The two frowned. They could ignore Ji Wufeng's troubles, but if Yu Longfei really became the new master of the Taoist sect, he would really be a big trouble in the future.

"Hand over the Tiandao Token, you are not qualified to take it yet." Tian Wuxin said with his fingers raised.

Yu Longfei's face turned pale and he said: "Are you going to interfere in my affairs? Let me remind you that we are not enemies. From some aspects, we are even friends."

"Bah, I am the future master of the demonic way. How can a sinister villain like you be worthy of being my friend?" Tian Wuxin looked contemptuous.

Gu Tianyang chuckled and said: "The order of heaven is related to the people of the world. Those who can live in it can't take it away. Please hand it over."

They don't need to care about Ji Wufeng, because Ji Wufeng is still a good person with a bottom line. As long as a person has a bottom line, he won't be much of a threat, but Yu Longfei can't do it. He is a lunatic who does things by any means and has no bottom line at all. ??

A madman can do anything when he goes crazy. Neither Tian Wuxin nor Gu Tianyang wants this guy to become a time bomb that will explode at any time in the future.

Yu Longfei said with a ferocious smile: "Do you think you can really stop me?"

"If you can't even take down a little brat like you, how can I be the master of the demons if I just want to kill myself?" Tian Wuxin sneered.

Gu Tianyang smiled lightly and said, "You might as well give it a try."

"If you are looking for death, I will help you!"

Yu Longfei waved his big hand, and immediately rolled up countless powerful spirits and rushed towards the two of them.


But Yu Longfei suddenly screamed, and the Tiandao Ling in his hand turned into red-hot Luo Tie, causing him to throw it to the ground.

In an instant, the black token suddenly bloomed with golden light, and the golden light burst out like thousands of rays of light. When the powerful souls in the Hundred Ghost Night Spell were illuminated by the golden light, they immediately let out bursts of miserable howls, and then collapsed in the sky. in the air.

I saw the Heavenly Order suddenly rising from the ground and shooting at Ma Tianlin!


Ji Wufeng didn't know what was going on, but the five elders were full of shock.

Ma Tianlin was cannibalized by hundreds of ghosts. He was severely injured at this time and even lost consciousness. The order of heaven turned into a golden light and shot directly into his chest.

Ma Tianlin suddenly woke up, his whole body was convulsing violently, and he howled in pain from his mouth. It looked even more painful than the heart-gnawing ghost.

I saw the golden light spreading rapidly on Ma Tianlin's chest, causing little golden lights to glow around him. The golden light became stronger and stronger, and Ma Tianlin became calmer and calmer. When the golden light spread all over his body, Ma Tianlin opened his eyes.

Two rays of golden light shot out from his eyes. Wherever the golden light passed, those sharp souls dissipated in the roar, turning into nothingness.

Ma Tianlin stood up and strode towards Yu Longfei. The golden light in his eyes made his expression unclear, but with every step he took, everyone felt that the world was shaking.

The hundreds of ghosts that filled the sky screamed one after another, as if they were frightened, and ran around frantically. However, they were overtaken by the golden light emanating from Ma Tianlin's body before they could run far, and they disappeared invisible!

Everyone was stunned. Oh my god, is this a god coming down to earth?

Ji Wufeng also opened his mouth. At this time, Ma Tianlin seemed to have changed. He exuded a breathless and terrifying aura, like an ancient god descending.

Common mundane things.

"The legend is true, the legend is true..."

"The Taoist ancestor has appeared. This is the Taoist ancestor appearing..."

"Haha... Tiandao Ling recognized the master, and the new master of our Taoist sect was finally born, haha..."

Neither the martial arts practitioners nor the juniors knew what was going on, but the five elders were trembling with excitement and their eyes were red, as if they were about to cry.

Yu Longfei seemed to have understood something. His handsome face was distorted by resentment, making those fierce souls even more ugly. He shouted sternly: "It's impossible. The order of heaven is mine. Even if you recognize the master, you have to recognize me. I'm the only one who knows." He is the new master of the Taoist sect, go to hell..."

Yu Longfei waved the Hundred Ghost Night Spell and rushed towards Ma Tianlin, eager to crush this fat man to ashes.

But Ma Tianlin waved his hand, and the golden light burst out again, and the fierce spirit in the sky dissipated in the roar. Yu Longfei was hit by a strong force, spitting out blood and flew backwards.

"Damn it, this is too fierce!" Ji Wufeng exclaimed.

He had also experienced the power of the Hundred Ghost Night Curse just now. It was unmatched, but Ma Tianlin flew away with a wave of his hand. It had to be said that it was too powerful.

Tian Wuxin's eyes widened and he was shocked. Gu Tianyang cupped his fists at the five elders and asked, "Elders, what on earth is going on?"

