Ji Wufeng and others were all shocked. The Nine-Headed Insect could be so tyrannical. The Corpse Exorcist Sect was so powerful a hundred years ago that they were willing to work for the Nine-Headed Insect. This shows how powerful the Nine-Headed Insect was back then.

Jin Tianming continued: "As the Nine-Headed Insect's power has increased, its ambitions have grown bigger and bigger, and it even attempts to replace Tiangong and become the new holy land of martial arts."

Everyone couldn't help but be secretly frightened. No wonder Jin Tianming and the others were nervous and wanted to replace Tiangong. This shows how powerful the Nine-Headed Insect was back then.

But the result is obvious. Now the Heavenly Palace is still standing, but the Nine-Headed Insect is unknown.

Tiangong is the holy land that no one can shake in the Chinese martial arts world. No one is allowed to provoke anyone. When the Holy Lord of Tiangong issued a holy order, the Nine-Headed Insect instantly became a public enemy of the martial arts world and received a fatal blow. The Corpse Exorcism Sect was also there. Time was wiped out.

"However, the Centipede Insect is dead but not stiff, and the Nine-Headed Insect is not extinct. The ambition to dominate China's martial arts has never disappeared. It actually resurrected fifteen years ago and made a comeback in an attempt to once again set off a bloody storm in China!"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "If that's the case, why hasn't anyone mentioned it for so many years?"

Fifteen years ago, which was not that long ago, I had never heard anyone mention it.

Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong's eyes immediately revealed their expressions, and they said with fanaticism: "That's because before the Nine-Headed Insect's plan could be implemented, people had already stopped it and destroyed the Nine-Headed Insect's power, and only a mere four people."

Hearing this, even Ji Wufeng couldn't help but feel moved. Only four people destroyed the Nine-Headed Insect?

The century-old Hydra is so powerful that it requires the Heavenly Palace to take action to suppress it. When it comes back a hundred years later, it must be extremely powerful, but only four people can wipe it out?

Darling, who are these four? Isn't it too fierce?

It turned out that only four people were able to block them.

Oh my god, who are these four people? Isn’t that too awesome?

"Quick, tell me, what kind of fierce men are those four?" Xiao Feng asked impatiently, including Wuchang and Yue Kunpeng, who were also full of expectations.

Even if Jin Tianming hadn't said anything, Ji Wufeng had already guessed who the four people were.

He originally thought that in this thousand-year rebirth, he would definitely do earth-shattering things, but compared with those four people, he was still far behind.

Yuan Tianzong did not answer Xiao Feng's question, but said with a sad expression: "What a pity, some of them have died unexpectedly, and some are still alive without seeing anyone."

Xiao Feng said dissatisfied: "It's not a pity. Even if they are gone, there are still us. Even if we are not good, there is still our boss!"

"And that's what we're worried about."

Yuan Tianzong said with a low expression: "The Nine-Headed Insect has revived and returned to the world. There will definitely be big actions. I suspect that the target of the Nine-Headed Insect in this Youth Supreme Competition is you."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Wufeng and others' expressions instantly became serious.

Back then, the Nine-Headed Insect was surrounded and suppressed by the entire Shenzhou Wulin. This was an inextricable hatred. Now almost the entire young generation of the Shenzhou Wulin has gathered here. If everyone is left here, then the inheritance of the Shenzhou Wulin may be cut off.

It's so vicious.

r\u003e "The three major holy lands are currently approaching fiercely. After all, the Nine-Headed Insect belongs to the Chinese martial arts world. At a time of life and death, can they really do such a treasonous thing?" Xiao Feng asked.

Ji Wufeng said coldly: "Since the Nine-Headed Insect people showed up today, it means they don't care about this at all."

Today, the corpse exorcists and the black demons appeared at the same time, with a very clear purpose, which was to kidnap Yun Shuixian, and the only possibility of doing so was to kidnap the Yun family of Tiangong.

The three Holy Lands joined forces to attack, but the Nine-Headed Insect targeted the Tiangong Yun Family at this time, which meant that they were very likely to be involved in the plans of the Three Holy Lands.

Xiao Feng suddenly stood up and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's run away quickly. We are the strongest masters among the young generation of Chinese martial arts. We must be their primary target to eradicate. Wait for them Come, we can’t run away.”

Yuan Tianzong frowned and said: "This was just my guess before and there was no confirmation. But now our guess is correct and we should leave immediately."

