Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1358 Torture to extract confessions

Shi Yiren suddenly looked solemn, bowed deeply to Ji Wufeng, and said: "Before, Yiren was in trouble and thought Brother Ji was too murderous. It turns out that Brother Ji also has the most kind heart. Brother Ji's actions today , it’s a blessing for people, a blessing for doctors and patients, Brother Ji’s merits are immeasurable!”

Ji Wufeng said with melancholy on his face: "It's not that Ji Wufeng is too murderous, but that sometimes he has to kill!"

Shi Yiren looked at the golden woman on the ground and couldn't help but sigh. Although killing is against the harmony of nature, in many cases, if you don't kill, how can you stop the killing?

Just like the current invasion of the Shenzhou Martial Arts by the Sakura Temple and Shengguo, there will be bloodshed and killing wherever they go. If you don't kill now, what you will usher in in the future will most likely be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

Therefore, killing may be a sign of helplessness, or killing may be a sign of compassion!

Kong Ming's opponent was also a blond man, but his hair was very short, almost like a bald head. Maybe this was the reason why Kong Ming came to him.

Similarly, this short-haired man is no match for Kong Ming. Kong Ming's boundless Buddhist power is endless and vast. When it collides with the short-haired man, it is impossible for the short-haired man to resist!

"This donor, you are no match for the poor monk. Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Let the poor monk save you. From now on, you can reach bliss early." Kong Ming persuaded with a smile on his face.

As a disciple of Buddhism, Kong Ming had a stronger murderous intention than Ji Wufeng. Now that he heard him say such words, Ji Wufeng always felt that this little bald donkey was not a good person and had a very bad mind.

The short-haired man was furious and said: "Asshole, I am a child of God, how can I join an extremely lowly Buddhist sect like yours?"

Most of the disciples of the Holy Court were adopted from a young age and were instilled with the concept of absolute loyalty to the Holy Court. Now that Kong Ming wanted to save him, it made him even more angry than trying to steal his wife.

However, when Kong Ming heard the short-haired man say that Buddhism was extremely lowly, the peaceful aura of a Buddhist on his face disappeared in an instant, his eyes widened, and his body suddenly pounced like a leopard.

Kong Ming raised his fist and hit the short-haired man in the eye socket. The short-haired man was immediately knocked dizzy and fell to the ground with stars in his eyes.

Kong Ming rushed down, stepped on the short-haired man's arms with both feet, then sat on his chest and punched him down.

"Golden retriever, do you dare to say that Buddhism is inferior?"


"Do you think eating steak and drinking coffee makes you superior? I still eat garlic stinky tofu!"


"Do you think you're awesome because you have wings? Did you know that in China you are just bird people? Damn it... you fainted so quickly? I haven't had the pleasure of it yet!"

Kong Ming punched him one after another, as if he was striking iron. After a few punches, the short-haired man passed out.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. How could this look like a Buddhist monk? He looks more like a ruffian than himself.


Kong Ming loudly shouted the Buddha's name and said: "It's not that I'm angry, it's just that the bird man has defiled my Buddhism. If I, the monk, don't take action, if the Buddha knows about it, he will definitely blame me for my inability to protect the sect."

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes at him, feeling that this dead monk was born in Buddhism, but he was telling lies.

Shi Yiren looked at the three birdmen on the ground and said, "Brother Ji, what should we do with them?"

\u003e Ji Wufeng said with a solemn expression: "It seems that not only the Sakura Temple, but also the Holy Court has gotten involved. The matter is serious."

Shi Yiren nodded and said: "The two holy places are taking action at the same time. We must not take it lightly."

"Now I'm worried about another thing. I'm afraid it's not just the two holy places." Ji Wufeng said with a sharp look in his eyes.

Holy land-level forces include not only the Tiangong, but also the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court. At least the Dark Holy See that Ji Wufeng has come into contact with is definitely not inferior to the Holy Court.

In addition to the four major holy lands that we have already contacted, there are also two major holy land-level forces, namely the Jialuo Cult in the east and the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain in Northern Europe!

Kong Ming said: "It shouldn't be the case. The Sakura Temple has a deep feud with the Shenzhou Wulin. It also had issues with the Holy Court during World War II. The other three holy places have no reason to come to China to cause trouble."

Shi Yiren nodded and said: "The Dark Holy See and the Holy Court are sworn enemies and it is impossible to join forces. The Jialuo Religion and the Shenzhou once had good relations. As for the Wanshen Mountain, it is too far away from the Shenzhou and has never had contact with them."