Seeing that the three young warriors were nearly invincible, they were all shocked, but the five elders were full of pride and said: "You know that the Heavenly Law Order can command the Taoist sects in the world, but what you don't know is who has obtained the Heavenly Law Order, not only I have obtained the authority of the Heavenly Dao Order, and at the same time I have obtained the lifelong inheritance of the Dao Ancestor!"

"The Taoist sect has existed for thousands of years, and its disciples have spread all over the world. Many of them have established their own schools and are self-respecting. Do you think that an ordinary sign can make them bow their heads?"

This is true, what can command the world has always been powerful strength, not just a dead thing with symbolic meaning.

The old Taoist priest added: "What kind of person is the Taoist Patriarch? Therefore, he will never leave behind something that will bring disaster to the Taoist sect, but a heavenly order that can truly unite the Taoist sects in the world."

"The Tiandao Order is a symbol of supreme authority, and it also possesses the supreme power of the Tao Ancestor. Whoever obtains the Tiandao Order will be the new master of the Taoist sect in the world!"

These words shocked everyone present. Damn it, there is actually the magic power of Tao Ancestor. It is no wonder that the major sect masters of Tao Sect all got into the trap obediently after getting the news. They had no choice but to resist this temptation. .

Ji Wufeng stared at Ma Tianlin. This damn fat guy has been really lucky recently. Not only did he steal a beautiful daughter-in-law, he also became the new master of the Taoist sect in the world, Xie Te!

Yu Longfei roared wildly unwillingly, and kept attacking with the Hundred Ghost Night Curse, but unfortunately, it was vulnerable to Ma Tianlin, and in the blink of an eye, it dissipated and became invisible.

"Go to hell!"

Yu Longfei roared, and the Hundred Ghost Night Curse in the air suddenly began to spin. All the surrounding spirits were crushed and mixed together, turning into a huge and terrifying ghost head that pounced on Ma Tianlin.


Ma Tianlin snorted coldly, raised his left hand to the sky, and pointed to the sky in the distance. A dazzling golden light shot out from his fingertips.


The ghost's head was hit by the golden light and exploded directly. The Night Walking Curse of Hundred Ghosts was completely broken. Yu Longfei flew out with a big mouth of blood, his face was horrified, and he shouted to the sky: "Save me, Master, hurry up." Save me!" The two frowned. They could ignore Ji Wufeng's troubles, but if Yu Longfei really became the new master of the Taoist sect, he would really be a big trouble in the future.

"Hand over the Tiandao Token, you are not qualified to take it yet." Tian Wuxin said with his fingers raised.

Yu Longfei's face turned pale and he said: "Are you going to interfere in my affairs? Let me remind you that we are not enemies. From some aspects, we are even friends."

"Bah, I am the future master of the demonic way. How can a sinister villain like you be worthy of being my friend?" Tian Wuxin looked contemptuous.

Gu Tianyang chuckled and said: "The order of heaven is related to the people of the world. Those who can live in it can't take it away. Please hand it over."

They don't need to care about Ji Wufeng, because Ji Wufeng is still a good person with a bottom line. As long as a person has a bottom line, he won't be much of a threat, but Yu Longfei can't do it. He is a lunatic who does things by any means and has no bottom line at all.

A madman can do anything when he goes crazy. Neither Tian Wuxin nor Gu Tianyang wants this guy to become a time bomb that will explode at any time in the future.

Yu Longfei said with a ferocious smile: "Do you think you can really stop me?"

"If you can't even take down a little brat like you, how can I be the master of the demons if I just want to kill myself?" Tian Wuxin sneered.

Gu Tianyang smiled lightly and said, "You might as well give it a try."

"If you are looking for death, I will help you!"

Yu Longfei waved his big hand, and immediately rolled up countless powerful spirits and rushed towards the two of them.


But Yu Longfei suddenly screamed, and the Tiandao Ling in his hand turned into red-hot Luo Tie, causing him to throw it to the ground.

In an instant, the black token suddenly bloomed with golden light, and the golden light burst out like thousands of rays of light. When the powerful souls in the Hundred Ghost Night Spell were illuminated by the golden light, they immediately let out bursts of miserable howls, and then collapsed in the sky. in the air.

I saw the Heavenly Order suddenly rising from the ground and shooting at Ma Tianlin!


Ji Wufeng didn't know what was going on, but the five elders were full of shock.

Ma Tianlin was cannibalized by hundreds of ghosts. He was severely injured at this time and even lost consciousness. The order of heaven turned into a golden light and shot directly into his chest.

Ma Tianlin suddenly woke up, his whole body was convulsing violently, and he howled in pain from his mouth. It looked even more painful than the heart-gnawing ghost.

