Gouhun pinched Signi's cheek, lifted her chin, and said, "I just realized that you are actually a top-notch pony. It would be such a pity to ruin your beautiful face like this. "

Indeed, Signy is a beautiful woman with a sexy figure and beautiful cheeks and eyebrows, who would make a man's heart flutter.

Hearing what Gouhun said, Signy's expression became obviously nervous. Could this damn bastard want to humiliate her?

But Gouhun shook his head and said: "But what's even more pity is that I am not interested in Ocean Horse at all. I still prefer our Chinese women with temperament!"

Signy immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but Gouhun added: "But my subordinates should like it. After all, they are all extremely vicious people. How could they waste such a beautiful woman like this?"

Signy immediately said with a chill on her face: "What are you going to do?"

"I plan to hand you over to my subordinates. There are many lecherous people among them. They will definitely take good care of you!" Gouhun said with a dark smile.

"How dare you do this to me!" Signi said angrily.

"Why don't you dare? I will also take a video of the whole process. Where are you from? The Holy Court, right? I will also send the video to the Holy Court so that your bullshit god can appreciate your performance."

The most advanced interrogation method is not to torture a person's body, but to destroy her will and belief.

Sure enough, Signy's face finally changed and she said sternly: "Asshole, if you dare to do this to me, I will definitely kill you, no, kill all of you!"

She was not afraid of physical torture and was even prepared to die, but she could not bear such humiliation.

If the video of her humiliation is sent back to the Holy Court, then she is truly tainted and unworthy of being one of God's people.

Gouhun said: "Let me tell you one more thing. Our subordinates don't have one thousand but eight hundred. At least half of them will be interested in you, right? When the time comes, I will allow them all to have a share!"

Signy's eyes turned black and she almost spit out blood. If there really is a devil in the world, then the bastard in front of her is definitely the most terrifying devil in the world. Unfortunately, her god could not help her kill this devil at this time.

"Somebody come!"

Gouhun shouted loudly, and two fierce-looking men rushed in immediately, saying: "Take this foreign girl down, I'll reward you, just brothers, take good care of her, the whole city will film it on video, remember, You need to be a little more artistic when shooting.”

The eyes of the two big men suddenly shone. Such a top-notch foreign girl was sexier than many international movie stars. They immediately took Signi out happily.

Shi Yiren couldn't bear it. After all, she was also a woman, so she said, "Isn't it inappropriate to do this?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Fairy Su. Although my subordinates don't have much potential, they won't do such despicable things."

Seeing Ji Wufeng say this, Shi Yiren breathed a sigh of relief!

Soon the two strong men came back with unhappy faces and said, "It's so disappointing. He said everything before he even took off half of his clothes. All the previous efforts have been wasted."

Although Signe is the most loyal believer in the Holy Court, she is not a so-called god after all, but a living person, and people must have her weaknesses.

And her Jodio is destroying her holy image in the Holy Court!

"Damn Sigurd

Ni, traitor to God, the Holy Court will definitely not forgive you, just wait to face God’s most severe punishment! "Sam roared.

"Oh, I don't think there is a strong person here, but I like people with strong backbone like you. Only in this way can you stand it, and only then can I have room to display my talents."

Sam glared at Gouhun and said, "Your methods are of no use to me. I, Sam, am one of God's people, and I am willing to sacrifice myself!"

"You want to sacrifice yourself? Bah!"

Gouhun cursed angrily and said: "Do you think I will find hundreds of beauties to serve you? Damn, you have a pretty good idea, bring me some!"

Gouhun pointed at Sam and said to the two strong men just now: "Take him down here. Don't we have several big black dogs? Take a few out, cut off bits of meat from his body and feed them to the big black dogs." The dog is not allowed to be anesthetized, and he must be awake and watching the whole process.”

"That's great. Those big black dogs have lost weight in the past few days. They are just fattening up a little for cooking." The two big men took Sam down.

Shi Yiren and Kong Ming's hair stood up when they heard Seuling's words. They watched their flesh being cut off and then eaten by dogs. This kind of psychological torture was a hundred times more painful than killing him.


