Neither the three flavors of real fire nor the small bombardment curse can cause much damage to them.

Several Taoist disciples noticed them instantly, their eyes lit up, and they immediately gathered around and shouted: "There are some big guys here, don't rob me, I will beat whoever robs you!"

Click! Click!

The money sword and the peach wood sword both pierced the black living corpse, but they did not pierce, but broke their swords. ??

The black living corpse roared and waved its arms, and a Taoist disciple flew out screaming.

"Get back quickly!"

The Taoist disciples immediately retreated. Such a tyrannical living corpse was beyond their ability to resist.

"Haha... This is the iron corpse that I specially refined. Not only is it invulnerable, even the Three Flavors of True Fire and the Little Bangtian Curse are useless. You will all die today!" the white-haired man laughed.

Ma Tianlin touched his head and said, "The small Hongtian Curse won't work, but I don't know if the big Hongtian Curse will work?"

"Hehe, of course the Great Booming Curse will work, but it's a pity. Is it possible for you brats who haven't even shed their fetal hair to cast the Great Booming Curse?" the white-haired man said with disdain.

"The Great Booming Curse!" Ma Tianlin suddenly shouted loudly and pointed to the sky.


There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, followed by a loud noise, and a huge golden lightning struck down, hitting an iron corpse in the middle.


The iron corpse was struck by lightning and exploded immediately, turning into a ball of debris floating in the air, completely dead.

Ma Tianlin said proudly: "Brothers from the Taoist sect, do you still remember the slogans I taught you to shout before?"

A group of Taoist disciples were immediately filled with admiration and shouted in unison: "Ma Tianlin is invincible in the world, he will definitely win in a fight!"

Ji Wufeng stumbled and almost fainted on the ground. This was the first time he heard such idiotic and substandard slogans, yet extremely shameless.

The white-haired man's eyes widened, and his mouth was so long that he could see the little tongue in his throat. He pointed at Ma Tianlin in disbelief and said: "You...who are you? You are so young, you can't use your big... Booming Curse."

The Great Bangtian Curse requires extremely profound Taoist skills to be cast. Ma Tianlin is too young to have such profound Taoist skills.

Ma Tianlin straightened his chest and said with a look of disdain: "You are really short-sighted. Don't you know that this handsome guy is a super genius that is rare to see in a thousand years in Taoism?"

The white-haired man said sternly: "This is impossible. This must be a talisman refined by a master of Taoism."

Obviously, he didn't believe that Ma Tianlin used his own strength to cast the Great Booming Curse!

"Alas, people with short experience are so pitiful. Today, Master Tao, I will take pity on you and let you gain more experience."


After Ma Tianlin finished speaking, he pointed his finger in the air again, and a huge thunder and lightning struck down again, and the iron corpse was turned into slag again.

boom! boom! boom!

Ma Tianlin felt as if he had been electrocuted. He was tapping his ten fingers in the air. With every tap, a bolt of lightning struck down, and iron corpses fell to the ground.

In almost the blink of an eye, half of the originally invincible Iron Corpse was killed by Ma Tianlin, and the white-haired man was stunned.

As for everyone else, their faces were also confused.

They all felt the destructive power of the lightning. Whether it was an iron corpse or a living person, they would probably be chopped into pieces, right?

In an instant, no one dared to despise this fat guy anymore, because he was so awesome.

It's just that the posture is a bit too harsh on the eyes. The fingers are connected and the butt is twisted, which makes people feel sick to watch.

Ji Wufeng's face turned green, Wuchang and Yue Kunpeng also had dark faces, Xiao Feng slapped his forehead hard and said sadly: "I really want to vomit, who can take off my shoes? I need two shoes, I ate them last night There are a lot of them, one is not enough.”

"This is absolutely impossible, kill him!"

The white-haired man didn't believe what he saw in front of him and roared loudly. All the zombies instantly gave up their current goals and rushed towards Ma Tianlin together. If they didn't kill him, the army of zombies would be completely destroyed soon.

All the Taoist disciples immediately jumped in front of Ma Tianlin. The three flavors of true fire and the small blasting curse roared out. The money sword and peach wood sword in their hands were slashing like crazy like chopping vegetables.

The surroundings of Ma Tianlin were like a huge meat grinder for a moment, and pieces of living corpses fell to the ground, making it impossible to get close to Ma Tianlin.

Ma Tianlin said proudly to Ji Wufeng: "Boss, am I impressive enough today?"

