the allies you must trust must be against me."

"This is something I didn't expect. I didn't expect that Gu Tianyang would choose to cooperate with Ji Wufeng!"

"Unexpectedly? Gu Tianyang is not Gu Mingtang. You can play with Gu Mingtang at your fingertips, but Gu Tianyang cannot, otherwise he would not be worthy of being my strongest opponent!"

The woman in black took a deep breath and said: "I admit that I was at fault, but now is not the time to pursue the case. Gu Tianyang is here now, and they can't stop you. You are in danger now!"

Xiao Mingyu said coldly: "You think I can't think of this? Although I gave them the Blood Demon Technique and the Hundred Ghost Night Spell, no one knows my specific identity, and I won't be exposed."

The masked woman was delighted and said, "That's great."

Xiao Mingyu turned around suddenly and said with a stern face: "You hope you remember that there will be no next time. If something happens that exceeds my bottom line again, you'd better know that that pitiful family affection will never be my concern." trip."

The woman in black looked at him deeply, turned around and left silently.

In the cell, Chu Tianshu put down the newspaper in his hand and said, "You are very uneasy now."

The woman in black smiled bitterly and said, "Do you care about me?"

Chu Tianshu picked up the newspaper again, and there was silence for a while. The woman in black asked: "If only one person can survive between Mingyu and Ji Wufeng, who do you hope it will be?"

"Ji Wufeng!"

The woman in black looked cold and said, "Are you really so heartless?"

"Only when you have feelings in your heart can you be ruthless."

Chu Tianshu turned his back to him and said: "Let go, Ji Wufeng can't die, and Xiao Mingyu, life and death are just a matter of thoughts!"

The woman in black had a look of resentment on her face and said, "Chu Tianshu, you will regret today's choice one day!"

Hearing the footsteps of the woman in black leaving, Chu Tianshu couldn't help but sigh, shook his head and said helplessly: "Infatuation, the most difficult evil thought in the world to get rid of, but how many people in the world can do it?"

In the old house of the Jiang family, when they saw Gu Tianyang coming, the expressions of the six masters of the family immediately changed. Gu Tianyang became famous as a young man and had brilliant achievements. He was definitely worthy of their fear.

At the same time, the masked girl's eyes were stunned, and her body could not help but tremble slightly.

Ji Wufeng shouted with an unhappy look on his face: "Hey, you are really unreasonable. You have been watching for a long time.

Are you waiting for me to be beaten to death before you come out to watch the joke? "

Gu Tianyang chuckled and said, "If I come out too early, I'm afraid you'll say I stole your limelight."

"Now you've stolen my limelight too!" Ji Wufeng glared.

Gu Tianyang spread his hands and said helplessly: "If you don't want to see it, I can leave right now!"

"You were already late, and now you want to leave without working. In terms of shamelessness, few people can match you." Ji Wufeng curled his lips.

The faces of the six masters were full of fear. Their plan to surround and kill Ji Wufeng today was foolproof. They expected that Ji Wufeng must have a helper, but they never expected that his helper would be Gu Tianyang.

What exactly is going on? Aren't the two of them fighting each other to the death? But now they have joined forces, is there any integrity at all?

"Gu Tianyang, what do you want to do here?" Li Zhenlei asked coldly.

"Senior Li, can't you see what I want to do?" Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

"Gu Tianyang, he is your deadly rival? Why should you help him?"

"Just because he is my opponent, I will not allow others to knock him out before me."

Gu Tianyang turned his head, his eyes narrowed, and he said arrogantly and domineeringly: "Because you are not worthy!"

You are not worthy!

This is the first time someone dares to speak to the head of a martial arts family in such a tone, and also to the six heads of the family at the same time. It is really crazy!

But no one here dared to say that Gu Tianyang was arrogant. So what if he was young? But he is Gu Tianyang, he is the undefeated young god of war, and he is the undefeated king who can overpower his peers!

He is crazy, but he has the right to be so crazy!

Ji Wufeng is his opponent, so he can only defeat his opponent personally. Others are not qualified, even the heads of the six major martial arts families!

The masters of the six families were furious and said: "Gu Tianyang, you are too arrogant. Since you deliberately came to die, don't blame us for being ruthless in holding hands!"

Although they were wary of Gu Tianyang, the six masters were more confident in their own strength.

"Hey, it's such a lively scene. Fortunately, my legs and feet are fast enough. Otherwise, wouldn't I miss this great show?"

An evil laugh rang out, and a mighty and tall young man in black clothes with long black hair reaching his waist strode over. Every step he took seemed to crush a mountain, which made people feel heart-stopping.

The person who came was covered in terrifying demonic aura, as if a demon god had descended!

"Why are you here?" Gu Tianyang and Ji Wufeng asked in shock at the same time.

The long-haired young man in black chuckled and said, "You guys are so uninterested. You have such a fun fight and you didn't even notify me."

Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang both looked speechless. This bastard was really a militant. He would come to him just because he smelled a fight.

The long-haired young man in black stared at the six masters and said: "The Blood Demon Technique is indeed extraordinary. My skill has indeed improved a lot, which is good, otherwise killing you would be like chopping vegetables. It would be too boring."

Everyone's face was full of astonishment. This fierce man came out of nowhere and actually bluntly wanted to kill the six masters!

"Tian Wuxin, you, a big devil, actually have the guts to show up?" Li Zhenlei said solemnly.

Tian Wuxin?

Isn't Tian Wuxin the young master of the Demon Sect? Why is he here too?

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