Dongyang University began to hold up photos of Ji Wufeng and demanded that Henan University hand over Ji Wufeng, the murderer!

That's all. The next step will be to escalate to the official level immediately. If there is no shocking reversal, this is a sure thing, and it will be the sensational international news of the year.

Finally, the news came that Henan University was going to hold a press conference, and all major media came to hear the news. In addition to local media, major media across the country, and even some foreign media rushed to Yuzhou overnight to conduct the most timely on-site live streaming.

Ten o'clock finally arrived, and Fang Zhihong walked into the press conference room escorted by a group of school security guards.

He scanned the audience with sharp eyes and said loudly: "Hello everyone in the news media, I am Fang Zhihong from Henan University. Today I will hold a press conference on the Baqi Ivy case to give a detailed explanation."

Before he finished speaking, a media reporter jumped up and said in broken Chinese: "Do you still need to explain? Now I just want to seek justice for the victims, but the murderer Ji Wufeng has not been seen yet, you southern Henan Does the university want to cover up the murderer?”

In an instant, all the Dongyang people in the audience were aroused with anger and shouted in unison: "Hand over the murderer Ji Wufeng!"

A young man walked out from behind Fang Zhihong, which immediately silenced all the Dongyang people in the room and stared at him with angry eyes.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Since you all want to see me so much, I'll come out, but you'd better not talk nonsense. I am a good law-abiding citizen of China and I never do anything illegal or criminal. If you talk nonsense, I will take up legal weapons to sue you."

"Asshole, how dare you be so arrogant after killing someone? You can't defend yourself in front of so many media." A reporter from Dongyang said angrily.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "What I said are all facts. There is no quibbling. With so many of you coming here, you must really want to know the truth. And I am here today just to bring you the truth."

Chen Tienan, who was wearing a police uniform and looked very heroic, walked onto the stage and said with dignity: "Hello, friends from the media, I am Chen Tienan, the detachment leader of the Yuzhou Municipal Bureau. After the incident, our police immediately launched a thorough investigation. Currently, We have sufficient evidence to prove that Ji Wufeng is not the murderer, but someone else!"

"Hmph, don't think that we don't know about your collusion and are trying to confuse right and wrong and protect criminals."

Chen Tienan said with a chill on his face: "Since I said there is evidence, then of course this evidence is conclusive evidence."

A police comrade stepped forward, turned on his mobile phone and projector, and projected the image on the wall.

The frightened Yaki Ivy, the cold blade, the terrifying killer in black, and the authentic Dongyang dialect are enough to prove that the murderer was not Ji Wufeng, but a Dongyang person.

Chen Tienan added: "Maybe you will say that this video must be forged. Even if the video is real, then this killer must be the murderer pretending to be from Dongyang, you?"

A Dongyang person immediately said: "Of course, this kind of trick can't be hidden from us."

"You think too much."

Chen Tienan shook his head and said: "After the police obtained the video, they immediately handed it over to the International Court of Justice for identification. They have been able to prove that the video is absolutely authentic. In addition, we have also obtained the identity of the black-clad killer. After verification, his name is Ying Muhai, he is definitely from Dongyang, and he entered Yuzhou about a week ago as an entourage of the Baqi family group."

After hearing what Chen Tienan said, all Dongyang reporters were instantly confused. They said that the video was faked, but the international court could prove that the video was genuine.

They wanted to say that the murderer was an impostor from China, but their true identity had been verified.

In an instant, everyone was silent. It felt like someone had slapped a dozen hard slaps on the face, which was burning and painful.

As for the foreign media, they were even more surprised. They never thought that the murderer would be from Dongyang, and it seemed that he was a member of the Baqi family.

Countless extremely angry eyes were cast on those Dongyang people, and the Chinese people who were watching were even more furious. It was so shameless. You killed your own people, and then you turned back and falsely accused others of being the murderers. Can you be any more despicable? ?

The faces of those foreign media reporters were full of disdain. It was obvious that even they looked down upon such despicable and shameful behavior.

Chen Tienan said with an angry tone: "Dear friends from the media, I now want to release two other videos. I hope you can give them justice in a fair manner."

After the two videos were played, the Chinese people watching became angry instantly.

"Beasts, you actually killed a group of children. Are you still human?"

"This is basically a murder on the street, you are all murderers!"

"They are still a group of students, why are you so cruel?"


There was a burst of furious rebuke, and some soft-hearted people began to wipe away tears when they saw the children being beaten.

Chen Tienan said angrily: "I believe you have all seen that when you said you wanted to seek justice, our kind and pure students would rather be beaten than fight back. That is because they feel that your compatriots are dead, and they would rather be beaten than resolved. The sorrow in your hearts.”

"But our students, what's wrong with our children? Why do you vent your anger on them? They are still a group of children. You can actually be so cruel. You still have the most basic humanities in your hearts. Is it moral?”

"Dear friends from the media, may I ask you, who is the real victim?"

Chen Tienan yelled loudly, and her whole body was shaking with emotion.

The people's anger was ignited. After Chen Tienan's words, a man clenched his fist and shouted: "Severely punish the murderer!"

"Punish the murderer severely!"

Fang Zhihong stood up, bowed deeply to everyone, and said sadly: "The reason why we remain silent is out of justice, and we don't want to intensify deeper conflicts, but we didn't expect that our good intentions would lead to this." I cannot absolve myself from the serious consequences." Dongyang Local University began to hold up Ji Wufeng's photo, demanding that Henan University hand over Ji Wufeng, the murderer!

