"What's the plan?"

"Longwei Plan!"

Everyone looked at Yuan Tianzong, who said: "The Longwei Project is to gather the most outstanding young masters in the martial arts world in China to challenge the young and powerful foreigners."

Everyone immediately understood that the best defense is to attack. This means beating someone up before they come over.

Back then, Gu Tianyang went to the Western League alone and single-handedly challenged more than a hundred young masters in the Western League without losing a single one. It is still a nightmare for the young generation of the Western League.

If a number of young masters who are comparable to Gu Tianyang go out together and kill the entire young generation of the Western Alliance with fear, it will definitely demonstrate the divine power of China!

The Longwei Plan is to demonstrate the mighty power of Dragon and Heaven in the world!

Don't you want to call over? Then let you see what kind of strength we have first, and weigh it for yourself first, whether you have the courage to come here!

Jin Tianming glanced at Ji Wufeng and said: "But this plan is very dangerous. If the masters of the major holy places are so angry that they will intercept and kill you, I'm afraid you will never come back!"

This is indeed very dangerous. You go to someone's home and kill people, which makes them lose face. What if you want to keep them even if you don't want to lose face?

Ji Wufeng winced and said, "Don't count me out of this matter. I have a mother and a baby..."

Before he could finish his words, Yun Jianxin glared and said, "If you dare not go, I will tie you up and send you to the Heavenly Palace right away."

Ji Wufeng almost cried. It was as if he had just stepped out of the dragon's pond and into the tiger's den.

Kuang Dao whispered: "This is a matter of losing your head. If you don't want to go, you won't go. Don't be afraid of that old woman, I will block it for you."

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed and was about to say something when he saw Yun Jianxin with a domineering look on his face and said: All my disciples from Bingqingxue Pavilion are here! "Even though she is a prostitute, Yun Jianxin is not inferior to any man.

Ji Wufeng's paws were numb, and now even if he wasn't allowed to go, he still had to go crying and shouting.

Zou Huairen spread his hands and said: "I am alone and have no disciples, but you can come to see me before you leave. I have some life-saving gadgets for you."

The poison king Zou Huairen gave him things that could not only save his life, but also kill him.

Jin Tianming stood up and said: "Okay, we will immediately ask a few other people what they mean, and we will implement it for you three months later!"

It is not enough for Longwei Plan to rely on Ji Wufeng alone!

In Yun Jianxin's small courtyard, three girls were sitting together under the moonlight. The girl held the short-haired woman's arm and said, "Senior sister, do you think Master Longwei will let us go this time?"

The short-haired woman said: "Longwei's plan is very dangerous. Aren't you afraid of death?"

The girl said: "I am a heroine with strong martial arts skills now. Of course I am not afraid of death. If we go there, we will definitely kill them without leaving a trace."

"You, be careful if others kill you and leave nothing behind."

The two were talking and laughing, but the other girl sat quietly aside, stroking her slightly bulging belly. At this time, she didn't know how to make a decision.

She wanted to participate in the Longwei Project, but after three months, her belly must have become very obvious.

Ji Wufeng appeared at the door, strode in and said to the girl, "Mingyue, thank you."

Yes, those three masked women were Tiexin, Zhuang Zhiling and Gu Mingyue. When he was in the most critical moment,

, Ji Wufeng was very happy that Gu Mingyue could go to help.

However, Gu Mingyue's expression was a little complicated and she said, "No, you are my senior sister's friend, so I should help you."

She had a very cordial feeling towards Ji Wufeng, but she still couldn't let go of the fact that Ji Wufeng forced Gu Tianyang to go to the Middle East.

Ji Wufeng knew there was no way to explain it, so he said, "I know, but thank you anyway."

Tie Xin took Gu Mingyue's hand and said, "Let's go first, you two can talk slowly."

Let's talk slowly? Could it be that the masked woman is really someone she knows?

Ji Wufeng always felt that the masked woman was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember who it was, so he said, "Thank you very much."

"Yeah." The woman nodded indifferently.

But when Ji Wufeng got close to her and felt her breath, he immediately understood and said, "Is it you?"

The woman immediately panicked and turned around to leave, but Ji Wufeng grabbed her and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know about you!"

"You don't need to apologize to me. You and I have no relationship before, and you don't need to know about my affairs!" The woman's voice became even colder.

"Since we have nothing to do with each other, why don't you marry Mu Feng? Why did you come to save me again?"

