Yuzhou is the best place for the Jiang family now, and Jiang Xinyue has lived in Yuzhou for more than 20 years and knows Yuzhou well. When she returns to Yuzhou, Jiang Xinyue will definitely prosper, so she gave Old Man Jiang the best Answer.

Without further ado, Old Man Jiang immediately ordered that the entire Jiang family head to Yuzhou immediately.

Ji Wufeng returned to Yuzhou with the Jiang family. Wu Youde and others had already received the news from Ji Wufeng and had already selected a vacant land in Yuzhou to build Jiang Lao's house. Construction could start as soon as the Jiang family arrived.

When the people from the Jiang family arrived, they found that the area was larger than the one in Tiannan and the environment was more comfortable. Old man Jiang and Jiang Hui both had smiles on their faces. They really got a big deal this time. Yes.

Jiang Xinyue's face was filled with joy, because all this was attributed to Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng did all this because of her.

The only person who was unhappy was Jiang Chengfeng. Now that he was in Ji Wufeng's territory, he would definitely not get any good results from the feud between the two.

The Jiang family started building on the riverside. Ji Wufeng said: "Hey, Chengfeng, the environment here is good. It takes two hours to walk over there."

After arriving in Yuzhou, Jiang Hui was completely convinced by Ji Wufeng. After getting Old Man Jiang's approval, he asked Ji Wufeng to train Jiang Chengfeng.

After all, she was from the Jiang family, and the Jiang family couldn't count on Jiang Xinyue alone, and she was exhausted. If Jiang Chengfeng could train her to be upbeat, she would be able to help Jiang Xinyue in the future.

It doesn't matter what Jiang Chengfeng can be trained into, but Ji Wufeng must deal with him severely first.

Jiang Chengfeng looked at the huge waves on the riverside that were taller than a person's head. His face immediately turned green and he said, "You want me to walk here?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly said with contempt on his face: "Only a harsh environment can stimulate people's potential. The environment in the gym is good, but when have you ever seen martial arts masters trained in gyms?"

Jiang Chengfeng was still about to get angry, but Jiang Hui glared and said, "Get out of here right now, you worthless bitch."

His own father was furious. Jiang Chengfeng immediately shrank his neck and ran to the river angrily to get into a horse stance.

During this time, Ji Wufeng had been torturing him a lot. It was stormy outside, and he even made him climb a tree and walk on horseback. There was a vicious dog under his butt. If he fell, his butt would be bitten.

As soon as Jiang Chengfeng had braced himself, a huge wave two people high hit him and immediately threw the dog he was eating to the ground, spraying all the mud into his mouth.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "Stand up immediately. If you can't hold back from such a big wave, what future prospects will you have..."

Jiang Chengfeng was silent and shed tears, where is this training? It was simply abuse, but he didn't dare to be disobedient and hurriedly got up. This bastard was a devil. If he dared to disobey even a single word, he would only get worse.

Old man Jiang on the side was very pleased to see that Jiang Chengfeng persisted. As the saying goes, as long as you can endure hardship, you will definitely succeed in the future.

It seems that Ji Wufeng made the right choice as his grandson-in-law and is a blessing to the Jiang family.

Jiang Xinyue asked with a weird look on her face: "Why do I always feel that you are deliberately teasing him?"

Ji Wufeng immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "How can that be possible? I'm doing this all for his own good. He wants me to train him, but I haven't given him a chance yet."

Of course he was deliberately trying to control the river to ride on the wind, but what he said was not wrong, but

Who has been transformed by him after being trained by him?

"Hmph, I believe you, you bastard is very bad." Jiang Xinyue rolled her eyes.

Ji Wufeng's return immediately caused a shock in Yuzhou. Huajing was now divided into three parts of the world, and Xiao Mingyu and Gu Tianyang suffered losses at his hands. This was so shocking that some people who originally had evil intentions immediately became angry. Be honest.

At this point, no one in Yuzhou dares to touch Ji Wufeng's power, and Yuzhou has truly become Ji Wufeng's private domain!

Thinking that Ji Wufeng had won a great victory in Huajing, Tianfeng Group once again made a leap forward. Those forces that were still wary of Xiao Mingyu and Gu Tianyang put aside their worries and extended an olive branch to Tianfeng Group.

The rapid development of Tianfeng Group has led many people to believe that within two years Ji Wufeng will be the first person on the list of richest people in China!

The Jiang family was almost busy with things. Ji Wufeng planned to go back and take a look. At this time, the phone rang. It was Jiang Ruoshui. After the call was answered, Jiang Ruoshui said anxiously: "Where are you? Something happened to Vivian." ?”

