Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1328 Two people were saved?

Given Vivian's current situation, ordinary people couldn't get close to her. Liu Qingqing's domineering physique and being a warrior meant that she was indeed the only person who could get close to Vivian before.

Ji Wufeng walked upstairs. Before he reached the door, he felt a biting chill, making it impossible for ordinary people to approach.

Pushing open Vivian's room, she found Vivian lying on the bed, her whole body white as snow, and her lips had turned black and purple. The temperature was so low that her hair was covered with white frost. The situation was already very critical. If I don't get treatment, I won't be able to survive tonight.

Not only Vivian, but the entire room was like a cave. Even when he vented his breath, it immediately turned into frost and fell to the ground.

Liu Qingqing sat in front of Vivian's bed, but Ji Wufeng found strangely that Liu Qingqing didn't react at all.

Ji Wufeng walked over and patted her shoulder. His tentacles were cold and bone-chilling. When he looked carefully, his expression suddenly changed. Liu Qingqing had actually passed out.

After checking for a while, Ji Wufeng's body suddenly hung up. After Liu Qingqing passed out, she had no power to resist, and the cold air completely eroded her whole body. Now she has been deeply poisoned by cold poison, and she has become like Vivian. He must be treated immediately, otherwise he will be disabled even if he does not die.

Ji Wufeng was scratching his head anxiously. This situation happened too suddenly, right? Now they have to be rescued together, and they have to use the same method.

There was really no other way, and saving people was the most important thing, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to save the two of them together.

More than an hour passed, but there was still no movement on the second floor. Garouf was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer and said, "I'm so anxious, I'm going to take a look." Did something happen?"

Jiang Ruoshui stopped him and said, "Mr. Galuf, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to go up at this time, right?"

Ji Wufeng's method of treatment is already very obvious. It is the harmony of yin and yang. Isn't it difficult for outsiders to see it?

Garuf also thought about it, but now he said in a hurry: "Yes, yes, it's really inappropriate for me to go and see it. Why don't you trouble Miss Jiang to go and see it for me?"

"It's not a bad idea if I go, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui's face turned red. What was going on upstairs? How could I, a girl, have the nerve to look at it?

Unexpectedly, Galuf said: "It's okay, they are all girls, and our Vivian will not suffer. As for Ji Wufeng, you will be his sooner or later."

Jiang Ruoshui was immediately ashamed and angry. You, an old foreign man, are too evil-minded, right? Are you worried that your daughter can't be so out of tune?

But Garuf was very anxious and said: "Miss Jiang, please, life is at stake. I'm worried that Miss Liu won't be able to handle it alone in there, uh...Miss Liu is still in there!"

Jiang Ruoshui was suddenly shocked, and then he remembered that Liu Qingqing was still up there and hadn't come down yet, but Ji Wufeng and Vivian were talking about that, she should have come down long ago.

Could something really happen?

Jiang Ruoshui was so anxious that he wandered around downstairs, wondering whether he could go up or not? If you go up, what if you happen to bump into them and what they are doing... If you don't go up, what if something happens...


Just when Garuf and Jiang Ruoshui were undecided, a violent explosion suddenly sounded upstairs!

Ji Zangfeng, who was responsible for protecting Jiang Ruoshui, immediately rushed in and carried her out. Garuf's bodyguards, all of whom were experts, rushed in and took Garuf out.


br\u003e But even after they left the villa, they still couldn't escape the affected area. An extremely cold aura rushed out, making everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. The terrifying chill that was so cold that they almost fell into their bones. Fainted.

But then, another extremely blazing aura rose up, which made everyone feel as if they were in a raging fire, and they were in agony.

It's usually bitingly cold, but the other side feels like it's being burned by a raging fire. It's simply dire straits.

Puff puff……

None of the bodyguards standing in front of Garuf could withstand such an impact, and blood spurted out from their mouths. Ji Zangfeng also groaned, his face turned pale, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.

Jiang Ruoshui and Garuf were not harmed because they were protected by everyone!

Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh...

Several figures rushed towards them at lightning speed, Wu Chang led the way, and they wanted to rush to the second floor, but there was no way to get close.

Later, Murong Wuji, Wen Jingtao, Jin Yu and Rong Tianhe arrived, but they were also unable to rush to the second floor.

