Baqibeng and others were also stunned for a while, and then a look of excitement appeared on their faces. They finally killed Ji Wufeng, and they completed the task perfectly.

Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin also turned to stone. How could this happen? How could Ji Wufeng be killed?

However, how could he not die when five powerful men joined forces to kill him?

"Impossible, the big bad guy can never die like this." Yun Shuixian seemed to be stupid.


The four members of Murong Wuji and the Tianmen elite behind them seemed to be in a state of madness, and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Baqibeng's face was ferocious and he sneered triumphantly: "The mantis is like a chariot!"

"Yes, it is indeed a mantis trying to trick a chariot!" A sinister sneer sounded.

Kagura Liuying suddenly screamed: "He is still alive!" .??.

Ji Wufeng, who originally thought he was dead, suddenly opened his eyes, but at this time there was no emotion at all in his eyes, only the cold and piercing endless murderous intent!


The magic knife inserted in Yingmu Ao's chest was pulled out, and Yingmu Ao's blood immediately surged, and he shouted sternly: "Kill him quickly!"


Sakuragi Ao's voice came out loudly, and his head was chopped off with a sword. He rolled into the sea water, was swallowed up in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

This time, Sakuragi Ao led the Sakura Temple, which was originally unstoppable, but in the end he died in the hands of Ji Wufeng, and his body was still intact, and his head was missing!

"I said before, this knife is destined to be a witness to your blood debt."

Ji Wufeng touched the magic knife lightly and flew up with one kick, and Yingmu Ao's headless body flew out.

Baqibeng and others immediately retreated violently. Looking at Ji Wufeng in front of them, they couldn't help but feel the hair standing on end!

Ji Wufeng's chest was torn apart, which was caused by Yingmu Ao's bloody claws. There was also a direct piercing wound, which was pierced by Kai Rui's sword. Other parts of his body were also covered with collapses. It was caused by the attack by Yaqibeng and others.

Such trauma can be confirmed with the naked eye. Both the meridians and internal organs have been shattered by at least 90%. Even if Hua Tuo is alive, he will definitely die. Why is Ji Wufeng still alive?

Everyone present was certain that they would not be able to survive under the combined efforts of the five masters, but Ji Wufeng was still alive. What was his body made of, so he was still alive?

Not only was Ji Wufeng not dead, but at this moment, his body was filled with an overwhelming aura of violence, standing horizontally in the void, surging. Ji Wufeng was really like the god of death from hell, making people involuntarily feel a surge of energy coming from the deepest part of their hearts. Fear everywhere.

The Ji Wufeng in front of him was much more terrifying than before. The violent energy was fluctuating violently, making everyone uneasy.

While everyone was horrified, Yun Shuixian bravely asked: "Big bad guy...Ji Wufeng, are you okay?"

She originally wanted to call Ji Wufeng the bad guy, but at this moment, there was a trace of fear in her heart, which forced her to change her words.

"Jiejie, how could something happen to me? There are too many people who want me to die, but it's a pity that every one of them died before me!"

The magic knife in his hand was pointed at Baqibeng first, and a voice sounded like it came from the deepest part of the Nine Nether Hell, saying: "You... deserve to die!"

Although I feel very uneasy

, but Baqibeng still said angrily: "It's no use pretending to be a ghost, you will die just like today!"

But before he could finish his words, Ji Wufeng had already struck him with a knife.

In an instant, the magic knife was like a sickle in the hand of the God of Death, splitting the sea into a huge ravine. Through the gully, you could see the dark seabed, like a passage leading straight to hell.


Blood continuously surged out of Baqibeng's mouth, and the blood instantly dyed his clothes red, and then his body fell straight from the air, fell into the rolling waves below, and disappeared without a trace.

Baqi is dead!

No one went to check whether Baqibeng was dead, but they were very sure that he was dead, as if there was a voice in their hearts telling them that with such a terrible sword, no matter who it was, he would become a dead soul under the sword!

Yun Shuixian's throat squirmed and said, "Why did this bastard suddenly become so powerful? Did he really die just now and become a ghost in the present tense?"

