In mid-air, Ji Wufeng's eyes were full of coldness. The magic knife pointed at Kusanagi Yingming, Kagura Liuying and Kerry, saying: "You three, no one can leave alive!"

When Ji Wufeng's eyes came into contact, the three of them instantly felt a wave of cold air rushing from the soles of their feet to their foreheads. There was a voice in their subconscious shouting crazily in their minds, "Go, go quickly, or you will die if you don't go!"

But the more this happened, the less they dared to escape, because it would only make them die faster. The grass pheasant Yingming roared and said: "Come together and kill!"

Kagura Liuying and Kerry's attack immediately rushed out. At this time, they could only have a chance to survive by joining forces.


Ji Wufeng shouted loudly, and the magic sword in his hand slashed diagonally towards the three masters with an unprecedented force. The black sword light seemed to have penetrated the netherworld. Following this terrifying sword, bursts of ghostly sounds sounded, It makes people's scalp numb and their backs cold.


Kusanagi Hideme flew out and fell into the sea. At that moment, Yun Narcissus saw Kusasa Pheasant Hideme's eyes turning into death gray, and he had lost his life.

Kagura Liuying and Kerry were also pale, with blood constantly spilling from the corners of their mouths. In the end, they couldn't control themselves and spurted blood from their mouths.

Ji Wufeng struck with a knife, and the three of them worked together to resist, but the result was one death and two serious injuries. If a second strike was struck, the three of them would no longer be alive!

A strong man would make people look up to him, but at this time, Ji Wufeng's strength did not make people look up to him, but instead caused endless fear in his heart.

No matter how strong a person is, he is only feared.

But now Ji Wufeng makes people feel desperate!

He seemed to be no longer a person at this time, but a demon god from the demon world, bringing endless death!


Ji Wufeng slashed out with his second sword, like a ghost coming from the underworld, slashing straight towards the seriously injured Kagura Liuying and Kerry!

Seeing that the two of them were about to become the souls of Ji Wufeng's sword, five women suddenly rushed over from far away and shouted: "Stop!"

Ji Wufeng's sword suddenly paused, but finally struck out. Kagura Liuying and Minuo immediately spewed blood and flew out.

However, because Ji Wufeng's sword was withdrawn and its power was greatly reduced, the two of them were hit hard again, but they were not killed!

Five people rushed over, it was Tie Xin, Zhuang Zhiling, Gu Mingyue, Liu Qingqing, and Vivian.

"Ji Wufeng, stop, you can't kill anyone anymore!" Tie Xin said anxiously.

Everyone gathered around, and Yun Shuixian asked: "What happened to him?"

Tie Xin said: "I'm not too sure, but the master told me that his power at this time is too strong and is not under his control at all. If he continues to kill people, he will lose his mind and the result will most likely be the devil. It’s hard to go back.”

Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked over, only to see that his eyes were full of coldness, exuding a ghastly and terrifying evil spirit. It was indeed very abnormal. Being stared at by his eyes, even Yun Shuixian felt cold all over, and couldn't help but feel a wave of pain in his heart. trembling.

Yun Shuixian shrank his neck and said: "I asked why this bastard suddenly became so powerful. It turned out that he was obsessed with it."

That's right, facing a combined attack from the five powerful men, Ji Wufeng could only use all his strength to survive.

But his power is too strong. With his current level of cultivation, he simply can't bear it. He can easily lose control and go off the rails.


"Stop killing people!" Zhuang Zhiling, still covering her face, persuaded softly.

Originally, she had no relationship with Ji Wufeng at all, but as the fetus grew and she could feel the heartbeat of the fetus, she felt that Ji Wufeng was very important to her.

"Stop killing people, let's go back." Gu Mingyue also said. She saw Ji Wufeng like this for no reason, but she felt very sad in her heart.

The hostility in Ji Wufeng's eyes gradually faded. Tie Xin pointed at Liu Qingqing and said to Vivian: "You must stop immediately, otherwise, you will not be the only one who cannot turn back!"

I saw that Liu Qingqing and Vivian were also full of hostility and exuded fierce murderous intent. At this time, they were being suppressed by strong men with painful expressions on their faces.

Liu Qingqing and Vivian had never killed a chicken before, how could they unleash such murderous intent?

