Kagura Liuying's eyes were cold, Qingdi's offensive was reversed, and his cold energy was slashed backwards.


The green flute hit Yun Shuixian's sword hard, and the divine sword emitting blazing light flew backwards, returning to Yun Shuixian's side in the far sky.


Kagura Liuying rushed forward again, the green flute bloomed with thousands of brilliant lights, but with murderous intent.

At this moment, no one thinks that she is a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, but a terrifying female murderer!

Unnarcissus has a high fighting spirit. The divine sword in his hand is like a swimming dragon. The sword moves are opened and closed, constantly colliding with the green flute in Kagura Liuying's hand.

The sword in her hand came from the Tiangong Yun family and was a peerless weapon, but the green flute in Kagura Liuying's hand was obviously not a mortal thing and was equally indestructible. Even though Yun Shuixian tried her best, it was still difficult to truly suppress her. ??

High in the sky, sword energy and qi energy are constantly stimulating each other, running through the entire world, and terrifying energy fluctuates wildly around. Fortunately, the battlefield between the two of them is high in the sky. If it falls to the ground, the spectators off the field will be affected.

Since the Yun family dared to release Unnarcissus, they naturally affirmed her strength, but if Kagura Liuying had the courage to come to China, he must be the best among his peers in the Kagura family.

The scope of the fluctuation was so great that everyone outside the venue was affected and knocked to the ground. They got up and immediately retreated.

Kagura Liuying's green flute waved, and the sharp green light collided with Yun Shuixian's golden sword energy, causing the air to stir and the ground to crack.

Just as the two were engaged in a fierce battle, a group of Dongyang warriors suddenly shot up into the sky with a sword filled with black energy, striking straight at Yun Shuixian's back!

The Chinese warrior suddenly became furious and shouted sternly: "A sneak attack at this time is despicable!"

"It's so shameless to attack by surprise if you can't defeat him!"

"These Dongyang people are so nasty, let's go together!"

The crowd was excited, but the one who was most angry was definitely Yun Shuixian.

"You bastard, you actually dare to sneak attack on me!"

The stalemate persisted, and the self-respecting Unnarcissus was a little annoyed. Now someone was sneaking up on her, and she suddenly became angry. She split Kagura Liuying with a sword, and waved the divine sword in her hand towards the sneak attacker in the crowd of Dongyang warriors. Culled the past.

The sharp sword light that covered the sky slashed down horizontally, like breaking a bamboo, but among the crowd of Dongyang warriors, Baqibeng and Kusanagi Hidei actually rose into the air together, pressing down on Yun Shuixian with a terrifying attack!

Ji Wufeng immediately shouted: "Their target is Yun Shuixian!"

The whole audience was shocked. A large group of Chinese warriors rose into the sky to rescue Yun Shuixian. Yun Narcissus came from the Yun Family of Tiangong, the holy land of Chinese martial arts. If something happened to the people in the holy land while they watched, the entire Chinese martial arts world would be affected. Sweep your face to the ground.

At this point, the so-called Youth Supreme Tournament is over, and a chaotic battle will begin next, a bloody battle full of killing!

Suddenly, Kagura Liuying waved the green flute in his hand, and bursts of extremely penetrating and terrifying screams penetrated the void and struck everyone. The demon's phantom sound belonged to the sound wave skill, and the sharp screams were the same as the sword energy. sharp.

Overwhelming screams rushed over. Someone was hit and fell to the ground vomiting blood. The rest of the people, even if they were not hit, could only resist and could not move forward.


A thunderous roar sounded, it was Kong Ming's lion's roar skill, like a giant dragon roaring, causing the heaven and earth to shake, Kagura Liuying's magical magic

The sound was instantly dispersed.

Ji Wufeng's body had already exploded, and he rushed straight towards Yun Shuixian. Although Yun Shuixian was powerful, he was by no means a match for Yamato and Hidei Kusanagi!

But just as Ji Wufeng jumped up, billowing black clouds suddenly rose in the sky, and a huge black palm appeared across the sky, hitting Ji Wufeng straight.


Before the palm could reach, the palm force had already hit the ground, and all the trees and rocks on the ground were crushed to pieces. What a terrifying palm force.

Ji Wufeng raised his fist in the air and struck hard at the black palm!


Ji Wufeng's fist collided with the black palm. This blow caused the ground under Ji Wufeng's feet to shatter. It was like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The terrifying energy rushed around, and everything around him was shattered into pieces. .