That's all. The next step will be to escalate to the official level immediately. If there is no shocking reversal, this is a sure thing, and it will be the sensational international news of the year.

Finally, the news came that Henan University was going to hold a press conference, and all major media came to hear the news. In addition to local media, major media across the country, and even some foreign media rushed to Yuzhou overnight to conduct the most timely on-site live streaming.

Ten o'clock finally arrived, and Fang Zhihong walked into the press conference room escorted by a group of school security guards.

He scanned the audience with sharp eyes and said loudly: "Hello everyone in the news media, I am Fang Zhihong from Henan University. Today I will hold a press conference on the Baqi Ivy case to give a detailed explanation."

Before he finished speaking, a media reporter jumped up and said in broken Chinese: "Do you still need to explain? Now I just want to seek justice for the victims, but the murderer Ji Wufeng has not been seen yet, you southern Henan Does the university want to cover up the murderer?”

In an instant, all the Dongyang people in the audience were aroused with anger and shouted in unison: "Hand over the murderer Ji Wufeng!"

A young man walked out from behind Fang Zhihong, which immediately silenced all the Dongyang people in the room and stared at him with angry eyes.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Since you all want to see me so much, I'll come out, but you'd better not talk nonsense. I am a good law-abiding citizen of China and I never do anything illegal or criminal. If you talk nonsense, I will take up legal weapons to sue you."

"Asshole, how dare you be so arrogant after killing someone? You can't defend yourself in front of so many media." A reporter from Dongyang said angrily.

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "What I said are all facts. There is no quibbling. With so many of you coming here, you must really want to know the truth. And I am here today just to bring you the truth."

Chen Tienan, who was wearing a police uniform and looked very heroic, walked onto the stage and said with dignity: "Hello, friends from the media, I am Chen Tienan, the detachment leader of the Yuzhou Municipal Bureau. After the incident, our police immediately launched a thorough investigation. Currently, We have sufficient evidence to prove that Ji Wufeng is not the murderer, but someone else!"

"Hmph, don't think that we don't know about your collusion and are trying to confuse right and wrong and protect criminals."

Chen Tienan said with a chill on his face: "Since I said there is evidence, then of course this evidence is conclusive evidence."

A police comrade stepped forward, turned on his mobile phone and projector, and projected the image on the wall.

The frightened Yaki Ivy, the cold blade, the terrifying killer in black, and the authentic Dongyang dialect are enough to prove that the murderer was not Ji Wufeng, but a Dongyang person.

Chen Tienan added: "Maybe you will say that this video must be forged. Even if the video is real, then this killer must be the murderer pretending to be from Dongyang, you?"

A Dongyang person immediately said: "Of course, this kind of trick can't be hidden from us."

"You think too much."

Chen Tienan shook his head and said: "After the police obtained the video, they immediately handed it over to the International Court of Justice for identification. They have been able to prove that the video is absolutely authentic. In addition, we have also obtained the identity of the black-clad killer. After verification, his name is Ying Muhai, he is definitely from Dongyang, and he entered Yuzhou about a week ago as an entourage of the Baqi family group."

After hearing what Chen Tienan said, all Dongyang reporters were instantly confused. They said that the video was faked, but the international court could prove that the video was genuine.

They wanted to say that the murderer was an impostor from China, but their true identity had been verified.

In an instant, everyone was silent. It felt like someone had slapped a dozen hard slaps on the face, which was burning and painful.

As for the foreign media, they were even more surprised. They never thought that the murderer would be from Dongyang, and it seemed that he was a member of the Baqi family.

Countless extremely angry eyes were cast on those Dongyang people, and the Chinese people who were watching were even more furious. It was so shameless. You killed your own people, and then you turned back and falsely accused others of being the murderers. Can you be any more despicable? ?

The faces of those foreign media reporters were full of disdain. It was obvious that even they looked down upon such despicable and shameful behavior.

Chen Tienan said with an angry tone: "Dear friends from the media, I now want to release two other videos. I hope you can give them justice in a fair manner."

After the two videos were played, the Chinese people watching became angry instantly.

"Beasts, you actually killed a group of children. Are you still human?"

"This is basically a murder on the street, you are all murderers!"

"They are still a group of students, why are you so cruel?"


There was a burst of furious rebuke, and some soft-hearted people began to wipe away tears when they saw the children being beaten.

Chen Tienan said angrily: "I believe you have all seen that when you said you wanted to seek justice, our kind and pure students would rather be beaten than fight back. That is because they feel that your compatriots are dead, and they would rather be beaten than resolved. The sorrow in your hearts.”

"But our students, what's wrong with our children? Why do you vent your anger on them? They are still a group of children. You can actually be so cruel. You still have the most basic humanities in your hearts. Is it moral?”

"Dear friends from the media, may I ask you, who is the real victim?"

Chen Tienan yelled loudly, and her whole body was shaking with emotion.

The people's anger was ignited. After Chen Tienan's words, a man clenched his fist and shouted: "Severely punish the murderer!"

"Punish the murderer severely!"

Fang Zhihong stood up, bowed deeply to everyone, and said sadly: "The reason why we remain silent is out of justice, and we don't want to intensify deeper conflicts, but we didn't expect that our good intentions would lead to this." I cannot absolve myself from the serious consequences."

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