There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment. After a long call, the leader said in a cold tone: "Can the results be available tomorrow?"


"Okay, no matter what you do, I have only one request, don't disappoint me!"

The phone was hung up. The leader expressed his attitude and absolutely supported it. However, Ji Wufeng also knew that the situation had become a bit serious because of this. Many people wanted to take this opportunity to cause trouble for him. Otherwise, the leader would not have called him personally. Come.

At this time, the leader should help him block it, but he can only block it until tomorrow morning. When the time comes, if there is no result, he will be in big trouble.

Summer has begun at this time, and the work and rest times are very late. Even in the middle of the night, the food stalls at the school gate are full of students eating barbecue and skewers.

But tonight, there was no one at the school gate, and even the nearby small restaurants had closed early.

In an alley not far away, a group of people were saying in Dongyang dialect: "How could this happen? There is no one there."

"I must be frightened by what happened during the day and dare not go out."

"Humph, it's such a pity. If I don't teach them a lesson, I won't be able to calm down my anger!"

"Hey, someone is coming out."

At this moment, I suddenly saw seven or eight boys coming out of the door, cursing and saying: "Damn Yamata Ioto, you are really not a thing. You can't let people worry if you die!"

But a large group of people suddenly rushed out of the alley, wearing white ribbons of Dongyang warriors on their heads and holding sticks in their hands. They said fiercely: "For the sake of Yamata Ioto, teach them a lesson!"

"If you dare to harm Yamata Ioto, beat them to death!"

"You despicable thing, please pay with your life..."

There were hundreds of people, and they immediately surrounded the seven or eight students. They swung their sticks and beat them hard. The seven or eight men were immediately frightened and fell to the ground, curling up and protecting them. Live at the critical point.

These Dongyang people were extremely vicious and hit hard, and the seven or eight boys were soon beaten until they were covered in blood.

Yamata Aoki was involved in an accident at Shanghai University. These people felt that it was these people who had harmed Yamata Aoki, so they gathered drivers to take revenge on such students.

Fu Qingling, who was filming in the corner with his mobile phone, shouted: "They can't hold it anymore, hurry up!"

Liu Wenshu, who had been prepared for a long time, shouted angrily: "Students, come on!"

"Come on, kill them!"

"Damn it, they're all knocking on the door, they're bullying them too much, surround them, don't let any of them escape!"

In an instant, a black crowd rushed out from the school, which was several times the number of Dongyang people, and they were immediately surrounded.

The group of Dongyang people were immediately confused. No wonder no one could see anyone. It turned out to be an ambush.

Fu Qingling rushed to a boy who fell to the ground, pointed his cell phone camera at him, and cried: "Classmate, are you okay?"

The boy's head was full of blood. He winked at Fu Qingling and suddenly screamed in a high-pitched voice: "Ah... my arm was broken, it hurts, and my legs, it's like they're not mine." Same, my god, I must be disabled..."

At this time, someone suddenly screamed: "Wang Hui is dead, Wang Hui let them beat him to death!"

Fu Qingling was shocked, but when she saw Liu Wenshu gesture towards her, she immediately

Got it.

"One of our classmates was beaten to death by them, we must take revenge!" A boy yelled angrily.

"Avenge your classmates!"

A large group of people were furious and pounced on those Dongyang people, kicking them to the ground. Several boys worked together to hold down one person, and then shouted to a girl: "Hurry up, there are more wolves and less meat, hurry up and fuck him , otherwise I won’t have your share later.”

"Okay, okay, I'm a well-mannered young lady, and I'm never rough. Today I'm going to be a little bold. I'll... hit you!"

The girl jumped over and sat on a Dongyang man. She raised her hand and said with a big mouth: "I asked you to come to southern Henan to run wild. I asked you to bully others and refuse to admit it. You bite me back... Ouch, this guy is too skinny. It’s too thick and my hand hurts from the beating, can I step on it and kick it?”

The whole scene was in full swing, but the strange thing was that the ones who beat the people were all girls, and the boys were only responsible for holding those Dongyang down.

Despite the fact that these girls are usually polite, keep their fingers clear of spring water, and are harmless to humans and animals, but now they all look like dominatrixes, with big mouths and mouths that are licking to death, and if they feel the pain in their hands a few times, they just lift their feet. He stomped it down, and he was so cruel when he started.

