When I went out to the street, I saw four people with bruises and swollen faces and limping. A young man pointed at them and couldn't help laughing: "Haha... Look, they must have messed with someone they shouldn't have messed with." , they were all beaten into pig heads!”

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry, stared at his eyes and said, "What did you say, kid?"

The faces of the four people were beaten so badly that no one recognized them. Seeing that Ji Wufeng got angry, the young man sneered and said: "You dare to be so crazy after being beaten like this. If you make me angry, I will give you a beating." !”

Before Ji Wufeng could get angry, Xiao Feng and the others rushed forward and cursed: "Damn, you are so mean-mouthed, hit me!"

He kicked him to the ground, and the three of them rushed towards him and started punching and kicking him. They were angry and their attacks were darker than the last. The young man was beaten and howled in agony, just like a pig butcher. His His companion originally wanted to step forward, but was frightened by his miserable howl and backed away.

After almost a while, Xiao Feng clapped his hands and said to the young man on the ground: "Next time, open your eyes a little brighter. If you offend me again, I will kill you!"

The four of them walked around the street for a long time before the bruises on the faces of Xiao Feng and the three of them subsided.

As for Ji Wufeng, things are miserable. I don’t know whether it was Liu Qingqing and Liana who acted lightly or Yun Shuixian played a dirty trick. It’s been a long time, but the swelling on his face just won’t go away, and he has two panda eyes. Without asking, he knew he had just been beaten.

I want to go to that party later, but how can I meet people like this? But I had to go!

The gathering place was a fairly spacious manor. When Ji Wufeng and others arrived, they found that many people had already arrived, all of them young masters. After all, they were not qualified to come in if they were not strong enough.

Ji Wufeng was about to enter the book when he was stopped by two strong men at the door. They said with contempt on their faces: "Sorry, my young master is here to entertain distinguished guests today. No other people are allowed in!"

This is because Ji Wufeng's face looked like a pig's head after being beaten. His strength must be poor. Otherwise, even if he was beaten, he could use his strength to reduce the swelling, and there would be no way he would show up with a pig's head on his head and embarrass himself.

There's nothing I can do about it, this is how society looks at faces. It's just a pity that people can't see Ji Wufeng's handsome face now.

At this moment, a guy came with a group of people staring at a pig-headed face. He happened to see Ji Wufeng and the others, and immediately said angrily: "It's them, they're the ones who beat me like this!"

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw that he was immediately happy. This kid was the guy who made fun of them just now. In the end, he was severely punished by Xiao Feng and the others.

I didn't expect to meet him so soon. He must have regained his place.

As soon as the young man shouted, a large group of people gathered around him. However, there were many people present who were watching the battle in front of the ring today, and they recognized Xiao Feng and the others at a glance.

Although they were defeated by Ning Tianyu, they all undoubtedly showed great strength and have been recognized by everyone. However, Ji Wufeng's face was purple and green. No one could see who it was, and even if they saw it, they would not dare to confirm it. Who can be so awesome and beat the Young Supreme like this?

These big men guarding the gate have never been able to go to the stands to watch the game today since they were assigned to guard the gate. Although I heard their names, I have never seen them.

As for the young man who was beaten just now, he just arrived today, so he didn't know Xiao Feng or the others.

Seeing the anger on the young man's face, a big man guarding the gate hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Master Qi, what happened?"

\u003e It was obvious that this young man also had a good background. Someone recognized him. He was the grandson of an elder from the Kongtong sect, named Qi Hui.

However, Qi Hui seemed to be very unpopular, with many people's faces full of contempt.

Qi Hui pointed at Xiao Feng and the others angrily and said: "Those bastards beat me up, I have to take care of them!"

Immediately, several young masters gathered around and said in a cold voice: "You are so brave that you dare to touch even our Kongtong sect people. Don't you want to live anymore?"

Kongtong sect?

Ji Wufeng remembered that he had had an affair with someone from the Kongtong Sect before. His name seemed to be Qi Yao, and he was the nephew of Qi Wanshan, the head of the Kongtong Sect. They had a conflict at an auction in Shanghai, and he was asked to let him He was dealt with severely.

Unexpectedly, he would face the Kongtong sect again this time.

Seeing the Kongtong faction's plan to take action, Ji Wufeng turned to the doorkeepers and said, "We were invited to the banquet. Someone is making trouble at the door. Aren't you ready to mediate?"

The gatekeepers looked at him with disdain and sneered: "You can resolve your own personal grudges yourself. We have no reason to interfere."

