Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1427 Why don’t you pay more money before killing?

"Little bastard, I think you are mentally ill. Go to hell!"

A fierce light flashed in Zhou Bao's eyes, and he pulled the trigger directly, with a ferocious smile on his face. After killing Ji Wufeng, he got the beauty.

However, the result did not happen at all as he expected. He did not see the scene of blood splattering after being shot. The bullet directly made a hole in the sand, but Ji Wufeng's shadow was lost.

An inner fear instantly spread throughout Zhou Bao's body, and he felt that the air in the room seemed to become extremely cold instantly.

"Your uncle, now you actually shot me again. I was also frightened by you. What if I have a nightmare in the middle of the night? Can you afford to pay for it?" Ji Wufeng's cold voice came to Zhou Bao's ears.


Zhou Bao's body flew directly backwards and hit the wall hard. After rolling down, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. His face was full of panic. He knew that he had finally hit the iron plate today.

He immediately stretched out his hand and shouted: "Don't kill me. No matter who invited you or how much money I paid you, I will give you double the reward. No, no, no, there is more than one million in cash in the cabinet." , you take them all, if it’s still too little for you, no matter how much you want, I’ll have someone find it for you immediately.”

Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Zhou Bao to think of him as a killer hired to kill him, and said coldly: "What a pity, you are so heinous, no amount of money can wash away your sins!"

"Who are you? As long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to give you all my money."

Zhou Bao's face was ashen. He had never met such a terrible person. He desperately begged for mercy. If his life was gone, no amount of money would be of any use.

"Your sins can only be paid off with your life."

Shangguan Yao stood up with a cold look on his face and slashed Zhou Bao's throat with a hand knife. Zhou Bao's throat was immediately dented, and his throat bone was directly chopped into pieces. Zhou Bao covered his throat with his hand and slowly moved his body. He collapsed on the ground and made no sound.

Ji Wufeng felt depressed for a while and said, "Why did you kill him?"

"Shouldn't such a person still be killed?" Shangguan Yao said angrily.

"You deserve to be killed, but you should wait until I can extort a little more money before killing him." Ji Wufeng said dissatisfied.

After saying that, Ji Wufeng opened the cabinet in the room and saw that it was filled with stacks of banknotes, at least more than one million. It seems that this million is nothing in Zhou Bao's eyes, but for now For Ji Wufeng, it was already a huge sum of money.

Ji Wufeng danced excitedly and said, "That's a lot of money. I can buy the game arcade."

The next day, a man with a fierce face sat in Zhou Bao's office. He was Zhou Bao's brother Zhou Biao, an even more ferocious bully than Zhou Bao.

Zhou Biao looked at the group of people kneeling in front of him with a gloomy face. These people were the same group of people who molested Zhuang Zhiling and the others last night and were scolded by Ji Wufeng.

Stared by Zhou Biao's snake-like eyes, these people were so frightened that they trembled. They knew that Zhou Bao was very fierce, but this Zhou Bao's methods were even more ruthless.

"Biao... Biao... Master Biao, what happened is just as we said. I think they must have killed Brother Bao." A little ruffian said tremblingly.

"I don't care whether what you say is true or false. I'll give you three days to find those people. If I can't see those people in three days, then I don't want to see you again in the future."


br\u003e Zhou Biao’s voice was low, but the faces of a group of gangsters instantly turned pale because they knew the meaning of Zhou Biao’s words. If Ji Wufeng and the others could not be found in three days, they would all have no way to survive!

"Get out!"

After a group of gangsters left in panic, a young man in black who had been sitting quietly next to Zhou Biao smiled indifferently: "Zhou Biao, although Zhou Bao is dead, you still have to continue with the young master's affairs!"

Zhou Biao's face changed slightly, and his attitude was extremely respectful: "Please rest assured, young master, I will find another capable candidate for the matters that Zhou Bao is responsible for, and I will definitely not disappoint the young master!"

"This is the best!"

The young man in black nodded and stood up, saying: "Zhou Bao is dead. I won't stop you if you want to take revenge, but I hope you don't make the matter a big deal. You should know very well that it was the young master who gave you everything. If you ruin the young master, I don’t think the young master would mind taking back everything from you!”