A pale-faced young man in black clothes appeared in the sky above Ji Wufeng and said indifferently: "Ji Wufeng, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp and he said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

He knows that there is always someone lurking in the dark, and that person's target is him. Now that person has appeared, and his identity is about to be revealed. The strongest person from Dongyang this time is Sakuragi Ao from the Sakura Temple!

Seeing Ji Wufeng being blocked, Ning Tianyu said in a deep voice: "Do it!"

A group of experts immediately prepared to rescue Xiang Yun Shuixian, and they must not let her make any mistakes.

"The previous decisive battles were really exciting. It seems that this trip to China is really worth it. I'm very hungry for skills. I hope I can ask for advice."

Mino suddenly stood up and stood in front of Ning Tianyu and others.

Hot golden light erupted from Mino's body, followed by a powerful force that overwhelmed all the Chinese warriors. What a strong master!

"I'll meet him, you go first." Ning Tianyu said coldly, and a tyrannical sword intent came out of his body.

Now that the people from the Holy Court have arrived, as the leader of the alliance, he has naturally made preparations to stop them.


Xue Mobei gave a cold shout, and a cold aura came out of his body, and he flew into the sky. However, the golden light flashed, and he saw a young Westerner with golden virtual wings flashing behind his back blocking his steps, saying: "There's no need to rush. Let’s go and teach you something.”

Shi Yiren, Kong Ming and others who were about to leave were all blocked by Minuo's people. They were all super powerful among the young generation.

A big war is about to begin.

Unnarcissus was besieged by three masters: Yamaki Beng, Kusanagi Hideina and Kagura Ryukage.

"It's hard for you to fly today, so you should just let it go."

Baqibeng let out a ferocious laugh, waved his hand, and with the wind of his palm came two blazing and cold energy and rushed towards Yun Shuixian.

"Hey, little sister, come with us!"

Kusanagi Yingming's hot aura was crazy and powerful, and his tyrannical power was like a long dragon, rushing towards the Cloudfall Narcissus.

"Sorry, we can't have a fair fight."

The green flute in Kagura Liuying's hand revealed its edge. It was a sharp energy similar to sword energy, and it quickly slashed towards Yun Shuixian.

"Bah, three against one, really despicable and shameless!"

Yun Shuixian was so angry that he slashed out with his sword. The attacks of the three people hit the sword edge at the same time, causing a fierce collision. Yun Shuixian retreated and his face turned red. Kagura Liuying's eyes were cold, Qingdi's offensive was reversed, and his cold energy was slashed backwards.


The green flute hit Yun Shuixian's sword hard, and the divine sword emitting blazing light flew backwards, returning to Yun Shuixian's side in the far sky.


Kagura Liuying rushed forward again, the green flute bloomed with thousands of brilliant lights, but with murderous intent.

At this moment, no one thinks that she is a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, but a terrifying female murderer!

Unnarcissus has a high fighting spirit. The divine sword in his hand is like a swimming dragon. The sword moves are opened and closed, constantly colliding with the green flute in Kagura Liuying's hand.

The sword in her hand came from the Tiangong Yun family and was a peerless weapon, but the green flute in Kagura Liuying's hand was obviously not a mortal thing and was equally indestructible. Even though Yun Shuixian tried her best, it was still difficult to truly suppress her.

High in the sky, sword energy and qi energy are constantly stimulating each other, running through the entire world, and terrifying energy fluctuates wildly around. Fortunately, the battlefield between the two of them is high in the sky. If it falls to the ground, the spectators off the field will be affected.

Since the Yun family dared to release Unnarcissus, they naturally affirmed her strength, but if Kagura Liuying had the courage to come to China, he must be the best among his peers in the Kagura family.

The scope of the fluctuation was so great that everyone outside the venue was affected and knocked to the ground. They got up and immediately retreated.

Kagura Liuying's green flute waved, and the sharp green light collided with Yun Shuixian's golden sword energy, causing the air to stir and the ground to crack.

Just as the two were engaged in a fierce battle, a group of Dongyang warriors suddenly shot up into the sky with a sword filled with black energy, striking straight at Yun Shuixian's back!

The Chinese warrior suddenly became furious and shouted sternly: "A sneak attack at this time is despicable!"

"It's so shameless to attack by surprise if you can't defeat him!"

"These Dongyang people are so nasty, let's go together!"

The crowd was excited, but the one who was most angry was definitely Yun Shuixian.

"You bastard, you actually dare to sneak attack on me!"

The stalemate persisted, and the self-respecting Unnarcissus was a little annoyed. Now someone was sneaking up on her, and she suddenly became angry. She split Kagura Liuying with a sword, and waved the divine sword in her hand towards the sneak attacker in the crowd of Dongyang warriors. Culled the past.

