The man in black robe screamed loudly, and black energy surged out from his body. The black energy seemed to be alive, surging crazily and rising continuously.

The small town was now full of people. When the people near the hotel looked up, they instantly felt an extremely terrifying pressure hovering over their leaders.

This kind of coercion is so powerful that one can't help but tremble inside and tremble all over.

But some people who were not strong-willed and didn't have enough cultivation suddenly blacked out and passed out.


The middle-aged man said with a trace of surprise on his face: "No wonder you can jump so much now. It turns out that your black magic skill has reached its peak."

"Now I know it's too late. As long as I can kill you, no one can stop me." The man in black robe was wrapped in black energy, as if the devil from hell had descended.

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and said, "If you want to kill me, just do it. Words won't kill me."

"Then you shall die!" The man in black robe screamed.

But the middle-aged man smiled slightly. When everyone around the hotel felt the overwhelming power of the black-robed man, they suddenly felt a strong pressure, like a mountain collapsing, leaving them unable to breathe.

Yun Narcissus in the room even widened his eyes. If the man in black robe was a hell demon, then this middle-aged man would be like an invincible god of war!

The middle-aged man said: "You can't use it here. If you want to fight, come with me."

After saying that, his body rose into the air, and the man in black robe chased him out. Yun Shuixian thought for a while, picked up Liu Qingqing and rushed over with Vivian.

When Yun Shuixian arrived, he only heard a thundering roar from the man in black: "Kill!"

The black aura on the man in black robe seemed to turn into black flames, surrounding him. The powerful aura made Yun Shuixian a little frightened.

The breath of the middle-aged man was also at that moment

There was a change, and dazzling golden light emerged from his body, making him like a god standing in the sky, with dozens of golden blades rising into the sky.


Before Yun Shuixian could see clearly, he heard a loud noise, and the battle between the two began. The terrifying energy rolled crazily, and Yun Shuixian felt that the world was shaking violently.

The trees below the two people seemed to have been collectively cut off, and they fell to the ground one after another. The storm generated by the energy swept the dust and sand on the ground high into the sky. From a distance, it looked like a huge tornado, swallowing up everything around it. .

Yun Shuixian couldn't see the figures of the two people clearly at all, only seeing two afterimages constantly colliding in the storm.


The middle-aged man rushed out of the storm and stood on the spot, while the man in black robe retreated violently.

"I won't fight you." The middle-aged man said.

Yun Shuixian immediately became unhappy and shouted: "Why don't you fight? I'm still waiting for revenge."

"If I beat him to death, who would you seek revenge from?" the middle-aged man said.

"Then don't beat him to death, why don't you just beat him half to death and leave it to me?" Yun Shuixian said.

"What you said seems to make sense."

The middle-aged man thought about it carefully, but then shook his head and said: "It still doesn't work. I bullied him not once or twice, and I feel a little embarrassed."

"You are so arrogant!"

The man in black robe screamed in anger, and streaks of blood suddenly burst out from the black energy around him, rising suddenly and spreading out, forming a terrifying huge demonic shadow behind him.

Yun Shuixian suddenly felt as if he was about to be swallowed up by the demonic shadow, and his heart began to tremble.

"Why do you remember to eat but not to fight? You try not to bully me every time."

The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned cold, he stamped his foot and shouted: "Get out!"


There was a sudden tremor!

The huge demonic figure behind the black-robed man suddenly let out a tragic scream, and fell to the ground like a collapsed high-rise building, and finally turned into a black mist and disappeared without a trace!

The man in black robe seemed to have been hit hard, and his body flew out. Before landing, he turned over and flew away. His voice rang in the air, saying: "I couldn't kill you fifteen years ago." , but your death will be in fifteen years!”

The middle-aged man didn't care about the threat from the man in black robe. He reached out and touched his hairstyle and said, "It's really annoying. If you don't force me to get angry, what should I do if my messy hairstyle affects my temperament?"

After finally finishing his hairstyle, the middle-aged man grinned and said, "Little Narcissus, long time no see."

The middle-aged man looks very handsome. He must have been a handsome guy when he was young, but why does Yun Shuixian think he smiles so obscenely? .??.??

"Old guy, who are you?" Yun Shuixian glared.

"Why are the quality of today's children so poor? Not at all. Don't they know how to salute their elders when they see them?" the middle-aged man asked a little unhappy.

"Elder? I don't know you at all, okay?" Yun Shuixian said angrily.

"Of course you know me, and you have known me more than ten years ago. How come you don't know me anymore?" the middle-aged man said.


Yun Shuixian looked alert and said: "Since we knew each other more than ten years ago,

You, then why have I never seen you? "

"That's normal. When you met me, you were still wearing crotchless pants. You must have forgotten about it now!" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

"You bastard, if you dare to take advantage of me, go to hell!"

Yun Narcissus was furious, raised her foot and kicked her over. The middle-aged man dodged easily. Looking at Yun Narcissus, his expression suddenly felt a little lonely, and he said, "You are really similar to her back then!"

After saying that, he ignored Yun Shuixian and looked at Liu Qingqing and Vivian. His eyes suddenly widened and he said excitedly: "This damn boy is too lucky, isn't he? This is the power of chaos!"

But then, the middle-aged man cursed angrily again, saying: "You damn old man, you actually cut corners and made a half-finished product for two people. It's so out of tune!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the bodies of Liu Qingqing and Vivian actually floated up.

"As soon as that kid arrives, ask him to come over immediately. I can do things very quickly!"

After the middle-aged man said something to Yun Narcissus, he strode out, and Liu Qingqing and Vivian followed suit.

Doing something?

Yun Shuixian thought of the middle-aged man's excitement when he saw Liu Qingqing and the two of them, which immediately made his heart skip a beat. Could this old bastard be a lewd thief who wanted to beat Liu Qingqing and the others when they saw how good-looking they were? Wrong idea?

"You old gangster, put this person down!"

Yun Shuixian rushed out with sword energy, but the middle-aged man's speed was too fast and he had disappeared. This time she almost shed tears. If something really happened to Liu Qingqing and the others, But what to do?

At this moment, a figure came through the sky and landed next to Yun Shuixian. It was Ji Wufeng.

"Where are the two of them?" Ji Wufeng asked eagerly.

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