So they must not let him run away, otherwise they will miss this golden opportunity.

The villa was destroyed, Wu Youde immediately gave up his villa, and everyone lived in it.

Early the next morning, the old beggar was sitting in the yard basking in the sun. Murong Wuji and others stood there eagerly. The old beggar ignored them. They were reluctant to leave and did not dare to disturb him. They were anxiously walking around.

Ji Wufeng asked the old man for food, "How do you feel about them?" .??.

"Well, they're all pretty good!" The old beggar nodded.

Murong Wuji and the others suddenly had expressions of ecstasy on their faces. If a beggar could say that it was not bad, then he must be a genius.

"How about we discuss it?" Ji Wufeng said.

"If you have something to say, just say it, and if you have anything to say, let it go!" the old beggar glared.

"Teach them."

Ji Wufeng is a cultivator after all, and his cultivation methods are somewhat impractical when used on warriors. There is no way, the two are not on the same level at all.

Ji Wufeng could change their physiques and even improve their techniques, but Yun Zhen's martial arts training experience would definitely be more rich and practical.

Moreover, this time the martial arts conference is no different than usual, and there is a high possibility of a big battle. Although Murong Wuji and others are good in strength, compared with those masters in the Holy Land, they are definitely still more than a little behind.

Therefore, not only Ji Wufeng himself must improve his strength, but the people around him must also quickly become stronger.

In this case, isn't the person next to me who can train the Five Elites of China a ready-made super instructor?

"You want me to accept them as disciples?" the old beggar said with squinting eyes.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "You also said that they are very good."

That's right, your uncle, I can train you no matter what.

I have been exhausted for most of my life, but now that I have so much in one breath, you will kill me. "The old beggar said angrily.

"I'm thinking about you too. If I'm not mistaken, you must have been kicked out of the Heavenly Palace, right?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Fart, I am the Lord of Heavenly Palace, who dares to chase me away?" The old beggar jumped up.

But the more this happened, the more Ji Wufeng felt that he was most likely to have guessed right, and said: "Just drive them out as soon as they come out. What's the big deal? We'll fight back later, and you'll need help then. Howl at the top of your lungs." There are only a lot of people fighting for you, are you afraid that you won’t be able to take down the Heavenly Palace?”

"And look at your shabby appearance, why? Isn't it just because you are alone and don't even have a disciple? If you have great talents all over the world and have awesome disciples wherever you go, why don't you have flesh and blood? , Do you want a girl to have a girl? No matter how bad you are, I can at least buy you a few new clothes. It’s better than having to beg for food every day, right?"

"Your uncle, who do you think is begging for food?" The old beggar became angry.

"Okay, you didn't beg for food, but do you think this is what happened?" Ji Wufeng said.

The old beggar touched his belly, and it seemed that he really meant what he said, and there was some truth to it.

Seeing that the old beggar was tempted, Ji Wufeng made a quick decision and said: "If you want to do it or not, just give me a happy word."

"There are two conditions." Lao Gongfan said.

"What conditions?"

"I heard that your boy freed up a Tianmen?" asked the old beggar.

Ji Wufeng immediately felt nervous. This Tianmen matter was very secretive. Even the law enforcers didn't know about it. How did this old guy know about it?

But this old boy was also the previous palace master of Tiangong, so there certainly wouldn't be much that could be hidden from him.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"My condition is that from now on I will be the supreme master of the Tianmen, older than you." Lao Gaofan said.

"I'll... OK!"

Ji Wufeng originally wanted to curse, but after his mind whirled around like lightning, he immediately agreed.

From now on, with such a great god sitting in Tianmen, no one will dare to cause trouble.

"You heard clearly, I have nothing to do with Tianmen's affairs. If there is work, you can do it. If there is a fight, you can fight. Just be filial to me."

Ji Wufeng gritted his teeth and said, "You have the final say. What is the second condition?"

"I heard your roasted dog meat is good." .??.

Ji Wufeng didn't know who leaked this, but it was something he could easily grasp. He said on the spot: "If you want to eat it, I'll bake it for you today."

"Bake one a day."

Ji Wufeng said: "No problem!"

Although it is a bit irritating, it is not a difficult matter after all. Thinking that even the sect masters of the Tiangong have joined the Tianmen, is it only a matter of time before the Tianmen dominates the world?

"Then I'll call them in to become my disciples," Ji Wufeng said.

"Who said I want to become my master?" the old beggar said with squinting eyes.

"What the hell, are you kidding me?" Ji Wufeng was angry.

"Even if I play tricks on you, what can you do to me?" The old beggar also stared.

Ji Wufeng stomped his feet angrily. He really wanted to beat this old bastard, but with his current cultivation level, he couldn't beat him.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, he didn't say anything. He was always begging for food.

He glared and said, "Hurry up and let them in. Announce that I am the master of the Supreme Sect. Haoran and the others will hurry up and serve me."

"If you don't accept disciples, why would you let them in?" Ji Wufeng asked in shock.

"I don't accept disciples, but I didn't say that our Tianmen doesn't accept Dharma protectors." The old beggar said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's no problem to help you train a few guardians who can fight. After all, as the master of the Supreme Sect, I have to make some contributions to the Tianmen, right? But there is no need to accept disciples."

Lao Beggar's intention was obvious. He could train Murong Wuji and the others, but he would not accept them as his disciples.

"Tch, you're the only one who breaks the rules the most." Ji Wufeng felt disdainful, but his goal was finally achieved.

A group of people ran in. After learning that Lao Beggar was willing to train them, they all knelt on the ground and thanked him with joy.

But the old beggar glared and said: "What are you doing kneeling there? Can you let me live for two more years? If you want to honor me, you come here."

"Ancestor, do you want something that you haven't revealed yet?"

"Let's have a big black dog for each person. Let's have a toothpaste first. I haven't tasted meat for several days." said the old beggar.

Before he finished speaking, a large group of people disappeared in a flash. Ji Wufeng knew that the big black dog in Yuzhou might be in trouble today.

It didn't take long for everyone to come back one after another. No one was carrying a dog. The old beggar immediately smiled and said: "Oh, you are here, why are you bringing gifts? It's really true. Good mannered boy.”

Lu Shuangshuang was sent back to the nursing home. Liu Qingqing and Vivian were not awake yet, and Jiang Ruoshui and Galuf were taking care of them.

Seeing Ji Wufeng coming, Galuf immediately asked anxiously: "What on earth is going on? Why hasn't Vivian woke up yet?"

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