"Sister Qingqing and Sister Vivian were both taken away!" Yun Shuixian whispered.

"What did you say?"

Ji Wufeng was immediately shocked. He pinched Yun Shuixian's shoulders and asked sternly: "How could this happen?"

In the end, it was a step too late. At this time, Ji Wufeng's murderous intention was soaring!

"I...wow...wow...you bastard...bully me..."

Unexpectedly, Yun Shuixian suddenly burst into tears and said: "You bastard, grandpa said you would take care of me. I was almost killed just now. You didn't comfort me and you actually attacked me. You are a big bad guy. I hate it." You...wuwu..."

After all, Yun Shuixian is still a little girl, and she was really scared just now.


Ji Wufeng closed his eyes and took a long breath, calming himself down, and then said softly: "Okay, I know I was wrong, and I shouldn't be cruel to you, but now they have been captured, you take me to find them back." Come on, okay?"

Yun Shuixian also knew that now was not the time to cry, so she pointed in the direction the middle-aged man left and said, "He went in that direction."

Without saying a word, the two immediately took off into the air and chased wildly. Suddenly, they felt two powerful auras of power coming from the woods in front of them. They were the power of chaos. Ji Wufeng was overjoyed and found them.

After landing, Ji Wufeng saw Liu Qingqing and Vivian sitting cross-legged. Just as he was about to approach, he heard someone shouting: "Who are they!"

Ji Wufeng took a closer look and said with surprise: "You..."

When the visitor saw Ji Wufeng, he relaxed instantly, took a deep breath and said, "As long as you're okay."

"What on earth is going on?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The ones guarding Liu Qingqing were not the lustful old gangster Yun Shuixian had mentioned, but Yuan Tianzong and Jin Tianming.

Both of them shook their heads for a while. Jin Tianming looked at Liu Qingqing and the others and said, "We sensed the aura of powerful power here, so we came over to take a look, and found the two of them."

"Hey, where is that old gangster?" Yun Shuixian asked.

"What old gangster? I didn't see anyone." Yuan Tianzong said.

Ji Wufeng no longer cared about the old gangster, and hurriedly looked at Liu Qingqing and the others, but was surprised to find that the power of chaos in their bodies was actually running in a mysterious way.

The two of them were not in a coma, but were practicing. This was a very mysterious technique. Even Ji Wufeng felt how powerful this mysterious technique was.

The most important thing is that this mysterious skill can actually exert the power of chaos to the greatest extent. At this time, the two of them are using this mysterious skill to control the power of chaos in their bodies.

"What is that old gangster like? What did he tell you?" Ji Wufeng suddenly asked Yun Shuixian eagerly.

"He didn't say anything to me, but he seemed to say he knew me."

Yun Shuixian told what happened. When everyone heard that there was an incredibly strong weirdo, Ji Wufeng's heart skipped a beat, but fortunately the old gangster showed up.

However, listening to Yun Shuixian's narration, the old gangster should know Yun Shuixian. He is probably an elder or an elder friend of Yun Shuixian. It is even possible that he is an elder of the Yun family who is living outside the home and has been away from home all year round. It’s difficult, I must help her.

However, the strange thing is that since this person has a close relationship with the Yun family, he should have the same dislike for him as Yun Fan, but why would he?

How about giving Liu Qingqing and Vivian such a big gift?

Ji Wufeng could see that the mysterious skills he taught Liu Qingqing and Vivian were tailor-made for them. There were countless mysterious skills in the world, but there was nothing more suitable.

Although Ji Wufeng was confused, he was certain that this mysterious man had absolutely no ill intentions towards him.

Yun Shuixian thought for a moment and said, "When I think about it, he has a very special place."

"What do you think."

"It's just that he's a stinker, as stinky as you, and almost as vulgar as you, that's why I call him an old gangster!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt dizzy. Is this called vulgar? It's clearly charming and suave, do you have the ability to appreciate it?

Checking Liu Qingqing and Vivian again, I found that both of them were immersed in the mystery brought by that Xuan Gong and entered temporary seclusion. It was impossible to wake up on their own in a short time.

The power of chaos in these two people is extremely powerful, and now that they have mastered the method of using it, they will definitely be powerful in combat in the future.

It took a lot of strength to carry them back without disturbing the two of them. Yun Shuixian was also injured. Before Ji Wufeng could ask her, he had already closed the door roughly. How could Ji Wufeng prepare to enter the door? The door just happened to be smashed. It hit his nose. It hurt so much that his nose became sore and he shed tears.