Ji Wufeng discovered that although Ma Tianlin was still carefree, he had an unfathomable aura about him that he couldn't see through for a while. It seemed that the old bull noses of the Bagua Sect were not lying.

It looked ethereal and insubstantial, unable to be seen clearly. It seemed that the old Taoist priests from the Five Elements Sect were not lying.

Now Ma Tianlin is the new master of the Taoist sect and has absorbed the powerful magic power from the Tiandao Order. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Ma Tianlin to cast such a powerful Heaven-blasting Curse with his previous skills!

"You haven't completely completed the task yet. I'll leave this white-haired man to you to take care of." Ji Wufeng pointed at the white-haired man.

Ma Tianlin immediately rubbed his fists and smiled at the white-haired man: "Hey, dealing with this kind of thing that is neither human nor ghost is my specialty, just wait and see!"

"Little beast, I'll kill you!"

The white-haired man roared loudly, and his long white hair suddenly became motionless without any wind. A ghastly and terrifying aura of death suddenly rose from his body, pressing overwhelmingly towards Ma Tianlin.

"Damn it, you bastard has so much corpse energy. How many graves have been dug and how many corpses have been stolen? Today I will kill you Yating on behalf of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty!"

Ma Tianlin was furious. With a wave of his hand, a huge flaming sword appeared across the sky. The white-haired man's overwhelming corpse energy touched the flaming sword and was instantly dispersed.

The threat posed by the white-haired man and the zombie army was completely eliminated. The Chinese warriors once again reversed the situation. The situation became one-sided. The ninja army and the Holy Court Knights retreated steadily under the impact of the Chinese warriors. In addition, The Tianmen elites led by Murong Wuji and the four others are mercilessly killing each other. The outcome of the battle is not far away. Now it depends on the competition between the two sides' peak combat power.

"I said, you can't complete the mission today." Ji Wufeng was now completely relaxed and said to Sakuragi.

"In this case, there is only one battle left!"

Yingmu Ao's face was expressionless, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. He said: "We no longer need to interfere in the current battle situation. If you want to kill me, just come with me."

Wanting to change the battlefield, it seemed that Yingmu Ao wanted to escape, but Ji Wufeng had to agree. The destructive power of a decisive battle between top experts was too strong. If the two of them fought here, it would definitely affect other Chinese warriors. Neither the three flavors of real fire nor the small bombardment curse can cause much damage to them.

Several Taoist disciples noticed them instantly, their eyes lit up, and they immediately gathered around and shouted: "There are some big guys here, don't rob me, I will beat whoever robs you!"

Click! Click!

The money sword and the peach wood sword both pierced the black living corpse, but they did not pierce, but broke their swords.

The black living corpse roared and waved its arms, and a Taoist disciple flew out screaming.

"Get back quickly!"

The Taoist disciples immediately retreated. Such a tyrannical living corpse was beyond their ability to resist.

"Haha... This is the iron corpse that I specially refined. Not only is it invulnerable, even the Three Flavors of True Fire and the Little Bangtian Curse are useless. You will all die today!" the white-haired man laughed.

Ma Tianlin touched his head and said, "The small Hongtian Curse won't work, but I don't know if the big Hongtian Curse will work?"

"Hehe, of course the Great Booming Curse will work, but it's a pity. Is it possible for you brats who haven't even shed their fetal hair to cast the Great Booming Curse?" the white-haired man said with disdain.

"The Great Booming Curse!" Ma Tianlin suddenly shouted loudly and pointed to the sky.


There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, followed by a loud noise, and a huge golden lightning struck down, hitting an iron corpse in the middle.


The iron corpse was struck by lightning and exploded immediately, turning into a ball of debris floating in the air, completely dead.

Ma Tianlin said proudly: "Brothers from the Taoist sect, do you still remember the slogans I taught you to shout before?"

A group of Taoist disciples were immediately filled with admiration and shouted in unison: "Ma Tianlin is invincible in the world, he will definitely win in a fight!"

Ji Wufeng stumbled and almost fainted on the ground. This was the first time he heard such idiotic and substandard slogans, yet extremely shameless.

The white-haired man's eyes widened, and his mouth was so long that he could see the little tongue in his throat. He pointed at Ma Tianlin in disbelief and said: "You...who are you? You are so young, you can't use your big... Booming Curse."

The Great Bangtian Curse requires extremely profound Taoist skills to be cast. Ma Tianlin is too young to have such profound Taoist skills.

Ma Tianlin straightened his chest and said with a look of disdain: "You are really short-sighted. Don't you know that this handsome guy is a super genius that is rare to see in a thousand years in Taoism?"