The sharp sword light that covered the sky slashed down horizontally, like breaking a bamboo, but among the crowd of Dongyang warriors, Baqibeng and Kusanagi Hidei actually rose into the air together, pressing down on Yun Shuixian with a terrifying attack!

Ji Wufeng immediately shouted: "Their target is Yun Shuixian!"

The whole audience was shocked. A large group of Chinese warriors rose into the sky to rescue Yun Shuixian. Yun Narcissus came from the Yun Family of Tiangong, the holy land of Chinese martial arts. If something happened to the people in the holy land while they watched, the entire Chinese martial arts world would be affected. Sweep your face to the ground.

At this point, the so-called Youth Supreme Tournament is over, and a chaotic battle will begin next, a bloody battle full of killing!

Suddenly, Kagura Liuying waved the green flute in his hand, and bursts of extremely penetrating and terrifying screams penetrated the void and struck everyone. The demon's phantom sound belonged to the sound wave skill, and the sharp screams were the same as the sword energy. sharp.

Overwhelming screams rushed over. Someone was hit and fell to the ground vomiting blood. The rest of the people, even if they were not hit, could only resist and could not move forward.


A thunderous roar sounded, it was Kong Ming's lion's roar skill, like a giant dragon roaring, causing the heaven and earth to shake, Kagura Liuying's magical magic

The sound was instantly dispersed.

Ji Wufeng's body had already exploded, and he rushed straight towards Yun Shuixian. Although Yun Shuixian was powerful, he was by no means a match for Yamato and Hidei Kusanagi!

But just as Ji Wufeng jumped up, billowing black clouds suddenly rose in the sky, and a huge black palm appeared across the sky, hitting Ji Wufeng straight.


Before the palm could reach, the palm force had already hit the ground, and all the trees and rocks on the ground were crushed to pieces. What a terrifying palm force.

Ji Wufeng raised his fist in the air and struck hard at the black palm!


Ji Wufeng's fist collided with the black palm. This blow caused the ground under Ji Wufeng's feet to shatter. It was like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The terrifying energy rushed around, and everything around him was shattered into pieces. .

A pale-faced young man in black clothes appeared in the sky above Ji Wufeng and said indifferently: "Ji Wufeng, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp and he said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

He knows that there is always someone lurking in the dark, and that person's target is him. Now that person has appeared, and his identity is about to be revealed. The strongest person from Dongyang this time is Sakuragi Ao from the Sakura Temple!

Seeing Ji Wufeng being blocked, Ning Tianyu said in a deep voice: "Do it!"

A group of experts immediately prepared to rescue Xiang Yun Shuixian, and they must not let her make any mistakes.

"The previous decisive battles were really exciting. It seems that this trip to China is really worth it. I'm very hungry for skills. I hope I can ask for advice."

Mino suddenly stood up and stood in front of Ning Tianyu and others.

Hot golden light erupted from Mino's body, followed by a powerful force that overwhelmed all the Chinese warriors. What a strong master!

"I'll meet him, you go first." Ning Tianyu said coldly, and a tyrannical sword intent came out of his body.

Now that the people from the Holy Court have arrived, as the leader of the alliance, he has naturally made preparations to stop them.


Xue Mobei gave a cold shout, and a cold aura came out of his body, and he flew into the sky. However, the golden light flashed, and he saw a young Westerner with golden virtual wings flashing behind his back blocking his steps, saying: "There's no need to rush. Let’s go and teach you something.”

Shi Yiren, Kong Ming and others who were about to leave were all blocked by Minuo's people. They were all super powerful among the young generation.

A big war is about to begin.

Unnarcissus was besieged by three masters: Yamaki Beng, Kusanagi Hideina and Kagura Ryukage.

"It's hard for you to fly today, so you should just let it go."

Baqibeng let out a ferocious laugh, waved his hand, and with the wind of his palm came two blazing and cold energy and rushed towards Yun Shuixian.

"Hey, little sister, come with us!"

Kusanagi Yingming's hot aura was crazy and powerful, and his tyrannical power was like a long dragon, rushing towards the Cloudfall Narcissus.

"Sorry, we can't have a fair fight."

The green flute in Kagura Liuying's hand revealed its edge. It was a sharp energy similar to sword energy, and it quickly slashed towards Yun Shuixian.

"Bah, three against one, really despicable and shameless!"

Yun Shuixian was so angry that he slashed out with his sword. The attacks of the three people hit the sword edge at the same time, causing a fierce collision. Yun Shuixian retreated and his face turned red.

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