The strength of the three of them is not inferior to Yun Shuixian. Now that they join forces, they will be absolutely crushed in strength. Fortunately, the Yun family's mysterious skills are so amazing that Yun Shuixian is not seriously injured.

However, if the rescue is delayed, then Yun Shuixian will be defeated sooner or later.

Sakuragi Ao said with a faint smile: "It seems that my mission has been half successful."

Now everyone knows that Yun Shuixian is their target, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for the three masters of Baqibeng to attack together.

Ji Wufeng said with a cold expression: "Has it been halfway done? Do you really think you can kill everyone here?"

"You are wrong. Killing everyone here is not my other half's mission."

The smile on Yingmu Ao's face turned cold, and he said: "The target of my other half of the mission is you!"

"it's me?"

Ji Wufeng laughed and said, "I didn't expect that I am so valuable, that I can be as valuable as the eldest lady of the Tiangong Yun family."

Sakuragi Ao shook his head again and said: "Although you pose a certain threat to the Sakura Temple, it is far from being comparable to Yun Shuixian. You are just a condition for us to promote cooperation!"

"What are the conditions for cooperation?"

Ji Wufeng's face turned pale and he said, "What are the conditions for cooperating with the Nine-Headed Insect?"

"That's right, one of the conditions for cooperation with the Nine-Headed Insect is you."

"Then I would like to know what the Nine-Headed Insect can give you. Let me know how much I am worth." Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

The Nine-Headed Insect is really haunting. In order to deal with him, he even cooperated with the Sakura Temple. But is this a bit of a fuss?

"What the Nine-Headed Insect can give us is very simple, but very important, which is to ensure that we can escape unscathed." As if he knew that Ji Wufeng would definitely die, Sakuragi Ao didn't even have the slightest concern about the questions Ji Wufeng raised.


Indeed, very simple, but very important.

The Cherry Blossom Temple's massacre in China will definitely make the Chinese martial arts world furious. When the senior masters take action, I am afraid that every one of these young masters will be able to leave alive.

"Escape intact?"

Ji Wufeng looked at the Dongyang warriors and the masters of the Holy Court with cold eyes, shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. This is China. One person can drown you with a mouthful of saliva. Can you run away?"

Behind Ji Wufeng stood a group of young warriors from China, all of them murderous. It could be said that there was strength in numbers. Yingmu Ao and the others could kill one, they could kill a hundred, but they could definitely kill thousands!

Sakuragi Ao laughed again and said: "If the Nine-Headed Insect cannot do this, why should it reach cooperation with us?"

Linhai City got its name because it was close to the sea. In the vast sea, the water surface suddenly became excited, and more than a dozen behemoths were seen rushing towards them. They turned out to be more than a dozen oil tankers, and each tanker was covered with densely packed human heads.

Under the attention of many young masters of Chinese martial arts, the oil tanker swaggered to the shore, the deck fell, and a group of people filed in one after another.

There are at least several thousand people. Although they are not as numerous as the Chinese warriors, everyone has a powerful aura and is a master.

Half of these people were dressed in black and masked. The warrior ninjas unique to Dongyang. In addition to a large number of ninjas, there were also a group of Westerners wearing golden armor. You didn't need to guess that they were knights from the Holy Court.

A thin young man dressed in black walked out of the crowd. He was dressed exactly like Sakuragi Ao and had a strong aura. There was also a handsome Western golden man.

The hairy man is as powerful as a rainbow.

From the auras emanating from the two of them, it was certain that their strength was definitely not inferior to Sakuragi Ao's.

All the warriors in China were so perplexed that they didn't expect so many masters to sneak in.

Ji Wufeng also had a stern look in his eyes. No wonder the Nine-Headed Insect dared to boast about Haikou. It turned out that he secretly assisted the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court in transporting a large number of masters to Linhai City.

This made him feel a little heavy, because he didn't expect the Nine-Headed Insect to have such great energy, and the Nine-Headed Insect seemed to be quick to kill him, so it must be a life-or-death enemy in the future.

The Chinese warriors yelled and cursed one after another, but it was difficult to conceal their panic. There were too many enemies. If there was no rescue, they would all be buried here.

"Although I very much hope to get rid of you, it is inevitable to feel a little sad at this time, because you did not die in my hands, but died under the conspiracy of your own people."

Yingmu Ao shook his head and sighed: "I don't understand now how the Sakura Temple could be defeated repeatedly at the hands of a mob like you."

This was too sarcastic, but Ji Wufeng had nothing to refute, because what Yingmu Ao said was true.

If the Chinese martial arts were destroyed today, it was indeed not the fault of Sakuragi Ao and others. The nine-headed insects were the culprits. In any case, the nine-headed insects also belonged to the Chinese martial arts, but now they colluded with foreign enemies to massacre their compatriots.

The blond young man from the West who stepped off the boat said with a smile: "Hello, this is Kerry, as long as you are willing to step out of the darkness and step into the light of God, I guarantee that there will be no war today."

In absolute desperation, anyone would give it a try.

But if there is a glimmer of hope, anyone may give up everything in order to fight for this glimmer of hope.

This is a psychological tactic, very low-level, but very effective. After hearing Kerry's words, there was an immediate commotion among the crowd, because they didn't know how to make a decision at this time.

Whether to die generously or to kneel down and fight for a glimmer of life.


A cold snort sounded in everyone's ears like thunder, and Ning Tianyu said coldly: "I don't know how many years ago, our ancestors used their blood and lives to exchange for our peace, but now someone wants us to bow our heads and kneel down. , let them die in vain, let their blood flow in vain, will you agree?"

Some people who were still wavering suddenly felt as if they were struck by lightning, their eyes became firm, and they shouted sternly: "I will never agree!"

"A man from China, I swear never to bow my head!"

"Come on, if I bow to you today, I will be sorry for my ancestors!"


Ning Tianyu's words immediately aroused everyone's response, roaring loudly and shaking the sky!

"Amitabha, Buddhist disciples are supposed to subjugate demons and eliminate demons. Today's killing spree is because the disciples are doing their duty. Please forgive me and kill!"

Unexpectedly, the first person who couldn't help but was the little monk Kong Ming. With a roar, golden light burst out from his body, and the vast and fierce momentum of Buddhism rose from the ground, kicking off the war!


The Chinese warrior didn't hesitate any longer, and with murderous intent, he pounced on the enemy in front of him.

Yingmu Ao shook his head and said with regret: "What a pity. All the young people in the Chinese martial arts world died here today."


Looking at the current situation, it is basically impossible for the Shenzhou Wulin to survive, but Ji Wufeng suddenly laughed and said: "Yingmu Ao, it is not certain which side will be completely wiped out today."

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