"Grandpa, I understand." Gu Tianyang said.

Walking out of the vegetable garden of Gu Mingtang, Gu Tianyang raised his head and said, "Where have you been? I really feel a lot lonely when you are not here."

Han Chong walked over and said, "Ming Yue has already left. Is this really useful?"

"The person who knows you best is always your opponent. I think no one in the world knows him better than me. If the bright moon doesn't work, then no matter what we do, it will be in vain!"

Although there are not many people in this remote and secluded town, it is still very lively in the summer. Even though it only has a few streets, at night, night markets, barbecue food stalls and street stalls are all over the place.

Zhuang Zhiling followed Guan Yao as they walked on the street, looking around with great interest. Shopping is an essential skill for women from birth. Even if it is not a high-end clothing store in a mall, just cheap goods from street stalls can still make women unable to move forward. pace.

Two hours passed. Ji Wufeng, who was wearing flip-flops and flowery pants, felt that his legs were getting thinner. However, the two women were still as if they had been given a shot of blood. The more they walked around, the more energetic they became.

"Two eldest ladies, we have been shopping for a few hours. Can we sit down and take a rest? Even if we don't take a rest, you guys should buy one. If you just don't buy it, you have no quality." Ji Wufeng Finally he couldn't help crying.

After shopping for several hours, I only bought Ji Wufeng a pair of large flower pants and a pair of slippers. I didn’t buy a single thing. The clothes in the stall were almost torn. The boss’s face was turning green. If they hadn't seen them as beauties, they would have scolded them long ago.

"Okay, okay, you can go somewhere else to play for a while." Zhuang Zhiling said angrily.

"Thank Wife!"

Ji Wufeng happily ran away and went into a video game arcade. Two naughty kids were playing passionately. Ji Wufeng stepped forward and pulled them apart, shouting: "How is it? Have you cleared the level? Take me with you, what? ? Don’t take me with you? It’s your uncle’s fault. I bought this game currency with my one week’s pocket money. If you don’t take me with you, just give it back to me!”

After walking around for a long time, when she passed a women's underwear stall, Zhuang Zhiling stood still but was too embarrassed to walk over.

"If you want to buy it, buy it. Why are you so shy?"

Shangguan Yao stepped forward, grabbed a piece of lace, and said, "This is the one, it's so sexy, I promise to make him break his waist at night!"

Zhuang Zhiling's face turned red with embarrassment and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't want to show it to him."

"Okay, if you don't want to buy it, let's leave. Don't delay the boss's business!" Shangguan Yao put down the underwear in her hand and pulled Zhuang Zhiling to leave.

But after chatting for a long time, Zhuang Zhiling didn't move, lowered her head and whispered: "Do you think this will be too revealing?"

In fact, this is the first time Zhuang Zhiling has bought these mature and sexy underwear. Before, they were all cartoon and cute ones.

Shangguan Yao immediately said with a smile: "You really don't understand men's thoughts. Only in this way can you attract men. I will help you decide and buy it!"

"Let's each buy one," Zhuang Zhiling said.

"What do I want it for? There's no man to look at it." Shangguan Yao said.

"How come no man is watching? Don't you know that that bastard dug a hole in the wall and squinted his eyes to watch you take a shower every night?"


"What? That bastard peeked at me? And cut a hole in the wall?"

Shangguan Yao immediately opened her eyes, a wisp of murderous intent spread out, but dissipated in an instant, and said angrily to Zhuang Zhiling: "Damn girl, you didn't tell me."

"I thought you wanted him to peek in too."

"Damn it, Nizi, let me scratch you to death!"

"Ouch... don't... don't, stop scratching, I was wrong, oh... hahaha... have mercy on me..."

Two beauties like flowers and jade were fighting and making noise in the street, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

Not far away, a guy with the head of a deer and the eyes of a mouse stared at him, his chin almost dropped to the ground. He turned around and ran towards a food stall, shouting to a group of fat and strong men: "Brother Leopard, Brother Leopard, there are Two beauties, as beautiful as gods."


Unable to withstand Zhuang Zhiling's insistence, Shangguan Yao had no choice but to buy one, but she was gnashing her teeth. You bastard dared to peek at me. She had to quickly block the hole in the wall when she got back. She is so naturally beautiful and cannot be bought cheaply. Got him.