A group of experts just watched helplessly, while the two hot and cold auras became more and more violent. Even if they stood outside, they felt that they could no longer bear it.

Wu Chang said coldly: "It's too dangerous, evacuate immediately."

"No, I won't leave!" Jiang Ruoshui shouted. Ji Wufeng and Liu Qingqing were both inside. It was impossible for her to leave at this time.

Gouhun said to Ji Zangfeng: "The young master asked you to be responsible for her safety, so there won't be any mistakes."

"Let's go!" Ji Zangfeng said. No matter whether Ji Wufeng was dead or alive, she had to ensure Jiang Ruoshui's safety. This was the task Ji Wufeng gave her.

"No, I won't leave!" Jiang Ruoshui's face looked cold.

Murong Wuji said: "Knock her out!"

She insisted on not leaving, so the only option was to knock her out and take her away. Just when Ji Zangfeng was about to take action, his face suddenly changed, murderous intent spread all over his body, and he shouted: "Who is that person?"

I saw an old man in ragged clothes and unkempt face staggering over. He looked like an old beggar begging along the street.

But no one here dared to really regard him as a beggar. They clearly saw him standing in front of them, but they couldn't lock him on the Qi machine because they couldn't feel the foundation of his existence at all. This old beggar was It's like a shadow that doesn't exist at all, and you can't even feel the breath.

This made everyone look shocked!

The old beggar saw a group of people surrounding him, and they all looked murderous. They squinted their eyes and said, "What are you doing? People who use knives and guns, don't you see how old I am? Young people nowadays really don't care about martial arts at all." Virtue!"

They were talking, but the old beggar didn't stop, and he was still approaching staggeringly, but everyone's faces were full of horror. The old beggar just took a small step, but when his feet landed, In an instant, he suddenly arrived in front of him.

This old beggar is definitely not an ordinary person. He must be a terrifying super strong person just by relying on his physical skills!

But the appearance of such a strong man at this juncture made everyone feel a sense of crisis.

The more expert you are, the more dangerous everyone feels!

Impermanence was the first to be unable to hold back. The sharp sword was unsheathed, and the extremely sharp sword light shot out from the sky, sweeping towards the old beggar! Given Vivian's current situation, ordinary people couldn't get close to her. Liu Qingqing's domineering physique and being a warrior meant that she was indeed the only person who could get close to Vivian before.

Ji Wufeng walked upstairs. Before he reached the door, he felt a biting chill, making it impossible for ordinary people to approach.

Pushing open Vivian's room, she found Vivian lying on the bed, her whole body white as snow, and her lips had turned black and purple. The temperature was so low that her hair was covered with white frost. The situation was already very critical. If I don't get treatment, I won't be able to survive tonight.

Not only Vivian, but the entire room was like a cave. Even when he vented his breath, it immediately turned into frost and fell to the ground.

Liu Qingqing sat in front of Vivian's bed, but Ji Wufeng found strangely that Liu Qingqing didn't react at all.

Ji Wufeng walked over and patted her shoulder. His tentacles were cold and bone-chilling. When he looked carefully, his expression suddenly changed. Liu Qingqing had actually passed out.

After checking for a while, Ji Wufeng's body suddenly hung up. After Liu Qingqing passed out, she had no power to resist, and the cold air completely eroded her whole body. Now she has been deeply poisoned by cold poison, and she has become like Vivian. He must be treated immediately, otherwise he will be disabled even if he does not die.

Ji Wufeng was scratching his head anxiously. This situation happened too suddenly, right? Now they have to be rescued together, and they have to use the same method. ??

There was really no other way, and saving people was the most important thing, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to save the two of them together.

More than an hour passed, but there was still no movement on the second floor. Garouf was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer and said, "I'm so anxious, I'm going to take a look." Did something happen?"

Jiang Ruoshui stopped him and said, "Mr. Galuf, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to go up at this time, right?"

Ji Wufeng's method of treatment is already very obvious. It is the harmony of yin and yang. Isn't it difficult for outsiders to see it?

Garuf also thought about it, but now he said in a hurry: "Yes, yes, it's really inappropriate for me to go and see it. Why don't you trouble Miss Jiang to go and see it for me?"

"It's not a bad idea if I go, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui's face turned red. What was going on upstairs? How could I, a girl, have the nerve to look at it?

