Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1319 Another ruthless person comes

Lin Tianzhao knelt down in front of Ji Wufeng with a plop, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, young master!"

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you like her?"

Lin Tianzhao didn't answer, Ji Wufeng said: "If you don't like her, if you don't want to kill her, I'll kill her. If you like her, take her away!"

Lin Tianzhao suddenly raised his head and saw a murderous look on Ji Wufeng's face, but he secretly winked at him.

Lin Tianzhao stood up, put Li Yue on his shoulders, turned around and ran away, faster than a rabbit.

Yuan Dongdong's eyes widened and he said, "Damn it, it turns out this kid isn't stupid either."

"It turns out he also likes women. I thought he liked men, which made me worried for a long time." Zhao Jiaolong said.

Nie Hu said with a mournful face: "Now even a zombie is asking for his wife. Master, when are you going to solve this disciple's life-long matter?" .??.

The battle was finally over. The originally cheerful old house of the Jiang family was turned into rubble, and the heads of the six prestigious martial arts families were beaten until they were lying on the ground like dead dogs.

No one of the young disciples from the six major families dared to leave, because they did not dare to leave, and even their family heads were no match. If Ji Wufeng wanted to kill them, it would be like chopping vegetables. If they ran away, they would die faster.

"What to do with these old guys?" Ji Wufeng asked, now it's time to deal with the six masters.

"What else can we do? They have turned into evil spirits. Just kill them." Tian Wuxin said.

Tian Wuxin is destined to become the strongest sect leader of the Demon Sect in the future, and the biggest obstacle to the rise of the Demon Sect is these so-called righteous people. Killing the six major martial arts families is equivalent to getting rid of a powerful enemy for the Demon Sect in advance.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "If you become an evil demon, you should be killed. Then before you kill them, you must first kill you, a real evil demon!"

"I'm so handsome and kind-hearted, are you willing to kill me?" Tian Wuxin said.

"Handsome hammer!" Ji Wufeng cursed, then looked at Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang said calmly: "You can do whatever you want with them, but you can't kill them."


"Because they come from the six major martial arts families!"

Gu Tianyang said: "You can't rely on them to support the reputation of the martial arts family, right?"

This is true, the martial arts family is powerful in the world. Although Li Zhenlei and others are strong in martial arts, after this battle, they look like clowns. How can they maintain the reputation of the martial arts family?

What truly supports the reputation of a martial arts family is not just one head of the family, but the deep foundation accumulated by the entire family over hundreds of years.

The most important aspect that cannot be ignored is the old antiques of each family, that is, the older generation of masters of each family.

Taoist sects have elders in addition to the sect leader, while martial arts families also have old people who are old and immortal in addition to the sect leader.

Any one of these antiques is no less powerful than the so-called patriarch. The reason why they are unwilling to be the patriarch is just because they are old, have no interest in power, and are obsessed with martial arts and practicing with concentration.

These old antiques usually don't care about worldly affairs, but when the head of the family is killed, which is a major event that brings shame to the family, they will definitely jump out to pursue it. By then, Ji Wufeng and the others will have stirred up a hornet's nest.

There was fear in his heart, and Tian Wu was anxious and scratching his head, saying: "Can't we just let them go?"

? "

Ji Wufeng sneered: "I've calculated it and want to leave like this? How can it be so easy!"

Ji Wufeng walked towards the six people with a cold expression on his face, and Jin Shisheng said sternly: "What are you going to do?"


Ji Wufeng slapped Jin Shisheng with such a big mouth that his face turned green, and said coldly: "You old bastards join forces to deal with me, what else can I do?"

Mu Tianchao thought Ji Wufeng was going to kill them, so he said anxiously: "You little beast! If you dare to touch us, just wait for the crazy revenge from the six major martial arts families."

"Damn it, you're so virtuous and you still dare to threaten me. If I don't give you a good beating, I'll be sorry for your pretentiousness."

Ji Wufeng kicked Mu Tianchao to the ground, then rushed over and straddled him, punching and kicking him until Mu Tianchao was almost out of breath, then he stopped and looked at the others and said: "Don't worry, I'm People are the fairest, and everyone of you has a share!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed over like a wolf and a tiger, and there was a crackling sound, and the six masters of the family were beaten to a state of disgrace while screaming in pain.