They finally bought the things, and when they were about to go back, suddenly a group of fat and muscular men blocked their way. Two glowing green eyes stared at them, and their laughter was all over the floor.

Sure enough, the two beauties, although one has a big belly, are still as beautiful as gods.

"Beauty, you must be hungry after shopping, right? I'll invite you to a barbecue... If you're tired from walking, take off your pants... take off your shoes, and I'll rub them for you..."

A young man with a fleshy face said that he wanted to touch Shangguan Yao's cheek with his hand. Shangguan Yao took a step back and said: "Get out of my way right now, otherwise I guarantee that you will live a very uncomfortable life in the future!"

"Hey, Brother Bao, it looks like this is a wild rose with thorns. Be careful not to prick your hand!" A little ruffian said with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Leopard, I like the ones with thorns. It's more exciting when they are pierced." The big man said with a mean smile.

Shangguan Yao's eyes immediately showed a hint of coldness, and Zhuang Zhiling stepped forward and said, "I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise if I call the police, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

After finally having a peaceful and happy life, Zhuang Zhiling cherishes it very much. If these people don't know whether to live or die, they will really make Shangguan Yao mad. Her character will definitely be fatal, and their peaceful life will be over by then. .

"Want to call the police?"

As if hearing a very funny joke, the young man laughed arrogantly and said, "Haha, even if the police come, they can't do anything to me."

A little ruffian chuckled and said: "Do you know who our Brother Bao is? Our Brother Bao is the second young master of the Zhou family, and the second young master of the Zhou family is the prince here. If you know how to promote, you will follow Brother Bao from now on. Make sure you enjoy the spicy food, otherwise...hehehe..."

There are three tyrants in the Zhou family, the eldest Zhou Biao, the second eldest Zhou Bao, and the third eldest San Zhou Hu, each one more fierce than the last!

After saying that, the little ruffian turned his head and glared.

There were originally a lot of people gathered around to watch the fun, but when they saw the little ruffian staring at them, they were all frightened and backed away.

It seems that this ruthless young man is indeed very powerful in the town, otherwise, these people would not be so afraid of him. "Grandpa, I understand." Gu Tianyang said.

Walking out of the vegetable garden of Gu Mingtang, Gu Tianyang raised his head and said, "Where have you been? I really feel a lot lonely when you are not here."

Han Chong walked over and said, "Ming Yue has already left. Is this really useful?"

"The person who knows you best is always your opponent. I think no one in the world knows him better than me. If the bright moon doesn't work, then no matter what we do, it will be in vain!"

Although there are not many people in this remote and secluded town, it is still very lively in the summer. Even though it only has a few streets, at night, night markets, barbecue food stalls and street stalls are all over the place.

Zhuang Zhiling followed Guan Yao as they walked on the street, looking around with great interest. Shopping is an essential skill for women from birth. Even if it is not a high-end clothing store in a mall, just cheap goods from street stalls can still make women unable to move forward. pace.

Two hours passed. Ji Wufeng, who was wearing flip-flops and flowery pants, felt that his legs were getting thinner, but the two women were still as if they had been given a shot of blood. The more they walked around, the more energetic they became.

"Two eldest ladies, we have been shopping for a few hours. Can we sit down and take a rest? Even if we don't take a rest, you, big and small, will buy one. If you just don't buy it, you have no quality." Ji Wufeng Finally he couldn't help crying.

After shopping for several hours, I only bought Ji Wufeng a pair of large flower pants and a pair of slippers. I didn’t buy a single thing. The clothes in the stall were almost torn. The boss’s face was turning green. If they hadn't seen them as beauties, they would have scolded them long ago. .??.

"Okay, okay, you can go somewhere else to play for a while." Zhuang Zhiling said angrily.

"Thank Wife!"

Ji Wufeng happily ran away and went into a video game arcade. Two naughty kids were playing passionately. Ji Wufeng stepped forward and pulled them apart, shouting: "How is it? Have you cleared the level? Take me with you, what? ? Don’t take me with you? It’s your uncle’s fault. I bought this game currency with my one week’s pocket money. If you don’t take me with you, just give it back to me!”

After walking around for a long time, when she passed a women's underwear stall, Zhuang Zhiling stood still but was too embarrassed to walk over.

