Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1404: Eliminating Demons and Defending the Way

Ji Wufeng stared at him with a murderous look on his face and said, "Great Heavenly Master, you are so majestic!"

Locked in by Ji Wufeng's murderous intent, Ma Tianlin's legs were trembling, and he sneered quickly: "That's right, that's wrong, how dare I compare with you in terms of power? I can't even keep up with you!"

"It seems that you have been having a good time recently and gained weight again. If you don't work anymore, believe it or not, I will help you lose weight personally, even without the weight loss pills?" Ji Wufeng's eyebrows rose.

The living corpses are still killing people there, and not only does this fat guy not take action to solve them, he even has the time to show off.

"How can I ask you, boss, to take action? I'll get to work right away, right away..."

Ma Tianlin hurriedly followed the smiling face, but the expression on his big face instantly became majestic, and shouted loudly: "All Taoist disciples obey the order and eradicate these evil spirits!"

"Honor your orders!"

All the Taoist disciples immediately shouted in unison, and a yellow paper talisman appeared on everyone's hand. It burned automatically with a bang. In an instant, the fire shot into the sky, and the scorching flames rushed toward the living corpses overwhelmingly.

The living corpse was tainted by the firelight, and immediately caught fire all over its body, turning into a pile of ashes amidst the extremely tragic roar.

Everyone was stunned for a while. Although this damn fat man was unattractive, fat and ugly, he seemed to have some ability.

The living corpse was completely restrained, the pressure on Shenzhou was reduced sharply, and the fighting spirit rose again!

"Bastard of the Dao Sect!"

The living corpses were burned to ashes in pieces. The white-haired man was so angry that he let out a sharp roar. The living corpses suddenly stopped, but strange changes appeared on their skin. The skin turned outwards and grew scales.

Ji Wufeng frowned. These living corpses had been transformed so thoroughly. It was obvious that they had combined the techniques of genetic warriors.

The Taoist three-flavored true fire talisman was burned on the body of the living corpse, and the living corpse instantly turned into a burning person. However, it was not burned to ashes like before, but still roared and rushed over.

The white-haired man smiled proudly and said: "Jiejie, little bastard, do you think I didn't expect someone from the Taoist sect to take action? Although the three-flavored true fire can restrain my living corpse, the living corpse now still has the characteristics of a genetic warrior. The power of the three-flavored real fire is greatly reduced, so just burn it, when they are all burned, I am afraid that none of you will be able to survive!"

The power of the three-flavored real fire was greatly reduced, and the living corpses launched a fierce attack again. The Chinese warriors immediately panicked again, and a large number of casualties appeared.

"If this great heavenly master only has so much ability, then he's still a fool!"

Ma Tianlin got angry and shouted: "Little Hongtian Curse!"

The Taoist disciples immediately said in unison: "Yes!"

The yellow paper charms once again rose into the sky overwhelmingly, with a loud bang, and there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky. There were too many yellow paper charms, and they condensed into a dark cloud in the sky. No, that was not a dark cloud, but a thundercloud, a cloud layer. The electric light kept flashing.

A bolt of lightning struck across the sky, hitting a living corpse.


The living corpse was instantly as if it had been hit by a cannonball. It was blown to pieces. After it landed on the ground, the stumps were still flashing with electricity. When it touched the other living corpses, it was as if it could be contagious. Immediately, the whole body twitched. Emitting black smoke, he slowly fell to the ground and turned into a charred corpse.

Corpses are inherently yin and evil, and the thing that scares them the most is

It is the most powerful and yang power of fire, thunder and lightning.

Seeing that the living corpse was blocked again, the Chinese warriors cheered again and shouted loudly: "Brothers from the Taoist sect will help us block it, brothers, kill!"

The living corpses could no longer pose a threat, and everyone once again raised their weapons and attacked the enemies fiercely.

"You little beast from the Taoist sect, I will fight you until death!"

The white-haired man was so angry that he pointed at Ma Tianlin and shouted: "Little beast, who are you!"

"I see that not only do you have boyish white hair, but you are also deaf. I just introduced myself so solemnly that you didn't even hear me!"

Seeing that the white-haired man was still asking who he was, Ma Tianlin immediately felt that he was injured and cursed angrily: "Baimaoer, you wait for the Taoist master. I must destroy you today to eliminate demons and defend the Tao!"

"Humph, this young boy really doesn't know how high the world is. Even if Xuan Daozi comes, he wouldn't dare to say such big words in front of me." The white-haired man sneered.