"It looks like this on the surface, but it is not difficult to ensure that they have not reached some kind of chain of interests with each other. At least, the Jia Luo Cult has to guard against it." Ji Wufeng said.

Although Wuchen never revealed her identity, she told Ji Wufeng sideways that it was her so-called "it is hard to disobey a teacher's orders, and I dare not be tainted with any lust."

Since she comes from the Holy Land, the only one with such rules is the Jia Luo Cult. The saint of the Cult will be the next leader and will dedicate everything in her life to the Cult. Therefore, the Saint must never marry for life. .

Wuchen said that he and Ji Wufeng would only be friends for the last day, which means that they will most likely have a hostile relationship in the future.

But why did she say that? The only explanation is that the Jia Luo Cult is very likely to become an enemy of the Chinese Wulin.

After hearing Ji Wufeng's words, Kong Ming and Shi Yiren's expressions instantly became solemn, and they said: "It seems that we really need to act with caution."

The three masters of the Holy Court had their skills and acupuncture points sealed. Wu Chang and Guohun rushed over. They were all shocked when they saw Shi Yiren, but the pure aura of her body could not make people feel blasphemous and evil. .

Ji Wufeng pointed at the three of them and said, "I'll leave them to you for interrogation, but remember not to kill them."

The two came from a dark prison, and there were many ways to make life worse than death, so they were not afraid of not speaking up.

"Haha, I'm an expert in this matter. What do you want to ask?" Gouhun said excitedly.

"Ask their names first," Ji Wufeng said.

The blond man said with a stern face: "Our names will not be hidden. As for other information, you despicable people can't let us bow our heads."

The blond man's name is Fox, the short-haired man's name is Sam, and the woman's name is Signy!


Gouhun glared and said: "You are already a prisoner, and you are still so arrogant. If I don't show you a little bit of my skills, don't you know what colors are available in the dyeing shop?"


Gouhun rushed over and gave each of them a few big mouths. His hands were very swollen, and his face suddenly became swollen, with blood flowing down the corners of his mouth.

Signy said with disdain: "Come here, our souls and bodies have been dedicated to God. No matter how you torture us, under the light of God, we will not feel pain." Shi Yiren Suddenly with a solemn look on his face, he bowed deeply to Ji Wufeng and said: "Before, I was so pretentious that I thought Brother Ji was too murderous. It turns out that Brother Ji also has the most benevolent heart. Brother Ji's behavior today is Yi Ren's behavior." It’s a blessing for people, a blessing for doctors and patients, Brother Ji’s merits are immeasurable!”

Ji Wufeng said with melancholy on his face: "It's not that Ji Wufeng is too murderous, but that sometimes he has to kill!"

Shi Yiren looked at the golden woman on the ground and couldn't help but sigh. Although killing is against the harmony of nature, in many cases, if you don't kill, how can you stop the killing?

Just like the current invasion of the Shenzhou Martial Arts by the Sakura Temple and Shengguo, there will be bloodshed and killing wherever they go. If you don't kill now, what you will usher in in the future will most likely be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

Therefore, killing may be a sign of helplessness, or killing may be a sign of compassion!

Kong Ming's opponent was also a blond man, but his hair was very short, almost like a bald head. Maybe this was the reason why Kong Ming came to him.

Similarly, this short-haired man is no match for Kong Ming. Kong Ming's boundless Buddhist power is endless and vast. When it collides with the short-haired man, it is impossible for the short-haired man to resist!

"This donor, you are no match for the poor monk. Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Let the poor monk save you. From now on, you can reach bliss early." Kong Ming persuaded with a smile on his face.

As a disciple of Buddhism, Kong Ming had a stronger murderous intention than Ji Wufeng. Now that he heard him say such words, Ji Wufeng always felt that this little bald donkey was not a good person and had a very bad mind.

The short-haired man was furious and said: "Asshole, I am a child of God, how can I join an extremely lowly Buddhist sect like yours?"

Most of the disciples of the Holy Court were adopted from a young age and were instilled with the concept of absolute loyalty to the Holy Court. Now that Kong Ming wanted to save him, it made him even more angry than trying to steal his wife.

However, when Kong Ming heard the short-haired man say that Buddhism was extremely lowly, the peaceful aura of a Buddhist on his face disappeared in an instant, his eyes widened, and his body suddenly pounced like a leopard.

