The power of chaos is the power from chaos.

Before the creation of heaven and earth, there was chaos. It was not until the two qi of yin and yang were formed that they merged into one and turned into a force, breaking through the chaos, and then the heaven and earth were formed.

And this power is called the power of chaos in the world of cultivation. It is the most ancient and powerful primitive power!

The power of chaos can contribute to the formation of heaven and earth. It is said that it has the ability to reshape all things. Even if it is just a ray of soul, as long as you get the power of chaos, you can immediately reshape your body!

In the world of cultivation, Ji Wufeng, a loose immortal, has been looking for the power of chaos. Once his body is reshaped, he will no longer be able to defeat it. Unfortunately, there has been no clue for thousands of years. He did not expect that it would appear on earth, and it would be his own son.

Ji Wufeng sensed the fetal life breath again, which was several times stronger than before. At the same time, there was a feeling of joy that was even more joyful than before. .??.

"Hahaha...I finally succeeded!"

The old beggar was jumping and jumping on the spot, as if the old lady was dancing in the square, and said: "I actually succeeded, hahaha, I am really a genius!"

Ji Wufeng felt that the fetus was very good now, and Lu Shuangshuang was also very good now, but seeing the old beggar so excited, Ji Wufeng had a vague feeling that the old man must be doing some experiments on his wife and baby.

"You old guy, are you doing experiments on my wife and children?" Ji Wufeng asked.


The old beggar was stunned for a moment, then said with a sneer: "I'm doing this for your own good, isn't it?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly became furious and said, "I'm so sorry, what if I fail?"

"Failure means failure. Didn't I also fail with your father? Didn't he also do well..."

"Damn it, come here, I'll kill you!"

Ji Wufeng was furious, this shameless old bastard, three generations of his family had been tricked by two generations, couldn't he change his family?

The old beggar also became angry. He squinted his eyes and said, "Don't get the advantage and behave yourself. Your son has the heart of Tai Chi at such a young age. This is what many people dream of. Don't be ignorant."

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened and he said, "Are you talking about cultivating...the heart of Tai Chi that people in martial arts only dream of achieving?"

Even in the world of cultivation, the heart of Tai Chi is only a legendary supreme treasure. The so-called Tai Chi refers to the symbiosis of yin and yang, and the symbiosis of yin and yang is chaos.

This is equivalent to having primitive power, the power of chaos!

In the world of cultivation, there are two legendary people with the heart of Tai Chi, and these two people are the only two super strong people in the world of cultivation who have cultivated to the extreme for thousands of years, breaking through the air and entering the ascension.

Damn it, if the heart of Tai Chi is in me, wouldn't I be able to break through the limits of a cultivator and soar in the daytime?

He was very excited. Looking at Lu Shuangshuang's belly, if that was not his son, he would immediately snatch the heart of Tai Chi and eat it.

The old beggar clapped his hands and said, "Okay, we're done, let's go now."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, don't leave yet. What will happen to my wife?" Ji Wufeng shouted hurriedly. His son was done, but Lu Shuangshuang wasn't awake yet.

The old beggar rolled his eyes: "Hurry up, she will wake up by then."

Ji Wufeng suddenly looked serious and said, "Can you tell me where he is now?"


"Of course he's at Ji's house. If you want to find him, just go find him yourself." The old beggar said.

"You left Tiangong fifteen years ago, and Hongtu has never appeared again in these fifteen years. If you say that he is still in the Ji family now, will I believe it?" Ji Wufeng said.

Yes, everyone thought that that person had always lived in seclusion in the Ji family, but Ji Wufeng found out that that person had not appeared once for fifteen years.

Combined with the fact that the old beggar mysteriously left the Heavenly Palace fifteen years ago and never set foot in the Heavenly Palace again, Ji Wufeng concluded that that person was not in the Ji family at all now.

The old beggar sighed and said: "There are some things that I can't let you know for the time being. Let's wait until later."

"From now on, you, my uncle, will you tell me or not? If you don't tell me, you won't be able to leave today." Ji Wufeng glared.

"If I don't leave, I won't leave. Anyway, I haven't had enough to eat for several days." The old beggar said with a smile.

"If you still want to stay here and eat for free, I'll fight you!"

Ji Wufeng punched him, and Lao Yao was caught off guard. He was punched on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes were instantly hit with stars.

