The domineering energy was like an angry dragon, roaring and galloping away.


With a collision, Yingmu Ao was blown away by the domineering energy, but Ji Wufeng didn't feel well either. His body retreated violently, his chest rolled violently, and he almost vomited blood.

This made Ji Wufeng lose his mind for a while. Ji Wufeng did not expect that after Yingmu Ao merged with the magic knife, his combat power would soar to such an extent.


Yingmu Ao's blood surged wildly, and the death energy from his body surged out, charging towards Ji Wufeng.


Ji Wufeng had no reservations anymore, his whole body was filled with dazzling golden aura, and he charged forward.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of collisions, and the void was shaking. After the energy inspired by the two fell, it stirred up huge waves, and the sea surface rolled, as if boiling.

The two of them retreated violently, Yingmu Ao's body became more evil, but Ji Wufeng's face was pale and gloomy. Yingmu Ao was too strong now.

"Ji Wufeng, you will die no matter what today!"

Yingmu Ao gained the upper hand and rolled up the black magic cloud that filled the sky and pressed towards Ji Wufeng.

"You've said this several times, are you annoyed?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp, and his arrogant energy soared to the sky again.

But at the same time, he mobilized a power in his body, which was the power of chaos transformed by the two qi of yin and yang.


The golden light burst out violently, and the black magic cloud was shattered. Sakuragi flew away, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and after a brief period of confusion, he spurted out three more mouthfuls of blood.

This made him look in disbelief, and then roared like a wounded beast, saying: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Ji Wufeng was also stunned. He knew that the power of chaos was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful and so easily destroy Yingmu Ao who was fused with the magic sword.

The battlefields elsewhere were also extremely brutal. Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin were also covered in blood, like crazy demons, but their opponents were also having a hard time, but they couldn't tell the winner in a short time.

But as long as Yingmu Ao dies and Ji Wufeng is free, Yingmu Liao and Kerry will definitely die.

Looking back at Ning Tianyu, Tai Chi swordsmanship has reached its extreme. His powerful sword intention is so sharp that it is difficult for Mino to withstand his sharp edge. His originally meticulous golden hair has now become very messy, and his handsome face is covered with bloodstains. The light of the golden wings behind him also dimmed.

If there are no surprises, Ning Tianyu should be the first to win.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It seemed that he had really underestimated Ning Tianyu. He originally thought that his strength was not weak, but he should be a step ahead of himself, Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin. Now it seems that he has underestimated him.

The battle situation was basically stabilized. Ji Wufeng suddenly became murderous, and his tyrannical aura rose into the sky. He grabbed Yingmu Ao and grabbed the magic knife inserted in Yingmu Ao's chest.

As long as he pulls out the magic sword and breaks his human-knife unity, Sakuragi Ao will definitely die!

But at this moment, three figures came out of the air, it was Yaqi Beng, Kusanagi Hideina and Kagura Ryukage. The three of them were covered in blood, their faces were extremely pale, and they were obviously severely injured.

Behind the three of them, Murong Wuji and his four men were chasing after each other crazily. Yun Shuixian shouted loudly: "Big bad guy Ji Wufeng, stop me quickly."

That bad woman. "

Ji Wufeng was stunned. At the same time, Minuo was hit by Ning Tianyu's sword. A golden light flashed and he rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Ning Tianyu immediately caught up with him.

The three people from Baqibeng and the four from Mino were all heading towards Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that something was wrong. Suddenly his hand holding the handle of the knife was held by Sakuragi Ao.

"I said you must die today!" Sakuragi Ao said with a sinister smile on his face.

"Ji Wufeng, it's hard for you to fly today!"

I saw the three people of Baqibeng and Mino who were running away frantically, with extremely murderous intent on their faces, and they actually launched a terrible attack like Ji Wufeng at the same time.

Ji Wufeng immediately understood, damn, they were going to join forces to surround him. Whether it was the three of Baqi Beng or Mino, they were all formidable opponents. Plus Sakuragi Ao, five young supreme masters. Joining forces to kill him, Ji Wufeng seems to be really doomed this time!

Only then did Ji Wufeng realize that the strength of Baqibeng and the others was no worse than Yingmu Ao. They were just deliberately hiding their strength, and the ultimate goal was to prepare for the blow that would kill him now.

