The people who came were Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong. Someone from the Jin family ran over, knelt down in front of Jin Tianming with a plop, and cried: "Elder Tianming, the head of the family has been killed, you must beg for the Jin family." Get justice!"

Jin Tianming looked at Jin Shisheng's body and said sadly: "Jin Shisheng colluded with evil spirits and entered the evil path for his own selfish desires. He only brought the blame on himself, and no one can blame him!"

The Jin family was immediately shocked. Everyone was shocked, including Ji Wufeng. He knew that Jin Tianming was a very decent person and could not collude with Jin Shisheng. But after all, the head of the Jin family was killed. How could Jin Tianming still do this? The mind is really admirable.

Yun Jianxin, Zou Huairen and Zhongzhou Sijue all looked at Jin Tianming with admiration. Such magnanimity was extremely rare.

Yunfan was the only one with a livid face. Now everyone in his family said that he was to blame. If he persisted, wouldn't that palace be meddling in other people's affairs and helping others to do evil?

Yuan Tianzong stepped forward and said: "Master Yunfan, since Tiangong has issued a holy order to quell the disputes in the martial arts world, it must be to preserve strength for the martial arts conference. Ji Wufeng is the seed player of this session, and please Tiangong focus on the overall situation. ."


Jin Tianming also stood up and said: "This time, the six masters are completely responsible for their own evil, and they deserve to die. Please ask the Tiangong to take back their lives!"

Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong are both law enforcement elders among law enforcers. They have always been fair and strict. When they came out to speak together, Yun Fan could no longer stand firm.

"Humph, Ji Wufeng, your offense against Tiangong is a capital crime. The day the martial arts conference ends is when you will die."

Yun Fan was full of murderous intent. He came with the Holy Order from Tiangong, but he ended up in such a disgraced state and lost all face. Ji Wufeng was already jealous of him and was on his must-kill list!

Ji Wufeng also had sharp eyes and said: "You don't need to come to me then, Tiangong, I, Ji Wufeng, will definitely be there!"

Yunfan and he were strangers, so the words "bastard" were definitely not spoken without reason. This "bastard" must have come from the Heavenly Palace.

Yunfan is gone, and four of the six major martial arts families have been seriously injured and two have died. After the news spreads, it will definitely shock the martial arts world. The names of Ji Wufeng, Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin will be talked about by countless people.

The bodies of Li Zhenlei, Jin Shisheng and Mu Tianchao were all carried back by their disciples. Although they were extremely angry, no one had the courage to show it.

Ji Wufeng's murderous intent was strong at this time. He had even killed the family leader, and he didn't mind killing a few more.

"Seniors, Tianyang will take his leave now!" Gu Tianyang clasped his fists and smiled.


A masked girl rushed over quickly. Gu Tianyang stroked her hair and said: "Practice well with Senior Yun, so that you will no longer need big brother to protect you in the future."

After saying that, Gu Tianyang flew away, and the masked girl cried loudly: "Brother, don't leave!"

Yun Jianxin immediately shouted coldly: "Mingyue is back!"

Ji Wufeng looked strange. Is Gu Tianyang really so generous?

"Hey, Ji Wufeng, live a good life, there's no difference between us yet!" After Tian Wuxin finished speaking, he strode away!

Although the three of them teamed up to defeat the six major martial arts families today, Ji Wufeng knew that they were not friends. It seemed that Ji Wufeng won, but in fact it was the three of them who won and they all achieved their goals. \u003c


The war came to an end, and everyone left one after another, and the results of today's victory spread like a whirlwind to every corner of China.

"Elder Jin..."

Ji Wufeng flashed a smile, feeling somewhat embarrassed that he had killed the head of the family no matter what.

Jin Tianming smiled bitterly and said: "You don't have to blame yourself. I have already said that you are entirely to blame for this life. But you'd better be careful. Those ancestors of the Jin family who care about face may not be so easy to talk to."

Ji Wufeng would not blame himself, he just wanted to test Jin Tianming's tone, so that if one day the Jin family wanted to retaliate against him, they could notify him in advance.

Yuan Tianzong looked solemn and said: "Now is not the time to resolve personal grievances. We should work together to deal with this martial arts conference."

Ji Wufeng asked strangely: "Is there anything different about martial arts this time? Why would even Tiangong intervene?"

Tiangong has never interfered in martial arts conferences in the past. This time, even the palace master's holy order came out. It can be imagined how seriously it was taken. Ji Wufeng must have a lot of questions in his heart.

