Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1318 Protecting the new master of the Taoist sect

"Huh, useless trash!"

As a cold snort sounded, ferocious evil aura surged in like a tilted river. A body as majestic as a mountain appeared across the sky and punched Ma Tianlin...

"The big fish is coming!" Ji Wufeng shouted.

"Finally showed up, kill!" Tian Wuxin shouted.

Gu Tianyang snorted coldly, and the three of them jumped up and attacked the attacker almost at the same time.


The fist struck Ma Tianlin's body, and Ma Tianlin immediately stopped in his steps. The golden light on his body dimmed a lot in an instant, but the people who came were also shocked and backed away.

The visitor was not eager to fight, but grabbed Yu Longfei, his body rose up again, and flew away in the air, as fast as lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Ji Wufeng and the other three were dumbfounded. Tian Wuxin immediately jumped to his feet and cursed: "Damn it, I just ran away like that? It's so disrespectful of martial ethics."

The people who came were so powerful that they never expected to turn around and run away instead of fighting them. He actually had only one purpose for coming here, which was Yu Longfei.

"Damn, you are a cowardless gangster!" Ji Wufeng said angrily. He was tricked so badly that he finally managed to lure the real owner out, but he ran away without a fight.

"It's not all without gain. At least Yu Longfei is a breakthrough." Gu Tianyang said.

Someone took such a big risk to rescue Yu Longfei. It seems that Yu Longfei must be very important to him. As long as he finds Yu Longfei, this person will not be able to hide him even if he wants to.

Tian Wuxin said with contempt on his face: "As for such a wild guess? I don't believe you really don't know who he is. If it were me, if you want some damn evidence, I'd kill him directly."

Yes, the identity of that person was self-evident, but they had to get evidence. Although it was easy to incriminate him, it did not apply to everyone.


The golden light on Ma Tianlin's body disappeared, and he immediately fell to the ground as if he wilted.

"Fat man!" Ji Wufeng was about to walk over.

But before he could get close, someone had already taken the lead. Five old Taoist priests surrounded Ma Tianlin and shouted loudly: "Taoist disciples, protect the new master of the Taoist sect!"


Yulong flew away, and a large group of Taoist disciples were like headless flies. Now the five elders were their backbone, and they immediately rushed over and surrounded Ma Tianlin.

An old Taoist priest said to Ji Wufeng: "He is just a little exhausted because he can't bear the huge magic power of the Tiandao Order. It's not serious, but now I want to take him back to the Bagua Sect."

Ji Wufeng was furious and said: "Old Niubi, don't bully others too much. If you still refuse to let me go, believe it or not, I will lead someone to destroy your Bagua Sect right now!"

The old Taoist priest blushed for a while. Although his anger was difficult to calm down, he calmly said: "Donor Ji, before I was deceived by Yu Longfei, a villain, and I turned against you. But Donor Ji, please rest assured. I am a poor Taoist." These people are not pedantic people who cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Now that Taoist Ma Tianlin has exerted his strength, he must be trained by a real Taoist master to control this supreme power and truly become the new master of our Taoist sect."

Several other old Taoist priests stood up and stepped forward, bowed deeply to Ji Wufeng, and said, "I beg you, Master Ji, to fulfill my request!"

At this moment, the short-haired woman also stepped forward and said, "Master has already said before leaving that the five

The elders are all highly respected and loyal people. They were deceived before and were blinded. Now the truth is revealed and they are worthy of entrustment. "

Ji Wufeng hesitated for a while. He didn't believe these five wise men, because the Heavenly Law Order had an irresistible temptation for people in the Taoist sect. However, since Yun Jianxin said so, it should be worthy of belief.

Moreover, when the five old Taoist priests were entangled by the three women before, they did not do anything harsh. Otherwise, the three of them would not have been able to last for such a long time.

Ji Wufeng had no choice but to say: "Okay, you can take this damn fat guy away first, but I'm going to say something ugly first. If he loses a hair, I want you to leave the Baguamen alone!"


Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, causing the ground to shake.

"Donor, please rest assured, Pindao has missed it once, and there will definitely not be a second time."

The five old Taoists bowed to Ji Wufeng together, and then left. The other Taoist disciples immediately followed. In an instant, no one was left, only the six major martial arts families with six gods and no masters.

At this time, Lin Tianzhao and others were still fighting with Li Tianqing and his group. The situation was originally evenly matched, but when they saw Li Zhenlei and others being beaten and lying on the ground, they immediately panicked.