Sam's screams came from outside, and Fox's face turned green, and he said sternly: "Devils, you are all devils, you will all be punished by God, be thrown into the endless hell, and be burned to death by the fire of hell!"

Ji Wufeng walked over with a sneer on his face and said, "What a pity, this is the border of China, and your bullshit god can't control it here!"

Fox stared at Ji Wufeng with red eyes and shouted: "Don't even think about forcing me to reveal the information. I'm willing to give everything for the Holy Court!"

"I hope what you said is true!"

There was a cold chill in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and his palm suddenly slapped Fox's head, and black air suddenly spread, burrowing into Fox's head like earthworms.

"If you dare to come to China, you should understand that our China Demon Sect has a kind of torture, which requires the hands of ghosts. So far, no one can withstand it. You are so brave, let's see how long you can endure it!"

The black energy penetrated into Fox's body, and he suddenly let out an extremely brutal roar, as if millions of small insects were gnawing crazily inside his body.

He could endure the physical pain, but he felt that even his soul was being eaten away bit by bit.


Fox's whole body twitched, and his handsome face instantly became distorted by pain. He was even more terrifying than the ghoul in the movie!

"I said it, I said it..." Fox hissed.

Death is actually not the most terrifying thing, because there are so many tortures in the world that are more painful than death.

"How many people are you here in total? Who is the leader? How strong is it? What is the specific conspiracy?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly without letting go of his hand.

"There are nearly fifty of us in total. We are led by Mr. Mino, who is the peak strength of the Golden Knight. Our plan is called the Dragon Slaying Plan, which is to attack the arrogance of the entire young generation of martial arts in China." Fox said.

Dragon slaying plan?

Shi Yiren and Kong Ming both had angry faces. The dragon is the supreme totem of China. All Chinese people claim to be the descendants of the dragon. How dare they kill the dragon? What a big statement!

Ji Wufeng thought for a moment and asked: "Did the Jialuo Cult also participate in the dragon-slaying operation?" Gouhun pinched Signi's cheek, lifted her chin, and said: "I just realized that you are actually a pig. You're the best ocean horse, it would be such a pity if you ruined your beautiful face like this."

Indeed, Signy is a beautiful woman with a sexy figure and beautiful cheeks and eyebrows, who would make a man's heart flutter.

Hearing what Gouhun said, Signy's expression became obviously nervous. Could this damn bastard want to humiliate her?

But Gouhun shook his head and said: "But what's even more pity is that I am not interested in Ocean Horse at all. I still prefer our Chinese women with temperament!"

Signy immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but Gouhun added: "But my subordinates should like it. After all, they are all extremely vicious people. How could they waste such a beautiful woman like this?"

Signy immediately said with a chill on her face: "What are you going to do?" .??.

"I plan to hand you over to my subordinates. There are many lecherous people among them. They will definitely take good care of you!" Gouhun said with a dark smile.

"How dare you do this to me!" Signi said angrily.

"Why don't you dare? I will also take a video of the whole process. Where are you from? The Holy Court, right? I will also send the video to the Holy Court so that your bullshit god can appreciate your performance."

The most advanced interrogation method is not to torture a person's body, but to destroy her will and belief.

Sure enough, Signy's face finally changed and she said sternly: "Asshole, if you dare to do this to me, I will definitely kill you, no, kill all of you!"

She was not afraid of physical torture and was even prepared to die, but she could not bear such humiliation.

If the video of her humiliation is sent back to the Holy Court, then she is truly tainted and unworthy of being one of God's people.

Gouhun said: "Let me tell you one more thing. Our subordinates don't have one thousand but eight hundred. At least half of them will be interested in you, right? When the time comes, I will allow them all to have a share!"

Signy's eyes turned black and she almost spit out blood. If there really is a devil in the world, then the bastard in front of her is definitely the most terrifying devil in the world. Unfortunately, her god could not help her kill this devil at this time.

"Somebody come!"