The people who helped hold them down were basically the boyfriends of these girls, and their faces suddenly turned green. What would happen if they got married and quarreled in the future?

These Dongyang people were beaten up severely, but the ones who did it were all girls, and no boys did it, because they were afraid that they would hit them too hard and beat them to death.

Therefore, although these Dongyang people looked very embarrassed, they all had superficial injuries, and none of them were seriously injured.

The psychological harm to these Dongyang people was far greater than the physical harm. They came to beat people, but in the end they were beaten up.

It's almost time to let those Dongyang people go, and it's time to send those injured classmates to the hospital.

Someone shouted at the top of their lungs: "Wang Hui, why did you die so miserably... Ah, Zhang Yong is also angry... Uh... who is Zhang Yong? Oh... my good brother Zhang Yong ...Why did you leave me alone...How can I live now..."

A group of Dongyang people convulsed and passed out. Damn it, you have the spare time to beat us, don't you have time to send those people to the hospital first?

"The history of blood and tears of Dongyang exchange students in China!"

"Baqi Qingteng, a young man from Dongyang with excellent morals and academics, was framed as a villain by Henan University!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood, and the murderer must pay with his life!"

One after another extremely inflammatory news headlines appeared on the Internet, and each one contained a tragic story about an outstanding exchange student who was wrongfully killed and died tragically. It was really sad to hear it and made the listeners shed tears.

Not only on the Internet, major local news media in Dongyang also carried out crazy bombing reports, and dug out everything that happened when Yaqi Aoto was three years old. The old lady was passing by and a nice young man helped his mother with housework.

However, when such an excellent and almost perfect young man arrived at Henan University, he turned into a villain full of evil and even died innocently. They demanded that Henan University give an explanation.

Finally, the core content came out. Ji Wufeng was also portrayed as the culprit who framed Baqi Qingteng, and it was discovered that Ji Wufeng was a well-known evil person at Henan University, and he was so powerful that he could cover the sky with one hand in Yuzhou. power, and his words clearly pointed to Ji Wufeng as the murderer of Baqi Ioto. There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment. After a long call, the leader said in a cold tone: "Can the results be available tomorrow?"


"Okay, no matter what you do, I have only one request, don't disappoint me!"

The phone was hung up. The leader expressed his attitude and absolutely supported it. However, Ji Wufeng also knew that the situation had become a bit serious because of this. Many people wanted to take this opportunity to cause trouble for him. Otherwise, the leader would not have called him personally. Come.

At this time, the leader should help him block it, but he can only block it until tomorrow morning. When the time comes, if there is no result, he will be in big trouble.

Summer has begun at this time, and the work and rest times are very late. Even in the middle of the night, the food stalls at the school gate are full of students eating barbecue and skewers.

But tonight, there was no one at the school gate, and even the nearby small restaurants had closed early.

In an alley not far away, a group of people were saying in Dongyang dialect: "How could this happen? There is no one there."

"I must be frightened by what happened during the day and dare not go out."

"Humph, it's such a pity. If I don't teach them a lesson, I won't be able to calm down my anger!"

"Hey, someone is coming out."

At this moment, I suddenly saw seven or eight boys coming out of the door, cursing and saying: "Damn Yamata Ioto, you are really not a thing. You can't let people worry if you die!"

But a large group of people suddenly rushed out of the alley, wearing white ribbons of Dongyang warriors on their heads and holding sticks in their hands. They said fiercely: "For the sake of Yamata Ioto, teach them a lesson!"

"If you dare to harm Yamata Ioto, beat them to death!"

"You despicable thing, please pay with your life..."

There were hundreds of people, and they immediately surrounded the seven or eight students. They swung their sticks and beat them hard. The seven or eight men were immediately frightened and fell to the ground, curling up and protecting them. Live at the critical point.

These Dongyang people were extremely vicious and hit hard, and the seven or eight boys were soon beaten until they were covered in blood.

Yamata Aoki was involved in an accident at Shanghai University. These people felt that it was these people who had harmed Yamata Aoki, so they gathered drivers to take revenge on such students.

Fu Qingling, who was filming in the corner with his mobile phone, shouted: "They can't hold it anymore, hurry up!"