I saw the golden light spreading rapidly on Ma Tianlin's chest, causing little golden lights to glow around him. The golden light became stronger and stronger, and Ma Tianlin became calmer and calmer. When the golden light spread all over his body, Ma Tianlin opened his eyes.

Two rays of golden light shot out from his eyes. Wherever the golden light passed, those sharp souls dissipated in the roar, turning into nothingness.

Ma Tianlin stood up and strode towards Yu Longfei. The golden light in his eyes made his expression unclear, but with every step he took, everyone felt that the world was shaking.

The hundreds of ghosts that filled the sky screamed one after another, as if they were frightened, and ran around frantically. However, they were overtaken by the golden light emanating from Ma Tianlin's body before they could run far, and they disappeared invisible!

Everyone was stunned. Oh my god, is this a god coming down to earth?

Ji Wufeng also opened his mouth. At this time, Ma Tianlin seemed to have changed. He exuded a breathless and terrifying aura, like an ancient god descending.

Common mundane things.

"The legend is true, the legend is true..."

"The Taoist ancestor has appeared. This is the Taoist ancestor appearing..."

"Haha... Tiandao Ling recognized the master, and the new master of our Taoist sect was finally born, haha..."

Neither the martial arts practitioners nor the juniors knew what was going on, but the five elders were trembling with excitement and their eyes were red, as if they were about to cry.

Yu Longfei seemed to have understood something. His handsome face was distorted by resentment, making those fierce souls even more ugly. He shouted sternly: "It's impossible. The order of heaven is mine. Even if you recognize the master, you have to recognize me. I'm the only one who knows." He is the new master of the Taoist sect, go to hell..."

Yu Longfei waved the Hundred Ghost Night Spell and rushed towards Ma Tianlin, eager to crush this fat man to ashes.

But Ma Tianlin waved his hand, and the golden light burst out again, and the fierce spirit in the sky dissipated in the roar. Yu Longfei was hit by a strong force, spitting out blood and flew backwards.

"Damn it, this is too fierce!" Ji Wufeng exclaimed.

He had also experienced the power of the Hundred Ghost Night Curse just now. It was unmatched, but Ma Tianlin flew away with a wave of his hand. It had to be said that it was too powerful.

Tian Wuxin's eyes widened and he was shocked. Gu Tianyang cupped his fists at the five elders and asked, "Elders, what on earth is going on?"

Seeing that the three young warriors were nearly invincible, they were all shocked, but the five elders were full of pride and said: "You know that the Heavenly Law Order can command the Taoist sects in the world, but what you don't know is who has obtained the Heavenly Law Order, not only I have obtained the authority of the Heavenly Dao Order, and at the same time I have obtained the lifelong inheritance of the Dao Ancestor!"

"The Taoist sect has existed for thousands of years, and its disciples have spread all over the world. Many of them have established their own schools and are self-respecting. Do you think that an ordinary sign can make them bow their heads?"

This is true, what can command the world has always been powerful strength, not just a dead thing with symbolic meaning.

The old Taoist priest added: "What kind of person is the Taoist Patriarch? Therefore, he will never leave behind something that will bring disaster to the Taoist sect, but a heavenly order that can truly unite the Taoist sects in the world."

"The Tiandao Order is a symbol of supreme authority, and it also possesses the supreme power of the Tao Ancestor. Whoever obtains the Tiandao Order will be the new master of the Taoist sect in the world!"

These words shocked everyone present. Damn it, there is actually the magic power of Tao Ancestor. It is no wonder that the major sect masters of Tao Sect all got into the trap obediently after getting the news. They had no choice but to resist this temptation. .

Ji Wufeng stared at Ma Tianlin. This damn fat guy has been really lucky recently. Not only did he steal a beautiful daughter-in-law, he also became the new master of the Taoist sect in the world, Xie Te!

Yu Longfei roared wildly unwillingly, and kept attacking with the Hundred Ghost Night Curse, but unfortunately, it was vulnerable to Ma Tianlin, and in the blink of an eye, it dissipated and became invisible.

"Go to hell!"

Yu Longfei roared, and the Hundred Ghost Night Curse in the air suddenly began to spin. All the surrounding spirits were crushed and mixed together, turning into a huge and terrifying ghost head that pounced on Ma Tianlin.


Ma Tianlin snorted coldly, raised his left hand to the sky, and pointed to the sky in the distance. A dazzling golden light shot out from his fingertips.


The ghost's head was hit by the golden light and exploded directly. The Night Walking Curse of Hundred Ghosts was completely broken. Yu Longfei flew out with a big mouth of blood, his face was horrified, and he shouted to the sky: "Save me, Master, hurry up." help me!"

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