Gouhun shouted loudly, and two fierce-looking men rushed in immediately, saying: "Take this foreign girl down, I'll reward you, just brothers, take good care of her, the whole city will film it on video, remember, You need to be a little more artistic when shooting.”

The eyes of the two big men suddenly shone. Such a top-notch foreign girl was sexier than many international movie stars. They immediately took Signi out happily.

Shi Yiren couldn't bear it. After all, she was also a woman, so she said, "Isn't it inappropriate to do this?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Fairy Su. Although my subordinates don't have much potential, they won't do such despicable things."

Seeing Ji Wufeng say this, Shi Yiren breathed a sigh of relief!

Soon the two strong men came back with unhappy faces and said, "It's so disappointing. He said everything before he even took off half of his clothes. All the previous efforts have been wasted."

Although Signe is the most loyal believer in the Holy Court, she is not a so-called god after all, but a living person, and people must have her weaknesses.

And her Jodio is destroying her holy image in the Holy Court!

"Damn Sigurd

Ni, traitor to God, the Holy Court will definitely not forgive you, just wait to face God’s most severe punishment! "Sam roared.

"Oh, I don't think there is a strong person here, but I like people with backbone like you. Only in this way can you stand it, and only then can I have room to display my talents."

Sam glared at Gouhun and said, "Your methods are of no use to me. I, Sam, am one of God's people, and I am willing to sacrifice myself!"

"You want to sacrifice yourself? Bah!"

Gouhun cursed angrily and said: "Do you think I will find hundreds of beauties to serve you? Damn, you have a pretty good idea, bring me some!"

Gouhun pointed at Sam and said to the two strong men just now: "Take him down here. Don't we have several big black dogs? Take a few out, cut off bits of meat from his body and feed them to the big black dogs." The dog is not allowed to be anesthetized, and he must be awake and watching the whole process.”

"That's great. Those big black dogs have lost weight in the past few days. They are just fattening up a little for cooking." The two big men took Sam down.

Shi Yiren and Kong Ming's hair stood up when they heard Seuling's words. They watched their flesh being cut off and then eaten by dogs. This kind of psychological torture was a hundred times more painful than killing him.


Sam's screams came from outside, and Fox's face turned green, and he said sternly: "Devils, you are all devils, you will all be punished by God, be thrown into the endless hell, and be burned to death by the fire of hell!"

Ji Wufeng walked over with a sneer on his face and said, "What a pity, this is the border of China, and your bullshit god can't control it here!"

Fox stared at Ji Wufeng with red eyes and shouted: "Don't even think about forcing me to reveal the information. I'm willing to give everything for the Holy Court!"

"I hope what you said is true!"

There was a cold chill in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and his palm suddenly slapped Fox's head, and black air suddenly spread, burrowing into Fox's head like earthworms.

"If you dare to come to China, you should understand that our China Demon Sect has a kind of torture, which requires the hands of ghosts. So far, no one can withstand it. You are so brave, let's see how long you can endure it!"

The black energy penetrated into Fox's body, and he suddenly let out an extremely brutal roar, as if millions of small insects were gnawing crazily inside his body.

He could endure the physical pain, but he felt that even his soul was being eaten away bit by bit.


Fox's whole body twitched, and his handsome face instantly became distorted by pain. He was even more terrifying than the ghoul in the movie!

"I said it, I said it..." Fox hissed.

Death is actually not the most terrifying thing, because there are so many tortures in the world that are more painful than death.

"How many people are you here in total? Who is the leader? How strong is it? What is the specific conspiracy?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly without letting go of his hand.

"There are nearly fifty of us in total, and we are led by Mr. Mino, who is the peak strength of the Golden Knight. Our plan is called the Dragon Slaying Plan, which is to attack the arrogance of the young generation of the entire Chinese martial arts community." Fox said.

Dragon slaying plan?

Shi Yiren and Kong Ming both had angry faces. The dragon is the supreme totem of China. All Chinese people claim to be the descendants of the dragon. How dare they kill the dragon? What a big statement!

Ji Wufeng thought for a moment and asked, "Did the Jialuo Cult also participate in the dragon-slaying operation?"

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