Tie Xin continued: "Although I don't know the specific reason, the master told me that the two of them are now like this, and it has a direct relationship with you!"

Looking at Liu Qingqing and Vivian, there was a hint of confusion in Ji Wufeng's eyes. The hostility in his body subsided again, and his eyes became clear. Then the murderous aura in Liu Qingqing and Vivian also weakened.

Seeing Ji Wufeng calm down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But suddenly, Ning Tianyu, who chased Mino to Ji Wufeng's side, suddenly had murderous intent in his eyes, a cold light flashed, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed Ji Wufeng's chest!



The long sword in Ning Tianyu's hand pierced through the chest, but it was not Ji Wufeng, but Zhuang Zhiling. At the critical moment, she stood in front of Ji Wufeng and was pierced by Ning Tianyu's sword!

Suddenly, a black figure came over like lightning, rushed towards Ji Wufeng, grabbed the air with his palm, the void was torn apart, and grabbed Ji Wufeng's chest!


Ji Wufeng's chest was pierced, blood spurted out, and his body flew out. But before he landed, a black figure stepped forward and grabbed his neck.

"Ji Wufeng!"

Everyone was shocked and rushed forward. The man in black slapped his palm and everyone flew away. Only Tiexin's neck was held in his hand.

"You know? I'm very angry right now. I've spent so much energy just for you, so I won't let you die too quickly. I want you to watch how everyone around you dies. Yes, I will let you die in endless pain!"


The man in black broke his neck, but it was not Ji Wufeng's neck, but Tie Xin's.


Ji Wufeng felt as if his head was going to explode. Looking at Tie Xin in front of him, his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally lost their luster completely.

The man in black let go of his hand, and Tie Xin's body fell into the vast sea.


Gu Mingyue yelled, Zhuang Zhiling was severely injured, and Tie Xin died in front of her eyes, which made her almost faint.

Everything happened so fast in front of them. No one would have thought that Ning Tianyu would suddenly attack, let alone that such a powerful mysterious person would suddenly come out from behind.

Even Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin didn't react for a while, and their brains were in a short-circuit state for a while.

The man in black smiled at Ji Wufeng and said: "Look carefully, they are all going to die, and they are all dying for you!" In mid-air, Ji Wufeng's eyes were full of coldness, and the magic knife pointed at the grass pheasant Yingming , Kagura Liuying and Kerry said: "You three, no one can leave alive!"

When Ji Wufeng's eyes came into contact, the three of them instantly felt a wave of cold air rushing from the soles of their feet to their foreheads. There was a voice in their subconscious shouting crazily in their minds, "Go, go quickly, or you will die if you don't go!"

But the more this happened, the less they dared to escape, because it would only make them die faster. The grass pheasant Yingming roared and said: "Come together and kill!"

Kagura Liuying and Kerry's attack immediately rushed out. At this time, they could only have a chance to survive by joining forces.


Ji Wufeng shouted loudly, and the magic sword in his hand slashed diagonally towards the three masters with an unprecedented force. The black sword light seemed to have penetrated the netherworld. Following this terrifying sword, bursts of ghostly sounds sounded, It makes people's scalp numb and their backs cold.

boom! ??

Kusanagi Hideme flew out and fell into the sea. At that moment, Yun Shuixian saw Kusasa Pheasant Hideme's eyes turning into death gray, and he had lost his life.

Kagura Liuying and Kerry were also pale, with blood constantly spilling from the corners of their mouths. In the end, they couldn't control themselves and spurted blood from their mouths.

Ji Wufeng struck with a knife, and the three of them worked together to resist, but the result was one death and two serious injuries. If a second strike was struck, the three of them would no longer be alive!

A strong man would make people look up to him, but at this time, Ji Wufeng's strength did not make people look up to him, but instead caused endless fear in his heart.

No matter how strong a person is, he is only feared.

But now Ji Wufeng makes people feel desperate!

He seemed to be no longer a person at this time, but a demon god from the demon world, bringing endless death!


Ji Wufeng slashed out with his second sword, like a ghost coming from the underworld, slashing straight towards the seriously injured Kagura Liuying and Kerry!

Seeing that the two of them were about to become the souls of Ji Wufeng's sword, five women suddenly rushed over from far away and shouted: "Stop!"

Ji Wufeng's sword suddenly paused, but finally struck out. Kagura Liuying and Minuo immediately spewed blood and flew out.