At this time, Xiao Feng and the other three also came back, but they came back in a panic.

"He ran away?" Ji Wufeng asked unexpectedly.

The living corpses were no longer a threat. It would be no problem for the three of them to work together to take down the white-haired man. Without the living corpses, the people who drove away the corpses were not very strong.

Xiao Feng looked frightened and said: "Damn, not only did people escape, but we were also almost killed. Suddenly, a guy with black gas all over his body appeared. With one palm strike, we were killed." They all flew away, but luckily you ran fast, otherwise you would have waited to collect the corpses for my brothers."

Ji Wufeng frowned. It seemed that the dark guy who walked away from the white-haired man was the man in black robe who attacked Yun Shuixian and the others. With one move, Xiao Feng and the others were able to flee.

Where did this old monster come from?

After hearing the conversation between Ji Wufeng and others, Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong's expressions changed. After looking at each other, they said with serious faces: "It seems that the thing we least want to see happened after all."

"How did you two come?" Ji Wufeng asked.

This is the Youth Supreme Tournament. To put it bluntly, it is a battle between the younger generation. Reputation is the most important thing in the Chinese martial arts. For the sake of reputation, senior masters will definitely not come to intervene. Why did Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong come?

"Do you know about the Nine-Headed Insect?" Yuan Tianzong asked.

"Of course I do."

Xiao Feng immediately answered: "It's the monster who robbed Bai Longma's wife in Journey to the West."

Ji Wufeng's face instantly became solemn and he said, "I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it. Please tell me more."

"The Nine-Headed Insect is an organization." Jin Tianming said.

Xiao Feng said: "Then why have you never heard of it?"

Since this nine-headed insect can make Jin Tianming and the others so nervous, it must be extremely powerful, and many people have never heard of it.

"That's because the Nine-Headed Insect was most powerful a hundred years ago. At that time, the Nine-Headed Insect had so many powerful men under its command that five people in the entire Chinese martial arts world dared to touch its edge. It could be said that the situation was unprecedented. Even the corpse exorcism sect you have come into contact with before is just one of the forces under the Nine-Headed Insect!" "Sister Qingqing and Sister Vivian were both taken away!" Yun Shuixian whispered.

"What did you say?"

Ji Wufeng was immediately shocked. He pinched Yun Shuixian's shoulders and asked sternly: "How could this happen?"

In the end, it was a step too late. At this time, Ji Wufeng's murderous intention was soaring!

"I...wow...wow...you bastard...bully me..."

Unexpectedly, Yun Shuixian suddenly burst into tears and said: "You bastard, grandpa said you would take care of me. I was almost killed just now. You didn't comfort me and you actually attacked me. You are a big bad guy. I hate it." You...wuwu..." .??.

After all, Yun Shuixian is still a little girl, and she was really scared just now.


Ji Wufeng closed his eyes and took a long breath, calming himself down, and then said softly: "Okay, I know I was wrong, and I shouldn't be cruel to you, but now they have been captured, you take me to find them back." Come on, okay?"

Yun Shuixian also knew that now was not the time to cry, so she pointed in the direction the middle-aged man left and said, "He went in that direction."

Without saying a word, the two immediately took off into the air and chased wildly. Suddenly, they felt two powerful auras of power coming from the woods in front of them. They were the power of chaos. Ji Wufeng was overjoyed and found them.

After landing, Ji Wufeng saw Liu Qingqing and Vivian sitting cross-legged. Just as he was about to approach, he heard someone shouting: "Who are they!"

Ji Wufeng took a closer look and said with surprise: "You..."

When the visitor saw Ji Wufeng, he relaxed instantly, took a deep breath and said, "As long as you're okay."

"What on earth is going on?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The ones guarding Liu Qingqing were not the lustful old gangster Yun Shuixian had mentioned, but Yuan Tianzong and Jin Tianming.

Both of them shook their heads for a while. Jin Tianming looked at Liu Qingqing and the others and said, "We sensed the aura of powerful power here, so we came over to take a look, and found the two of them."

"Hey, where is that old gangster?" Yun Shuixian asked.

"What old gangster? I didn't see anyone." Yuan Tianzong said.

Ji Wufeng no longer cared about the old gangster, and hurriedly looked at Liu Qingqing and the others, but was surprised to find that the power of chaos in their bodies was actually running in a mysterious way.