"You little bastard, how dare you hit me!" the old beggar roared.

"If you cheat me, it's only natural for me to beat you..."

Before Ji Wufeng finished speaking, the old beggar kicked him to the ground, and then rushed towards him and started punching and kicking him. While beating him, he cursed: "You little bastard, even your father doesn't dare to beat me." , you actually dare to beat me..."

"Old guy, you're so harsh, damn..."

"You dare to fight back with me? I'll fight..."

"Damn it...I know I was wrong...don't slap my handsome face..."

The group of people outside are going crazy. Now that the entire villa has been blown up, the people inside must be in danger.

But suddenly the violent power disappeared, and then a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling was heard.

Everyone rushed in immediately and saw that Ji Wufeng was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and the old beggar was sitting on the side panting, saying: "This little little brat has rough skin and thick flesh, I am exhausted..."

Everyone was dazed for a while, and they were extremely anxious outside. Fortunately, the two of them actually started fighting.

Jiang Ruoshui hurriedly went to check on Liu Qingqing, Vivian and Lu Shuangshuang. Although the three of them were unconscious, they were all unharmed.

Everyone was relieved to see that the three girls were fine. As for Ji Wufeng, there was no need to feel bad as long as he was not beaten to death.

"Hey, this old ghost is so harsh, who can help me?" Ji Wufeng shouted.

But no one paid attention to him. Instead, they swarmed up and surrounded the old beggar, shouting: "Come on, surround him, or he will run away..."

The black thread at the end of the old beggar, why is it like catching a thief?

Jiang Ruoshui said respectfully: "This old man has done a great favor today and will never forget it. He must stay and entertain us for a few days."

The old beggar hesitated for a moment and then said: "Okay, let's stay here for a few days. Damn it, get out of here, your pants are almost torn..."

At this time, they were already sure that the old beggar must be a super strong man. They were sure from the fact that he could beat Ji Wufeng to the ground and beg for mercy.

The most important thing is that what the old beggar said before gave each of them a feeling of sudden enlightenment. Although they have not yet fully understood it, they are sure that once they understand it, their cultivation will definitely reach a new level. The power of chaos is the power from chaos.

Before the creation of heaven and earth, there was chaos. It was not until the two qi of yin and yang were formed that they merged into one and turned into a force, breaking through the chaos, and then the heaven and earth were formed.

And this power is called the power of chaos in the world of cultivation. It is the most ancient and powerful primitive power!

The power of chaos can contribute to the formation of heaven and earth. It is said that it has the ability to reshape all things. Even if it is just a ray of soul, as long as you get the power of chaos, you can immediately reshape your body!

In the world of cultivation, Ji Wufeng, a loose immortal, has been looking for the power of chaos. Once his body is reshaped, he will no longer be able to defeat it. Unfortunately, there has been no clue for thousands of years. He did not expect that it would appear on earth, and it would be his own son.

Ji Wufeng sensed the fetal life breath again, which was several times stronger than before. At the same time, there was a feeling of joy that was even more joyful than before.

"Hahaha...I finally succeeded!"

The old beggar was jumping and jumping on the spot, as if the old lady was dancing in the square, and said: "I actually succeeded, hahaha, I am really a genius!"

Ji Wufeng felt that the fetus was very good now, and Lu Shuangshuang was also very good now, but seeing the old beggar so excited, Ji Wufeng had a vague feeling that the old man must be doing some experiments on his wife and baby.

"You old guy, are you doing experiments on my wife and children?" Ji Wufeng asked.


The old beggar was stunned for a moment, then said with a sneer: "I'm doing this for your own good, isn't it?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly became furious and said, "I'm so sorry, what if I fail?"

"Failure means failure. Didn't I also fail with your father? Didn't he also do well..."

"Damn it, come here, I will kill you!"

Ji Wufeng was furious, this shameless old bastard, three generations of his family had been tricked by two generations, couldn't he change his family?

The old beggar also became angry. He squinted his eyes and said, "Don't get the advantage and behave yourself. Your son has the heart of Tai Chi at such a young age. This is what many people dream of. Don't be ignorant."

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened and he said, "Are you talking about cultivating...the heart of Tai Chi that people in martial arts only dream of achieving?"