Ji Wufeng pulled off the veil on the woman's face, revealing Zhuang Zhiling's originally sweet but now somewhat haggard cheeks.

"Senior sister wants to save you, I'm just going with her." Zhuang Zhi looked indifferent, Ling broke away from Ji Wufeng, turned around and walked into the house in a panic, holding her stomach.

Just as Ji Wufeng was about to catch up, Tie Xin walked out and said, "Don't force her yet. She has her own knots in her heart, which cannot be solved casually."

Tie Xin could tell that Zhuang Zhiling was afraid that Ji Wufeng would find out that she was pregnant, so he just came out in time to help her cover it up.

Ji Wufeng was full of helplessness. Zhuang Zhiling was originally the eldest daughter of a wealthy family and would marry a young master of a wealthy family, but because of him, she left the banker's family and lived abroad.

"Oh, it was me who harmed her." Ji Wufeng said.

Tie Xin glared at him and said, "She's not the only person you've harmed?"

"Hey, I didn't harm you." Ji Wufeng said.

"Huh, she doesn't want to see you, so get out of here." Tie Xin turned around and left angrily!

The news that the three young supreme masters fought against the heads of the six major martial arts families spread throughout China, immediately causing a stir in the martial arts in the entire China. Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin were both in their early twenties, and Ji Wufeng was even in his weakest years, but he was already A royal warrior, this talent is simply monster-like.

Not only that, the three of them teamed up to defeat royal warriors like the heads of the six major martial arts families in one fell swoop, shocking the world and becoming super idols of the younger generation.

However, the details have not been spread. After all, the six major families practice evil arts. If this spreads out, the reputation of the six major families will be tarnished, which will cause turmoil in the martial arts world.

But the three of them have established their own power. In the past, everyone only knew Gu Tianyang, the God of War, but now Ji Wufeng is as famous as Tian Wuxin!

Yu Longfei knelt down in front of Xiao Mingyu, trembling and said: "Master Mingyu, please give me one last chance!"

"Useless trash!"

Xiao Mingyu opened his big hand, and Yu Longfei's head was immediately sucked into his palm, saying: "You made me lose all my previous efforts, and now you dare to ask me to give you another chance?" "What's the plan?"

"Longwei Plan!"

Everyone looked at Yuan Tianzong, who said: "The Longwei Project is to gather the most outstanding young masters in the martial arts world in China to challenge the young and powerful foreigners."

Everyone immediately understood that the best defense is to attack. This means beating someone up before they come over.

Back then, Gu Tianyang went to the Western League alone and single-handedly challenged more than a hundred young masters in the Western League without losing a single one. It is still a nightmare for the young generation of the Western League.

If a number of young masters who are comparable to Gu Tianyang go out together and kill the entire young generation of the Western Alliance with fear, it will definitely demonstrate the divine power of China!

The Longwei Plan is to demonstrate the mighty power of Dragon and Heaven in the world!

Don't you want to call over? Then let you see what kind of strength we have first, and weigh it for yourself first, whether you have the courage to come here!

Jin Tianming glanced at Ji Wufeng and said: "But this plan is very dangerous. If the masters of the major holy places are so angry that they will intercept and kill you, I'm afraid you will never come back!"

This is indeed very dangerous. You go to someone's home and kill people, which makes them lose face. What if you want to keep them even if you don't want to lose face?

Ji Wufeng winced and said, "Don't count me out of this matter. I have a mother and a baby..."

Before he could finish his words, Yun Jianxin glared and said, "If you dare not go, I will tie you up and send you to the Heavenly Palace right away."

Ji Wufeng almost cried. It was as if he had just stepped out of the dragon's pond and into the tiger's den.

Kuang Dao whispered: "This is a matter of losing your head. If you don't want to go, you won't go. Don't be afraid of that old woman, I will block it for you."

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed and was about to say something when he saw Yun Jianxin with a domineering look on his face and said: All my disciples from Bingqingxue Pavilion are here! "Even though she is a prostitute, Yun Jianxin is not inferior to any man.

Ji Wufeng's paws were numb, and now even if he wasn't allowed to go, he still had to go crying and shouting.

Zou Huairen spread his hands and said: "I am alone and have no disciples, but you can come to see me before you leave. I have some life-saving gadgets for you."

The poison king Zou Huairen gave him things that could not only save his life, but also kill him.

