Yingmu Ao roared, shrouded in a sharp edge filled with the aura of death, Ji Wufeng felt as if he was in a devil's prison of endless death.

But this made the murderous intention in Ji Wufeng's heart even worse. The death energy on the magic sword was so heavy, which showed that it had been contaminated with the blood of too many Chinese people before. This sword was the glory of Dongyang warriors, but it was the shame of the Chinese people. Today Sakuragi Ao must die!

"Yingmu Ao, blood debt must be paid with blood. There is no way you will leave alive today!"

Ji Wufeng roared, shocking the sky, his unparalleled energy burst out, and he punched out with a violent punch, as if a heavenly disaster was coming and was about to shatter the whole world.


As Ji Wufeng's body's mysterious power circulated rapidly, bursts of roars like giant beasts came out of his body, violent air waves, and bursting energy, making the sky tremble!


Ji Wufeng punched Yingmu Ao's magic knife, his energy raged crazily, and the terrible impact sent both of them flying away.

"In less than a year, you turned from a waste to such a powerful person. Even a sword master would never be able to do it. How many secrets do you have with you?" Sakuragi Ao asked with a fierce gaze.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It seemed that he was really one of Yingmu Ao's targets. He actually knew him so well, but he knew almost nothing about Yingmu Ao. He only knew that he was a strong young man from the Sakura Temple.

"How powerful a genius can be, how can a mediocre person like you understand it?" Ji Wufeng said scornfully.

Sakuragi Ao smiled coldly and said: "The name of my sword technique is the Seven Demon Swords, which means there are seven swords in total. So far, no one of my generation has taken them all. I want to see how many swords you can take. "

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, his face turned cold, and his eyes became even more vicious, saying: "Back then, you used this knife to kill me, Senior Shenzhou. Today I will make this knife become evidence of blood debt repayment."

"Ha ha……"

Yingmu Ao suddenly laughed wildly, and the powerful body-protecting energy surged out, and the aura full of endless murderous intent surged towards Ji Wufeng like a raging flame.

"Then take my second blow!"

Sakuragi looked up to the sky and roared, the black light bloomed from the magic sword again, the breath of death burst out the black sword light, and rushed towards Ji Wufeng with a black lightning.

Ji Wufeng showed no fear at all, his eyes flashed with a heart-stopping edge, and his whole body was filled with golden aura. He waved his tyrannical fist and charged forward.

boom! boom! boom!

The golden Gang Qi and the black sword light collided and burst into thunderous roars.

The two young masters at the supreme level passed through the dense energy, and their fists and the magic sword actually collided together, making a sound like the collision of metal and stone like iron.

Ji Wufeng punched the magic knife one after another, but even with his arrogant strength, he could not break the magic knife into pieces.

Sakuragi Ao sneered again and again and said: "Suffer death!"

The magic knife in his hand cut through the void and slashed across the sky.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's whole body was filled with aura, and he grabbed the magic knife with his bare hands.

"You are just relying on the edge of the magic knife. Without this knife, you are just a useless person. Even ten people like you are not enough for me to kill!"

Ji Wufeng roared, and extremely violent power surged out of his palm like a river, towards the blade of the magic knife.

Rushing away from above.

Yingmu Ao was extremely ashamed and angry. Ji Wufeng's meaning was obvious. Without this knife, he would be just a worthless waste.

However, feeling Ji Wufeng's tyrannical power rushing towards the magic knife actually made him unable to hold the handle of the knife.

"Roar..." Ji Wufeng roared.


The sword shot up into the sky, but in the end it was suppressed by Ji Wufeng's violent fist. The magic sword did not break, but Sakuragi Ao was blown away by the violent force. His body hit the sea, and the water was blown away. It flew up and exposed the bottom of the sea.

A wisp of blood flowed out from the corner of Sakuragi Ao's mouth, and a great sense of frustration surged into his heart. The Sakura Temple is the supreme holy place. He is the leader among his peers in the temple. He should have been unscrupulous. Today it was hard to stop Ji Wufeng's sharp edge.

"You think you can come to China and show off your power, but in fact you are just a clown who comes to die." Ji Wufeng struck mercilessly.

Although Yingmu Ao was injured, Ji Wufeng knew that he was definitely more than that. In a duel between masters, life and death depended on one thought. Now he wanted Yingmu Ao to go crazy!