Even in the world of cultivation, the heart of Tai Chi is only a legendary supreme treasure. The so-called Tai Chi refers to the symbiosis of yin and yang, and the symbiosis of yin and yang is chaos.

This is equivalent to having primitive power, the power of chaos!

In the world of cultivation, there are two legendary people with the heart of Tai Chi, and these two people are the only two super strong people in the world of cultivation who have cultivated to the extreme for thousands of years, breaking through the air and entering the ascension.

Damn it, if the heart of Tai Chi is in me, wouldn't I be able to break through the limits of a cultivator and soar in the daytime?

He was very excited. Looking at Lu Shuangshuang's belly, if that was not his son, he would immediately snatch the heart of Tai Chi and eat it.

The old beggar clapped his hands and said, "Okay, we're done, let's go now."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, don't leave yet. What will happen to my wife?" Ji Wufeng shouted hurriedly. His son was done, but Lu Shuangshuang wasn't awake yet.

The old beggar rolled his eyes: "Hurry up, she will wake up by then."

Ji Wufeng suddenly looked serious and said, "Can you tell me where he is now?"


"Of course he's at Ji's house. If you want to find him, just go find him yourself." The old beggar said.

"You left Tiangong fifteen years ago, and Hongtu has never appeared again in these fifteen years. If you say that he is still in the Ji family now, will I believe it?" Ji Wufeng said.

Yes, everyone thought that that person had always lived in seclusion in the Ji family, but Ji Wufeng found out that that person had not appeared once for fifteen years.

Combined with the fact that the old beggar mysteriously left the Heavenly Palace fifteen years ago and never set foot in the Heavenly Palace again, Ji Wufeng concluded that that person was not in the Ji family at all now.

The old beggar sighed and said: "There are some things that I can't let you know for the time being. Let's wait until later."

"From now on, you, my uncle, will you tell me or not? If you don't tell me, you won't be able to leave today." Ji Wufeng glared.

"If I don't leave, I won't leave. Anyway, I haven't had enough to eat for several days." The old beggar said with a smile.

"If you still want to stay here and eat for free, I'll fight you!"

Ji Wufeng punched him, and Lao Yao was caught off guard. He was punched on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes were instantly hit with stars.

"You little bastard, how dare you hit me!" the old beggar roared.

"If you cheat me, it's only natural for me to beat you..."

Before Ji Wufeng finished speaking, the old beggar kicked him to the ground, and then rushed towards him and started punching and kicking him. While beating him, he cursed: "You little bastard, even your father doesn't dare to beat me." , you actually dare to beat me..."

"Old guy, you're so harsh, damn..."

"You dare to fight back with me? I'll fight..."

"Damn it...I know I was wrong...don't slap my handsome face..."

The group of people outside are going crazy. Now that the entire villa has been blown up, the people inside must be in danger.

But suddenly the violent power disappeared, and then a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling was heard.

Everyone rushed in immediately and saw that Ji Wufeng was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and the old beggar was sitting on the side panting, saying: "This little little brat has rough skin and thick flesh, I am exhausted..."

Everyone was dazed for a while, and they were extremely anxious outside. Fortunately, the two of them actually started fighting.

Jiang Ruoshui hurriedly went to check on Liu Qingqing, Vivian and Lu Shuangshuang. Although the three of them were unconscious, they were all unharmed.

Everyone was relieved to see that the three girls were fine. As for Ji Wufeng, there was no need to feel bad as long as he was not beaten to death.

"Hey, this old ghost is so harsh, who can help me?" Ji Wufeng shouted.

But no one paid attention to him. Instead, they swarmed up and surrounded the old beggar, shouting: "Come on, surround him, or he will run away..."

The black thread at the end of the old beggar, why is it like catching a thief?

Jiang Ruoshui said respectfully: "This old man has done a great favor today and will never forget it. He must stay and entertain us for a few days."

The old beggar hesitated for a moment and then said: "Okay, let's stay here for a few days. Damn it, get out of here, your pants are almost torn..."

At this time, they were already sure that the old beggar must be a super strong man. They were sure from the fact that he could beat Ji Wufeng to the ground and beg for mercy.

The most important thing is that what the old beggar said before gave each of them a feeling of sudden enlightenment. Although they have not yet fully understood it, they are sure that once they understand it, their cultivation will definitely reach a new level.

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