"Then quickly pack your things and evacuate!" Xiao Feng said.

“Can’t leave yet”

Ji Wufeng said with a cold face: "We are here to participate in the Youth Supreme Tournament. If we leave like this, the Chinese martial arts community will become a laughing stock from now on. Besides, the Dongyang people killed so many of us a few days ago. They must repay this blood debt."

He had already decided before coming. This time, regardless of the Sakura Temple or the three Dongyang War God families, once he stepped into the realm of China, he could not leave alive.

And the reason why he hasn't taken action yet is because he has to wait until the day of the decisive battle and kill all Dongyang masters under the public eye. Only in this way can he deter those Xiaoxiao who want to invade China.

On the contrary, if they leave, it will undoubtedly be a sign of the weakness of the Chinese martial arts community. It will only make the three holy places more rampant, and they will continue to invade China, and the trouble will be even greater in the future.

"Boss, we can't leave our lives here just to breathe a sigh of relief. It's not worth it." Xiao Feng said anxiously.

Jin Tianming also advised: "Yes, it is too dangerous. There is no need for us to take this risk."

"Since they dare to come, they must have a well-planned plan. If their plan succeeds, the Chinese martial arts world will truly face a catastrophe." Yuan Tianzong said.

The strength of the Nine-Headed Insect and the Three Holy Lands is too terrifying. It is impossible for the young generation alone to stop it. It is extremely dangerous to continue to stay!

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "I think the situation may not be as bad as we expected. Have you forgotten the person who saved Yun Shuixian before?"

Everyone was stunned, and Ji Wufeng said: "Although we don't know his identity, we can be sure that this person is definitely a super master. Yun Shuixian said that he knew the man in black robes, which means that he must also be very aware of the nine-headed worm. In this case, he will definitely intervene in this matter, otherwise, he will not take action to repel the black-robed man today."

Everyone nodded immediately. Yes, such an outrageously tyrannical master knew about this matter. Presumably the senior masters in the Chinese martial arts world also knew about it, so there would definitely be some action.

"I have a plan." Ji Wufeng said.

"What kind of plan?"

Xiao Feng's eyes suddenly opened wide and he said: "Boss, you don't want to..." Ji Wufeng and others were all shocked. The Nine-Headed Insect was so tyrannical. A hundred years ago, the Corpse Exorcist Sect was How powerful he was, and he was willing to serve the Nine-Headed Insect, which shows how powerful the Nine-Headed Insect was back then.

Jin Tianming continued: "As the Nine-Headed Insect's power has increased, its ambitions have grown bigger and bigger, and it even attempts to replace Tiangong and become the new holy land of martial arts."

Everyone couldn't help but be secretly frightened. No wonder Jin Tianming and the others were nervous and wanted to replace Tiangong. This shows how powerful the Nine-Headed Insect was back then.

But the result is obvious. Now the Heavenly Palace is still standing, but the Nine-Headed Insect is unknown.

Tiangong is the holy land that no one can shake in the Chinese martial arts world. No one is allowed to provoke anyone. When the Holy Lord of Tiangong issued a holy order, the Nine-Headed Insect instantly became a public enemy of the martial arts world and received a fatal blow. The Corpse Exorcism Sect was also there. Time was wiped out.

"However, the Centipede Insect is dead but not stiff, and the Nine-Headed Insect is not extinct. The ambition to dominate China's martial arts has never disappeared. It actually resurrected fifteen years ago and made a comeback in an attempt to once again set off a bloody storm in China!"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "If that's the case, why hasn't anyone mentioned it for so many years?"

Fifteen years ago, which was not that long ago, I had never heard anyone mention it.

Jin Tianming and Yuan Tianzong's eyes immediately revealed their expressions, and they said with fanaticism: "That's because before the Nine-Headed Insect's plan could be implemented, people had already stopped it and destroyed the Nine-Headed Insect's power, and only a mere four people."

Hearing this, even Ji Wufeng couldn't help but feel moved. Only four people destroyed the Nine-Headed Insect?

The century-old Hydra is so powerful that it requires the Heavenly Palace to take action to suppress it. When it comes back a hundred years later, it must be extremely powerful, but only four people can wipe it out?

Darling, who are these four? Isn't it too fierce?

It turned out that only four people were able to block them.

Oh my god, who are these four people? Isn’t that too awesome?