"I'll be back now!"

When the Tianfeng Group was first established, the Linhai Chamber of Commerce had been providing strong support. Ji Wufeng had not forgotten this friendship. Moreover, Vivian was a very good friend of his.

Rushing to Longtan Township, there were already many golden-haired Western men standing outside. Ji Wufeng had seen them all, and they were all the personal bodyguards of Vivian's father Galuf. It seemed that something had really happened.

When he entered the door, he saw Jiang Ruoshui accompanying Garouf. His suit was crumpled into shape, his face was pale, his eyes were messy and red, and he looked extremely anxious.

Seeing Ji Wufeng come in, Garuf immediately stood up, rushed over and grabbed his hand, tremblingly saying: "Save Vivian, you must save her, as long as I can save her, no matter what the cost, I will Willing to pay.”

"How could this happen? I calculated that it will take at least a year before the attack occurs." Ji Wufeng frowned. Vivian had an attack before, and it is expected that it will happen again in at least a year.

Jiang Ruoshui said: "Linhai Chamber of Commerce has been working closely with Tianfeng Group recently. Vivian is personally involved in all matters. It may be that she was overworked and suffered an early attack."

There has always been a close connection between the two. Since Vivian returned to Linhai, she immediately participated in the cooperation between Linhai Chamber of Commerce and Tianfeng and took action personally.

Ji Wufeng was touched in his heart. He didn't expect that Vivian was still doing it for him, so he couldn't save her even more. He said: "Mr. Galuf, Vivian is a good friend of mine. Of course I am willing to save her, but You also know the method I used to save her..."

With his current skills, he cannot directly control Vivian. The only way is to combine yin and yang, and introduce his most powerful and yang skills into Vivian's body to balance her cold energy.

"No matter what method it is, I accept it." Garuf said.

Linhai Chamber of Commerce fully supports Tianfeng Group but is under huge pressure. Galuf's purpose is to let Ji Wufeng save Vivian, so naturally he will accept any method.

"Oh well!"

There is no way, no matter how serious the consequences are now, saving Vivian's life is not as important.

"Where is Qingqing and Xixi?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Xi Xi went to the company. Vivian's current situation is such that ordinary people can't get close to her. Qing Qing is taking care of her up there." Jiang Ruoshui said. Yuzhou is the best place for the Jiang family now, and Jiang Xinyue has lived in Yuzhou for more than 20 years and knows Yuzhou well. When she returns to Yuzhou, Jiang Xinyue will definitely prosper, so she gave Old Man Jiang the best Answer.

Without further ado, Old Man Jiang immediately ordered that the entire Jiang family head to Yuzhou immediately.

Ji Wufeng returned to Yuzhou with the Jiang family. Wu Youde and others had already received the news from Ji Wufeng and had already selected a vacant land in Yuzhou to build Jiang Lao's house. Construction could start as soon as the Jiang family arrived.

When the people from the Jiang family arrived, they found that the area was larger than the one in Tiannan and the environment was more comfortable. Old man Jiang and Jiang Hui both had smiles on their faces. They really got a big deal this time. Yes.

Jiang Xinyue's face was filled with joy, because all this was attributed to Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng did all this because of her.

The only person who was unhappy was Jiang Chengfeng. Now that he was in Ji Wufeng's territory, he would definitely not get any good results from the feud between the two.

The Jiang family started building on the riverside. Ji Wufeng said: "Hey, Chengfeng, the environment here is good. It takes two hours to walk over there."

After arriving in Yuzhou, Jiang Hui was completely convinced by Ji Wufeng. After getting Old Man Jiang's approval, he asked Ji Wufeng to train Jiang Chengfeng.

After all, she was from the Jiang family, and the Jiang family couldn't count on Jiang Xinyue alone, and she was exhausted. If Jiang Chengfeng could train her to be upbeat, she would be able to help Jiang Xinyue in the future.

It doesn't matter what Jiang Chengfeng can be trained into, but Ji Wufeng must deal with him severely first.

Jiang Chengfeng looked at the huge waves on the riverside that were taller than a person's head. His face immediately turned green and he said, "You want me to walk here?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly said with contempt on his face: "Only a harsh environment can stimulate people's potential. The environment in the gym is good, but when have you ever seen martial arts masters trained in gyms?"

Jiang Chengfeng was still about to get angry, but Jiang Hui glared and said, "Get out of here right now, you worthless bitch."

His own father was furious. Jiang Chengfeng immediately shrank his neck and ran to the river angrily to get into a horse stance.