Yun Jianxin, the faces of Zhongzhou Sijue and Zou Huairen became solemn, and said: "Because this time the Sakura Temple will also intervene!"

Ji Wufeng immediately focused his gaze. Dongyang Sakura Temple was also a sacred place with a transcendent status. It was as supreme as Tiangong in China. However, it never interfered in martial arts conferences, but this time it actually interfered.

Yun Jian thought: "Not only the Sakura Temple, but also the Holy Court of the Western Alliance and the Dark Holy See will take action!"

Ji Wufeng's brows suddenly wrinkled. What is going on? These are super beings who are above ordinary martial arts strength. They belong to the Holy Land and rarely interfere with these so-called trivial matters in the world of mortals. But now they are involved in martial arts conferences at the same time.


Ao Jian smashed the table in front of him into pieces with one palm, and said with a glare: "There must be some conspiracy in this."

Crazy Blade chuckled and said: "This martial arts conference is held in China, and they all jumped out at this time. Idiots also know that they have no good intentions!"

The boxing champion said with a solemn expression: "This time we gather in China, there are so many powerful people. If they really have any conspiracy, it may be difficult to control the situation."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn. If these forces want to enter China in the name of a martial arts conference, and if something happens, the consequences will be disastrous!

What is holy? It is extraordinary and holy!

There must be many super strong men with terrifying strength in these holy places. You must not underestimate the destructive power of warriors. The power of a kingly warrior is definitely no less than that of an army. If these strong men enter the territory of China and wreak havoc, it will be A catastrophe in the Chinese martial arts world.

Now Ji Wufeng understood that with so many martial arts holy places popping up, if the holy land of China, Tiangong, didn't come forward, wouldn't it just be waiting for people to come to their homes?

The matter was obvious, and Tiangong must have noticed it, so he asked Yunfan to issue an order to stop the internal fighting in the Chinese martial arts world!

Ji Wufeng also felt that something was not right. This matter was indeed difficult to handle. Let them come. If they are afraid of causing trouble here, don't let them in. They will definitely be teased for being timid as a mouse. Then where will the majesty of China's martial arts be? ?

"Are we just going to sit there and wait for death?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course not, we have a plan!" Yuan Tianzong said. The people who came were Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong. Someone from the Jin family ran over, knelt down in front of Jin Tianming with a plop, and cried: "Elder Tianming, the head of the family has been killed, you must beg for the Jin family." Get justice!"

Jin Tianming looked at Jin Shisheng's body and said sadly: "Jin Shisheng colluded with evil spirits and entered the evil path for his own selfish desires. It was only his own fault. No one can blame him!"

The Jin family was immediately shocked. Everyone was shocked, including Ji Wufeng. He knew that Jin Tianming was a very decent person and could not collude with Jin Shisheng. But after all, the head of the Jin family was killed. How could Jin Tianming still do this? The mind is really admirable.

Yun Jianxin, Zou Huairen and Zhongzhou Sijue all looked at Jin Tianming with admiration. Such magnanimity was extremely rare.

Yunfan was the only one with a livid face. Now everyone in his family said that he was to blame. If he persisted, wouldn't that palace be meddling in other people's affairs and helping others to do evil?

Yuan Tianzong stepped forward and said: "Master Yunfan, since Tiangong has issued a holy order to quell the disputes in the martial arts world, it must be to preserve strength for the martial arts conference. Ji Wufeng is the seed player of this session, and please Tiangong focus on the overall situation. ."


Jin Tianming also stood up and said: "This time, the six masters are completely responsible for their own evil, and they deserve to die. Please ask the Tiangong to take back their lives!"

Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong are both law enforcement elders among law enforcers. They have always been fair and strict. When they came out to speak together, Yun Fan could no longer stand firm.

"Humph, Ji Wufeng, your offense against Tiangong is a capital crime. The day the martial arts conference ends is when you will die."

Yun Fan was full of murderous intent. He came with the Holy Order from Tiangong, but he ended up in such a disgraced state and lost all face. Ji Wufeng was already jealous of him and was on his must-kill list!

Ji Wufeng also had sharp eyes and said: "You don't need to come to me then, Tiangong, I, Ji Wufeng, will definitely be there!"

Yunfan and he were strangers, so the words "bastard" were definitely not spoken without reason. This "bastard" must have come from the Heavenly Palace.

Yunfan is gone, and four of the six major martial arts families have been seriously injured and two have died. After the news spreads, it will definitely shock the martial arts world. The names of Ji Wufeng, Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin will be talked about by countless people.