Unexpectedly, Galuf said: "It's okay, they are all girls, and our Vivian will not suffer. As for Ji Wufeng, you will be his sooner or later."

Jiang Ruoshui was immediately ashamed and angry. You, an old foreign man, are too evil-minded, right? Are you worried that your daughter can't be so out of tune?

But Garuf was very anxious and said: "Miss Jiang, please, life is at stake. I'm worried that Miss Liu won't be able to handle it alone in there, uh...Miss Liu is still in there!"

Jiang Ruoshui was suddenly shocked, and then he remembered that Liu Qingqing was still up there and hadn't come down yet, but Ji Wufeng and Vivian were talking about that, she should have come down long ago.

Could something really happen?

Jiang Ruoshui was so anxious that he wandered around downstairs, wondering whether he could go up or not? If you go up, what if you happen to bump into them and what they are doing... If you don't go up, what if something happens...


Just when Garuf and Jiang Ruoshui were undecided, a violent explosion suddenly sounded upstairs!

Ji Zangfeng, who was responsible for protecting Jiang Ruoshui, immediately rushed in and carried her out. Garuf's bodyguards, all of whom were experts, rushed in and took Garuf out.


br\u003e But even after they left the villa, they still couldn't escape the affected area. An extremely cold aura rushed out, making everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. The terrifying chill that was so cold that they almost fell into their bones. Fainted.

But then, another extremely blazing aura rose up, which made everyone feel as if they were in a raging fire, and they were in agony.

It's usually bitingly cold, but the other side feels like it's being burned by a raging fire. It's simply dire straits.

Puff puff……

None of the bodyguards standing in front of Garuf could withstand such an impact, and blood spurted out from their mouths. Ji Zangfeng also groaned, his face turned pale, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.

Jiang Ruoshui and Garuf were not harmed because they were protected by everyone!

Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh...

Several figures rushed towards them at lightning speed, Wu Chang led the way, and they wanted to rush to the second floor, but there was no way to get close.

Later, Murong Wuji, Wen Jingtao, Jin Yu and Rong Tianhe arrived, but they were also unable to rush to the second floor.

A group of experts just watched helplessly, while the two hot and cold auras became more and more violent. Even if they stood outside, they felt that they could no longer bear it.

Wu Chang said coldly: "It's too dangerous, evacuate immediately."

"No, I won't leave!" Jiang Ruoshui shouted. Ji Wufeng and Liu Qingqing were both inside. It was impossible for her to leave at this time.

Gouhun said to Ji Zangfeng: "The young master asked you to be responsible for her safety, so there won't be any mistakes."

"Let's go!" Ji Zangfeng said. No matter whether Ji Wufeng was dead or alive, she had to ensure Jiang Ruoshui's safety. This was the task Ji Wufeng gave her.

"No, I won't leave!" Jiang Ruoshui's face looked cold.

Murong Wuji said: "Knock her out!"

She insisted on not leaving, so the only option was to knock her out and take her away. Just when Ji Zangfeng was about to take action, his face suddenly changed, murderous intent spread all over his body, and he shouted: "Who is that person?"

I saw an old man in ragged clothes and unkempt face staggering over. He looked like an old beggar begging along the street.

But no one here dared to really regard him as a beggar. They clearly saw him standing in front of them, but they couldn't lock him on the Qi machine because they couldn't feel the foundation of his existence at all. This old beggar was It's like a shadow that doesn't exist at all, and you can't even feel the breath.

This made everyone look shocked!

The old beggar saw a group of people surrounding him, and they all looked murderous. They squinted their eyes and said, "What are you doing? People who use knives and guns, don't you see how old I am? Young people nowadays really don't care about martial arts at all." Virtue!"

They were talking, but the old beggar didn't stop, and he was still approaching staggeringly, but everyone's faces were full of horror. The old beggar just took a small step, but when his feet landed, In an instant, he suddenly arrived in front of him.

This old beggar is definitely not an ordinary person. He must be a terrifying super strong person just by relying on his physical skills!

But the appearance of such a strong man at this juncture made everyone feel a sense of crisis.

The more expert you are, the more dangerous everyone feels!

Impermanence was the first to be unable to hold back. The sharp sword was unsheathed, and the extremely sharp sword light shot out from the sky, sweeping towards the old beggar!

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