Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1331 The Holy Lord of Heavenly Palace

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened. What is the origin of this old guy? From what I heard, I had a very irresistible relationship with that person.

"Who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The old beggar squinted his eyes and said, "I have to kowtow when I see you. Who do you think I am?"

"Kowtow? Do you think you are Yun Zhen?" Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I am Yunzhen." The old beggar nodded. ??

" you!" If Ji Wufeng could move, he would definitely jump up.

Could this old beggar be Yunzhen? Ji Wufeng's first reaction was that he didn't believe it, but he quickly gave up this suspicion.

That's right, Yunzhen, the master of the Heavenly Palace in the Holy Land of Martial Arts, Yunzhen!

But shouldn’t the owner of the majestic Heavenly Palace be an unparalleled and powerful man wearing a purple gold crown and a golden dragon robe, covering the sky with one hand? How is it possible to have such a moral character?

However, according to Ji Wufeng Tianmen's intelligence, Ji Hongtu had a difficult delivery when he was born, and the Ji family invited Yun Zhen from Tiangong to come and save his life.

After that, Ji Hongtu became a disciple of Yunzhen.

Ji Hongtu's ability to become one of the five outstanding figures in China was naturally related to his terrifying talent, but it was also indispensable for Yun Zhen's careful training.

Ji Hongtu was talented and proud, and never bowed to anyone, including his parents, and even looked down upon the elders of the Ji family.

The old man of the Ji family disappeared decades ago and is probably dead long ago. There is only one person in the world who can make Ji Hongtu kneel and kowtow, and that is his mentor Yun Zhen!

Since Ji Wufeng met Yunfan, he immediately ordered Tianmen to investigate Tiangong with all his strength, and got a piece of news.

That is, Yunzhen left Tiangong more than ten years ago and has not returned to Tiangong for so many years.

The two clues were intertwined, and Ji Wufeng confirmed that Lao Beggar was indeed Yun Zhen.

"Old guy, are you really Yunzhen?" Ji Wufeng asked again.

"If it's true, I guarantee it." The old beggar puffed up his chest and said.

"Then how did you become such a virtuous person? Could it be that you were dumped by a woman and gave up on yourself out of frustration and joined the beggar gang?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"You just got dumped by a woman? Do you want me to save you? If not, I will leave now!" the old beggar said angrily.

"Help, help, definitely help. Do you think we can help now?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Now you can't digest so much yin and yang. If this continues, you will be strangled to death sooner or later. The only way is to drain it out, but you can't just waste it. But this kind of power is not something that ordinary people can bear, so I have to give you an advantage. My son."

"But he is still so young now, what if he can't bear it?" Ji Wufeng refused.

This power was so overbearing that even he couldn't bear it, let alone a child who had not yet been born.

"Of course the average fetus can't bear it, but don't you know your seed? I checked it before, and it's just a freak. This power is fatal to others, but to your son it is Great supplement." said the old beggar.

Ji Wufeng was silent for a while. Naturally, the master of the majestic Heavenly Palace would not talk nonsense, and the fetus was indeed different and could swallow a lot of energy.

"Then let's start!" Ji Wufeng said.

The old beggar said: "Now you

Inject the power in your body into the mother's body. Don't worry, I'm here, so you don't have to worry that they will be hurt. "

Ji Wufeng did not dare to slack off at all, and carefully introduced the yin and yang energy in his body into Lu Shuangshuang's body slowly.

"Old guy, you have to be reliable. The lives of my family of three are now in your hands." Ji Wufeng did not forget to tell him.

"Shut the hell up. If something goes wrong, won't my reputation be ruined?" The old beggar glared, and Ji Wufeng immediately shut his mouth obediently.

I saw the two qi of yin and yang slowly entering Lu Shuangshuang's body. When Lao Beggar slapped her on the body, a strong but very gentle force suddenly surged in. The two qi of yin and yang slowly entered Lu Shuangshuang's body. Slowly melt and become a brand new force.

That force traveled rapidly through Lu Shuangshuang's body, and finally gathered in the abdomen and uterus. Suddenly there was a violent beating, which startled Ji Wufeng and couldn't help shouting: "Old guy, my son must be I feel uncomfortable and I’m jumping around in there!”