Xuandaozi is a senior master in the Taoist sect, with profound Taoism and great reputation.

Ma Tianlin scratched his head and said, "Oh, you mean Senior Brother Xuan Daozi. I'm very sorry. When I came, he told me that my Taoism was already superior to his."

This is true. If Ma Tianlin's Tao skills are not enough, the senior masters of the Tao sect will never dare to let him come rashly.

"It's really arrogant, but since you're here, you can all stay here and kill me!"

Following the order from the white-haired man, more than half of the living zombies changed their attack direction and rushed towards the Taoist disciples. As long as the Taoist disciples were killed, no one could stop the army of living zombies.

"Baimao'er, I think you are more boastful than me. I don't know where to keep them all! Daoist disciples obey the order and leave no one behind!"

Ma Tianlin roared loudly, and all the Taoist disciples immediately raised their weapons in excitement and rushed towards the zombie army. However, they were not holding magic weapons, but money swords, mahogany swords or something like that.

These things are not effective against living people, but they are the nemesis of living corpses. Those living corpses are as if they are made of paper and are easily pierced, and then their bodies twitch and fall to the ground.

In this era, ghosts, zombies and the like are rare, so on weekdays these Taoist disciples have no chance to perform at all, but today they were quite satisfied.

The Taoist disciples were all happily killing each other, and they were still chatting: "It's so exciting. I don't even see ghosts on weekdays, but I can finally have a good time today!"

"This is mine, don't snatch it from me!"

"Then why did you stab me? If you stab me again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up first?"

The army of living corpses is simply vulnerable in front of these Taoist troops with profound Taoist skills. The three-flavored real fire in the air, the small bombardment curses are bombarding like rain, and the money swords and peach wood swords on the ground are constantly slashing. The corpses fell in pieces like cut grass.

But although the white-haired man looked gloomy, he didn't panic at all. He smiled coldly and suddenly made a weird harsh sound in his mouth!

Suddenly, a dozen different zombies jumped out from the army of zombies. These zombies were obviously one size larger than the others, and they were all dark, like African blacks.

But if you look carefully, you will find that they are not African blacks, but because their whole bodies are covered with pitch-black scales. Ji Wufeng stared at him with a murderous look on his face and said, "Great Heavenly Master, you are so majestic!"

Locked in by Ji Wufeng's murderous intent, Ma Tianlin's legs were trembling, and he sneered and said: "That's right, that's right, how dare I compare with you in terms of power? I can't even keep up with you!"

"It seems that you have been having a good time recently and gained weight again. If you don't work anymore, believe it or not, I will help you lose weight personally, even without the weight loss pills?" Ji Wufeng's eyebrows rose.

The living corpses are still killing people there, and not only does this fat guy not take action to solve them, he even has the time to show off.

"How can I ask you, boss, to take action? I'll get to work right away, right away..."

Ma Tianlin hurriedly followed the smiling face, but the expression on his big face instantly became majestic, and shouted loudly: "All Taoist disciples obey the order and eradicate these evil spirits!"

"Honor your orders!"

All the Taoist disciples immediately shouted in unison, and a yellow paper talisman appeared on everyone's hand. It burned automatically with a bang. In an instant, the fire shot into the sky, and the scorching flames rushed toward the living corpses overwhelmingly.

The living corpse was tainted by the firelight, and immediately caught fire all over its body, turning into a pile of ashes amidst the extremely tragic roar.

Everyone was stunned for a while. Although this damn fat man was unattractive, fat and ugly, he seemed to have some ability.

The living corpse was completely restrained, the pressure on Shenzhou was reduced sharply, and the fighting spirit rose again!

"Bastard of the Dao Sect!"

The living corpses were burned to ashes in pieces. The white-haired man was so angry that he let out a sharp roar. The living corpses suddenly stopped, but strange changes appeared on their skin. The skin turned outwards and grew scales.

Ji Wufeng frowned. These living corpses had been transformed so thoroughly. It was obvious that they had combined the techniques of genetic warriors.

The Taoist three-flavored true fire talisman was burned on the body of the living corpse, and the living corpse instantly turned into a burning person. However, it was not burned to ashes like before, but still roared and rushed over.