Ji Wufeng was originally full of expectations for this gathering, but when he heard these words, he was instantly disappointed. Since he is qualified to gather the world's heroes, he must be outstanding among his peers, but to arrange for such an unbearable subordinate to guard the door, then he must also be Not much better.

"Go back!" Ji Wufeng turned and left.

"Still want to leave? I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Seeing that they were about to leave, he thought they were afraid of the Kongtong Sect. The Kongtong Sect's people immediately surrounded Ji Wufeng and the others. Seeing that they wanted to leave, Qi Hui became even more arrogant and said: "It's not impossible to leave, as long as If you kneel down and kowtow to me now, maybe I will let you go."

Hearing that Qi Hui actually asked Xiao Feng and others to kneel down and kowtow, everyone present was stunned. Did this kid have his brain kicked by a donkey?

But it seemed that many people were disgusted with him, and they all stepped back consciously, with faces full of gloating, waiting for a good show.

The people from the Kongtong faction had already rushed up. Ji Wufeng had a headache and said to Yue Kunpeng: "Don't kill anyone!"

In normal times, killing would be just a matter of killing, but now that foreign enemies are looking at him eagerly and are starting to strangle him, wouldn't that make the people of Dongyang laugh?

boom! boom! boom!

Yue Kunpeng was very clean and agile. After a few punches, all the Kongtong sect members lay on the ground and howled. However, Yue Kunpeng did not strike hard, otherwise these few people would not be enough to kill him.

Qi Hui was so frightened that he obviously didn't expect to encounter such a tough fight, so he kicked the iron plate!

Seeing Ji Wufeng walking towards him, he was frightened and hurriedly backed away, saying: "What are you going to do? I tell you, my grandfather is the great elder of the Kongtong sect, and my senior brother is also attending the banquet inside. If you dare to do anything to me, In this way, he will definitely not let you go."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in doing anything to you. I'm just asking you if you know someone. His name is Qi Yao. He once asked me to kneel down and kowtow to him just like you."

"Senior Brother Qi Yao?"

Qi Hui's face immediately changed. He knew about Qi Yao's incident. He was beaten half to death in Shanghai and returned to Kongtong. He wanted to take revenge aggressively, but the leader not only refused, but also imprisoned him on the mountain to think about his mistakes. He was not even allowed to come out of this Youth Supreme Competition. When I went out to the street, I saw four people with bruises and swollen faces and limping. A young man pointed at them and couldn't help laughing: "Haha... Look, they must have messed with someone they shouldn't have messed with." , they were all beaten into pig heads!”

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry, stared at his eyes and said, "What did you say, kid?"

The faces of the four people were beaten so badly that no one recognized them. Seeing that Ji Wufeng got angry, the young man sneered and said: "You dare to be so crazy after being beaten like this. If you make me angry, I will give you a beating." !”

Before Ji Wufeng could get angry, Xiao Feng and the others rushed forward and cursed: "Damn, you are so mean-mouthed, hit me!"

He kicked him to the ground, and the three of them rushed towards him and started punching and kicking him. They were angry and their attacks were darker than the last. The young man was beaten and howled in agony, just like a pig butcher. His His companion originally wanted to step forward, but was frightened by his miserable howl and backed away.

After almost a while, Xiao Feng clapped his hands and said to the young man on the ground: "Next time, open your eyes a little brighter. If you offend me again, I will kill you!"

The four of them walked around the street for a long time before the bruises on the faces of Xiao Feng and the three of them subsided.

As for Ji Wufeng, things are miserable. I don’t know whether it was Liu Qingqing and Liana who acted lightly or Yun Shuixian played a dirty trick. It’s been a long time, but the swelling on his face just won’t go away, and he has two panda eyes. Without asking, he knew he had just been beaten.

I want to go to that party later, but how can I meet people like this? But I had to go!

The gathering place was a fairly spacious manor. When Ji Wufeng and others arrived, they found that many people had already arrived, all of them young masters. After all, they were not qualified to come in if they were not strong enough.

Ji Wufeng was about to enter the book when he was stopped by two strong men at the door. They said with contempt on their faces: "Sorry, my young master is here to entertain distinguished guests today. No other people are allowed in!"

This is because Ji Wufeng's face looked like a pig's head after being beaten. His strength must be poor. Otherwise, even if he was beaten, he could use his strength to reduce the swelling, and there would be no way he would show up with a pig's head on his head and embarrass himself.

There's nothing I can do about it, this is how society looks at faces. It's just a pity that people can't see Ji Wufeng's handsome face now.

