Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1406: Not only high and low, but also life and death

"Then let's fight!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

He wants to keep all foreign enemies behind, but he cannot do so at the expense of the lives of his companions.

Sakuragi flew away in the air, and Ji Wufeng chased after him. The two of them stood on the sea, and six more figures came through the air. It was Sakuragi, Kai Rui, Minuo, and Gu Tianyang. Tian Wuxin returned. There is Ning Tianyu.

"It's time to change places a long time ago, otherwise the hands are tied and you can't do anything at all." Tian Wuxin shouted.

Previously, there were too many people below, which led to a few people not daring to use their full strength. Now here, everyone has no scruples in their hearts and can let go of the final battle.

Seeing the soaring fighting spirit in Ning Tianyu, Tian Wuxin said with a confused look on his face: "I have heard of you, the upright Ning Tianyu, the number one in the young master list. I thought you were good at first, but now it seems that I was mistaken. ." .??.

Ning Tianyu smiled slightly and said: "Brother Wuxin is overrated. Tianyu's strength is low, but to be favored by Brother Wuxin is a lifelong honor!"

Tian Wuxin waved his hand and said: "It's nothing to be honored about. You are indeed qualified to be my opponent, but you can rest assured. After we deal with these clowns, we can compete again!"

"Haha, thank you very much, Brother Wuxin." Ning Tianyu said with a faint smile.

Tian Wuxin's hair suddenly flew wildly, and a tyrannical demonic aura emerged from his body, making his whole body seem to be ignited with monstrous demonic flames.

"Birdman, I'll deal with you first, don't delay this young master's business!"

He punched Kerry, and the surging demonic energy roared like a huge wave rushing forward.

"Humph, you ignorant race, accept God's punishment!"

Kerry was furious and flapped the wings behind his back. His whole body was instantly dazzling with golden light, and the sharp golden energy soared into the sky, making him look like a god of war wearing golden armor.

Facing Tian Wuxin's roaring waves of demonic flames, he waved the golden sword in his hand and charged forward!


The two of them were like crazy giant beasts, colliding violently, shaking the earth for a while.


Tian Wuxin had no weapons in his hands, and he fought against the indestructible golden sword in Kerry's hand with his bare hands, but he shattered Kerry's blazing and sharp sword light again and again.

Kerry's face was gloomy, and the opponent took his golden sword with his bare hands. He was already slightly taller than him, and the sword light he emitted became even sharper.

However, Tian Wuxin possesses unparalleled demonic power, and his overbearing attacks are like huge waves. At such a young age, he is really like an unparalleled demon king, with an invincible posture.

Gu Tianyang's fighting spirit was overwhelming, and he said to his opponent Sakuragi: "It was a pity that I was not able to seek advice from the masters of Sakura Temple back then. Today I have fulfilled this wish."

Although Gu Tianyang's tone was calm, Sakuragi felt obvious contempt and snorted coldly: "In that case, I will put an end to you, the so-called God of War."

At this moment, Sakuragi showed high fighting spirit, and a long knife with a sharp edge appeared in his hand, exuding cold light all over his body. It seems that this long knife can reflect his strongest fighting power. Out, the void was split open and rushed towards Gu Tianyang from high altitude.


Gu Tianyang looked up to the sky and roared, and unparalleled energy burst out from his fist, straight up in the air, and violently collided with Sakuragi's magic knife.


r\u003e The bright and dazzling light even eclipsed the sun, and the powerful energy flow surged crazily on the sea.

Sakuragi was blasted into the air, and Gu Tianyang himself was also blasted far away. Before he could stabilize his body, Sakuragi swooped down again brandishing the magic sword. This sword was even more terrifying, and the sword aura was everywhere. , before the people arrived, the entire sea surface was already rolling violently due to the violent impact of the crazy energy.

The strong young man from Sakura Temple is indeed extraordinary. The strength of these two swords alone is enough to rank as the Youth Supreme. If this person appeared on the battlefield before, there would be few people who could block his sword.

"Ah..." Sakuragi looked like a crazy demon had entered his body.

Gu Tianyang felt a strong pressure, which made him a little excited. It was too cold to be at a high place. Only such an opponent could make him fight without reservation and enjoy it!

"Mino, it's time for a decisive battle. It's a matter of life and death!"

Ning Tianyu also took action, pointing his long sword at Mino.

