The young man in black had a look of fear on his face. He never expected that Ye Linglong would be so crazy. She was actually the first experimental subject studied by the Immortal Warrior.

Not only him, but perhaps everyone could not have imagined that Ye Linglong herself would be the first experimental subject in such a horrific experiment. Is she really crazy?

Huajing Xiao family!

"Failed?" Xiao Mingyu asked calmly.

"Yes, young master!" The person who came to report the news knelt on the ground and said in horror.

"Yu Lingwei was restrained. Lu Shuangshuang was only surrounded by Guohun. How did she stop Xiao Lin?"

"Still investigating!"

boom! .??.??

"If we're still investigating, we just don't know. What's the use of keeping you?"

Scanning the corpse on the ground, Xiao Mingyu murmured with a cold light in his eyes: "It's getting more and more interesting, Ye Linglong, you can bring me different surprises every time."

The young man who had been sitting quietly next to Xiao Mingyu said with a smile: "I have said before that Ye Linglong is definitely not that easy to deal with, she is basically a human machine.

Human flesh machine?

Xiao Mingyu shook his head and said: "As long as she still has flesh on her body, she is not an absolute machine. She is a living person, and people must have weaknesses. I think you should know what her weaknesses are, right?"

Stared by Xiao Mingyu's cold eyes, the young man's face immediately became nervous and he said: "But over the years, I found that besides studying some weird things and eating lollipops, she also likes to do other things. I really don’t see any weaknesses in her.”

"Don't you think it's extremely humiliating for you, as a male member of the Ye family and the eldest son and grandson, to be overpowered by a woman?" Xiao Mingyu asked with a smile.

"Hong Yanling?"

The young man was stunned, then immediately waved his hands and said: "This is absolutely not possible, that woman is simply too scary, I can't afford to offend her!"

"That's right, you can't afford to offend her. She is indeed very powerful. Otherwise, why would she control the entire Ye family? Not only is she powerful, but the daughter she gave birth to is even more powerful. I think the person who will take over the Ye family will definitely be Ye Linglong, well, the Ye family is considered a prestigious family, but only women can be the head of the family, but the men are all cowards, it's really sad."

Xiao Mingyu kept shaking his head, his face full of disdain.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Ye family belongs to me, Ye Xiuming. It is impossible for a woman to be the head of the family." The young man said angrily.

"Is that true?"

Xiao Mingyu said with a sneer on his face: "But everyone knows that the Ye family is headed by Hong Yanling, and it is well known that Ye Linglong is the next heir of the Ye family. Am I wrong in what I said?"

Ye Xiuming's face turned livid. It was an indisputable fact that the Ye family was headed by Hong Yanling. Ye Linglong was a famous genius in China and was favored by the super bosses above.

But what about Ye Xiuming? On big occasions, others would respectfully address him as Young Master Ye, but in reality, they might not even be able to call him by his name.

"Hmph, the Ye family belongs to me, Ye Xiuming, and I, Ye Xiuming, can only take charge of it!" Ye Xiuming stood up and left with a look of resentment.

Seeing Ye Xiuming leaving, Xiao Mingyu smiled slightly and said, "Don't you want to talk to me about your strongest opponent back then?"

"Don't blame me for not warning you in advance. If you think that woman is not

If you don't take it seriously enough, you will end up losing miserably! "The woman in black came out and said coldly.

Huajing Ancient Family!

Although Gu Mingtang was shot, it must be said that this old guy had a tough life and managed to survive. After some recuperation, not only did nothing happen, but he also lived a more carefree life.

Before, he either stayed in his house all day or went out to fish, but now he actually pulled out all the exotic flowers and plants in the yard, planted radishes and cabbage, and insisted on using organic instead of chemical fertilizers. Fertilizer, that is, manure, makes the whole yard smell bad every time it is applied.

Seeing Gu Mingtang working in the vegetable field like an old country man, Gu Tianyang rolled up his sleeves and walked over, picking up a bucket of manure and preparing to help fertilize.

Gu Mingtang immediately said: "Let it go, this is not what you want to do."

Pushing Gu Tianyang aside, Gu Mingtang picked up the water ladle, not minding the dirty and smelly fecal water splashing on his hands, and carefully watered each radish and cabbage plant.

After finishing, Gu Mingtang said with a smile: "Even though it smells bad now, when these vegetables are mature, they will be fragrant. They are also natural and pollution-free. You can't buy them even with money outside."