"Fuck you, I'm more comfortable than you now." The old beggar said.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt a friendly breath fluctuating again. It felt like blood was thicker than water and blood was connected. Ji Wufeng couldn't help but tremble with excitement. He felt that it was the breath of life coming from the fetus.

At the same time, he also felt a joyful emotion, which he knew was expressed by the fetus, as if it was chatting with him, Dad, I feel so comfortable now!

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed. Look, look carefully, my Ji Wufeng's son is extraordinary, he can already talk to me about a lot of things while still in his mother's womb.

The power in Lu Shuangshuang's body gathered more and more, and the breath of life that Ji Wufeng felt became more and more obvious, and he even heard the strong heartbeat of the fetus.

However, the old beggar's face looked a little solemn at this time, and sweat stains began to appear on his head. He must be very nervous at this time.

Ji Wufeng was shocked. It shouldn't be an easy thing to make this old guy so nervous.


The old beggar suddenly shouted loudly, and a violent energy suddenly swept across like crazy!


It was like an atomic bomb exploded, erupting with terrible destructive power. The mountains and the ground shook instantly. The villa that had been severely damaged was destroyed again in an instant and turned into ruins.

The faces of Wu Chang and others who were guarding outside were full of panic. Jiang Ruoshui's body shook for a while and he almost collapsed on the ground. Ji Zangfeng stepped forward to help him!

Everyone's expression changed and they wanted to rush in.

But suddenly a mighty force shot up into the sky, and everyone immediately stopped in their tracks.

The outside turned into ruins, but Ji Wufeng didn't feel any impact.

Everything was over, and the old beggar stood there stupidly, with a nervous look on his face and his eyes staring straight at Lu Shuangshuang's belly.

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded. He couldn't feel the life breath of the fetus anymore. Could it be...

But suddenly, the yin and yang qi entrenched in Lu Shuangshuang's abdomen suddenly started to rotate on their own, intertwined together, and turned into a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

Ji Wufeng sensed the power contained in the Tai Chi diagram, which was boundless and endless...

"This is……"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. This power turned out to be the power of chaos! Ji Wufeng's eyes widened. What is the origin of this old guy? From what I heard, I had a very irresistible relationship with that person.

"Who are you?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The old beggar squinted his eyes and said, "I have to kowtow when I see you. Who do you think I am?"

"Kowtow? Do you think you are Yun Zhen?" Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I am Yunzhen." The old beggar nodded.

" you!" If Ji Wufeng could move, he would definitely jump up.

Could this old beggar be Yunzhen? Ji Wufeng's first reaction was that he didn't believe it, but he quickly gave up this suspicion.

That's right, Yunzhen, the master of the Heavenly Palace in the Holy Land of Martial Arts, Yunzhen!

But shouldn’t the owner of the majestic Heavenly Palace be an unparalleled and powerful man wearing a purple gold crown and a golden dragon robe, covering the sky with one hand? How is it possible to have such a moral character?

However, according to Ji Wufeng Tianmen's intelligence, Ji Hongtu had a difficult delivery when he was born, and the Ji family invited Yun Zhen from Tiangong to come and save his life.

After that, Ji Hongtu became a disciple of Yunzhen.

Ji Hongtu's ability to become one of the five outstanding figures in China was naturally related to his terrifying talent, but it was also indispensable for Yun Zhen's careful training.

Ji Hongtu was talented and proud, and never bowed to anyone, including his parents, and even looked down upon the elders of the Ji family.

The old man of the Ji family disappeared decades ago and is probably dead long ago. There is only one person in the world who can make Ji Hongtu kneel down and kowtow, and that is his mentor Yun Zhen!

Since Ji Wufeng met Yunfan, he immediately ordered Tianmen to investigate Tiangong with all his strength, and got a piece of news.

That is, Yunzhen left Tiangong more than ten years ago and has not returned to Tiangong for so many years.

The two clues were intertwined, and Ji Wufeng confirmed that Lao Beggar was indeed Yun Zhen.

"Old guy, are you really Yunzhen?" Ji Wufeng asked again.

"If it's true, I guarantee it." The old beggar puffed up his chest and said.

