"What are you talking about, Brother Ning? It's because they are not good at studying. Now someone can teach them something. That's their fate." Ji Wufeng said with a generous smile.

"Brother Ji is really generous. There will be a party tonight. Young heroes from all walks of life will gather together to discuss how to deal with Dongyang warriors. I hope Brother Ji can attend!" Ning Tianyu said.

"Okay, I will definitely be there." Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

Ji Wufeng was not interested in such a gathering, but only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. He wanted to see which young and strong men there were in the Chinese martial arts world.

"We'll look forward to seeing Brother Ji at that time!" ??

Ning Tianyu left, and Ji Wufeng also left. The young man who said Ji Wufeng was a country bumpkin was dumbfounded, and murmured to himself: "Oh my god, he is Ji Wufeng? I am so awesome, I dare to say that the Youth Supreme is Country bumpkin!"

Ji Wufeng stared at Liu Qingqing and Liana angrily. Liana was a little better. She didn't dare to speak and just lowered her head. But Miss Liu didn't take this trick and continued even more arrogantly: "What are you looking at me for?" ? You also want to try my Dragon Subduing Tiger Fist?"

Ji Wufeng wanted to laugh angrily, but he couldn't help but said angrily: "Do you know this is very dangerous? There are masters everywhere here, and there are also Dongyang people. They kill without blinking an eye. What if something happens to you?"

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes and said: "We are so beautiful and powerful in the martial arts world, who dares to come to us for trouble? Besides, we are here just for the Dongyang people, but we dare to come to our territory to kill people and set fires. It's simply They are just so bold that they must be taught a lesson!"

"Are you the only one who still wants to fight the Dongyang people?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Asshole, you look down on me, don't you?" Liu Qing was angry.

"I'm just telling the truth. If I were not here today, you would have suffered a lot from Zhou Pengfei."

Liu Qingqing was fighting Zhou Pengfei. If Ji Wufeng hadn't reminded her in time, she would have suffered a loss today.

"I... people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. Only by experiencing failure can you truly be invincible!" Liu Qingqing said sophistry.

"Still invincible? If I were not here today, you would have been taken home as your wife. Xiao Feng, send them both back immediately."

There must be a big battle this time, and it would be too dangerous for Liu Qingqing and Liana to stay here.

Xiao Feng immediately stepped forward to take Liu Qingqing away, but Liu Qingqing raised his fist and glared: "You dare to take a punch from me, right?"

Xiao Feng immediately took a step back in fright and said: "Sir, boss, please don't let us get involved in your young couple's affairs, okay?"

After saying that, he ran out quickly. Wuchang and Yue Kunpeng saw that something was wrong, so they immediately turned around and ran away.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were wide open and he was about to get angry when suddenly there was a bang and the newly installed new door was kicked to pieces.

Yun Shuixian walked in angrily with a sword in hand and said, "You bastard, you disturbed me to sleep, do you understand?"

Liu Qingqing immediately became angry, pointed at Yun Shuixian and said angrily: "You bastard, no wonder you want to drive us back, it turns out that you have picked up another girl, she is still so young, she is underage, you beast , you can even attack underage girls, I want to call the police to arrest you..."

Ji Wufeng suddenly fainted and waited angrily: "What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with her!"

"Am I talking nonsense? Why?

Why did she call you a bad guy? If you didn't do anything bad to her, could she call you that? "

Liu Qingqing was furious for a while, and then asked Yun Shuixian: "Don't be afraid, little sister. Tell me, does this big bad guy have anything to do with you? To be honest, with me here, if he really does something bad to you, I will Make him a eunuch!"

Yun Shuixian was about to speak, but her big eyes suddenly turned slyly and said: "Of course I have a relationship with him!"

"You whore, now that she has admitted it, what else do you have to say?" Liu Qingqing roared angrily.

Ji Wufeng's eyebrows stood up angrily and he said angrily to Yun Shuixian: "What nonsense are you talking about? What do I have to do with you?"

"I said yes, otherwise why would I have traveled thousands of miles to find you?"

As Yun Shuixian spoke, her little face was full of grievances, and she saw tears about to fall, and said: "Why are you so cruel to others? Did I make you angry and you want to drive me away?"

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded. This ghost girl was deliberately trying to trick me.