Zhou Biao's body immediately trembled slightly and he said: "Please be sure to tell the young master that Zhou Biao will remember the young master's kindness in his heart and will never cause trouble for the young master."

"The young master is very satisfied with this batch of goods, but now your mission has changed. Women are no longer needed for the time being. What the young master needs now are young children, and they are healthy children, and they are needed immediately."

"What does the young master want a young child to do?" Zhou Biao asked doubtfully.

"Is this something you should ask about?"

The face of the young man in black immediately turned cold, and Zhou Biao hurriedly said: "I am the one who talks too much, I promise to complete the task!"

After the young man in black left, a fierce and strong man rushed in and said angrily: "Second brother was killed, eldest brother, we have to avenge him!"

"I also want to take revenge, but not now!" Zhou Biao said with a gloomy face.

"Not now? What do you mean? Don't you want to avenge your second brother?"

"Zhou Hu!"

Zhou Biao scolded: "The young master has given a new task, now we must complete the task first!"

"Going on a special mission, there is nothing more important than avenging my second brother." Zhou Hu said angrily.

"Do you want to avenge your second brother first, and then avenge me?" Zhou Biao said coldly.

"Brother, I..."

Zhou Biao patted Zhou Hu on the shoulder and said: "Lao San, I also want to avenge Zhou Bao, but it's really not now. You know the young master's methods very well. If we delay his affairs, there is no need to avenge Zhou Bao." Well, the three of us brothers went directly to the underworld to reunite."

When Zhou Hu heard this, his whole body trembled, obviously full of fear of the young master he had never seen before.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhou Hu asked through gritted teeth.

"Let the girls captured by Zhou Bao go back first. If Zhou Bao dies, the matter will most likely be exposed." Zhou Biao said.

"Let them all go? No, they are all money!" Zhou Hu shouted.

"They are worthless now. The young master has canceled the previous mission and is now carrying out a new mission." Zhou Biao said.

"What new mission?"

"Young child, the young master wants a young child now!"

Today, a great event happened in the small town that deserves universal celebration. Zhou Bao died.

A big bully who could cover the sky with one hand in a small town died, and the sensational effect it brought can be imagined. The Zhou family held a very grand funeral. "Little bastard, I think you are mentally ill. Go to hell!"

A fierce light flashed in Zhou Bao's eyes, and he pulled the trigger directly, with a ferocious smile on his face. After killing Ji Wufeng, he got the beauty.

However, the result did not happen at all as he expected. He did not see the scene of blood splattering after being shot. The bullet directly made a hole in the sand, but Ji Wufeng's shadow was lost.

An inner fear instantly spread throughout Zhou Bao's body, and he felt that the air in the room seemed to become extremely cold instantly.

"Your uncle, now you actually shot me again. I was also frightened by you. What if I have a nightmare in the middle of the night? Can you afford to pay for it?" Ji Wufeng's cold voice came to Zhou Bao's ears.


Zhou Bao's body flew directly backwards and hit the wall hard. After rolling down, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. His face was full of panic. He knew that he had finally hit the iron plate today.

He immediately stretched out his hand and shouted: "Don't kill me. No matter who invited you or how much money I paid you, I will give you double the reward. No, no, no, there is more than one million in cash in the cabinet." , you take them all, if it’s still too little for you, no matter how much you want, I’ll have someone find it for you immediately.”

Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Zhou Bao to think of him as a killer hired to kill him, and said coldly: "What a pity, you are so heinous, no amount of money can wash away your sins!"

"Who are you? As long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to give you all my money."

Zhou Bao's face was ashen. He had never met such a terrible person. He desperately begged for mercy. If his life was gone, no amount of money would be of any use.

"Your sins can only be paid off with your life."

Shangguan Yao stood up with a cold look on his face and slashed Zhou Bao's throat with a hand knife. Zhou Bao's throat was immediately dented, and his throat bone was directly chopped into pieces. Zhou Bao covered his throat with his hand and slowly moved his body. He collapsed on the ground and made no sound.

Ji Wufeng felt depressed for a while and said, "Why did you kill him?"

"Shouldn't such a person still be killed?" Shangguan Yao said angrily.

"You deserve to be killed, but you should wait until I can extort a little more money before killing him." Ji Wufeng said dissatisfied.