Yuan Dongdong's attack was sharp. He avoided Yuan Yulong's attack and kicked him out. Yuan Yulong was kicked out. As soon as he landed, Yuan Dongdong appeared in front of him and stomped him hard on the face.

Nie Hu roared wildly, swung his sword, and a bright sword light struck across the sky. Ren Tianming was immediately knocked to the ground and unable to get up.

Zhao Jiaolong was the most domineering, and Han Yufei's attacks were like tickling him. With one punch, Han Yufei spit out blood and flew away.

Among the four, Li Tianqing was the strongest, but he could not resist Lin Tianzhao's sword. A ray of sword energy penetrated Li Tianqing, and his body immediately retreated. Lin Tianzhao flew to follow, slashed out with his sword in the air, and said: "I'm disrespectful to the young master." ,die!"

He was so murderous that he wanted to kill Li Tianqing!

Seeing that Li Tianqing was about to be split in half, a figure rushed over and stood in front of Li Tianqing, shouting: "Don't kill my brother!"

It was Li Yue, and Li Tianqing was her eldest brother. It was impossible for her to watch Li Tianqing being killed, and also to die in the hands of the person she liked.

Lin Tianzhao paused, pointed his sword at Li Yue's throat, and said with murderous intent: "Get out of my way!"

"Will you kill me?" Li Yue's eyes widened.

"No matter who dares to offend the young master, he must die!" Lin Tianzhao replied coldly.

Li Yue closed her eyes, tears falling down, and said: "If you must kill my eldest brother, then step over my body first."

She didn't see the slightest pity in Lin Tianzhao's eyes. As long as there was cold and ruthless killing intent, she knew that Lin Tianzhao would really kill her.

Li Yue never thought that something like this would happen. Her respected and respected father would actually be a big devil. Her eldest brother was going to die, and she was going to die too, at the hands of the person she liked.

She couldn't bear it in her heart. She wished that this was just a nightmare. As long as she wanted to, she would wake up from this nightmare.


Li Yue did not feel the pain of being pierced by the sword, but heard the sound of metal falling to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the sword falling to the ground was the sword in Lin Tianzhao's hand. "Huh, useless trash!"

As a cold snort sounded, ferocious evil aura surged in like a tilted river. A body as majestic as a mountain appeared across the sky and punched Ma Tianlin...

"The big fish is coming!" Ji Wufeng shouted.

"Finally showed up, kill!" Tian Wuxin shouted.

Gu Tianyang snorted coldly, and the three of them jumped up and attacked the attacker almost at the same time.


The fist struck Ma Tianlin's body, and Ma Tianlin immediately stopped in his steps. The golden light on his body dimmed a lot in an instant, but the people who came were also shocked and backed away.

The visitor was not eager to fight, but grabbed Yu Longfei, his body rose up again, and flew away in the air, as fast as lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Ji Wufeng and the other three were dumbfounded. Tian Wuxin immediately jumped to his feet and cursed: "Damn it, I just ran away like that? It's so disrespectful of martial ethics."

The people who came were so powerful that they never expected to turn around and run away instead of fighting them. He actually had only one purpose for coming here, which was Yu Longfei.

"Damn, you are a cowardless gangster!" Ji Wufeng said angrily. He was tricked so badly that he finally managed to lure the real owner out, but he ran away without a fight.

"It's not all without gain. At least Yu Longfei is a breakthrough." Gu Tianyang said.

Someone took such a big risk to rescue Yu Longfei. It seems that Yu Longfei must be very important to him. As long as he finds Yu Longfei, this person will not be able to hide him even if he wants to.

Tian Wuxin said with contempt on his face: "As for such a wild guess? I don't believe you really don't know who he is. If it were me, if you want some damn evidence, I'd kill him directly."

Yes, the identity of that person was self-evident, but they had to get evidence. Although it was easy to incriminate him, it did not apply to everyone.


The golden light on Ma Tianlin's body disappeared, and he immediately fell to the ground as if he wilted.

"Fat man!" Ji Wufeng was about to walk over.

But before he could get close, someone had already taken the lead. Five old Taoist priests surrounded Ma Tianlin and shouted loudly: "Taoist disciples, protect the new master of the Taoist sect!"


Yulong flew away, and a large group of Taoist disciples were like headless flies. Now the five elders were their backbone, and they immediately rushed over and surrounded Ma Tianlin.

