"Oh, it's true that good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. Is it true that no one can deal with Zhou Bao, who has been stabbed a thousand times?"

"You'd better keep your voice down. If Zhou Bao hears it, you'll get some good results."

"It's such a sin for such a good girl to still be pregnant with a baby!"

The timid comments among the crowd were heard by Shangguan Yao, and the murderous intention immediately emerged. In this way, the bully who was running rampant in the village should be cut into pieces to do justice to God.

Zhuang Zhiling was worried that things were going wrong with Shangguan Yao, so she immediately took her hand and said, "Huh, I really don't believe there is no law. I want to call the police."

"Okay, you can call the police. It will show you how powerful Brother Bao is." Seeing Zhuang Zhiling wanting to call the police, Zhou Bao and the others did not stop him, but looked relaxed.

In normal times, no matter how domineering Zhou Bao was, he would not dare to harass civilian girls in the street, but the only reason is that these two girls are so beautiful that he can't even think of being a good person.

After the call to the police was made, people came from the police station quickly. The leader was a dark and capable young man. When he saw Zhou Bao, he shouted angrily: "Zhou Bao, you are making trouble again!"

"Zhang Long, as a law enforcement officer, you can't talk nonsense. Brother Bao, where did I cause trouble? I was just chatting about life ideals with these two beauties. Is this illegal?" Zhou Bao said arrogantly.

Zhang Long turned his head and looked at Zhuang Zhiling following Guan Yao, and was suddenly shocked. Such beautiful women are extremely rare even on TV. No wonder Zhou Bao dared to tease her in public.

But soon his eyes became clear, and he said in a deep voice to Zhou Bao: "Zhou Bao, you'd better not be too arrogant, otherwise I will have to arrest you."

"Catch me?"

Zhou Bao suddenly had a fierce look on his face, walked up to Zhang Long, and said, "Okay, but do you have any evidence of my crime?"

"You..." Zhang Long looked furious.

Yes, they knew Zhou Bao was rampant in the countryside, but there was no evidence, let alone witnesses, so he couldn't be blamed at all.

How about it.

The last time Zhou Bao broke a man's leg, he could have been sent to jail, but in the end the man insisted that he had fallen and had nothing to do with Zhou Bao.

There was no way, the Zhou family was too powerful in the town, and no one dared to offend him. Even if they were bullied, they dared not speak out.

At this time in the video game arcade, among the group of naughty kids, Ji Wufeng was the most enthusiastic.

"Hurry up and use your skills, sir. I'm going to die before the old monster is dead. You're too stupid!"

"Do you still have the game coins? If not, why don't you buy them quickly!"

"All you have left is money for soy sauce? Damn it, it's important to clear the customs. Go home and tell your mother that eating too much soy sauce is harmful to your health. For the sake of the health of your family, I won't buy this soy sauce!"

General Logistics Officer Ji Wufeng used coercion and inducement to finally buy game currency with the money a naughty kid spent playing soy sauce.

But as soon as he stuffed the game coins, a little boy ran in panting and said: "Boss Feng, Boss Feng is not good!"

Ji Wufeng glared and said angrily: "You're such a bad girl, I'm very good. Just leave me alone and I'll pass the level in no time!"

"You have a hammer test, your wife is being molested..."

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he jumped up from his chair and said angrily: "Who is so brave, even dare to touch my wife!"

Here, Zhang Long said to Zhuang Zhiling and Guanyao: "You two girls, I will take you back."

Zhou Bao chuckled and said to the two women: "You'd better understand one thing. Zhang Long can't follow you forever. There will always be times when he's not around."

so obvious

The threat instantly made Shangguan Yao angry, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

This is a typical bully, and he is also good at exploiting legal loopholes. Now that he has been targeted, if he is not eliminated, it will be difficult to live peacefully in the small town.

Seeing that Shangguan Yao had no intention of leaving, Zhou Bao stretched out his hand to touch her cheek and said with a smile: "That's right. Follow Brother Bao. I guarantee you will wear gold and silver, be popular and drink spicy food."

The murderous intent in Shangguan Yao's eyes became even stronger. When Zhou Bao met her, it was the time for his death.

But before Shangguan Yao could take action, Zhou Bao's hand was suddenly held by a hand.

Ji Wufeng jumped out of nowhere and said with a smile on his face: "Oh, brother, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Bao's face was stunned, and he stared and said, "You brat, who are you?"

"I am their husband!" Ji Wufeng pointed at Zhuang Zhiling and followed Guan Yao. ??

Everyone was stunned. These two girls were so beautiful that they were as beautiful as gods. If they could marry one of them, their ancestors' graves would be filled with smoke. But they married two at once. Could it be that he is a young master from a wealthy family?

But if you take a closer look, you can see that this guy is wearing flip-flops and large underpants, with the tag still hanging on it. He clearly just bought something from a street stall, and he doesn't look like a rich man.

But Zhou Bao and his party would not try to tell the truth about who he really was. Zhou Bao sneered and said, "Brother Bao, I've fallen in love with you. You'd better give me some knowledge and think about what to do."

"My Brother Leopard, how can I have the courage to be ignorant in front of you?"

Ji Wufeng patted his thigh and said, "I just think that forcing yourself as Brother Bao will affect your reputation. How about I discuss it with my two wives and let them follow you willingly?"

When Zhou Bao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he grinned happily: "Not bad.

You are indeed very knowledgeable, you will hang out with Brother Bao from now on. "

Everyone onlookers suddenly had a look of contempt on their faces. Although they were all afraid of Zhou Bao's power, Ji Wufeng actually took the initiative to send his wife away. Is he still a man?

"Wives, it's rare that Brother Bao thinks highly of you. This is your blessing. You might as well just follow him and let's live a good life together." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Zhuang Zhiling had a smile on her face. Of course she knew that Ji Wufeng would not be able to send them out, but Shangguan Yao glared and said angrily: "What did you say? I'm not your wife. Wait, I'll get married when I get back." Let’s settle old accounts together.”

Shangguan Yao was furious when she thought that this bastard had dug a hole in the wall.

Ji Wufeng turned to Zhou Bao and said with a smile: "Brother Bao, they both agreed, but there is one requirement!"

Zhou Bao was immediately overjoyed and said, "What's your request? As long as you say it, I will definitely agree!"

Now he decided that Ji Wufeng was just a fearful little ruffian who just wanted a little money. If he could spend a little money to get these two top beauties, it would be a great deal.

Ji Wufeng pointed to the slippers on his feet and said: "Look, these are the slippers my wife just bought for me, but they are from the love brand. My wife wants Brother Bao to help me test the quality of these slippers." In this way, if the quality is not good, you can go to the boss to exchange it immediately. If you go late, I’m afraid the boss who sells slippers won’t admit it!”

I was stunned even if I had to take on such a heavy responsibility. What kind of request is this? Could it be that this kid took the wrong medicine before going out?

Zhou Bao didn't care why Ji Wufeng made such a weird request. He just wanted to take the two beauties away quickly, so he immediately agreed and said, "No problem, I'll give it a try for you."

"My way of trying on slippers may not be very civilized. Brother Bao, are you sure you want to try them on?" Ji Wufeng asked.

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