Liu Wenshu, who had been prepared for a long time, shouted angrily: "Students, come on!"

"Come on, kill them!"

"Damn it, they're all knocking on the door, they're bullying them too much, surround them, don't let any of them escape!"

In an instant, a black crowd rushed out from the school, which was several times the number of Dongyang people, and they were immediately surrounded.

The group of Dongyang people were immediately confused. No wonder no one could see anyone. It turned out to be an ambush.

Fu Qingling rushed to a boy who fell to the ground, pointed his cell phone camera at him, and cried: "Classmate, are you okay?"

The boy's head was full of blood. He winked at Fu Qingling and suddenly screamed in a high-pitched voice: "Ah... my arm was broken, it hurts, and my legs, it's like they're not mine." Same, my god, I must be disabled..."

At this time, someone suddenly screamed: "Wang Hui is dead, Wang Hui let them beat him to death!"

Fu Qingling was shocked, but when she saw Liu Wenshu gesture towards her, she immediately

Got it.

"One of our classmates was beaten to death by them, we must take revenge!" A boy yelled angrily.

"Avenge your classmates!"

A large group of people were furious and pounced on those Dongyang people, kicking them to the ground. Several boys worked together to hold down one person, and then shouted to a girl: "Hurry up, there are more wolves and less meat, hurry up and fuck him , otherwise I won’t have your share later.”

"Okay, okay, I'm a well-mannered young lady, and I'm never rough. Today I'm going to be a little bold. I'll... hit you!"

The girl jumped over and sat on a Dongyang man. She raised her hand and said with a big mouth: "I asked you to come to southern Henan to run wild. I asked you to bully others and refuse to admit it. You bite me back... Ouch, this guy is too skinny. It’s too thick and my hand hurts from the beating, can I step on it and kick it?”

The whole scene was in full swing, but the strange thing was that the ones who beat the people were all girls, and the boys were only responsible for holding those Dongyang down.

Despite the fact that these girls are usually polite, keep their fingers clear of spring water, and are harmless to humans and animals, but now they all look like dominatrixes, with big mouths and mouths that are licking to death, and if they feel the pain in their hands a few times, they just lift their feet. He stomped it down, and he was so cruel when he started.

The people who helped hold them down were basically the boyfriends of these girls, and their faces suddenly turned green. What would happen if they got married and quarreled in the future?

These Dongyang people were beaten up severely, but the ones who did it were all girls, and no boys did it, because they were afraid that they would hit them too hard and beat them to death.

Therefore, although these Dongyang people looked very embarrassed, they all had superficial injuries, and none of them were seriously injured.

The psychological harm to these Dongyang people was far greater than the physical harm. They came to beat people, but in the end they were beaten up.

It's almost time to let those Dongyang people go, and it's time to send those injured classmates to the hospital.

Someone shouted at the top of their lungs: "Wang Hui, why did you die so miserably... Ah, Zhang Yong is also angry... Uh... who is Zhang Yong? Oh... my good brother Zhang Yong ...Why did you leave me alone...How can I live now..."

A group of Dongyang people convulsed and passed out. Damn it, you have the spare time to beat us, don't you have time to send those people to the hospital first?

"The history of blood and tears of Dongyang exchange students in China!"

"Baqi Qingteng, a young man from Dongyang with excellent morals and academics, was framed as a villain by Henan University!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood, and the murderer must pay with his life!"

One after another extremely inflammatory news headlines appeared on the Internet, and each one contained a tragic story about an outstanding exchange student who was wrongfully killed and died tragically. It was really sad to hear it and made the listeners shed tears.

Not only on the Internet, major local news media in Dongyang also carried out crazy bombing reports, and dug out everything that happened when Yaqi Aoto was three years old. The old lady was passing by and a nice young man helped his mother with housework.

However, when such an excellent and almost perfect young man arrived at Henan University, he turned into a villain full of evil and even died innocently. They demanded that Henan University give an explanation.

Finally, the core content came out. Ji Wufeng was also portrayed as the culprit who framed Baqi Qingteng, and it was discovered that Ji Wufeng was a well-known evil person at Henan University, and he was so powerful that he could cover the sky with one hand in Yuzhou. power, and his words clearly pointed to Ji Wufeng as the murderer of Baqi Ioto.

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