At this moment, a guy came with a group of people staring at a pig-headed face. He happened to see Ji Wufeng and the others, and immediately said angrily: "It's them, they're the ones who beat me like this!"

Ji Wufeng turned around and saw that he was immediately happy. This kid was the guy who made fun of them just now. In the end, he was severely punished by Xiao Feng and the others.

I didn't expect to meet him so soon. He must have regained his place.

As soon as the young man shouted, a large group of people gathered around him. However, there were many people present who were watching the battle in front of the ring today, and they recognized Xiao Feng and the others at a glance.

Although they were defeated by Ning Tianyu, they all undoubtedly showed great strength and have been recognized by everyone. However, Ji Wufeng's face was purple and green. No one could see who it was, and even if they saw it, they would not dare to confirm it. Who can be so awesome and beat the Young Supreme like this?

These big men guarding the gate have never been able to go to the stands to watch the game today since they were assigned to guard the gate. Although I heard their names, I have never seen them.

As for the young man who was beaten just now, he just arrived today, so he didn't know Xiao Feng or the others.

Seeing the anger on the young man's face, a big man guarding the gate hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Master Qi, what happened?"

\u003e It was obvious that this young man also had a good background. Someone recognized him. He was the grandson of an elder from the Kongtong sect, named Qi Hui.

However, Qi Hui seemed to be very unpopular, with many people's faces full of contempt.

Qi Hui pointed at Xiao Feng and the others angrily and said: "Those bastards beat me up, I have to take care of them!"

Immediately, several young masters gathered around and said in a cold voice: "You are so brave that you dare to touch even our Kongtong sect people. Don't you want to live anymore?"

Kongtong sect?

Ji Wufeng remembered that he had had an affair with someone from the Kongtong Sect before. His name seemed to be Qi Yao, and he was the nephew of Qi Wanshan, the head of the Kongtong Sect. They had a conflict at an auction in Shanghai, and he was asked to let him He was dealt with severely.

Unexpectedly, he would face the Kongtong sect again this time.

Seeing the Kongtong faction's plan to take action, Ji Wufeng turned to the doorkeepers and said, "We were invited to the banquet. Someone is making trouble at the door. Aren't you ready to mediate?"

The gatekeepers looked at him with disdain and sneered: "You can resolve your own personal grudges yourself. We have no reason to interfere."

Ji Wufeng was originally full of expectations for this gathering, but when he heard these words, he was instantly disappointed. Since he is qualified to gather the world's heroes, he must be outstanding among his peers, but to arrange for such an unbearable subordinate to guard the door, then he must also be Not much better.

"Go back!" Ji Wufeng turned and left.

"Still want to leave? I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Seeing that they were about to leave, he thought they were afraid of the Kongtong Sect. The Kongtong Sect's people immediately surrounded Ji Wufeng and the others. Seeing that they wanted to leave, Qi Hui became even more arrogant and said: "It's not impossible to leave, as long as If you kneel down and kowtow to me now, maybe I will let you go."

Hearing that Qi Hui actually asked Xiao Feng and others to kneel down and kowtow, everyone present was stunned. Did this kid have his brain kicked by a donkey?

But it seemed that many people were disgusted with him, and they all stepped back consciously, with faces full of gloating, waiting for a good show.

The people from the Kongtong faction had already rushed up. Ji Wufeng had a headache and said to Yue Kunpeng: "Don't kill anyone!"

In normal times, killing would be just a matter of killing, but now that foreign enemies are looking at him eagerly and are starting to strangle him, wouldn't that make the people of Dongyang laugh?

boom! boom! boom!

Yue Kunpeng was very clean and agile. After a few punches, all the Kongtong sect members lay on the ground and howled. However, Yue Kunpeng did not strike hard, otherwise these few people would not be enough to kill him.

Qi Hui was so frightened that he obviously didn't expect to encounter such a tough fight, so he kicked the iron plate!

Seeing Ji Wufeng walking towards him, he was frightened and hurriedly backed away, saying: "What are you going to do? I tell you, my grandfather is the great elder of the Kongtong sect, and my senior brother is also attending the banquet inside. If you dare to do anything to me, In this way, he will definitely not let you go."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in doing anything to you. I'm just asking you if you know someone. His name is Qi Yao. He once asked me to kneel down and kowtow to him just like you."

"Senior Brother Qi Yao?"

Qi Hui's face immediately changed. He knew about Qi Yao's incident. He was beaten half to death in Shanghai and returned to Kongtong. He wanted to take revenge aggressively, but the leader not only refused, but also imprisoned him on the mountain to think about his mistakes. He was not even allowed to come out of this Youth Supreme Competition.

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