Your uncle, I dug up the graves of eighteen generations of your family. Why are you so deliberately trying to kill me? Ji Wufeng is so angry that he jumps to his feet!

"Be careful!" Yun Shuixian shouted immediately.

Murong Wuji roared wildly and chased this way crazily. Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin also felt that something was wrong, but Ning Tianyu, who was chasing Minuo, changed his face and shouted loudly: "Brother Ji , be careful!”

"Suffer death!"

Yingmu Ao roared, and his bloody claws came out across the air, grabbing Ji Wufeng's chest, and the attacks from the four Baqibeng people also arrived. The five masters took action at the same time, and Ji Wufeng was doomed!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Is Ji Wufeng really going to die this time?

Ji Wufeng naturally felt unprecedented pressure, raised his skills to the extreme, and the power of chaos also surged out!

After being beaten to death in the world of cultivation, Ji Wufeng would never let the past happen again this time, otherwise, it would be really frustrating!

The five people's attacks hit them instantly, and the tyrannical pressure came across, like a mountain pressing down. The sea surface under their feet was separated by the squeezed sea water, revealing a huge whirlpool, which went straight to the bottom of the sea. The reef was directly shattered by the bombardment.

Ji Wufeng's bones were making cracking sounds. If his physical strength hadn't been far beyond that of ordinary warriors, he would have been crushed into pieces by now.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to kill me that easily!"

Ji Wufeng waved his arms, violent energy soared into the sky, golden Gang Qi filled his body, and waves of roars of giant beasts could be faintly heard in the air.


Terrible power burst out, and there was a violent vibration in the void. The space began to distort. The seawater under Ji Wufeng's feet was turned into steam by the violent force, and a vacuum zone appeared. The seawater was scattered on both sides, unable to flow back for a while.

Yun Shuixian and the other three who were approaching quickly were suddenly thrown away with great force. They rolled continuously in the air before they stabilized their bodies and looked in the direction of Ji Wufeng.

I saw that all the five people's attacks hit Ji Wufeng, directly beating his body until it began to twist. There was blood all over his body, but his face was as pale as a dead person.

Everyone was stunned. Who could block the attack from these five powerful men? Ji Wufeng is dead. The domineering energy is like an angry dragon, roaring and galloping away.


With a collision, Yingmu Ao was blown away by the domineering energy, but Ji Wufeng didn't feel well either. His body retreated violently, his chest rolled violently, and he almost vomited blood.

This made Ji Wufeng lose his mind for a while. Ji Wufeng did not expect that after Yingmu Ao merged with the magic knife, his combat power would soar to such an extent.


Yingmu Ao's blood surged wildly, and the death energy from his body surged out, charging towards Ji Wufeng.


Ji Wufeng had no reservations anymore, his whole body was filled with dazzling golden aura, and he charged forward.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of collisions, and the void was shaking. After the energy inspired by the two fell, it stirred up huge waves, and the sea surface rolled, as if boiling.

The two of them retreated violently, Yingmu Ao's body became more evil, but Ji Wufeng's face was pale and gloomy. Yingmu Ao was too strong now.

"Ji Wufeng, you will die no matter what today!"

Yingmu Ao gained the upper hand and rolled up the black magic cloud that filled the sky and pressed towards Ji Wufeng.

"You've said this several times, are you annoyed?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were sharp, and his arrogant energy soared to the sky again.

But at the same time, he mobilized a power in his body, which was the power of chaos transformed by the two qi of yin and yang.


The golden light burst out violently, and the black magic cloud was shattered. Sakuragi flew away, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and after a brief period of confusion, he spurted out three more mouthfuls of blood.

This made him look in disbelief, and then roared like a wounded beast, saying: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Ji Wufeng was also stunned. He knew that the power of chaos was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so strong and so easy to destroy Sakuragi Ao who was fused with the magic sword.

The battlefields elsewhere were also extremely brutal. Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin were also covered in blood, like crazy demons, but their opponents were also having a hard time, but they couldn't tell the winner in a short time.

But as long as Yingmu Ao dies and Ji Wufeng is free, Yingmu Liao and Kerry will definitely die.

Looking back at Ning Tianyu, Tai Chi swordsmanship has been brought to its extreme. His powerful sword intention is so sharp that it is difficult for Mino to withstand his sharp edge. His originally meticulous golden hair has now become very messy, and his handsome face is covered with bloodstains. The light of the golden wings behind him also dimmed.