Yuzhou, at the same time, in Lu Shuangshuang's room, a group of anxious people gathered around. Lu Shuangshuang looked in pain, and her stomach was squirming, as if something inside was about to come out.

Gouhun asked with sweating profusely: "Miss Linglong, what on earth is going on?"

Ye Linglong's face was extremely solemn and she said: "I don't know, but I feel that the little thing in her belly is very anxious now, and it even makes me feel angry!"

How can this be? The unborn baby actually makes people feel angry.

"What will be the result?"

"The little guy is so unusual, I'm worried something could go wrong and both of us could get hurt!"

Ye Linglong's words immediately frightened everyone. This group of people, one big and one small, were Ji Wufeng's lifeblood. If something went wrong, wouldn't Ji Wufeng's life be taken away directly?

Just when everyone was about to go crazy with anxiety, someone opened the door and walked in. It was a strange middle-aged man. Everyone immediately surrounded him and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm not here to fight with you, don't be so rude."

The middle-aged man strode towards Lu Shuangshuang. Those surrounding him stepped back unconsciously, but they strangely didn't know why they were retreating.

"You brat, you're so capable before you're even born."

The middle-aged man laughed and scolded for a while, and then showed an extremely gentle look on his face, which was the kindness of relatives and elders. He stretched out his hand and stroked Lu Shuangshuang's belly and said, "Be honest, it's not the time for you to worry about it yet." when!"

Suddenly a stranger broke in, and Gouhun was shocked. Just as he was about to take action, he found that Lu Shuangshuang had calmed down, and her things had also returned to calm.

Ye Linglong's eyes immediately lit up because she felt that the anger had calmed down.

Far away in Linhai City, Liu Qingqing and Vivian, who had been in trance, suddenly opened their eyes, but their faces were pale, and there was a trace of anger in their big, watery eyes.

"Vivian, why do I suddenly feel angry? I can't hold back my anger." Liu Qing said.

Vivian also said with a painful look on her face: "Me too, I just want to kill someone!"

At this moment, someone pushed open the door, and three masked women walked in, grabbed their hands, and said hurriedly: "Leave quickly, or it will be too late if you don't leave." Baqibeng and others were also stunned for a while. , then a look of excitement appeared on his face, and he finally killed Ji Wufeng. They completed the task perfectly.

Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin also turned to stone. How could this happen? How could Ji Wufeng be killed?

However, how could he not die when five powerful men joined forces to kill him?

"Impossible, the big bad guy can never die like this." Yun Shuixian seemed to be stupid.

"kill……" ??

The four members of Murong Wuji and the Tianmen elite behind them seemed to be in a state of madness, and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Baqibeng's face was ferocious and he sneered triumphantly: "The mantis is like a chariot!"

"Yes, it's indeed a mantis trying to trick a chariot!" A sinister sneer sounded.

Kagura Liuying suddenly screamed: "He is still alive!"

Ji Wufeng, who originally thought he was dead, suddenly opened his eyes, but at this time there was no emotion at all in his eyes, only the cold and piercing endless murderous intent!


The magic knife inserted in Yingmu Ao's chest was pulled out, and Yingmu Ao's blood immediately surged, and he shouted sternly: "Kill him quickly!"


Sakuragi Ao's voice came out loudly, and his head was chopped off with a sword. He rolled into the sea water, was swallowed up in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

This time, Sakuragi Ao led the Sakura Temple, which was originally unstoppable, but in the end he died in the hands of Ji Wufeng, and his body was still intact, and his head was missing!

"I said before, this knife is destined to be a witness to your blood debt."

Ji Wufeng touched the magic knife lightly and flew up with one kick, and Yingmu Ao's headless body flew out.

Baqibeng and others immediately retreated violently. Looking at Ji Wufeng in front of them, they couldn't help but feel the hair standing on end!

Ji Wufeng's chest was torn apart, which was caused by Yingmu Ao's bloody claws. There was also a direct piercing wound, which was pierced by Kai Rui's sword. Other parts of his body were also covered with collapses. It was caused by the attack by Yaqibeng and others.

Such trauma can be confirmed with the naked eye. Both the meridians and internal organs have been shattered by at least 90%. Even if Hua Tuo is alive, he will definitely die. Why is Ji Wufeng still alive?