After saying that, Ji Wufeng opened the cabinet in the room and saw that it was filled with stacks of banknotes, at least more than one million. It seems that this million is nothing in Zhou Bao's eyes, but for now For Ji Wufeng, it was already a huge sum of money.

Ji Wufeng danced excitedly and said, "That's a lot of money. I can buy the game arcade."

The next day, a man with a fierce face sat in Zhou Bao's office. He was Zhou Bao's brother Zhou Biao, an even more ferocious bully than Zhou Bao.

Zhou Biao looked at the group of people kneeling in front of him with a gloomy face. These people were the same group of people who molested Zhuang Zhiling and the others last night and were scolded by Ji Wufeng.

Stared by Zhou Biao's snake-like eyes, these people were so frightened that they trembled. They knew that Zhou Bao was very fierce, but this Zhou Bao's methods were even more ruthless.

"Biao... Biao... Master Biao, what happened is just as we said. I think they must have killed Brother Bao." A little ruffian said tremblingly.

"I don't care whether what you say is true or false. I'll give you three days to find those people. If I can't see those people in three days, then I don't want to see you again in the future."


br\u003e Zhou Biao’s voice was low, but the faces of a group of gangsters instantly turned pale because they knew the meaning of Zhou Biao’s words. If Ji Wufeng and the others could not be found in three days, they would all have no way to survive!

"Get out!"

After a group of gangsters left in panic, a young man in black who had been sitting quietly next to Zhou Biao smiled indifferently: "Zhou Biao, although Zhou Bao is dead, you still have to continue with the young master's affairs!"

Zhou Biao's face changed slightly, and his attitude was extremely respectful: "Please rest assured, young master, I will find another capable candidate for the matters that Zhou Bao is responsible for, and I will definitely not disappoint the young master!"

"This is the best!"

The young man in black nodded and stood up, saying: "Zhou Bao is dead. I won't stop you if you want to take revenge, but I hope you don't make the matter a big deal. You should know very well that it was the young master who gave you everything. If you ruin the young master, I don’t think the young master would mind taking back everything from you!”

Zhou Biao's body immediately trembled slightly and he said: "Please be sure to tell the young master that Zhou Biao will bear in mind the young master's kindness and will never cause trouble for the young master."

"The young master is very satisfied with this batch of goods, but now your mission has changed. Women are no longer needed for the time being. What the young master needs now are young children, and they are healthy children, and they are needed immediately."

"What does the young master want a young child to do?" Zhou Biao asked doubtfully.

"Is this something you should ask about?"

The face of the young man in black immediately turned cold, and Zhou Biao hurriedly said: "I am the one who talks too much, I promise to complete the task!"

After the young man in black left, a fierce and strong man rushed in and said angrily: "Second brother was killed, eldest brother, we have to avenge him!"

"I also want to take revenge, but not now!" Zhou Biao said with a gloomy face.

"Not now? What do you mean? Don't you want to avenge your second brother?"

"Zhou Hu!"

Zhou Biao scolded: "The young master has given a new task, now we must complete the task first!"

"Going on a special mission, nothing is more important than avenging your second brother." Zhou Hu said angrily.

"Do you want to avenge your second brother first, and then avenge me?" Zhou Biao said coldly.

"Brother, I..."

Zhou Biao patted Zhou Hu on the shoulder and said: "Lao San, I also want to avenge Zhou Bao, but it's really not now. You know the young master's methods very well. If we delay his affairs, there is no need to avenge Zhou Bao." Well, the three of us brothers went directly to the underworld to reunite."

When Zhou Hu heard this, his whole body trembled, obviously full of fear of the young master he had never seen before.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhou Hu asked through gritted teeth.

"Let the girls captured by Zhou Bao go back first. If Zhou Bao dies, the matter will most likely be exposed." Zhou Biao said.

"Let them all go? No, they are all money!" Zhou Hu shouted.

"They are worthless now. The young master has canceled the previous mission and is now carrying out a new mission." Zhou Biao said.

"What new mission?"

"Young child, the young master wants a young child now!"

Today, a great event happened in the small town that deserves universal celebration. Zhou Bao died.

A big bully who could cover the sky with one hand in a small town died, and the sensational effect it brought can be imagined. The Zhou family held a very grand funeral.

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