Gu Tianyang's expression condensed, he lowered his head and said, "Grandpa, I was wrong."

Gu Mingtang nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you know you made a mistake, you won't do it again next time."

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "I remember that when I was young, grandpa, you planted vegetables, but in the end you stopped planting them. Why are you picking them up again now?"

"Do you still remember the last time you saw me growing vegetables?" Gu Mingtang asked.

"Of course I remember. I was only five years old that year, and it was the time of the first snow. You said that the auspicious snow heralded a good harvest, and your vegetable garden would definitely have a bumper harvest after spring!" Gu Tianyang said.

"Were you five years old that year? You will be twenty-three today. It turns out that eighteen years have passed so quickly." Gu Mingtang sighed.

Gu Tianyang's eyes turned red and he said, "Grandpa, you..."


Gu Mingtang waved his hand and said: "Eighteen years ago, I cleared the vegetable garden because I had nothing else to do but grow vegetables. Now I am growing vegetables again because I am the same as before, and I have nothing else to do but grow vegetables." Do it, do you understand?”

Gu Tianyang took a deep breath and said with confusion on his face: "Grandpa, do you really think I am qualified?"


Gu Mingtang suddenly said sternly: "I have been waiting for you for eighteen years, you must be qualified!"

Gu Tianyang was shocked, his eyes were full of determination, and he said: "Grandpa is right, I must be qualified!"

"Actually, you are already very good, completely beyond my expectations for you, but I believe you will do better in the future!"

Gu Mingtang sighed, patted Gu Tianyang on the shoulder and said, "You can talk now, what do you want to ask me?"

The expression on Gu Tianyang's face gradually softened, and he smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that Aunt Hong Yanling of the Ye family is about to have her birthday. I heard that she had a good relationship with her fourth uncle a few years ago. As a person, I This junior wants to go and send a congratulatory gift, so I came to ask grandpa for his opinion!"

Gu Mingtang was suddenly startled, and then smiled and said: "You silly boy, I think there is someone who is more anxious than you to give this birthday gift. Forget it, but a gentleman does not take away what others like. If you can't argue with it, don't do it." Let’s fight!” The young man in black looked frightened. He never expected that Ye Linglong would be so crazy. She was actually the first experimental subject studied by the Immortal Warrior.

Not only him, but perhaps everyone could not have imagined that Ye Linglong herself would be the first experimental subject in such a horrific experiment. Is she really crazy?

Huajing Xiao family!

"Failed?" Xiao Mingyu asked calmly.

"Yes, young master!" The person who came to report the news knelt on the ground and said in horror.

"Yu Lingwei was restrained. Lu Shuangshuang was only surrounded by Guohun. How did she stop Xiao Lin?"

"Still investigating!"


"If we're still investigating, we just don't know. What's the use of keeping you?"

Scanning the corpse on the ground, Xiao Mingyu murmured with a cold light in his eyes: "It's getting more and more interesting, Ye Linglong, you can bring me different surprises every time."

The young man who had been sitting quietly next to Xiao Mingyu said with a smile: "I have said before that Ye Linglong is definitely not that easy to deal with, she is basically a human machine.

Human flesh machine?

Xiao Mingyu shook his head and said: "As long as she still has flesh on her body, she is not an absolute machine. She is a living person, and people must have weaknesses. I think you should know what her weaknesses are, right?"

Stared by Xiao Mingyu's cold eyes, the young man's face immediately became nervous and he said: "But over the years, I found that besides studying some weird things and eating lollipops, she also likes to do other things. I really don’t see any weaknesses in her.”

"Don't you think it's extremely humiliating for you, as a male member of the Ye family and the eldest son and grandson, to be overpowered by a woman?" Xiao Mingyu asked with a smile.

"Hong Yanling?"

The young man was stunned, then immediately waved his hands and said: "This is absolutely not possible, that woman is simply too scary, I can't afford to offend her!"

"That's right, you can't afford to offend her. She is indeed very powerful. Otherwise, why would she control the entire Ye family? Not only is she powerful, but the daughter she gave birth to is even more powerful. I think the person who will take over the Ye family will definitely be Ye Linglong, well, the Ye family is considered a prestigious family, but only women can be the head of the family, but the men are all cowards, it's really sad."