"Sister, don't cry. As long as you have sister here, no one can bully you." Lianna saw Yun Narcissus crying immediately and stepped forward to comfort her.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "She is talking nonsense, okay? Don't believe her!"

"Bah, nonsense? She is so young and so pretty, how can she tell lies to deceive us? I think you lied to her, and now you want to abuse her!" Liu Qingqing said angrily.

"Listen to what I'm telling you first... Ouch..."

Ji Wufeng wanted to explain, but before he could say anything, Liu Qingqing hit him in the eye with a Dragon Subduing Tiger Fist.

"You beast, you, you are worse than a beast. Today I will do justice to God and teach you a lesson. Vivian, don't be idle anymore. Come and deal with him together!" Liu lightly kicked Ji Wufeng. Kicked to the ground, she sat on him and turned to shout to Liana.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Liana ran over.

Yun Shuixian also followed and shouted: "Count me in, count me in, make room for me..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of punching, kicking and Ji Wufeng's wailing in the room. The miserable intensity was really chilling.

Xiao Feng and the three people outside the door trembled with cold sweat after hearing this. They were mourning for Ji Wufeng in their hearts.

The three girls finally came out. Liu Qingqing and Lianna held Yun Shuixian's hands and said, "You must be hungry after beating her so hard. Let's go eat."

"Okay, okay, that big bad guy tortures me every day and doesn't let me eat. Look, I've lost weight!"

"What a beast. Wait, let's come back and deal with him after we're full!"

After the three women had gone far away, Xiao Feng and the other three sneaked into the room quietly. They saw Ji Wufeng lying there and moving like a pig's head after being beaten. If his legs hadn't twitched from time to time, they would have suspected him. No more energy.

Xiao Feng poked Ji Wufeng with his finger and said, "Boss, are you okay?"

"You three bastards, I was beaten like this and you didn't even come in to help, go to hell!"

As Ji Wufeng roared, there was a burst of miserable howls in the room. After a long time, Ji Wufeng clapped his hands and walked out. Xiao Feng and the other three followed behind, but they all had bruises and swollen faces. After touching their cheeks, suddenly It hurt so much that I just grinned. "What are you talking about, Brother Ning? It's because they are not good at studying. Now someone can teach them something. That's their fate." Ji Wufeng said with a generous smile.

"Brother Ji is really generous. There will be a party tonight. Young heroes from all walks of life will gather together to discuss how to deal with Dongyang warriors. I hope Brother Ji can attend!" Ning Tianyu said.

"Okay, I will definitely be there." Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

Ji Wufeng was not interested in such a gathering, but only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. He wanted to see which young and strong men there were in the Chinese martial arts world.

"We'll look forward to seeing Brother Ji at that time!"

Ning Tianyu left, and Ji Wufeng also left. The young man who said Ji Wufeng was a country bumpkin was dumbfounded, and murmured to himself: "Oh my god, he is Ji Wufeng? I am so awesome, I dare to say that the Youth Supreme is Country bumpkin!" .??.

Ji Wufeng stared at Liu Qingqing and Liana angrily. Liana was a little better. She didn't dare to speak and just lowered her head. But Miss Liu didn't take this trick and continued even more arrogantly: "What are you looking at me for?" ? You also want to try my Dragon Subduing Tiger Fist?"

Ji Wufeng wanted to laugh angrily, but he couldn't help but said angrily: "Do you know this is very dangerous? There are masters everywhere here, and there are also Dongyang people. They kill without blinking an eye. What if something happens to you?"

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes and said: "We are so beautiful and powerful in the martial arts world, who dares to come to us for trouble? Besides, we are here just for the Dongyang people, but we dare to come to our territory to kill people and set fires. It's simply They are just so bold that they must be taught a lesson!"

"Are you the only one who still wants to fight the Dongyang people?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Asshole, you look down on me, don't you?" Liu Qing was angry.

"I'm just telling the truth. If I were not here today, you would have suffered a lot from Zhou Pengfei."

Liu Qingqing was fighting Zhou Pengfei. If Ji Wufeng hadn't reminded her in time, she would have suffered a loss today.

"I... people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. Only by experiencing failure can you truly be invincible!" Liu Qingqing said sophistry.

"Still invincible? If I were not here today, you would have been taken home as your wife. Xiao Feng, send them both back immediately."