If there are no surprises, Ning Tianyu should be the first to win.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It seemed that he had really underestimated Ning Tianyu. He originally thought that his strength was not weak, but he should be a step ahead of himself, Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin. Now it seems that he has underestimated him.

The battle situation was basically stabilized. Ji Wufeng suddenly became murderous, and his tyrannical aura rose into the sky. He grabbed Yingmu Ao and grabbed the magic knife inserted in Yingmu Ao's chest.

As long as he pulls out the magic sword and breaks his human-knife unity, Sakuragi Ao will definitely die!

But at this moment, three figures came out of the air, it was Yaqi Beng, Kusanagi Hideina and Kagura Ryukage. The three of them were covered in blood, their faces were extremely pale, and they were obviously severely injured.

Behind the three of them, Murong Wuji and his four men were chasing after each other crazily. Yun Shuixian shouted loudly: "Big bad guy Ji Wufeng, stop me quickly."

That bad woman. "

Ji Wufeng was stunned. At the same time, Minuo was hit by Ning Tianyu's sword. A golden light flashed and he rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Ning Tianyu immediately caught up with him.

The three people from Baqibeng and the four from Mino were all heading towards Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that something was wrong. Suddenly his hand holding the handle of the knife was held by Sakuragi Ao.

"I said you must die today!" Sakuragi Ao said with a sinister smile on his face.

"Ji Wufeng, it's hard for you to fly today!"

I saw the three people of Baqibeng and Mino who were running away frantically, with extremely murderous intent on their faces, and they actually launched a terrible attack like Ji Wufeng at the same time.

Ji Wufeng immediately understood, damn, they were going to join forces to surround him. Whether it was the three of Baqi Beng or Mino, they were all formidable opponents. Plus Sakuragi Ao, five young supreme masters. Joining forces to kill him, Ji Wufeng seems to be really doomed this time!

Only then did Ji Wufeng realize that the strength of Baqibeng and the others was no worse than Yingmu Ao. They were just deliberately hiding their strength, and the ultimate goal was to prepare for the blow that would kill him now.

Your uncle, I dug up the graves of eighteen generations of your family. Why are you so deliberately trying to kill me? Ji Wufeng is so angry that he jumps to his feet!

"Be careful!" Yun Shuixian shouted immediately.

Murong Wuji roared wildly and chased this way crazily. Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin also felt that something was wrong, but Ning Tianyu, who was chasing Minuo, changed his face and shouted loudly: "Brother Ji , be careful!”

"Suffer death!"

Yingmu Ao roared, and his blood claws shot out across the air, grabbing Ji Wufeng's chest, and the attacks from the four Baqibeng people also arrived. The five masters attacked at the same time, and Ji Wufeng was doomed!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Is Ji Wufeng really going to die this time?

Ji Wufeng naturally felt unprecedented pressure, raised his skills to the extreme, and the power of chaos also surged out!

After being beaten to death in the world of cultivation, Ji Wufeng would never let the past happen again this time, otherwise, it would be really frustrating!

The five people's attacks hit them instantly, and the tyrannical pressure came across, like a mountain pressing down. The sea surface under their feet was separated by the squeezed sea water, revealing a huge whirlpool, which went straight to the bottom of the sea. The reef was directly shattered by the bombardment.

Ji Wufeng's bones were making cracking sounds. If his physical strength hadn't been far beyond that of ordinary warriors, he would have been crushed into pieces by now.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to kill me that easily!"

Ji Wufeng waved his arms, violent energy soared into the sky, golden Gang Qi filled his body, and waves of roars of giant beasts could be faintly heard in the air.


Terrible power burst out, and there was a violent vibration in the void. The space began to distort. The seawater under Ji Wufeng's feet was turned into steam by the violent force, and a vacuum zone appeared. The seawater was scattered on both sides, unable to flow back for a while.

Yun Shuixian and the other three who were approaching quickly were suddenly thrown away with great force. They rolled continuously in the air before they stabilized their bodies and looked in the direction of Ji Wufeng.

I saw that all the five people's attacks hit Ji Wufeng, directly beating his body until it began to twist. There was blood all over his body, but his face was as pale as a dead person.

Everyone was stunned. Who could block the attack from these five powerful men? Ji Wufeng is dead.

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