At this moment, Minuo could no longer maintain the so-called elegance he had before. A golden light flashed and he rushed to the sky above Ning Tianyu, slashing down with the golden sword in his hand.

"It's useless to talk more, let's fight!"


Ning Tianyu was running his Xuan Gong crazily, and surging Gang Qi burst out. The sword Qi in the sky was like a spider web, condensing around him, and the place where he stood was so sharp that it covered the sky.

The swords were slashed out one by one, and a huge sword light shot up across the sky, colliding with Mino's bright sword light.

boom! boom! boom!

When the two sword masters collided, their sword lights intertwined, making a sound like thunder in the air. The overwhelming sword energy swept away, and the sea surface under their feet was rolled up. The sea water broke away from the bottom of the sea, and the naked bottom of the sea was seen.

"They have already started, let's not be idle!"

Ji Wufeng's words were very light, but then a violent aura rose into the sky, boundless. At this time, he could finally focus on killing Yingmu Ao wholeheartedly!

"I always thought that China's martial arts world was nothing more than that, but now I am finally willing to admit that I underestimated you. You are indeed qualified for me to treat you with all my strength!"

The ghastly blood claw did not appear, but a long knife full of death appeared in Sakuragi Ao's hand. Just like the long knife in Sakuragi Ao's hand, it was a peerless weapon.

It doesn't look like a magical weapon made of rare materials, but it is filled with endless aura of death and thick blood.

This was originally a very ordinary saber, but because it was stained with too much blood, it evolved into a magic sword.

"You know, this sword has experienced countless battles with China, and it has been enshrined in the Sakura Temple before. Now you can die under this sword. It is your greatest honor!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold. He understood that the reason why this sword was qualified to be enshrined in the Sakura Temple must be because it was stained with the blood of too many Chinese people. This was a supreme honor for Dongyang warriors.

At the moment when Ji Wufeng lost consciousness, Yingmu Ao had already risen into the sky, holding a knife in both hands and slashing towards Ji Wufeng who was directly in front of him.

Exuding the boundless aura of death, he slashed out with the sword, and the sky was cut open, and a bright black sword light bloomed, just like the materialized sword energy slashing across the sea.

"Ji Wufeng, take my sword!" "Then let's fight!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

He wants to keep all foreign enemies behind, but he cannot do so at the expense of the lives of his companions.

Sakuragi flew away in the air, and Ji Wufeng chased after him. The two of them stood on the sea, and six more figures came through the air. It was Sakuragi, Kai Rui, Minuo, and Gu Tianyang. Tian Wuxin returned. There is Ning Tianyu.

"It's time to change places a long time ago, otherwise the hands are tied and you can't do anything at all." Tian Wuxin shouted.

Previously, there were too many people below, which led to a few people not daring to use their full strength. Now here, everyone has no scruples in their hearts and can let go of the final battle.

Seeing the soaring fighting spirit in Ning Tianyu, Tian Wuxin said with a puzzled look on his face: "I have heard of you, the upright Ning Tianyu, the number one in the young master list. I originally thought you were good, but now it seems that I was mistaken. ."

Ning Tianyu smiled slightly and said: "Brother Wuxin is overrated. Tianyu's strength is low, but to be favored by Brother Wuxin is a lifelong honor!"

Tian Wuxin waved his hand and said: "It's nothing to be honored about. You are indeed qualified to be my opponent, but you can rest assured. After we deal with these clowns, we can compete again!"

"Haha, thank you very much, Brother Wuxin." Ning Tianyu said with a faint smile.

Tian Wuxin's hair suddenly flew wildly, and a tyrannical demonic aura emerged from his body, making his whole body seem to be ignited with monstrous demonic flames.

"Birdman, I'll deal with you first, don't delay this young master's business!"

He punched Kerry, and the surging demonic energy roared like a huge wave rushing forward.

"Humph, you ignorant race, accept God's punishment!"

Kerry was furious and flapped the wings behind his back. His whole body was instantly dazzling with golden light, and the sharp golden energy soared into the sky, making him look like a god of war wearing golden armor.

Facing Tian Wuxin's roaring waves of demonic flames, he waved the golden sword in his hand and charged forward!


The two of them were like crazy giant beasts, colliding violently, shaking the earth for a while.


Tian Wuxin had no weapons in his hands, and he fought against the indestructible golden sword in Kerry's hand with his bare hands, but he shattered Kerry's blazing and sharp sword light again and again.