When his anger was almost gone, Ji Wufeng said with a cold look on his face: "Hmph, I will spare your life today and destroy your martial arts skills to serve as a warning to others."

People cannot be killed, otherwise Ji Wufeng's current strength would not be able to stop the revenge of the old antiques from the six major martial arts families.

However, it is still possible to abolish their martial arts. They teamed up to surround and kill Ji Wufeng and practiced the Blood Demon Technique. The evidence was so conclusive that even the old antiques from the six major families did not dare to say anything.

Hearing Ji Wufeng say that their martial arts would be abolished, the heads of the six families turned pale with fear. For the heads of the martial arts families and kingly warriors, having their martial arts abolished was simply more painful than killing them.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to take action, a powerful aura suddenly came out of Tianjin and rushed towards him quickly.

Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin also felt it, and their expressions suddenly changed, as if they were facing a powerful enemy, because the person coming was very tyrannical!

A handsome young man wearing a long gown came out of the air and stared at Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng was shocked, because he felt that this person was very strong, not comparable to Li Zhenlei and others. If there was a fight, with his serious injury at this time, there was no guarantee that he would win.

The young man had his hands behind his back, a spring breeze on his face, and his whole body exuded the powerful aura of looking down on the world.

The young man looked at Ji Wufeng, held his head high and asked condescendingly: "Are you Ji Wufeng?"

"I am Ji Wufeng, who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

"Take action, I really want to know if you are qualified to let me take action."

The young man did not answer Ji Wufeng's question, but actually smacked him with a palm from the air, and Ji Wufeng met him with a palm.


The collision of the two palms made a loud noise, and everyone around them felt that the space was shaking. The terrifying energy kept flying, and many of them were pushed far away.

There were no injuries, not because the energy was not strong enough, but because the two of them had reached the state of transformation and controlled the energy to a state where it would not be released.

Ji Wufeng took a step back, while the young man's body swayed slightly. Although Ji Wufeng was injured, it had proved that this person was tyrannical.

Everyone looked blank. The three young supreme masters were already amazing, and now another one appeared. When did the young supreme masters become so ubiquitous? Lin Tianzhao knelt down in front of Ji Wufeng with a plop, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, young master!"

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you like her?"

Lin Tianzhao didn't answer, Ji Wufeng said: "If you don't like her, if you don't want to kill her, I'll kill her. If you like her, take her away!"

Lin Tianzhao suddenly raised his head and saw a murderous look on Ji Wufeng's face, but he secretly winked at him.

Lin Tianzhao stood up, put Li Yue on his shoulders, turned around and ran away, faster than a rabbit.

Yuan Dongdong's eyes widened and he said, "Damn it, it turns out this kid isn't stupid either."

"It turns out he also likes women. I thought he liked men, which made me worried for a long time." Zhao Jiaolong said.

Nie Hu said with a mournful face: "Now even a zombie is asking for his wife. Master, when are you going to solve this disciple's life-long matter?"

The battle was finally over. The originally cheerful old house of the Jiang family was turned into rubble, and the heads of the six prestigious martial arts families were beaten until they were lying on the ground like dead dogs.

No one of the young disciples from the six major families dared to leave, because they did not dare to leave, and even their family heads were no match. If Ji Wufeng wanted to kill them, it would be like chopping vegetables. If they ran away, they would die faster.

"What to do with these old guys?" Ji Wufeng asked, now it's time to deal with the six masters.

"What else can we do? They have turned into evil spirits. Just kill them." Tian Wuxin said.

Tian Wuxin is destined to become the strongest sect leader of the Demon Sect in the future, and the biggest obstacle to the rise of the Demon Sect is these so-called righteous people. Killing the six major martial arts families is equivalent to getting rid of a powerful enemy for the Demon Sect in advance.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "If you become an evil demon, you should be killed. Then before you kill them, you must first kill you, a real evil demon!"

"I'm so handsome and kind-hearted, are you willing to kill me?" Tian Wuxin said.

"Handsome hammer!" Ji Wufeng cursed, then looked at Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang said calmly: "You can do whatever you want with them, but you can't kill them."


"Because they come from the six major martial arts families!"

Gu Tianyang said: "You can't rely on them to support the reputation of the martial arts family, right?"