"Quick, tell me, what kind of fierce men are those four?" Xiao Feng asked impatiently, including Wuchang and Yue Kunpeng, who were also full of expectations.

Even if Jin Tianming hadn't said anything, Ji Wufeng had already guessed who the four people were.

He originally thought that in this thousand-year rebirth, he would definitely do earth-shattering things, but compared with those four people, he was still far behind.

Yuan Tianzong did not answer Xiao Feng's question, but said with a sad expression: "What a pity, some of them have died unexpectedly, and some are still alive without seeing anyone."

Xiao Feng said dissatisfied: "It's not a pity. Even if they are gone, there are still us. Even if we are not good, there is still our boss!"

"And that's what we're worried about."

Yuan Tianzong said with a low expression: "The Nine-Headed Insect has revived and returned to the world. There will definitely be big actions. I suspect that the target of the Nine-Headed Insect in this Youth Supreme Competition is you."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Wufeng and others' expressions instantly became serious.

Back then, the Nine-Headed Insect was surrounded and suppressed by the entire Shenzhou Wulin. This was an inextricable hatred. Now almost the entire young generation of the Shenzhou Wulin has gathered here. If everyone is left here, then the inheritance of the Shenzhou Wulin may be cut off.

It's so vicious.

r\u003e "The three major holy lands are currently approaching fiercely. After all, the Nine-Headed Insect belongs to the Chinese martial arts world. At a time of life and death, can they really do such a treasonous thing?" Xiao Feng asked.

Ji Wufeng said coldly: "Since the Nine-Headed Insect people showed up today, it means they don't care about this at all."

Today, the corpse exorcists and the black demons appeared at the same time, with a very clear purpose, which was to kidnap Yun Shuixian, and the only possibility of doing so was to kidnap the Yun family of Tiangong.

The three Holy Lands joined forces to attack, but the Nine-Headed Insect targeted the Tiangong Yun Family at this time, which meant that they were very likely to be involved in the plans of the Three Holy Lands.

Xiao Feng suddenly stood up and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's run away quickly. We are the strongest masters among the young generation of Chinese martial arts. We must be their primary target to eradicate. Wait for them Come, we can’t run away.”

Yuan Tianzong frowned and said: "This was just my guess before and there was no confirmation. But now our guess is correct and we should leave immediately."

"Then quickly pack your things and evacuate!" Xiao Feng said.

“Can’t leave yet”

Ji Wufeng said with a cold face: "We are here to participate in the Youth Supreme Tournament. If we leave like this, the Chinese martial arts community will become a laughing stock from now on. Besides, the Dongyang people killed so many of us a few days ago. They must repay this blood debt."

He had already decided before coming. This time, regardless of the Sakura Temple or the three Dongyang War God families, once he stepped into the territory of China, he could not leave alive.

And the reason why he hasn't taken action yet is because he has to wait until the day of the decisive battle and kill all Dongyang masters under the public eye. Only in this way can he deter those Xiaoxiao who want to invade China.

On the contrary, if they leave, it will undoubtedly be a sign of the weakness of the Chinese martial arts community. It will only make the three holy places more rampant, and they will continue to invade China, and the trouble will be even greater in the future.

"Boss, we can't leave our lives here just to breathe a sigh of relief. It's not worth it." Xiao Feng said anxiously.

Jin Tianming also advised: "Yes, it is too dangerous. There is no need for us to take this risk."

"Since they dare to come, they must have a well-planned plan. If their plan succeeds, the Chinese martial arts world will truly face a catastrophe." Yuan Tianzong said.

The strength of the Nine-Headed Insect and the Three Holy Lands is too terrifying. It is impossible for the young generation alone to stop it. It is extremely dangerous to continue to stay!

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "I think the situation may not be as bad as we expected. Have you forgotten the person who saved Yun Shuixian before?"

Everyone was stunned, and Ji Wufeng said: "Although we don't know his identity, we can be sure that this person is definitely a super master. Yun Shuixian said that he knew the man in black robes, which means that he must also be very aware of the nine-headed worm. In this case, he will definitely intervene in this matter, otherwise, he will not take action to repel the black-robed man today."

Everyone nodded immediately. Yes, such an outrageously tyrannical master knew about this matter. Presumably the senior masters in the Chinese martial arts world also knew about it, so there would definitely be some action.

"I have a plan." Ji Wufeng said.

"What kind of plan?"

Xiao Feng's eyes suddenly opened wide and he said: "Boss, you don't want to..."

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