"Then how did you become such a virtuous person? Could it be that you were dumped by a woman and gave up on yourself out of frustration and joined the beggar gang?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"You just got dumped by a woman? Do you want me to save you? If not, I will leave now!" the old beggar said angrily.

"Help, help, definitely help. Do you think we can help now?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Now you can't digest so much yin and yang. If this continues, you will be strangled to death sooner or later. The only way is to drain it out, but you can't just waste it. But this kind of power is not something that ordinary people can bear, so I have to give you an advantage. My son."

"But he is still so young now, what if he can't bear it?" Ji Wufeng refused.

This power was so overbearing that even he couldn't bear it, let alone a child who had not yet been born.

"Of course the average fetus can't bear it, but don't you know your seed? I checked it before, and it's just a freak. This power is fatal to others, but to your son it is Great supplement." said the old beggar.

Ji Wufeng was silent for a while. Naturally, the master of the majestic Heavenly Palace would not talk nonsense, and the fetus was indeed different and could swallow a lot of energy.

"Then let's start!" Ji Wufeng said.

The old beggar said: "Now you

Inject the power in your body into the mother's body. Don't worry, I'm here, so you don't have to worry that they will be hurt. "

Ji Wufeng did not dare to slack off at all, and carefully introduced the yin and yang energy in his body into Lu Shuangshuang's body slowly.

"Old guy, you have to be reliable. The lives of my family of three are now in your hands." Ji Wufeng did not forget to tell him.

"Shut the hell up. If something goes wrong, won't my reputation be ruined?" The old beggar glared, and Ji Wufeng immediately shut his mouth obediently.

I saw the two qi of yin and yang slowly entering Lu Shuangshuang's body. When Lao Beggar slapped her on the body, a strong but very gentle force suddenly poured out. The two qi of yin and yang slowly entered Lu Shuangshuang's body. Slowly melt and become a brand new force.

That force traveled rapidly through Lu Shuangshuang's body, and finally gathered in the abdomen and uterus. Suddenly there was a violent beating, which startled Ji Wufeng and couldn't help shouting: "Old guy, my son must be I feel uncomfortable and I’m jumping around in there!”

"Fuck you, I'm more comfortable than you now." The old beggar said.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt a friendly breath fluctuating again. It felt like blood was thicker than water and blood was connected. Ji Wufeng couldn't help but tremble with excitement. He felt that it was the breath of life coming from the fetus.

At the same time, he also felt a joyful emotion, which he knew was expressed by the fetus, as if it was chatting with him, Dad, I feel so comfortable now!

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed. Look, look carefully. My Ji Wufeng's son is extraordinary. He can already talk to me about it while still in his mother's womb.

The power in Lu Shuangshuang's body gathered more and more, and the breath of life that Ji Wufeng felt became more and more obvious, and he even heard the strong heartbeat of the fetus.

However, the old beggar's face looked a little solemn at this time, and sweat stains began to appear on his head. He must be very nervous at this time.

Ji Wufeng was shocked. It shouldn't be an easy thing to make this old guy so nervous.


The old beggar suddenly shouted loudly, and a violent energy suddenly swept across like crazy!


It was like an atomic bomb exploded, erupting with terrible destructive power. The mountains and the ground shook instantly. The villa that had been severely damaged was destroyed again in an instant and turned into ruins.

The faces of Wu Chang and others who were guarding outside were full of panic. Jiang Ruoshui's body shook for a while and he almost collapsed on the ground. Ji Zangfeng stepped forward to help him!

Everyone's expression changed and they wanted to rush in.

But suddenly a mighty force shot up into the sky, and everyone immediately stopped in their tracks.

The outside turned into ruins, but Ji Wufeng didn't feel any impact.

Everything was over, and the old beggar stood there stupidly, with a nervous look on his face and his eyes staring straight at Lu Shuangshuang's belly.

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded. He couldn't feel the life breath of the fetus anymore. Could it be...

But suddenly, the yin and yang qi entrenched in Lu Shuangshuang's abdomen suddenly started to rotate on their own, intertwined together, and turned into a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

Ji Wufeng sensed the power contained in the Tai Chi diagram, which was boundless and endless...

"This is……"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. This power turned out to be the power of chaos!

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