Sure enough, Sakuragi Ao's face began to become distorted, and he said: "I know that I am not your opponent at this time, but you will definitely die today!"

"You are still bragging at this time? After all, you are also a strong young man, can you show some face?" Ji Wufeng sneered with sarcastic disdain.


Yingmu Ao raised the magic knife again, but instead of swinging it towards Ji Wufeng, it actually stabbed into his chest, causing blood to splash everywhere.

This startled Ji Wufeng and said, "Damn it, if you lose the fight, you don't have to stab yourself with a knife. It hurts so much."

Suddenly Sakuragi screamed, his face was covered with pain, and he was so ferocious that he began to twist.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. Could it be that this guy thought he couldn't kill him and failed to complete the task, so he wanted to commit suicide and die to apologize?

But he immediately felt something was wrong, and he stabbed the knife in. Blood spattered everywhere, but not a drop fell. It turned into blood and poured into the blade of the magic knife.

Sakuragi Ao's face also turned pale first. Although there was a trace of black air, a ghastly and terrifying aura spread from her and him, mixed with a strong smell of blood.

That was the aura of death, an extremely strong aura of death!

Ji Wufeng knew that Yingmu Ao had now chosen to merge with the magic sword. At this time, the magic sword was him, and he was the magic sword!

The Demon Sword was condensed after endless bloody massacres. Yingmu Ao was able to fuse with the Demon Sword. This shows that Yingmu Ao is as cold-blooded and cruel as the Demon Sword. This kind of person has lost his humanity.

Sakuragi Ao's roar disappeared, and Sen Bai's face was filled with black death aura. Ji Wufeng could no longer feel the existence of his life aura, because he was completely swallowed by the death aura. The person standing in front of him was no longer alone. But a cold and cruel magic knife.

"go to hell!"

Yingmu Ao's body was wrapped with death energy, and he stomped on the ground. His body was like a demonic shadow. He disappeared from the place in a swish, and then appeared in front of Ji Wufeng out of thin air. A pair of terrifying blood claws entwined with black death energy shot towards him like lightning. Scratching his chest.


Of course, Ji Wufeng would not be merciful. He snorted coldly and punched out fiercely. Yingmu Ao roared, shrouded in a sharp edge filled with the aura of death, Ji Wufeng felt as if he was in a devil's prison of endless death.

But this made the murderous intention in Ji Wufeng's heart even worse. The death energy on the magic sword was so heavy, which showed that it had been contaminated with the blood of too many Chinese people before. This sword was the glory of Dongyang warriors, but it was the shame of the Chinese people. Today Sakuragi Ao must die!

"Yingmu Ao, blood debt must be paid with blood. There is no way you will leave alive today!"

Ji Wufeng roared, shocking the sky, his unparalleled energy burst out, and he punched out with a violent punch, as if a heavenly disaster was coming and was about to shatter the whole world.


As Ji Wufeng's body's mysterious power circulated rapidly, bursts of roars like giant beasts came out of his body, violent air waves, and bursting energy, making the sky tremble!


Ji Wufeng punched Yingmu Ao's magic knife, his energy raged crazily, and the terrible impact sent both of them flying away.

"In less than a year, you turned from a waste to such a powerful person. Even a sword master would never be able to do it. How many secrets do you have with you?" Sakuragi Ao asked with a fierce gaze.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It seemed that he was really one of Yingmu Ao's targets. He actually knew him so well, but he knew almost nothing about Yingmu Ao. He only knew that he was a strong young man from the Sakura Temple.

"How powerful a genius can be, how can a mediocre person like you understand it?" Ji Wufeng said scornfully.

Sakuragi Ao smiled coldly and said: "The name of my sword technique is the Seven Demon Swords, which means there are seven swords in total. So far, no one of my generation has taken them all. I want to see how many swords you can take. "

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, his face turned cold, and his eyes became even more vicious, saying: "Back then, you used this knife to kill me, Senior Shenzhou. Today I will make this knife become evidence of blood debt repayment."

"Ha ha……"

Yingmu Ao suddenly laughed wildly, and the powerful body-protecting energy surged out, and the aura full of endless murderous intent surged towards Ji Wufeng like a raging flame.

"Then take my second blow!"

Sakuragi looked up to the sky and roared, the black light bloomed from the magic sword again, the breath of death burst out the black sword light, and rushed towards Ji Wufeng with a black lightning.