There must be a big battle this time, and it would be too dangerous for Liu Qingqing and Liana to stay here.

Xiao Feng immediately stepped forward to take Liu Qingqing away, but Liu Qingqing raised his fist and glared: "You dare to take a punch from me, right?"

Xiao Feng immediately took a step back in fright and said: "Sir, boss, please don't let us get involved in your young couple's affairs, okay?"

After saying that, he ran out quickly. Wuchang and Yue Kunpeng saw that something was wrong, so they immediately turned around and ran away.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were wide open and he was about to get angry when suddenly there was a bang and the newly installed new door was kicked to pieces.

Yun Shuixian walked in angrily with a sword in hand and said, "You bastard, you disturbed me to sleep, do you understand?"

Liu Qingqing immediately became angry, pointed at Yun Shuixian and said angrily: "You bastard, no wonder you want to drive us back, it turns out that you have picked up another girl, she is still so young, she is underage, you beast , you can even attack underage girls, I want to call the police to arrest you..."

Ji Wufeng suddenly fainted and waited angrily: "What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with her!"

"Am I talking nonsense? Why?

Why did she call you a bad guy? If you didn't do anything bad to her, could she call you that? "

Liu Qingqing was furious for a while, and then asked Yun Shuixian: "Don't be afraid, little sister. Tell me, does this big bad guy have anything to do with you? To be honest, with me here, if he really does something bad to you, I will Make him a eunuch!"

Yun Shuixian was about to speak, but her big eyes suddenly turned slyly and said: "Of course I have a relationship with him!"

"You whore, now that she has admitted it, what else do you have to say?" Liu Qingqing roared angrily.

Ji Wufeng's eyebrows stood up angrily, and he said angrily to Yun Shuixian: "What nonsense are you talking about? What do I have to do with you?"

"I said yes, otherwise why would I have traveled thousands of miles to find you?"

As Yun Shuixian spoke, her little face was full of grievances, and she saw tears about to fall, and said: "Why are you so cruel to others? Did I make you angry and you want to drive me away?"

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded. This ghost girl was deliberately trying to trick me.

"Sister, don't cry. As long as you have sister here, no one can bully you." Lianna saw Yun Narcissus crying immediately and stepped forward to comfort her.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "She is talking nonsense, okay? Don't believe her!"

"Bah, nonsense? She is so young and so pretty, how can she tell lies to deceive us? I think you lied to her, and now you want to abuse her!" Liu Qingqing said angrily.

"Listen to what I'm telling you first... Ouch..."

Ji Wufeng wanted to explain, but before he could say anything, Liu Qingqing hit him in the eye with a Dragon Subduing Tiger Fist.

"You beast, you, you are worse than a beast. Today I will do justice to God and teach you a lesson. Vivian, don't be idle anymore. Come and deal with him together!" Liu lightly kicked Ji Wufeng. Kicked to the ground, she sat on him and turned to shout to Liana.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Liana ran over.

Yun Shuixian also followed and shouted: "Count me in, count me in, make room for me..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of punching, kicking and Ji Wufeng's wailing in the room. The miserable intensity was really chilling.

Xiao Feng and the three people outside the door trembled with cold sweat after hearing this. They were mourning for Ji Wufeng in their hearts.

The three girls finally came out. Liu Qingqing and Lianna held Yun Shuixian's hands and said, "You must be hungry after beating her so hard. Let's go eat."

"Okay, okay, that big bad guy tortures me every day and doesn't let me eat. Look, I've lost weight!"

"What a beast. Wait, let's come back and deal with him after we're full!"

After the three women had gone far away, Xiao Feng and the other three sneaked into the room quietly. They saw Ji Wufeng lying there and moving like a pig's head after being beaten. If his legs hadn't twitched from time to time, they would have suspected him. No more energy.

Xiao Feng poked Ji Wufeng with his finger and said, "Boss, are you okay?"

"You three bastards, I was beaten like this and you didn't even come in to help, go to hell!"

As Ji Wufeng roared, there was a burst of miserable howls in the room. After a long time, Ji Wufeng clapped his hands and walked out. Xiao Feng and the other three followed behind, but they all had bruises and swollen faces. After touching their cheeks, suddenly It hurt so much that I just grinned.

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