During this time, Ji Wufeng had been torturing him a lot. It was stormy outside, and he even made him climb a tree and walk on horseback. There was a vicious dog under his butt. If he fell, his butt would be bitten.

As soon as Jiang Chengfeng had braced himself, a huge wave two people high hit him and immediately threw the dog he was eating to the ground, spraying all the mud into his mouth.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "Stand up immediately. If you can't hold back from such a big wave, what future prospects will you have..."

Jiang Chengfeng was silent and shed tears, where is this training? It was simply abuse, but he didn't dare to be disobedient and hurriedly got up. This bastard was a devil. If he dared to disobey even a single word, he would only get worse.

Old man Jiang on the side was very pleased to see that Jiang Chengfeng persisted. As the saying goes, as long as you can endure hardship, you will definitely succeed in the future.

It seems that Ji Wufeng made the right choice as his grandson-in-law and is a blessing to the Jiang family.

Jiang Xinyue asked with a weird look on her face: "Why do I always feel that you are deliberately teasing him?"

Ji Wufeng immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "How can that be possible? I'm doing this all for his own good. He wants me to train him, but I haven't given him a chance yet."

Of course he was deliberately trying to control the river to ride on the wind, but what he said was not wrong, but

Who has been transformed by him after being trained by him?

"Hmph, I believe you, you bastard is very bad." Jiang Xinyue rolled her eyes.

Ji Wufeng's return immediately caused a shock in Yuzhou. Huajing was now divided into three parts of the world, and Xiao Mingyu and Gu Tianyang suffered losses at his hands. This was so shocking that some people who originally had evil intentions immediately became angry. Be honest.

At this point, no one in Yuzhou dares to touch Ji Wufeng's power, and Yuzhou has truly become Ji Wufeng's private domain!

Thinking that Ji Wufeng had won a great victory in Huajing, Tianfeng Group once again made a leap forward. Those forces that were still wary of Xiao Mingyu and Gu Tianyang put aside their worries and extended an olive branch to Tianfeng Group.

The rapid development of Tianfeng Group has led many people to believe that within two years Ji Wufeng will be the first person on the list of richest people in China!

The Jiang family was almost busy with things. Ji Wufeng planned to go back and take a look. At this time, the phone rang. It was Jiang Ruoshui. After the call was answered, Jiang Ruoshui said anxiously: "Where are you? Something happened to Vivian." ?”

"I'll be back now!"

When the Tianfeng Group was first established, the Linhai Chamber of Commerce had been providing strong support. Ji Wufeng had not forgotten this friendship. Moreover, Vivian was a very good friend of his.

Rushing to Longtan Township, there were already many golden-haired Western men standing outside. Ji Wufeng had seen them all, and they were all the personal bodyguards of Vivian's father Galuf. It seemed that something had really happened.

When he entered the door, he saw Jiang Ruoshui accompanying Garouf. His suit was crumpled into shape, his face was pale, his eyes were messy and red, and he looked extremely anxious.

Seeing Ji Wufeng come in, Garuf immediately stood up, rushed over and grabbed his hand, tremblingly saying: "Save Vivian, you must save her, as long as I can save her, no matter what the cost, I will Willing to pay.”

"How could this happen? I calculated that it will take at least a year before the attack occurs." Ji Wufeng frowned. Vivian had an attack before, and it is expected that it will happen again in at least a year.

Jiang Ruoshui said: "Linhai Chamber of Commerce has been working closely with Tianfeng Group recently. Vivian is personally involved in all matters. It may be that she was overworked and suffered an early attack."

There has always been a close connection between the two. Since Vivian returned to Linhai, she immediately participated in the cooperation between Linhai Chamber of Commerce and Tianfeng and took action personally.

Ji Wufeng was touched in his heart. He didn't expect that Vivian was still doing it for him, so he couldn't save her even more. He said: "Mr. Galuf, Vivian is a good friend of mine. Of course I am willing to save her, but You also know the method I used to save her..."

With his current skills, he cannot directly control Vivian. The only way is to combine yin and yang, and introduce his most powerful and yang skills into Vivian's body to balance her cold energy.

"No matter what method it is, I accept it." Garuf said.

Linhai Chamber of Commerce fully supports Tianfeng Group but is under huge pressure. Galuf's purpose is to let Ji Wufeng save Vivian, so naturally he will accept any method.

"Oh well!"

There is no way, no matter how serious the consequences are now, saving Vivian's life is not as important.

"Where is Qingqing and Xixi?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Xi Xi went to the company. Vivian's current situation is such that ordinary people can't get close to her. Qing Qing is taking care of her up there." Jiang Ruoshui said.

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