Xiao Mingyu kept shaking his head, his face full of disdain.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Ye family belongs to me, Ye Xiuming. It is impossible for a woman to be the head of the family." The young man said angrily.

"Is that true?"

Xiao Mingyu said with a sneer on his face: "But everyone knows that the Ye family is headed by Hong Yanling, and it is well known that Ye Linglong is the next heir of the Ye family. Am I wrong in what I said?"

Ye Xiuming's face turned livid. It was an indisputable fact that the Ye family was headed by Hong Yanling. Ye Linglong was a famous genius in China and was favored by the super bosses above.

But what about Ye Xiuming? On big occasions, others would respectfully address him as Young Master Ye, but in reality, they might not even be able to call him by his name.

"Hmph, the Ye family belongs to me, Ye Xiuming, and I, Ye Xiuming, can only take charge of it!" Ye Xiuming stood up and left with a look of resentment.

Seeing Ye Xiuming leaving, Xiao Mingyu smiled slightly and said, "Don't you want to talk to me about your strongest opponent back then?"

"Don't blame me for not warning you in advance. If you think that woman is not

If you don't take it seriously enough, you will end up losing miserably! "The woman in black came out and said coldly.

Huajing Ancient Family!

Although Gu Mingtang was shot, it must be said that this old guy was very tough and managed to survive. After some recovery, not only did nothing happen, but he also lived a more carefree life.

In the past, he either stayed in his house all day or went out to fish, but now he actually pulled out all the exotic flowers and plants in the yard, planted radishes and cabbage, and insisted on using organic instead of chemical fertilizers. Fertilizer, that is, manure, makes the whole yard smell bad every time it is applied.

Seeing Gu Mingtang working in the vegetable field like an old country man, Gu Tianyang rolled up his sleeves and walked over, picking up a bucket of manure and preparing to help fertilize.

Gu Mingtang immediately said: "Let it go, this is not what you want to do."

Pushing Gu Tianyang aside, Gu Mingtang picked up the water ladle, not minding the dirty and smelly fecal water splashing on his hands, and carefully watered each radish and cabbage plant.

After finishing, Gu Mingtang said with a smile: "Even though it smells bad now, when these vegetables are mature, they will be fragrant. They are also natural and pollution-free. You can't buy them even with money outside."

Gu Tianyang's expression condensed, he lowered his head and said, "Grandpa, I was wrong."

Gu Mingtang nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you know you made a mistake, you won't do it again next time."

Gu Tianyang smiled and said: "I remember that when I was young, grandpa, you planted vegetables, but in the end you stopped planting them. Why are you picking them up again now?"

"Do you still remember the last time you saw me growing vegetables?" Gu Mingtang asked.

"Of course I remember. I was only five years old that year, and it was the time of the first snow. You said that the auspicious snow heralded a good harvest, and your vegetable garden would definitely have a bumper harvest after spring!" Gu Tianyang said.

"Were you five years old that year? You will be twenty-three today. It turns out that eighteen years have passed so quickly." Gu Mingtang sighed.

Gu Tianyang's eyes turned red and he said, "Grandpa, you..."


Gu Mingtang waved his hand and said: "Eighteen years ago, I cleared the vegetable garden because I had nothing else to do but grow vegetables. Now I am growing vegetables again because I am the same as before, and I have nothing else to do but grow vegetables." Do it, do you understand?”

Gu Tianyang took a deep breath and said with confusion on his face: "Grandpa, do you really think I am qualified?"


Gu Mingtang suddenly said sternly: "I have been waiting for you for eighteen years, you must be qualified!"

Gu Tianyang was shocked, his eyes were full of determination, and he said: "Grandpa is right, I must be qualified!"

"Actually, you are already very good, completely beyond my expectations for you, but I believe you will do better in the future!"

Gu Mingtang sighed, patted Gu Tianyang on the shoulder and said, "You can talk now, what do you want to ask me?"

The expression on Gu Tianyang's face gradually softened, and he smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that Aunt Hong Yanling of the Ye family is about to have her birthday. I heard that she had a good relationship with her fourth uncle a few years ago. As a person, I This junior wants to go and send a congratulatory gift, so I came to ask grandpa for his opinion!"

Gu Mingtang was suddenly startled, and then smiled and said: "You silly boy, I think there is someone who is more anxious than you to give this birthday gift. Forget it, but a gentleman does not take away what others like. If you can't argue with it, don't do it." Let’s fight!”

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