The white-haired man smiled proudly and said: "Jiejie, little bastard, do you think I didn't expect someone from the Taoist sect to take action? Although the three-flavored true fire can restrain my living corpse, the living corpse now still has the characteristics of a genetic warrior. The power of the three-flavored real fire is greatly reduced, so just burn it, when they are all burned, I am afraid that none of you will be able to survive!"

The power of the three-flavored real fire was greatly reduced, and the living corpses launched a fierce attack again. The Chinese warriors immediately panicked again, and a large number of casualties appeared.

"If this great heavenly master only has so much ability, then he's still a fool!"

Ma Tianlin got angry and shouted: "Little Hongtian Curse!"

The Taoist disciples immediately said in unison: "Yes!"

The yellow paper charms once again rose into the sky overwhelmingly, with a loud bang, and there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky. There were too many yellow paper charms, and they condensed into a dark cloud in the sky. No, that was not a dark cloud, but a thundercloud, a cloud layer. The electric light kept flashing.

A bolt of lightning struck across the sky, hitting a living corpse.


The living corpse was instantly as if it had been hit by a cannonball. It was blown to pieces. After it landed on the ground, the stumps were still flashing with electricity. When it touched the other living corpses, it was as if it could be contagious. Immediately, the whole body twitched. Emitting black smoke, he slowly fell to the ground and turned into a charred corpse.

Corpses are inherently yin and evil, and the thing that scares them the most is

It is the most powerful and yang power of fire, thunder and lightning.

Seeing that the living corpse was blocked again, the Chinese warriors cheered again and shouted loudly: "Brothers from the Taoist sect will help us block it, brothers, kill!"

The living corpses could no longer pose a threat, and everyone once again raised their weapons and attacked the enemies fiercely.

"You little beast from the Taoist sect, I will fight you until death!"

The white-haired man was so angry that he pointed at Ma Tianlin and shouted: "Little beast, who are you!"

"I see that not only do you have boyish white hair, but you are also deaf. I just introduced myself so solemnly that you didn't even hear me!"

Seeing that the white-haired man was still asking who he was, Ma Tianlin immediately felt that he was injured and cursed angrily: "Baimaoer, you wait for the Taoist master. I must destroy you today to eliminate demons and defend the Tao!"

"Humph, this young boy really doesn't know how high the world is. Even if Xuan Daozi comes, he wouldn't dare to say such big words in front of me." The white-haired man sneered.

Xuandaozi is a senior master in the Taoist sect, with profound Taoism and great reputation.

Ma Tianlin scratched his head and said, "Oh, you mean Senior Brother Xuan Daozi. I'm very sorry. When I came, he told me that my Taoism was already superior to his."

This is true. If Ma Tianlin's Tao skills are not enough, the senior masters of the Tao sect will never dare to let him come rashly.

"It's really arrogant, but since you're here, you can all stay here and kill me!"

Following the order from the white-haired man, more than half of the living zombies changed their attack direction and rushed towards the Taoist disciples. As long as the Taoist disciples were killed, no one could stop the army of living zombies.

"Baimao'er, I think you are more boastful than me. I don't know where to keep them all! Daoist disciples obey the order and leave no one behind!"

Ma Tianlin roared loudly, and all the Taoist disciples immediately raised their weapons in excitement and rushed towards the zombie army. However, they were not holding magic weapons, but money swords, mahogany swords or something like that.

These things are not effective against living people, but they are the nemesis of living corpses. Those living corpses are as if they are made of paper and are easily pierced, and then their bodies twitch and fall to the ground.

In this era, ghosts, zombies and the like are rare, so on weekdays these Taoist disciples have no chance to perform at all, but today they were quite satisfied.

The Taoist disciples were all happily killing each other, and they were still chatting: "It's so exciting. I don't even see ghosts on weekdays, but I can finally have a good time today!"

"This is mine, don't snatch it from me!"

"Then why did you stab me? If you stab me again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up first?"

The army of living corpses is simply vulnerable in front of these Taoist troops with profound Taoist skills. The three-flavored real fire in the air, the small bombardment curses are bombarding like rain, and the money swords and peach wood swords on the ground are constantly slashing. The corpses fell in pieces like cut grass.

But although the white-haired man looked gloomy, he didn't panic at all. He smiled coldly and suddenly made a weird harsh sound in his mouth!

Suddenly, a dozen different zombies jumped out from the army of zombies. These zombies were obviously one size larger than the others, and they were all dark, like African blacks.

But if you look carefully, you will find that they are not African blacks, but because their whole bodies are covered with pitch-black scales.

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