The white-haired man said sternly: "This is impossible. This must be a talisman refined by a master of Taoism."

Obviously, he didn't believe that Ma Tianlin used his own strength to cast the Great Booming Curse!

"Alas, people with short experience are so pitiful. Today, Master Tao, I will take pity on you and let you gain more experience."


After Ma Tianlin finished speaking, he pointed his finger in the air again, and a huge thunder and lightning struck down again, and the iron corpse was turned into slag again.

boom! boom! boom!

Ma Tianlin felt as if he had been electrocuted. He was tapping his ten fingers in the air. With every tap, a bolt of lightning struck down, and iron corpses fell to the ground.

In almost the blink of an eye, half of the originally invincible Iron Corpse was killed by Ma Tianlin, and the white-haired man was stunned.

As for everyone else, their faces were also confused.

They all felt the destructive power of the lightning. Whether it was an iron corpse or a living person, they would probably be chopped into pieces, right?

In an instant, no one dared to despise this fat guy anymore, because he was so awesome.

It's just that the posture is a bit too eye-catching, with the fingers pointing and the butt twisted, which makes people feel sick to their stomachs.

Ji Wufeng's face turned green, Wuchang and Yue Kunpeng also had dark faces, Xiao Feng slapped his forehead hard and said sadly: "I really want to vomit, who can take off my shoes? I need two shoes, I ate them last night There are a lot of them, one is not enough.”

"This is absolutely impossible, kill him!"

The white-haired man didn't believe what he saw in front of him and roared loudly. All the zombies instantly gave up their current goals and rushed towards Ma Tianlin together. If they didn't kill him, the army of zombies would be completely destroyed soon.

All the Taoist disciples immediately jumped in front of Ma Tianlin. The three flavors of true fire and the small blasting curse roared out. The money sword and peach wood sword in their hands were slashing like crazy vegetables.

The surroundings of Ma Tianlin were like a huge meat grinder for a moment, and pieces of living corpses fell to the ground, making it impossible to get close to Ma Tianlin.

Ma Tianlin said proudly to Ji Wufeng: "Boss, am I impressive enough today?"

Ji Wufeng found that although Ma Tianlin was still carefree, he had an unfathomable aura about him that he couldn't see through for a while. It seemed that the old bull noses of the Bagua Sect were not lying.

It looked ethereal and insubstantial, unable to be seen clearly. It seemed that the old Taoist priests from the Five Elements Sect were not lying.

Now Ma Tianlin is the new master of the Taoist sect and has absorbed the powerful magic power from the Tiandao Order. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Ma Tianlin to cast such a powerful Heaven-shattering Curse with his previous skills!

"You haven't completely completed your mission yet. I'll leave this white-haired man to you to take care of." Ji Wufeng pointed at the white-haired man.

Ma Tianlin immediately rubbed his fists and smiled at the white-haired man: "Hey, dealing with this kind of thing that is neither human nor ghost is my specialty, just wait and see!"

"Little beast, I'll kill you!"

The white-haired man roared loudly, and his long white hair suddenly became motionless without any wind. A ghastly and terrifying aura of death suddenly rose from his body, pressing overwhelmingly towards Ma Tianlin.

"Damn it, you bastard has so much corpse energy. How many graves have been dug and how many corpses have been stolen? Today I will kill you Yating on behalf of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty!"

Ma Tianlin was furious. With a wave of his hand, a huge flaming sword appeared across the sky. The white-haired man's overwhelming corpse energy touched the flaming sword and was instantly dispersed.

The threat posed by the white-haired man and the zombie army was completely eliminated. The Chinese warriors once again reversed the situation. The situation became one-sided. The ninja army and the Holy Court Knights retreated steadily under the impact of the Chinese warriors. In addition, The Tianmen elites led by Murong Wuji and the four others are mercilessly killing each other. The outcome of the battle is not far away. Now it depends on the competition between the two sides' peak combat power.

"I said, you can't complete the mission today." Ji Wufeng was now completely relaxed and said to Sakuragi.

"In this case, there is only one battle left!"

Yingmu Ao's face was expressionless, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. He said: "We no longer need to interfere in the current battle situation. If you want to kill me, just come with me."

Wanting to change the battlefield, it seemed that Yingmu Ao wanted to escape, but Ji Wufeng had to agree. The destructive power of a decisive battle between top experts was too strong. If the two of them fought here, it would definitely affect other Chinese warriors.

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