An old Taoist priest said to Ji Wufeng: "He is just a little exhausted because he can't bear the huge magic power of the Tiandao Order. It's not serious, but now I want to take him back to the Bagua Sect."

Ji Wufeng was furious and said: "Old Niubi, don't bully others too much. If you still refuse to let me go, believe it or not, I will lead someone to destroy your Bagua Sect right now!"

The old Taoist priest blushed for a while. Although his anger was difficult to calm down, he calmly said: "Donor Ji, before I was deceived by Yu Longfei, a villain, and I turned against you. But Donor Ji, please rest assured. I am a poor Taoist." These people are not pedantic people who cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Now that Taoist Ma Tianlin has exerted his strength, he must be trained by a real Taoist master to control this supreme power and truly become the new master of our Taoist sect."

Several other old Taoist priests stood up and stepped forward, bowed deeply to Ji Wufeng, and said, "I beg you, Master Ji, to fulfill my request!"

At this moment, the short-haired woman also stepped forward and said, "Master has already said before leaving that the five

The elders are all highly respected and loyal people. They were deceived before and were blinded. Now the truth is revealed and they are worthy of entrustment. "

Ji Wufeng hesitated for a while. He didn't believe these five wise men, because the Heavenly Law Order had an irresistible temptation for people in the Taoist sect. However, since Yun Jianxin said so, it should be worthy of belief.

Moreover, when the five old Taoist priests were entangled by the three women before, they did not do anything harsh. Otherwise, the three of them would not have been able to last for such a long time.

Ji Wufeng had no choice but to say: "Okay, you can take this damn fat guy away first, but I'm going to say something ugly first. If he loses a hair, I want you to leave the Baguamen alone!"


Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, causing the ground to shake.

"Donor, please rest assured, Pindao has missed it once, and there will definitely not be a second time."

The five old Taoists bowed to Ji Wufeng together, and then left. The other Taoist disciples immediately followed. In an instant, no one was left, only the six major martial arts families with six gods and no masters.

At this time, Lin Tianzhao and others were still fighting with Li Tianqing and his group. The situation was originally evenly matched, but when they saw Li Zhenlei and others being beaten and lying on the ground, they immediately panicked.

Yuan Dongdong's attack was sharp. He avoided Yuan Yulong's attack and kicked him out. Yuan Yulong was kicked out. As soon as he landed, Yuan Dongdong appeared in front of him and stomped him hard on the face.

Nie Hu roared wildly, swung his sword, and a bright sword light struck across the sky. Ren Tianming was immediately knocked to the ground and unable to get up.

Zhao Jiaolong was the most domineering, and Han Yufei's attacks were like tickling him. With one punch, Han Yufei spit out blood and flew away.

Among the four, Li Tianqing was the strongest, but he could not resist Lin Tianzhao's sword. A ray of sword energy penetrated Li Tianqing, and his body immediately retreated. Lin Tianzhao flew to follow, slashed out with his sword in the air, and said: "I'm disrespectful to the young master." ,die!"

He was so murderous that he wanted to kill Li Tianqing!

Seeing that Li Tianqing was about to be split in half, a figure rushed over and stood in front of Li Tianqing, shouting: "Don't kill my brother!"

It was Li Yue, and Li Tianqing was her eldest brother. It was impossible for her to watch Li Tianqing being killed, and also to die in the hands of the person she liked.

Lin Tianzhao paused, pointed his sword at Li Yue's throat, and said with murderous intent: "Get out of my way!"

"Will you kill me?" Li Yue's eyes widened.

"No matter who dares to offend the young master, he must die!" Lin Tianzhao replied coldly.

Li Yue closed her eyes, tears falling down, and said: "If you must kill my eldest brother, then step over my body first."

She didn't see the slightest pity in Lin Tianzhao's eyes. As long as there was cold and ruthless killing intent, she knew that Lin Tianzhao would really kill her.

Li Yue never thought that something like this would happen. Her respected and respected father would actually be a big devil. Her eldest brother was going to die, and she was going to die too, at the hands of the person she liked.

She couldn't bear it in her heart. She wished that this was just a nightmare. As long as she wanted to, she would wake up from this nightmare.


Li Yue did not feel the pain of being pierced by the sword, but heard the sound of metal falling to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the sword falling to the ground was the sword in Lin Tianzhao's hand.

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