Kerry's face was gloomy, and the opponent took his golden sword with his bare hands. He was already slightly taller than him, and the sword light he emitted became even sharper.

However, Tian Wuxin possesses unparalleled demonic power, and his overbearing attacks are like huge waves. At such a young age, he is really like an unparalleled demon king, with an invincible posture.

Gu Tianyang's fighting spirit was overwhelming, and he said to his opponent Sakuragi: "It was a pity that I was not able to seek advice from the masters of Sakura Temple back then. Today I have fulfilled this wish."

Although Gu Tianyang's tone was calm, Sakuragi felt obvious contempt and snorted coldly: "In that case, I will put an end to you, the so-called God of War."

At this moment, Sakuragi showed high fighting spirit, and a long knife with a sharp edge appeared in his hand, exuding cold light all over his body. It seems that this long knife can reflect his strongest fighting power. Out, the void was split open and rushed towards Gu Tianyang from high altitude.


Gu Tianyang looked up to the sky and roared, and unparalleled energy burst out from his fist, straight up in the air, and violently collided with Sakuragi's magic knife.


r\u003e The bright and dazzling light even eclipsed the sun, and the powerful energy flow surged crazily on the sea.

Sakuragi was blasted into the air, and Gu Tianyang himself was also blasted far away. Before he could stabilize his body, Sakuragi swooped down again brandishing the magic knife. This sword was even more terrifying, and the sword aura was everywhere. , before the people arrived, the entire sea surface was already rolling violently due to the violent impact of the crazy energy.

The strong young man from Sakura Temple is indeed extraordinary. The strength of these two swords alone is enough to rank as the Youth Supreme. If this person appeared on the battlefield before, there would be few people who could block his sword.

"Ah..." Sakuragi looked like a madman had entered his body.

Gu Tianyang felt a strong pressure, which made him a little excited. It was too cold to be at a high place. Only such an opponent could make him fight without any reservations and happily!

"Mino, it's time for a decisive battle. It's a matter of life and death!"

Ning Tianyu also took action, pointing his long sword at Mino.

At this moment, Minuo could no longer maintain the so-called elegance he had before. A golden light flashed and he rushed to the sky above Ning Tianyu, slashing down with the golden sword in his hand.

"It's useless to talk more, let's fight!"


Ning Tianyu was running his Xuan Gong crazily, and surging Gang Qi burst out. The sword Qi in the sky was like a spider web, condensing around him, and the place where he stood was so sharp that it covered the sky.

The swords were slashed out one by one, and a huge sword light shot up across the sky, colliding with Mino's bright sword light.

boom! boom! boom!

When the two sword masters collided, their sword lights intertwined, making a sound like thunder in the air. The overwhelming sword energy swept away, and the sea surface under their feet was rolled up. The sea water broke away from the bottom of the sea, and the naked bottom of the sea was seen.

"They have already started, let's not be idle!"

Ji Wufeng's words were very light, but then a violent aura rose into the sky, boundless. At this time, he could finally focus on killing Yingmu Ao wholeheartedly!

"I always thought that China's martial arts world was nothing more than that, but now I am finally willing to admit that I underestimated you. You are indeed qualified for me to treat you with all my strength!"

The ghastly blood claw did not appear, but a long knife full of death appeared in Sakuragi Ao's hand. Just like the long knife in Sakuragi Ao's hand, it was a peerless weapon.

It doesn't look like a magical weapon made of rare materials, but it is filled with endless aura of death and thick blood.

This was originally a very ordinary saber, but because it was stained with too much blood, it evolved into a magic sword.

"You know, this sword has experienced countless battles with China, and it has been enshrined in the Sakura Temple before. Now you can die under this sword. It is your greatest honor!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold. He understood that the reason why this sword was qualified to be enshrined in the Sakura Temple must be because it was stained with the blood of too many Chinese people. This was a supreme honor for Dongyang warriors.

At the moment when Ji Wufeng lost consciousness, Yingmu Ao had already risen into the sky, holding a knife in both hands and slashing towards Ji Wufeng who was directly in front of him.

Exuding the boundless aura of death, he slashed out with the sword, and the sky was cut open, and a bright black sword light bloomed, just like the materialized sword energy slashing across the sea.

"Ji Wufeng, take a stab at me!"

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