Ji Wufeng didn't seem to feel any pain. He slapped the two women with his palms, and a stream of air immediately rolled up from heaven and earth and poured into his body crazily, and then continuously flowed into the two women.

He actually wanted to use his own life essence to bring the two women back to life.

If he were to cultivate at the peak of his cultivation world, it would not be difficult, but with his current strength, he must rely on his own life essence and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth at the same time.

But after a long time, there was no reaction from the two women.


The magic knife pierced his body again, and blood gushed out.

Ji Wufeng's face turned purple and he collapsed in front of the two women, roaring like a wounded beast: "Wake up, wake up quickly..."

Puff puff!

One stab after another, Ji Wufeng couldn't feel the slightest pain, and just shook their bodies helplessly.

"Why? Why don't you wake up yet? Why on earth is this?"

Ji Wufeng roared crazily, his face twisted in pain, his eyes instantly turned bloody, with blood dripping down, and his black hair turned white bit by bit.


With a roar, Ji Wufeng's black hair turned white and flew in the wind. His eyes were completely dyed red with blood, and traces of black energy spread out.

In the world of cultivation, Mingyue died in his arms to save him, but he could do nothing.

And in this life, two more girls died for him. That kind of decadence and that kind of guilt made him suffer so much that it affected his sanity!


Ji Wufeng raised his right hand and extended his index finger, roaring loudly to the sky: "Are you blind?"


A thunder exploded, and at some point the sky was filled with billowing black clouds, with electric light flashing in the black clouds.

"God, since you are blind, I will chop you!"

Ji Wufeng raised the magic knife in his hand and waved it towards the sky. The void suddenly became quiet, and all he could see was the endless black sky.

The cloud was actually split open by him!


As if God was going to punish Ji Wufeng, a bolt of lightning struck straight down. At that moment, the entire sky was illuminated, and the originally dark sky was like daylight at that moment.

Click, click, click!

Countless lightning struck Ji Wufeng, and countless electric snakes wrapped around Ji Wufeng, as if they wanted to devour him.


Ji Wufeng was immediately thrown away, his whole body was scorched black and there was no sound.

I don't know how much time passed, but the wound on Zhuang Zhiling's chest gradually healed. She opened her eyes and saw Tiexin lying next to her.

"Senior sister!" Zhuang Zhiling cried sadly.

Ji Wufeng moved, and there was a cracking sound. His charred skin suddenly shattered and fell like glass, revealing the intact skin inside.

Opening his eyes, Ji Wufeng jumped up, looked around, and said in confusion: "Fuck, where is this? Why am I here?"

When Zhuang Zhiling saw that Ji Wufeng was okay, she rushed over in surprise, grabbed his hand and asked, "Ji Wufeng, are you okay?"

Ji Wufeng was immediately startled. He backed away and asked, "Who are you? What are you going to do? Do you want to molest me?"

"Ji Wufeng, you..." Zhuang Zhiling was stunned.

Ji Wufeng didn't have any injuries on his body now, but his black hair turned silvery white, and his face was full of confusion. Zhuang Zhiling suddenly felt severe pain in his heart. Why did it become like this?

After Ji Wufeng stared at Zhuang Zhiling for a moment, he suddenly smiled mischievously and said, "But you are quite handsome. If you want to molest me, I will obey you, but you must be gentle."

"Ji Wufeng,

Don't you remember me? I am Zhuang Zhiling! Zhuang Zhiling said.

"Ji Wufeng? Zhuang Zhiling?"

Ji Wufeng turned his head and thought for a moment, then said: "Who is Ji Wufeng? I have never heard of this name, but who am I? Why don't I remember it?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly became panicked. He covered his head with his hands and said, "Who am I? Who is Ji Wufeng? Why don't I remember anything?"

"Ji Wufeng, you are Ji Wufeng!" Zhuang Zhiling shouted.

"Yes, I am Ji Wufeng. So I am Ji Wufeng? I remember, I am Ji Wufeng. Many people want to kill me, and I also want to kill many people. No, they are not dead yet. I want to kill them all. people!"


The magic knife stuck on the ground automatically flew into his hand, and his silver hair moved automatically. His eyes turned blood red and he shouted sternly: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"


A sword was slashed across the air, and a mountain peak standing in front was directly cut down by this sword!


With another slash, a mountain peak was split directly in the middle, turning into two halves and collapsing to both sides.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Ji Wufeng looked up to the sky and roared angrily, slashing out wildly with the magic knife in his hand. Suddenly, the mountains shook, and Ji Wufeng's face became ferocious and terrifying, like a ghost!

"No, don't kill anymore!"

Zhuang Zhiling cried and rushed over, hugging Ji Wufeng's back tightly.

Ji Wufeng's body shook, and the magic knife in his hand fell to the ground. He turned around and asked with confusion on his face: "Beautiful girl, who are you? Why are you hugging me?"

"I'm Zhuang Zhiling!"

"Zhuang Zhiling? Do we know each other?"

"Of course I know you, you are my husband."

For some reason, Zhuang Zhiling actually described the two of them as husband and wife. There was no reason. She felt that she should have been a couple at this time.

Ji Wufeng's wife.

"My wife? Haha, I actually have such a beautiful wife."

Ji Wufeng looked ecstatic and jumped up happily, but suddenly asked in confusion: "But who am I? Why are we here?"

"Your name is Ji Wufeng. We are here to hunt in the mountains today."

"Oh, what kind of prey did I catch? Did I catch a tiger? Tiger whip is a good thing."

The tombstone was engraved with the tomb of Tiexin. Zhuang Zhiling knelt on the ground and said sadly: "Rest in peace, senior sister. Let's leave first and come to see you later."

Ji Wufeng scratched his head and said, "Honey, who is this buried person? Why do I feel so sad? It's really strange."

"The person lying inside is the one who loves you the most." Zhuang Zhiling touched Ji Wufeng's cheek and said.

"The person who loves me the most? But why don't I remember it at all?" Ji Wufeng shook his head in annoyance.

"If you can't remember, don't think about it. Let's go home!" Zhuang Zhiling said.

"Okay, let's go home...uh...where is our home?"

"Where we are, our home is!"

"Then will we have a baby?"

"Not yet, but I'm pregnant, look!"

"Ah? Already pregnant? Hurry up and let me touch your belly..."

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. Almost the entire Chinese martial arts world was looking for Ji Wufeng, but no clues were found. Ji Wufeng seemed to have disappeared from the world.

In Huajing, in the pavilion of a manor, Nalan Tianxin, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was flipping through documents. Aunt Qing stepped forward and said, "Miss, there is still no news."

"Then keep looking!" Nalan Tianxin said five words, and then continued to look through the documents in his hand without raising his head.

Nalan Tianxin's face became extremely pale, her body was extremely thin, and her eyes were bloodshot. She was completely different from the high-spirited Miss Tianxin before.

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