Yun Jianxin suddenly trembled with his fingers and said, "Did that old bastard take action?"

"Haha, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have the confidence to make such a guarantee to you." Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Yun Jianxin's face suddenly turned pale, and he reached out and grabbed Chu Tianshu's ear, shouting: "You bastards, I haven't settled the debt with you decades ago, and now I'm here to settle it again." My apprentice’s idea!”

"Hey...Hey, Mr. Yun, what happened decades ago has nothing to do with me. It's all about those two old guys..."


"Okay, get out, I'll get out right away, don't throw things, I'm getting out of here... Oops..."

Chu Tianshu rushed out holding his head. His head was wet, and there were a few tea leaves hanging on his forehead. It was obvious that he had just been hit on the head by a tea cup filled with tea.

Immediately looking around, Chu Tianshu quickly adjusted his clothes after making sure that no one was watching. With a solemn look on his face, he instantly transformed into the unpredictable Master Tianshu again.

"Pfft... I'm sorry, I really couldn't help it, haha..."

Chu Tianshu turned his head and saw a bastard holding his stomach and laughing so hard that he couldn't even stand upright. He immediately filled his face with anger, grabbed a mud lump from the ground and smashed it hard, cursing. : “Damn it, you’re actually watching a show on the side!”

"Damn it, you dare to hit me. Why is this mud so angry? Someone just peed on it, right? I will fight you!"

"Want to take action? Come on, don't think that now that you are the leader, I won't dare to do anything to you. I will still beat you if you make me anxious. Oh, how dare you kick me? Go to hell!"

"You were the one who muddied me first, despicable!"

"You are cheating on me, you are shameless!"

Inside the red wall, it is so heavily guarded that even ordinary people cannot come in.

They didn't dare to express their anger, but these two guys were wrestling on the ground like little hooligans.

In the end they were always tired, and both of them lay on the ground panting. The leader took out a pack of cigarettes and threw one to Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu lit a cigarette and said, "Sir, it's different when you become a leader. Even the cigarettes you smoke are so high-end."

The leader squinted his eyes and said angrily: "If you don't push me, will you die? If you wanted this position back then, would it be my turn?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head and said: "It's not that we don't want it, but because we can't want it. What the country needs is you, not us."

"But I have been really lonely for so many years." The leader said with a lonely look.

"Actually, I was the one who made this suggestion back then, and I have wronged you." Chu Tianshu showed a trace of guilt on his face.

The leader waved his hand and said: "No matter what our identities are now, it can't change the fact that I was once a brother. If I weren't willing, who could force me? I just wronged the children!"

"Since you are a child, you need to grow, and if there is no grievance, how can it be considered growth?"

Chu Tianshu turned around and asked: "Since you are waiting for me here, does it mean that the situation is already critical?"

The leader's face became solemn and he said, "That's right, the Xiao family can't stand it any longer."

"That's okay!"

Chu Tianshu shook his head and said: "That boy Ji Wufeng has laid the foundation. If the Xiao family wants to be unscrupulous, it depends on whether the Gu family agrees or not. If it was just the old ghost Gu Mingtang, I might still be worried, but now the Gu family is controlled by Gu Tianshu Yang has the final say. Based on my understanding of him, he will not give Xiao Ming

Yu too many opportunities. "

"Is that kid really dead?" The leader suddenly asked with a worried look on his face.

"He won't die even if you die. That boy is hugging you right now, but he is much more comfortable than you." Chu Tianshu said.

The leader's face suddenly turned cold and he said, "Is he really back?"


"Is there no room for turning around?"

There was a cold light in Chu Tianshu's eyes, and he said, "If so, would I still be standing here now?"

The leader felt regretful for a while and said: "Why bother? So many years have passed, can you really not let it go?"

"He didn't die eighteen years ago. He won't have another chance eighteen years later!"

Jiang Ruoshui finally arrived at the Black Prison and was immediately shocked by the scene on the island. The entire island was almost made of iron and steel. .??.

A large number of guards are constantly patrolling, their eyes are as sharp as knives, and their bodies are full of murderous aura. They are simply a group of extremely elite warriors.

After the iron gate opened, a group of people came out respectfully under the leadership of a young man, saying: "Miss Ruoshui, I am Yu Po, the person in charge here. On behalf of the entire Black Prison, I welcome you."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Yu." Jiang Zuoshui nodded. She knew about Yu Po's existence.

"Would you like me to show Miss Ruoshui around?" Yu Po asked.

"No need for now, the matter is very urgent and I need to leave immediately."

Although Jiang Ruoshui was extremely curious about this island, it was a pity that she was not in the mood to visit it at this time.

"Tsk, tsk, you're not interested in visiting, but I am." A sinister voice sounded.

A group of people fell from the sky and landed in front of Jiang Ruoshui. Yu Po immediately

He shouted sternly: "Everyone is on alert!"

In an instant, a large number of heavily armed black prison warriors rushed over. Jiang Ruoshui stared at the young man in front of him and said coldly: "Why is it you?"

Lu Zixuan chuckled and said, "Miss Ruoshui, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's really thanks to you this time, otherwise it would be really difficult for us to find this place."

"Are you following me?" Jiang Ruoshui said angrily.


A sharp sword energy struck across the air, approaching Lu Zixuan. It was Ji Zangfeng who had been secretly protecting Jiang Ruoshui!


The sharp sword penetrated Lu Zixuan's chest easily, but Ji Zangfeng's expression changed and his body immediately retreated.


Lu Zixuan opened his five fingers and grabbed the top of Ji Zangfeng's head. Ji Zangfeng avoided it. Lu Zixuan's attack hit the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

Seeing that the wound on Lu Zixuan's chest did not bleed a drop of blood, and was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Yu Po immediately took a breath of air, what kind of monster is this?

"Kill!" Yu Po shouted loudly.

boom! boom! boom!

The firearms violently attacked Lu Zixuan's group of people. An ordinary person would probably be beaten into a sieve in less than five seconds.

But after the attack of the Black Prison Warriors ended, Lu Zixuan and others were indeed beaten into pieces, with dense bullet holes on their bodies. However, the strange thing was that no one fell to the ground, and no one saw a drop of blood. .

Like Lu Zixuan, their wounds were recovering quickly. Yu Po's eyes widened. Are these people all zombies that cannot be killed?

Lu Zixuan shook his neck and said with a ferocious laugh: "Except for Jiang Ruoshui, no one else is left!"

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