This is true, the martial arts family is powerful in the world. Although Li Zhenlei and others are strong in martial arts, after this battle, they look like clowns. How can they maintain the reputation of the martial arts family?

What truly supports the reputation of a martial arts family is not just one head of the family, but the deep foundation accumulated by the entire family over hundreds of years.

The most important aspect that cannot be ignored is the old antiques of each family, that is, the older generation of masters of each family.

Taoist sects have elders in addition to the sect leader, while martial arts families also have old people who are old and immortal in addition to the sect leader.

Any one of these antiques is no less powerful than the so-called patriarch. The reason why they are unwilling to be the patriarch is just because they are old, have no interest in power, and are obsessed with martial arts and practicing with concentration.

These old antiques usually don't care about worldly affairs, but when the head of the family is killed, which is a major event that brings shame to the family, they will definitely jump out to pursue it. By then, Ji Wufeng and the others will have stirred up a hornet's nest.

There was fear in his heart, and Tian Wu was anxious and scratching his head, saying: "Can't we just let them go?"

? "

Ji Wufeng sneered: "I've calculated it and want to leave like this? How can it be so easy!"

Ji Wufeng walked towards the six people with a cold expression on his face, and Jin Shisheng said sternly: "What are you going to do?"


Ji Wufeng slapped Jin Shisheng with such a big mouth that his face turned green, and said coldly: "You old bastards join forces to deal with me, what else can I do?"

Mu Tianchao thought Ji Wufeng was going to kill them, so he said anxiously: "You little beast! If you dare to touch us, just wait for the crazy revenge from the six major martial arts families."

"Damn it, you're so virtuous and you still dare to threaten me. If I don't give you a good beating, I'll be sorry for your pretentiousness."

Ji Wufeng kicked Mu Tianchao to the ground, then rushed over and straddled him, punching and kicking him until Mu Tianchao was almost out of breath, then he stopped and looked at the others and said: "Don't worry, I'm People are the fairest, and everyone of you has a share!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed over like a wolf and a tiger, and there was a crackling sound, and the six masters of the family were beaten to a state of disgrace while screaming in pain.

When his anger was almost gone, Ji Wufeng said with a cold look on his face: "Hmph, I will spare your life today and destroy your martial arts skills to serve as a warning to others."

People cannot be killed, otherwise Ji Wufeng's current strength would not be able to stop the revenge of the old antiques from the six major martial arts families.

However, it is still possible to abolish their martial arts. They teamed up to surround and kill Ji Wufeng and practiced the Blood Demon Technique. The evidence was so conclusive that even the old antiques from the six major families did not dare to say anything.

Hearing Ji Wufeng said that their martial arts would be abolished, the heads of the six families turned pale with fear. For the heads of the martial arts families and kingly warriors, having their martial arts abolished was simply more painful than killing them.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to take action, a powerful aura suddenly came out of Tianjin and rushed towards him quickly.

Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin also felt it, and their expressions suddenly changed, as if they were facing a powerful enemy, because the person coming was very tyrannical!

A handsome young man wearing a long gown came out of the air and stared at Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng was shocked, because he felt that this person was very strong, not comparable to Li Zhenlei and others. If there was a fight, with his serious injury at this time, there was no guarantee that he would be able to win.

The young man had his hands behind his back, a spring breeze on his face, and his whole body exuded the powerful aura of looking down on the world.

The young man looked at Ji Wufeng, held his head high and asked condescendingly: "Are you Ji Wufeng?"

"I am Ji Wufeng, who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

"Take action, I really want to know if you are qualified to let me take action."

The young man did not answer Ji Wufeng's question, but actually smacked him with a palm from the air, and Ji Wufeng met him with a palm.


The collision of the two palms made a loud noise, and everyone around them felt that the space was shaking. The terrifying energy kept flying, and many of them were pushed far away.

There were no injuries, not because the energy was not strong enough, but because the two of them had reached the state of transformation and controlled the energy to a state where it would not be released.

Ji Wufeng took a step back, while the young man's body swayed slightly. Although Ji Wufeng was injured, it had proved that this person was tyrannical.

Everyone looked blank. The three young supreme masters were already amazing, and now another one appeared. When did the young supreme masters become so ubiquitous?

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