And now Xiao Mingyu is so powerful that he is sweeping the entire Huajing City. Gu Tianyang doesn't want to deal with Xiao Mingyu, but instead goes to find Ji Wufeng who doesn't know how to live or die. He really can't understand!

"Do you think Xiao Mingyu should be our biggest threat now?" Gu Tianyang asked with a smile.

"Yeah, that's what I think."

Gu Tianyang shook his head and said: "Since Ji Wufeng is not here now, why hasn't Xiao Mingyu taken action? Even with the Feather Guards here, if Xiao Mingyu puts all his efforts, it will not be difficult to win Yuzhou. That's because Ji Wufeng is still his biggest threats."

"My biggest threat is Xiao Mingyu, and Xiao Mingyu's biggest threat is Ji Wufeng, so we must find him."

A woman in black walked in and said respectfully: "I've met the prince!"

Gu Tianyang smiled softly and said: "This is the first time that you come to me. It must be something very important, right?"

"Chu Tianshu disappeared!"

Gu Tianyang's eyes immediately glowed with excitement, and he said, "Has it finally begun?"

Yun Jianxin is still so beautiful, but everyone can see that although her appearance has not changed, she seems to have aged dozens of years overnight.

"Don't worry, Master, we will definitely find Senior Sister." Gu Mingyue said.

After returning from Linhai City, Gu Mingyue found that she had changed. She was no longer a self-pitying little girl, she seemed to have grown up overnight.

Seeing Ji Wufeng in that state, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if a knife was scratching her. Tie Xin was dead, and Zhuang Zhiling was missing. She didn't cry at all, but stayed by Yun Jianxin's side, never shedding a single tear.

Yun Jianxin waved his hand and said: "I don't mind, he is already here, you two can have a good chat."

When Yun Jianxin walked into his room, Gu Tianyang walked in and sighed: "Senior Yun must be very happy now."

Doesn't it feel good? "

"Wow...Brother, I'm so sad, wuwu..." Gu Mingyue suddenly threw herself into Gu Tianyang's arms and cried loudly.

She finally couldn't control it anymore. She cried for Tiexin and Zhuang Zhiling, but thinking of Ji Wufeng's appearance, her heart was even more twisted.

"If you want to cry, just have a good cry." Gu Tianyang patted her shoulder and said softly.

Gu Mingyue finally had enough crying, wiped away her tears and said, "Brother, I'm fine, you can go back!"

"Mingyue, I came here today to tell you something very important." Gu Tianyang said.

"Is it something important?"

"That's your life experience!" Gu Tianyang said.

"I'm not very lucky." Gu Mingyue looked confused.

"Actually, you are not from the Gu family at all, and you and I are not biological brothers and sisters." Gu Tianyang said.

"How can this be?"

Gu Mingyue shook her head and said, "Brother, you must be kidding me."

"It's not a joke, I picked you up when I was only a few years old. After so many years of searching, I haven't found any clues about your life experience, but I think there should be someone who can help you find out now, and that is Ji Wufeng. "

Gu Tianyang didn't stay too long, and after he finished speaking, he left Gu Mingyue, who was in a state of despair, to leave alone.

When Gu Tianyang left the small courtyard, a voice sounded from behind, saying: "Brother Tianyang has a broad mind. Mingyu is ashamed of himself."

Gu Tianyang turned around and chuckled: "Mingyu, you don't need to belittle yourself, I am also beyond your reach!"

"Brother Tianyang is too self-effacing. How can my methods compare with yours? At least if it were me, I would never be able to let her go so easily!" Xiao Mingyu shook his head.

Gu Tianyang's eyes suddenly burst with murderous intent, and he said: "Xiao Mingyu, no matter what you want to do, I don't have to interfere, but I advise you not to take advantage of Mingyue."

"You are so nervous. Could it be that she is your last trump card?" Xiao Mingyu said with a cruel smile.

"I don't need to say anything to you, but it's not yet time to decide the winner or loser. Taking action rashly now may not be a good move."

"That's right, no matter how useful she is, she still won't be able to exert her fullest value in my hands. Only you can make full use of her."

Xiao Mingyu said with admiration on his face: "Now she finally knows that she is a picked-up bastard. She has been looked down upon since she was a child and cannot even get the care of her parents and elders. But she has a good brother who treats her like a child." She has always been the only spiritual support for her."

Looking at Gu Tianyang, Xiao Mingyu shook his head and said with a smile: "Since then, no matter what she pays for you, I'm afraid she won't have the slightest hesitation, right?"

Gu Tianyang laughed and said, "Instead of worrying so much about me, you should think about how to get Ji Wufeng's child as you wish."


Xiao Mingyu's body immediately erupted with cold murderous intent, but Gu Tianyang's smile did not change on his face and said: "I just said that it is not the time to decide the winner yet."

Seeing Gu Tianyang's leaving figure, two men in black appeared behind Xiao Mingyu and asked, "Young Master, do you want to take action now?"


A big mouth slapped her hard, and Xiao Mingyu said ferociously: "Don't you?

Did you hear what he said? Can you touch him now? Gu Tianyang, you really didn’t disappoint me, okay, then let’s play this game slowly! "


Gu Mingyue knelt in front of Yun Jianxin.

"You already know?" Yun Jianxin asked.

"Yes, master, I already know."

"Are you really going to find him?"

"Yes, he is the only person who knows my life experience. I must find him." Gu Mingyue said.

"If I don't allow it, will you still go?" Yun Jianxin asked.


Gu Mingyue looked determined. Ever since she was a child, she didn't understand why she didn't get any love from her parents. Now she finally knew the reason.

Therefore, she must find out her life experience and find her biological parents.

"Since I can't stop you, then just leave!" Yun Jianxin sighed.

"Thank you, master!" Gu Mingyue strode out.

As soon as Gu Mingyue left, Yun Jianxin shouted sharply: "Chu Tianshu, get out!"

Chu Tianshu, who was dressed in a green robe, walked out, poured a cup of tea cautiously and sent it over. He said with a smile: "Mr. Yun, don't be angry. Anger will hurt your health. Come and drink tea!"


Yun Jianxin slapped the table, stared and cursed: "I drank your uncle's tea. This is the only one of my three apprentices left, and you let me go. Don't blame me for not warning you in advance. If If any of the three of them loses a hair, I will chop you alive!"

Chu Tianshu said hurriedly: "Don't worry, Mr. Yun, who of your disciples dares to touch a hair? I guarantee you that none of the three of them is missing a hair."

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