"If you want to buy it, buy it. Why are you so shy?"

Shangguan Yao stepped forward, grabbed a piece of lace, and said, "This is the one, it's so sexy, I promise to make him break his waist at night!"

Zhuang Zhiling's face turned red with embarrassment and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't want to show it to him."

"Okay, if you don't want to buy it, let's leave. Don't delay the boss's business!" Shangguan Yao put down the underwear in her hand and pulled Zhuang Zhiling to leave.

But after chatting for a long time, Zhuang Zhiling didn't move, lowered her head and whispered: "Do you think this will be too revealing?"

In fact, this is the first time Zhuang Zhiling has bought these mature and sexy underwear. Before, they were all cartoon and cute ones.

Shangguan Yao immediately said with a smile: "You really don't understand men's thoughts. Only in this way can you attract men. I will help you decide and buy it!"

"Let's each buy one," Zhuang Zhiling said.

"What do I want it for? There's no man to look at it." Shangguan Yao said.

"How come no man is watching? Don't you know that that bastard dug a hole in the wall and squinted his eyes to watch you take a shower every night?"


"What? That bastard peeked at me? And cut a hole in the wall?"

Shangguan Yao immediately opened her eyes, a wisp of murderous intent spread out, but dissipated in an instant, and said angrily to Zhuang Zhiling: "Damn girl, you didn't tell me."

"I thought you wanted him to peek in too."

"Damn it, Nizi, let me scratch you to death!"

"Ouch... don't... don't, stop scratching, I was wrong, oh... hahaha... have mercy on me..."

Two beauties like flowers and jade were fighting and making noise in the street, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

Not far away, a guy with the head of a deer and the eyes of a mouse stared at him, his chin almost dropped to the ground. He turned around and ran towards a food stall, shouting to a group of fat and strong men: "Brother Leopard, Brother Leopard, there are Two beauties, as beautiful as gods."


Unable to withstand Zhuang Zhiling's insistence, Shangguan Yao had no choice but to buy one, but she was gnashing her teeth. You bastard dared to peek at me. She had to quickly block the hole in the wall when she got back. She is so naturally beautiful and cannot be bought cheaply. Got him.

They finally bought the things, and when they were about to go back, suddenly a group of fat and muscular men blocked their way. Two glowing green eyes stared at them, and their laughter was all over the floor.

Sure enough, the two beauties, although one has a big belly, are still as beautiful as gods.

"Beauty, you must be hungry after shopping, right? I'll invite you to a barbecue... If you're tired from walking, take off your pants... take off your shoes, and I'll rub them for you..."

A young man with a fleshy face said that he wanted to touch Shangguan Yao's cheek with his hand. Shangguan Yao took a step back and said: "Get out of my way right now, otherwise I guarantee that you will live a very uncomfortable life in the future!"

"Hey, Brother Bao, it looks like this is a wild rose with thorns. Be careful not to prick your hand!" A little ruffian said with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Leopard, I like the ones with thorns. It's more exciting when they are pierced." The big man said with a mean smile.

Shangguan Yao's eyes immediately showed a hint of coldness, and Zhuang Zhiling stepped forward and said, "I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise if I call the police, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

After finally having a peaceful and happy life, Zhuang Zhiling cherishes it very much. If these people don't know whether to live or die, they will really make Shangguan Yao mad. Her character will definitely be fatal, and their peaceful life will be over by then. .

"Want to call the police?"

As if hearing a very funny joke, the young man laughed arrogantly and said, "Haha, even if the police come, they can't do anything to me."

A little ruffian chuckled and said: "Do you know who our Brother Bao is? Our Brother Bao is the second young master of the Zhou family, and the second young master of the Zhou family is the prince here. If you know how to promote, you will follow Brother Bao from now on. Make sure you enjoy the spicy food, otherwise...hehehe..."

There are three tyrants in the Zhou family, the eldest Zhou Biao, the second eldest Zhou Bao, and the third eldest San Zhou Hu, each one more fierce than the last!

After saying that, the little ruffian turned his head and glared.

There were originally a lot of people gathered around to watch the fun, but when they saw the little ruffian staring at them, they were all frightened and backed away.

It seems that this ruthless young man is indeed very powerful in the town, otherwise, these people would not be so afraid of him.

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