Ji Wufeng showed no fear at all, his eyes flashed with a heart-stopping edge, and his whole body was filled with golden aura. He waved his tyrannical fist and charged forward.

boom! boom! boom!

The golden Gang Qi and the black sword light collided and burst into thunderous roars.

The two young masters at the supreme level passed through the dense energy, and their fists and the magic sword actually collided together, making a sound like the collision of metal and stone like iron.

Ji Wufeng punched the magic knife one after another, but even with his arrogant strength, he could not break the magic knife into pieces.

Sakuragi Ao sneered again and again and said: "Suffer death!"

The magic knife in his hand cut through the void and slashed across the sky.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Ji Wufeng's whole body was filled with aura, and he grabbed the magic knife with his bare hands.

"You are just relying on the edge of the magic knife. Without this knife, you are just a useless person. Even ten people like you are not enough for me to kill!"

Ji Wufeng roared, and extremely violent power surged out of his palm like a river, towards the blade of the magic knife.

Rushing away from above.

Yingmu Ao was extremely ashamed and angry. Ji Wufeng's meaning was obvious. Without this knife, he would be just a worthless waste.

However, feeling Ji Wufeng's tyrannical power rushing towards the magic knife actually made him unable to hold the handle of the knife.

"Roar..." Ji Wufeng roared.


The sword shot up into the sky, but in the end it was suppressed by Ji Wufeng's violent fist. The magic sword did not break, but Sakuragi Ao was blown away by the violent force. His body hit the sea, and the water was blown away. It flew up and exposed the bottom of the sea.

A wisp of blood flowed out from the corner of Sakuragi Ao's mouth, and a great sense of frustration surged into his heart. The Sakura Temple is the supreme holy place. He is the leader among his peers in the temple. He should have been unscrupulous. Today it was hard to stop Ji Wufeng's sharp edge.

"You think you can come to China and show off your power, but in fact you are just a clown who comes to die." Ji Wufeng struck mercilessly.

Although Yingmu Ao was injured, Ji Wufeng knew that he was definitely more than that. In a duel between masters, life and death depended on one thought. Now he wanted Yingmu Ao to go crazy!

Sure enough, Sakuragi Ao's face began to become distorted, and he said: "I know that I am not your opponent at this time, but you will definitely die today!"

"You are still bragging at this time? After all, you are also a strong young man, can you show some face?" Ji Wufeng sneered with sarcastic disdain.


Yingmu Ao raised the magic knife again, but instead of swinging it towards Ji Wufeng, it actually stabbed into his chest, causing blood to splash everywhere.

This startled Ji Wufeng and said, "Damn it, if you lose the fight, you don't have to stab yourself with a knife. It hurts so much."

Suddenly Sakuragi screamed, his face was covered with pain, and he was so ferocious that he began to twist.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. Could it be that this guy thought he couldn't kill him and failed to complete the task, so he wanted to commit suicide and die to apologize?

But he immediately felt something was wrong, and he stabbed the knife in. Blood spattered everywhere, but not a drop fell. It turned into blood and poured into the blade of the magic knife.

Sakuragi Ao's face also turned pale first. Although there was a trace of black air, a ghastly and terrifying aura spread from her and him, mixed with a strong smell of blood.

That was the aura of death, an extremely strong aura of death!

Ji Wufeng knew that Yingmu Ao had now chosen to merge with the magic sword. At this time, the magic sword was him, and he was the magic sword!

The Demon Sword was condensed after endless bloody massacres. Yingmu Ao was able to fuse with the Demon Sword. This shows that Yingmu Ao is as cold-blooded and cruel as the Demon Sword. This kind of person has lost his humanity.

Sakuragi Ao's roar disappeared, and Sen Bai's face was filled with black death aura. Ji Wufeng could no longer feel the existence of his life aura, because he was completely swallowed by the death aura. The person standing in front of him was no longer alone. But a cold and cruel magic knife.

"go to hell!"

Yingmu Ao's body was wrapped with death energy, and he stomped on the ground. His body was like a demonic shadow. He disappeared from the place in a swish, and then appeared in front of Ji Wufeng out of thin air. A pair of terrifying blood claws entwined with black death energy shot towards him like lightning. Scratching his chest.


Of course, Ji Wufeng would not be merciful. He snorted coldly and punched out fiercely.

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