Jin Tianming stood up and said: "Okay, we will immediately ask a few other people what they mean, and we will implement it for you three months later!"

It is not enough for Longwei Plan to rely on Ji Wufeng alone!

In Yun Jianxin's small courtyard, three girls were sitting together under the moonlight. The girl held the short-haired woman's arm and said, "Senior sister, do you think Master Longwei will let us go this time?"

The short-haired woman said: "Longwei's plan is very dangerous. Aren't you afraid of death?"

The girl said: "I am a heroine with strong martial arts skills now. Of course I am not afraid of death. If we go there, we will definitely kill them without leaving a trace."

"You, be careful if others kill you and leave nothing behind."

The two were talking and laughing, but the other girl sat quietly aside, stroking her slightly bulging belly. At this time, she didn't know how to make a decision.

She wanted to participate in the Longwei Project, but after three months, her belly must have become very obvious.

Ji Wufeng appeared at the door, strode in and said to the girl, "Mingyue, thank you."

Yes, those three masked women were Tiexin, Zhuang Zhiling and Gu Mingyue. When he was in the most critical moment,

, Ji Wufeng was very happy that Gu Mingyue could go to help.

However, Gu Mingyue's expression was a little complicated and she said, "No, you are my senior sister's friend, so I should help you."

She had a very cordial feeling towards Ji Wufeng, but she still couldn't let go of the fact that Ji Wufeng forced Gu Tianyang to go to the Middle East.

Ji Wufeng knew there was no way to explain it, so he said, "I know, but thank you anyway."

Tie Xin took Gu Mingyue's hand and said, "Let's go first, you two can talk slowly."

Let's talk slowly? Could it be that the masked woman is really someone she knows?

Ji Wufeng always felt that the masked woman was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember who it was, so he said, "Thank you very much."

"Yeah." The woman nodded indifferently.

But when Ji Wufeng got close to her and felt her breath, he immediately understood and said, "Is it you?"

The woman immediately panicked and turned around to leave, but Ji Wufeng grabbed her and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know about you!"

"You don't need to apologize to me. You and I have no relationship before, and you don't need to know about my affairs!" The woman's voice became even colder.

"Since we have nothing to do with each other, why don't you marry Mu Feng? Why did you come to save me again?"

Ji Wufeng pulled off the veil on the woman's face, revealing Zhuang Zhiling's originally sweet but now somewhat haggard cheeks.

"Senior sister wants to save you, I'm just going with her." Zhuang Zhi looked indifferent, Ling broke away from Ji Wufeng, turned around and walked into the house in a panic, holding her stomach.

Just as Ji Wufeng was about to catch up, Tie Xin walked out and said, "Don't force her yet. She has her own knots in her heart, which cannot be solved casually."

Tie Xin could tell that Zhuang Zhiling was afraid that Ji Wufeng would find out that she was pregnant, so he just came out in time to help her cover it up.

Ji Wufeng was full of helplessness. Zhuang Zhiling was originally the eldest daughter of a wealthy family and would marry a young master of a wealthy family, but because of him, she left the banker's family and lived abroad.

"Oh, it was me who harmed her." Ji Wufeng said.

Tie Xin glared at him and said, "She's not the only person you've harmed?"

"Hey, I didn't harm you." Ji Wufeng said.

"Huh, she doesn't want to see you, so get out of here." Tie Xin turned around and left angrily!

The news that the three young supreme masters fought against the heads of the six major martial arts families spread throughout China, immediately causing a stir in the martial arts in the entire China. Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin were both in their early twenties, and Ji Wufeng was even in his weakest years, but he was already A royal warrior, this talent is simply monster-like.

Not only that, the three of them joined forces to defeat kingly warriors like the heads of the six major martial arts families in one fell swoop, shocking the world and becoming super idols of the younger generation.

However, the details have not been spread. After all, the six major families practice evil arts. If this spreads out, the reputation of the six major families will be tarnished, which will cause turmoil in the martial arts world.

But the three of them have established their own power. In the past, everyone only knew Gu Tianyang, the God of War, but now Ji Wufeng is as famous as Tian Wuxin!

Yu Longfei knelt down in front of Xiao Mingyu, trembling and said: "Master Mingyu, please give me one last chance!"

"Useless trash!"

Xiao Mingyu opened his big hand, and Yu Longfei's head was immediately sucked into his palm, saying: "You made me lose all my previous efforts, and now you dare to ask me to give you another chance?"

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