The bodies of Li Zhenlei, Jin Shisheng and Mu Tianchao were all carried back by their disciples. Although they were extremely angry, no one had the courage to show it.

Ji Wufeng's murderous intent was strong at this time. He had even killed the family leader, and he didn't mind killing a few more.

"Seniors, Tianyang will take his leave now!" Gu Tianyang clasped his fists and smiled.


A masked girl rushed over quickly. Gu Tianyang stroked her hair and said: "Practice well with Senior Yun, so that you will no longer need big brother to protect you in the future."

After saying that, Gu Tianyang flew away, and the masked girl cried loudly: "Brother, don't leave!"

Yun Jianxin immediately shouted coldly: "Mingyue is back!"

Ji Wufeng looked strange. Is Gu Tianyang really so generous?

"Hey, Ji Wufeng, live a good life, there's no difference between us yet!" After Tian Wuxin finished speaking, he strode away!

Although the three of them teamed up to defeat the six major martial arts families today, Ji Wufeng knew that they were not friends. It seemed that Ji Wufeng won, but in fact it was the three of them who won and they all achieved their goals. \u003c


The war came to an end, and everyone left one after another, and the results of today's victory spread like a whirlwind to every corner of China.

"Elder Jin..."

Ji Wufeng flashed a smile, feeling somewhat embarrassed that he had killed the head of the family no matter what.

Jin Tianming smiled bitterly and said: "You don't have to blame yourself. I have already said that you are entirely to blame for this life. But you'd better be careful. Those ancestors of the Jin family who care about face may not be so easy to talk to."

Ji Wufeng would not blame himself, he just wanted to test Jin Tianming's tone, so that if one day the Jin family wanted to retaliate against him, they could notify him in advance.

Yuan Tianzong looked solemn and said: "Now is not the time to resolve personal grievances. We should work together to deal with this martial arts conference."

Ji Wufeng asked strangely: "Is there anything different about martial arts this time? Why would even Tiangong intervene?"

Tiangong has never interfered in martial arts conferences in the past. This time, even the palace master's holy order came out. It can be imagined how seriously it was taken. Ji Wufeng must have a lot of questions in his heart.

Yun Jianxin, the faces of Zhongzhou Sijue and Zou Huairen became solemn, and said: "Because this time the Sakura Temple will also intervene!"

Ji Wufeng immediately focused his gaze. Dongyang Sakura Temple was also a sacred place with a transcendent status. It was as supreme as Tiangong in China. However, it never interfered in martial arts conferences, but this time it actually interfered.

Yun Jian thought: "Not only the Sakura Temple, but also the Holy Court of the Western Alliance and the Dark Holy See will take action!"

Ji Wufeng's brows suddenly wrinkled. What is going on? These are super beings who are above ordinary martial arts strength. They belong to the Holy Land and rarely interfere with these so-called trivial matters in the world of mortals. But now they are involved in martial arts conferences at the same time.


Ao Jian smashed the table in front of him into pieces with one palm, and said with a glare: "There must be some conspiracy in this."

Crazy Blade chuckled and said: "This martial arts conference is held in China, and they all jumped out at this time. Idiots also know that they have no good intentions!"

The boxing champion said with a solemn expression: "This time we gather in China, there are so many powerful people. If they really have any conspiracy, it may be difficult to control the situation."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn. If these forces want to enter China in the name of a martial arts conference, and if something happens, the consequences will be disastrous!

What is holy? It is extraordinary and holy!

There must be many super strong men with terrifying strength in these holy places. You must not underestimate the destructive power of warriors. The power of a kingly warrior is definitely no less than that of an army. If these strong men enter the territory of China and wreak havoc, it will be A catastrophe in the Chinese martial arts world.

Now Ji Wufeng understood that with so many martial arts holy places popping up, if the holy land of China, Tiangong, didn't come forward, wouldn't it just be waiting for people to come to their homes?

The matter was obvious, and Tiangong must have noticed it, so he asked Yunfan to issue an order to stop the internal fighting in the Chinese martial arts world!

Ji Wufeng also felt that something was not right. This matter was indeed difficult to handle. Let them come. If they are afraid of causing trouble here, don't let them in. They will definitely be teased for being timid as a mouse. Then where will the majesty of China's martial arts be? ?

"Are we just going to sit there and wait for death?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course not, we have a plan!" Yuan Tianzong said.

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