
Ning Tianyu's head was smashed to pieces by a punch, leaving only a body that fell into the rolling waves.

The most talented disciple of Taiji Sect and the strongest person on the Young Experts List died like this, and his death was extremely miserable!

As for Mino and Kagura Liuying, they were seriously injured and dying, and they didn't even have the strength to escape.

Poof, poof! .??.??

With a slash of the sword, two heads rolled down.

It's Yun Shuixian. This is the first time she has killed someone since she was so old, and it is also the first time she has wanted to kill someone!

Yingmu Li and Kai Rui ran away, Tian Wuxin and Gu Tianyang were furious and rushed to the battlefield, but the masked man was faster than them and rushed to the battlefield.

Murong Wuji and others, together with Yun Shuixian, carried the unconscious Liu Qingqing and Vivian and rushed straight to the battlefield!

The army of zombies had been almost wiped out by Ma Tianlin, and the white-haired man also ran away. The whole situation was one-sided. Several masters joined the battle and struck fiercely. In a moment, blood flowed like a river!

Murong Wuji shouted sternly: "Tianmen obeys the order, and no chickens or dogs are left behind!"

In an instant, the terrifying cold deception spread throughout the battlefield. The battlefield was no longer a battlefield, but a slaughterhouse!

The Chinese warriors won the victory. Except for Sakuragi and Kerry who escaped, none of the other intruders left the battlefield alive!

At this point, this extremely brutal battle finally came to an end!

Many people cheered excitedly, but Yun Shuixian and others couldn't be happy because they knew what they had experienced before.

The crowd gradually dispersed, but a group of experts did not leave for the time being.

Although they won a great victory, they also paid a heavy price. Lin Tiannan and Xia Luofeng were seriously injured, Xue Mobei died on the spot, and the rest of the Chinese warriors suffered countless casualties.


Everyone can accept that profit comes at a price, but they never thought that Ning Tianyu would be a traitor, a dignified disciple of the Tai Chi Sect, and the strongest person on the list of young masters of Chinese martial arts, who would actually do such a thing. .

But Ning Tianyu was finally executed, and he deserved it!

There is another thing that everyone can't let go of. Ji Wufeng is missing.

Ma Tianlin was the first to jump out and said: "All Taoist disciples must obey the order. We must find Ji Wufeng even if we turn the earth upside down!"

After knowing what happened to Ji Wufeng, the others immediately ordered their disciples to search for Ji Wufeng with all their strength!

In the secret room, a middle-aged man who didn't look very old but had gray hair put down the chess pieces in his hand, sighed and said with a wry smile: "I lost."

Chu Tianshu said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you lose some games, you can start over, but if you lose some things, you may never have the chance to look back."

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "You, you, always speak in such an enigmatic tone. If I don't know you well enough, it's easy to be fooled by you."

"But those who really know me know that my words have never been empty." Chu Tianshu said.

"Oh, are you really so confident in yourself?" the middle-aged man asked with raised eyebrows.

"You asked me that many years ago."

"Oh, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye. You are still Chu Tianshu, but I am no longer the same person I was many years ago." The middle-aged man sighed with a lonely look.

“It’s really such a big area

Don't? "

"A big difference!"

Chu Tianshu shook his head slightly and said: "The chess game is not over yet, and the outcome is not yet known."

"Then let's continue this game!"

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned and left. The woman in black who had been standing aside said: "He is still alive. You guessed it right again!"

Chu Tianshu said calmly: "Who has never died in life since ancient times? No one can escape, it's just that the time has not come."

"Hmph, I hope he is as lucky as you said!" the woman in black said in a cold voice.

The door to the secret room was closed. Chu Tianshu's eyes were sharp and he said, "Since you are back, there is no need for me to stay idle any longer."

In the hall, Xiao Mingyu, dressed in black, had a gloomy face. The middle-aged man chuckled and said: "Don't play chess too hastily. Take your time. It only takes one step to determine victory or defeat."

Turning around, a young man knelt down in front of him, trembling all over, and said: "I have met the master!"

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly and said: "Don't be nervous, I'm quite satisfied with the result. It's a pity that Ning Tianyu didn't hold back, but your ability to hold back is beyond my expectations."

"Master, you have given me too much praise!" The young man let out a sigh of relief, not feeling that his back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

"Ning Tianyu is gone, you will take his place from now on." The middle-aged man said.

The young man suddenly said excitedly, "Thank you, Master, for your appreciation!"

The middle-aged man nodded and looked at Sakuragi and Kerry. The two of them suddenly trembled, their faces full of fear.

"You don't need to be too panicked."

The middle-aged man said: "Go back

I will report later that everything is under control. I believe no one will make things difficult for you. Let’s go. "

The tense expressions of the two people suddenly relaxed. They bowed respectfully to the middle-aged man and turned to leave.

After the young man left, the middle-aged man said to Xiao Mingyu: "You are very uneasy now!"

Xiao Mingyu said with a look of resentment: "Ji Wufeng should never be alive..."

The more Xiao Mingyu talked, the more excited he became, his face was full of ferocity, and finally it became a little distorted.


The woman in black slapped Xiao Mingyu's face with her palm and shouted: "Shut up, can you only think that this time he was just lucky?"

The middle-aged man said: "I have already said that if you want to win any game of chess, you only need one step. But this step needs to wait. After all, you are still not patient enough. I have already lost once, and I will never lose again." The second time, this time you lost, it was also because I didn’t want you to lose the second time.”

Xiao Mingyu said with a gloomy face: "Why do you still want to let him live?"

"Let him live because I don't want more people to live!"

The middle-aged man said with an indifferent expression: "On the chessboard, the chariots, horses, and artillery are certainly the most important, but often, the key to the outcome of the chess game is an inconspicuous little pawn!"

Xiao Mingyu finally calmed down, and a smile appeared on his face, but there was this heart-stopping cold light in his eyes.

Tie Xin and Zhuang Zhiling were lying calmly on the ground. Ji Wufeng stroked their cheeks with a smile and said softly: "Be good, have a good sleep, and you will be fine when you wake up."


The magic knife pierced his chest directly, and blood sprayed out like a fountain, pouring on Tie Xin and Zhuang Zhiling's bodies.

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