Everyone present was certain that they would not be able to survive under the combined efforts of the five masters, but Ji Wufeng was still alive. What was his body made of, so he was still alive?

Not only was Ji Wufeng not dead, but at this moment, his body was filled with an overwhelming aura of violence, standing horizontally in the void, surging. Ji Wufeng was really like the god of death from hell, making people involuntarily feel a surge of energy coming from the deepest part of their hearts. Fear everywhere.

The Ji Wufeng in front of him was much more terrifying than before. The violent energy was fluctuating violently, making everyone uneasy.

While everyone was horrified, Yun Shuixian bravely asked: "Big bad guy...Ji Wufeng, are you okay?"

She originally wanted to call Ji Wufeng the bad guy, but at this moment, there was a trace of fear in her heart, which forced her to change her words.

"Jiejie, how could something happen to me? There are too many people who want me to die, but it's a pity that every one of them died before me!"

The magic knife in his hand was pointed at Baqibeng first, and a voice sounded like it came from the deepest part of the Nine Nether Hell, saying: "You... deserve to die!"

Although I feel very uneasy

, but Baqibeng still said angrily: "It's no use pretending to be a ghost, you will die just like today!"

But before he could finish his words, Ji Wufeng had already struck him with a knife.

In an instant, the magic knife was like a sickle in the hand of the God of Death, splitting the sea into a huge ravine. Through the gully, you could see the dark seabed, like a passage leading straight to hell.


Blood continuously surged out of Baqibeng's mouth, and the blood instantly dyed his clothes red, and then his body fell straight from the air, fell into the rolling waves below, and disappeared without a trace.

Baqi is dead!

No one went to check whether Baqibeng was dead, but they were very sure that he was dead, as if there was a voice in their hearts telling them that with such a terrible sword, no matter who it was, he would become a dead soul under the sword!

Yun Shuixian's throat squirmed and said, "Why did this bastard suddenly become so powerful? Did he really die just now and become a ghost in the present tense?"

Yuzhou, at the same time, in Lu Shuangshuang's room, a group of anxious people gathered around. Lu Shuangshuang looked in pain, and her stomach was squirming, as if something inside was about to come out.

Gouhun asked with sweating profusely: "Miss Linglong, what on earth is going on?"

Ye Linglong's face was extremely solemn and she said: "I don't know, but I feel that the little thing in her belly is very anxious now, and it even makes me feel angry!"

How can this be? The unborn baby actually makes people feel angry.

"What will be the result?"

"The little guy is so unusual, I'm worried something could go wrong and both of us could get hurt!"

Ye Linglong's words immediately frightened everyone. This group of people, one big and one small, were Ji Wufeng's lifeblood. If something went wrong, wouldn't Ji Wufeng's life be taken away directly?

Just when everyone was about to go crazy with anxiety, someone opened the door and walked in. It was a strange middle-aged man. Everyone immediately surrounded him and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm not here to fight with you, don't be so rude."

The middle-aged man strode towards Lu Shuangshuang. Those surrounding him stepped back unconsciously, but they strangely didn't know why they were retreating.

"You brat, you're so capable before you're even born."

The middle-aged man laughed and scolded for a while, and then showed an extremely gentle look on his face, which was the kindness of relatives and elders. He stretched out his hand and stroked Lu Shuangshuang's belly and said, "Be honest, it's not the time for you to worry about it yet." when!"

Suddenly a stranger broke in, and Gouhun was shocked. Just as he was about to take action, he found that Lu Shuangshuang had calmed down, and her things had also returned to calm.

Ye Linglong's eyes immediately lit up because she felt that the anger had calmed down.

Far away in Linhai City, Liu Qingqing and Vivian, who had been in trance, suddenly opened their eyes, but their faces were pale, and there was a trace of anger in their big, watery eyes.

"Vivian, why do I suddenly feel angry? I can't hold back my anger." Liu Qing said.

Vivian also said with a painful look on her face: "Me too, I just want to kill someone!"

At this moment, someone pushed open the door, and three masked women walked in, grabbed their hands, and said hurriedly: "Hurry up, or it will be too late if you don't leave."

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