However, because Ji Wufeng's sword was withdrawn and its power was greatly reduced, the two of them were hit hard again, but they were not killed!

Five people rushed over, it was Tie Xin, Zhuang Zhiling, Gu Mingyue, Liu Qingqing, and Vivian.

"Ji Wufeng, stop, you can't kill anyone anymore!" Tie Xin said anxiously.

Everyone gathered around, and Yun Shuixian asked: "What happened to him?"

Tie Xin said: "I'm not too sure, but the master told me that his power at this time is too strong and is not under his control at all. If he continues to kill people, he will lose his mind and the result will most likely be the devil. It’s hard to go back.”

Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked over, only to see that his eyes were full of coldness, exuding a ghastly and terrifying evil spirit. It was indeed very abnormal. Being stared at by his eyes, even Yun Shuixian felt cold all over, and couldn't help but feel a wave of pain in his heart. trembling.

Yun Shuixian shrank his neck and said: "I asked why this bastard suddenly became so powerful. It turned out that he was obsessed with it."

That's right, facing a combined attack from the five powerful men, Ji Wufeng could only use all his strength to survive.

But his power is too strong. With his current level of cultivation, he simply can't bear it. He can easily lose control and go off the rails.


"Stop killing people!" Zhuang Zhiling, still covering her face, persuaded softly.

Originally, she had no relationship with Ji Wufeng at all, but as the fetus grew and she could feel the heartbeat of the fetus, she felt that Ji Wufeng was very important to her.

"Stop killing people, let's go back." Gu Mingyue also said. She saw Ji Wufeng like this for no reason, but she felt very sad in her heart.

The hostility in Ji Wufeng's eyes gradually faded. Tie Xin pointed at Liu Qingqing and said to Vivian: "You must stop immediately, otherwise, you will not be the only one who cannot turn back!"

I saw that Liu Qingqing and Vivian were also full of hostility and exuded fierce murderous intent. At this time, they were being suppressed by strong men with painful expressions on their faces.

Liu Qingqing and Vivian had never killed a chicken before, how could they unleash such murderous intent?

Tie Xin continued: "Although I don't know the specific reason, the master told me that the two of them are now like this, and it has a direct relationship with you!"

Looking at Liu Qingqing and Vivian, there was a hint of confusion in Ji Wufeng's eyes. The hostility in his body subsided again, and his eyes became clear. Then the murderous aura in Liu Qingqing and Vivian also weakened.

Seeing Ji Wufeng calm down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But suddenly, Ning Tianyu, who chased Mino to Ji Wufeng's side, suddenly had murderous intent in his eyes, a cold light flashed, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed Ji Wufeng's chest!



The long sword in Ning Tianyu's hand pierced through the chest, but it was not Ji Wufeng, but Zhuang Zhiling. At the critical moment, she stood in front of Ji Wufeng and was pierced by Ning Tianyu's sword!

Suddenly, a black figure came over like lightning, rushed towards Ji Wufeng, grabbed the air with his palm, the void was torn apart, and grabbed Ji Wufeng's chest!


Ji Wufeng's chest was pierced, blood spurted out, and his body flew out. But before he landed, a black figure stepped forward and grabbed his neck.

"Ji Wufeng!"

Everyone was shocked and rushed forward. The man in black slapped his palm and everyone flew away. Only Tiexin's neck was held in his hand.

"You know? I'm very angry right now. I've spent so much energy just for you, so I won't let you die too quickly. I want you to watch how everyone around you dies. Yes, I will let you die in endless pain!"


The man in black broke his neck, but it was not Ji Wufeng's neck, but Tie Xin's.


Ji Wufeng felt as if his head was going to explode. Looking at Tie Xin in front of him, his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally lost their luster completely.

The man in black let go of his hand, and Tie Xin's body fell into the vast sea.


Gu Mingyue yelled, Zhuang Zhiling was severely injured, and Tie Xin died in front of her eyes, which made her almost faint.

Everything happened so fast in front of them. No one would have thought that Ning Tianyu would suddenly attack, let alone that such a powerful mysterious person would suddenly come out from behind.

Even Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin didn't react for a while, and their brains were in a short-circuit state for a while.

The man in black smiled at Ji Wufeng and said, "Look carefully, they are all going to die, and they are all dying for you!"

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