The two of them were not in a coma, but were practicing. This was a very mysterious technique. Even Ji Wufeng felt how powerful this mysterious technique was.

The most important thing is that this mysterious skill can actually exert the power of chaos to the greatest extent. At this time, the two of them are using this mysterious skill to control the power of chaos in their bodies.

"What is that old gangster like? What did he tell you?" Ji Wufeng suddenly asked Yun Shuixian eagerly.

"He didn't say anything to me, but he seemed to say he knew me."

Yun Shuixian told what happened. When everyone heard that there was an incredibly strong weirdo, Ji Wufeng's heart skipped a beat, but fortunately the old gangster showed up.

However, listening to Yun Shuixian's narration, the old gangster should know Yun Shuixian. He is probably an elder or an elder friend of Yun Shuixian. It is even possible that he is an elder of the Yun family who is living outside the home and has been away from home all year round. It’s difficult, I must help her.

However, the strange thing is that since this person has a close relationship with the Yun family, he should have the same dislike for him as Yun Fan, but why would he?

How about giving Liu Qingqing and Vivian such a big gift?

Ji Wufeng could see that the mysterious skills he taught Liu Qingqing and Vivian were tailor-made for them. There were countless mysterious skills in the world, but there was nothing more suitable.

Although Ji Wufeng was confused, he was certain that this mysterious man had absolutely no ill intentions towards him.

Yun Shuixian thought for a moment and said, "When I think about it, he has a very special place."

"What do you think."

"It's just that he's a stinker, as stinky as you, and almost as vulgar as you, that's why I call him an old gangster!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt dizzy. Is this called vulgar? It's clearly charming and suave, do you have the ability to appreciate it?

Checking Liu Qingqing and Vivian again, I found that both of them were immersed in the mystery brought by that Xuan Gong and entered temporary seclusion. It was impossible to wake up on their own in a short time.

The power of chaos in these two people is extremely powerful, and now that they have mastered the method of using it, they will definitely be powerful in combat in the future.

It took a lot of strength to carry them back without disturbing the two of them. Yun Shuixian was also injured. Before Ji Wufeng could ask her, he had already closed the door roughly. How could Ji Wufeng prepare to enter the door? The door just happened to be smashed. It hit his nose. It hurt so much that his nose became sore and he shed tears.

At this time, Xiao Feng and the other three also came back, but they came back in a panic.

"He ran away?" Ji Wufeng asked unexpectedly.

The living corpses were no longer a threat at all. It would be no problem for the three of them to work together to take down the white-haired man. Without the living corpses, the people who drove away the corpses were not very strong.

Xiao Feng looked frightened and said: "Damn, not only did people escape, but we were also almost killed. Suddenly, a guy with black gas all over his body appeared. With one palm strike, we were killed." They all flew away, but luckily you ran fast, otherwise you would have waited to collect the corpses for my brothers."

Ji Wufeng frowned. It seemed that the dark guy who walked away from the white-haired man was the man in black robe who attacked Yun Shuixian and the others. With one move, Xiao Feng and the others were able to flee.

Where did this old monster come from?

After hearing the conversation between Ji Wufeng and others, Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong's expressions changed. After looking at each other, they said with serious faces: "It seems that the thing we least want to see happened after all."

"How did you two come?" Ji Wufeng asked.

This is the Youth Supreme Tournament. To put it bluntly, it is a battle between the younger generation. Reputation is the most important thing in the Chinese martial arts. For the sake of reputation, senior masters will definitely not come to intervene. Why did Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong come?

"Do you know about the Nine-Headed Insect?" Yuan Tianzong asked.

"Of course I do."

Xiao Feng immediately answered: "It's the monster who robbed Bai Longma's wife in Journey to the West."

Ji Wufeng's face instantly became solemn and he said, "I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it. Please tell me more."

"The Nine-Headed Insect is an organization." Jin Tianming said.

Xiao Feng said: "Then why have you never heard of it?"

Since this nine-headed insect can make Jin Tianming and the others so nervous, it must be extremely powerful, and many people have never heard of it.

"That's because the Nine-Headed Insect was most powerful a hundred years ago. At that time, the Nine-Headed Insect had so many powerful men under its command that five people in the entire Chinese martial arts world dared to touch its edge. It could be said that the situation was unprecedented. Even the corpse exorcism sect you have come into contact with before is just one of the forces under the Nine-Headed Insect!"

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