Kong Ming raised his fist and hit the short-haired man in the eye socket. The short-haired man was immediately knocked dizzy and fell to the ground with stars in his eyes.

Kong Ming rushed down, stepped on the short-haired man's arms with both feet, then sat on his chest and punched him down.

"Golden retriever, do you dare to say that Buddhism is inferior?"


"Do you think eating steak and drinking coffee makes you superior? I still eat garlic stinky tofu!"


"Do you think you're awesome because you have wings? Did you know that in China you are just bird people? Damn it... you fainted so quickly? I haven't had the pleasure of it yet!"

Kong Ming punched him one after another, as if he was striking iron. After a few punches, the short-haired man passed out.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. How could this look like a Buddhist monk? He looks more like a ruffian than himself.


Kong Ming loudly shouted the Buddha's name and said: "It's not that I'm angry, it's just that the bird man has defiled my Buddhism. If I, the monk, don't take action, if the Buddha knows about it, he will definitely blame me for my inability to protect the sect."

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes at him, feeling that this dead monk was born in Buddhism, but he was telling lies.

Shi Yiren looked at the three birdmen on the ground and said, "Brother Ji, what should we do with them?"

\u003e Ji Wufeng said with a solemn expression: "It seems that not only the Sakura Temple, but also the Holy Court has gotten involved. The matter is serious."

Shi Yiren nodded and said: "The two holy places are taking action at the same time. We must not take it lightly."

"Now I'm worried about another thing. I'm afraid it's not just the two holy places." Ji Wufeng said with a sharp look in his eyes.

Holy land-level forces include not only the Tiangong, but also the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court. At least the Dark Holy See that Ji Wufeng has come into contact with is definitely not inferior to the Holy Court.

In addition to the four major holy lands that we have already contacted, there are also two major holy land-level forces, namely the Jialuo Cult in the east and the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain in Northern Europe!

Kong Ming said: "It shouldn't be the case. The Sakura Temple has a deep feud with the Shenzhou Wulin. It also had issues with the Holy Court during World War II. The other three holy places have no reason to come to China to cause trouble."

Shi Yiren nodded and said: "The Dark Holy See and the Holy Court are sworn enemies and it is impossible to join forces. The Jialuo Religion and the Shenzhou once had good relations. As for the Wanshen Mountain, it is too far away from the Shenzhou and has never had contact with them."

"It looks like this on the surface, but it is not difficult to ensure that they have not reached some kind of chain of interests with each other. At least, the Jia Luo Cult has to guard against it." Ji Wufeng said.

Although Wuchen never revealed her identity, she told Ji Wufeng sideways that it was her so-called "it is hard to disobey a teacher's orders, and I dare not be tainted with any lust."

Since she comes from the Holy Land, the only one with such rules is the Jia Luo Cult. The saint of the Cult will be the next leader and will dedicate everything in her life to the Cult. Therefore, the Saint must never marry for life. .

Wuchen said that he and Ji Wufeng would only be friends for the last day, which means that they will most likely have a hostile relationship in the future.

But why did she say that? The only explanation is that the Jialuo Cult is very likely to become an enemy of the Shenzhou Wulin.

After hearing Ji Wufeng's words, Kong Ming and Shi Yiren's expressions instantly became solemn, and they said: "It seems that we really need to act with caution."

The three masters of the Holy Court had their skills and acupuncture points sealed. Wu Chang and Guohun rushed over. They were all shocked when they saw Shi Yiren, but the pure aura of her body could not make people feel blasphemous and evil. .

Ji Wufeng pointed at the three of them and said, "I'll leave them to you for interrogation, but remember not to kill them."

The two came from a dark prison, and there were many ways to make life worse than death, so they were not afraid of not speaking up.

"Haha, I'm an expert in this matter. What do you want to ask?" Gouhun said excitedly.

"Ask their names first," Ji Wufeng said.

The blond man said with a stern face: "Our names will not be hidden. As for other information, you despicable people can't let us bow our heads."

The blond man's name is Fox, the short-haired man's name is Sam, and the woman's name is Signy!


Gouhun glared and said: "You are already a prisoner, and you are still so arrogant. If I don't show you a little bit of my skills, don't you know what colors are available in the dyeing shop?"


Gouhun rushed over and gave each of them a few big mouths. His hands were very swollen, and his face suddenly became swollen, with blood flowing down the corners of his mouth.

Signy said with disdain: "Come here, our souls and bodies have been dedicated to God. No matter how you torture us, under the light of God, we will not feel pain."

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