Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1426 Why are you so anxious?

Shangguan Yao said with a chill on his face: "Then I will go and kill all the Zhou family members now!"

Within the scope of her knowledge, the best way to solve the problem is to kill people.

Ji Wufeng also had bright eyes and said, "Since Zhou Bao is so rich and powerful, I think his family must be very rich, right?"

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door. It was only the village chief who opened the door. He looked at Ji Wufeng and sighed: "Xiao Feng, I've heard everything about what happened on the street today. You guys are so reckless, Zhou." Leopard will definitely come to take revenge on you, I think you should go out and hide quickly." ??

It seems that this Zhou Bao is really notorious. The village chief was so frightened that he came here in the middle of the night, for fear that Ji Wufeng would be retaliated against, and at the same time, he was also afraid that the village would be implicated.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose and asked with a smile: "Village chief, is this Zhou Bao very rich?"

"Of course, all the entertainment venues in the town are his business, and other merchants have to pay him protection fees on time every month..."

"Then he is really rich."

Ji Wufeng smiled coquettishly at Zhuang Zhiling and said, "Daughter-in-law, if we don't do something, we may all be homeless. Look..."

Zhuang Zhiling was still hesitant, thinking that if Zhou Bao was not dealt with, they would have to leave the village, so she had to say: "This Zhou Bao is really hateful, you go and teach him a lesson, but remember, you must not do anything illegal." matter."

"Don't worry, there are many ways to deal with that little leopard."

Everyone knows that the boss behind Ye Xiaoyao Nightclub in the town is Zhou Bao, and it is also the headquarters of all his forces. If there are no accidents, Zhou Bao will definitely spend the night there.

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, but the nightclub was still bustling with people. Under the dazzling flash of light, young men and women in scantily clad clothes were twisting their bodies crazily, and the pungent smell of alcohol and cigarettes was spreading. smell.

In Zhou Bao's office, he smashed his wine glass on the ground and said angrily: "You haven't found it yet? If you haven't found it yet, just keep looking for me and ask everyone to go out and look for it. Damn it, I must do it today." Let them die!”

This was the first time Ji Wufeng and the others had appeared in the town. No one knew them at all. It was not easy to find the village.

All the men ran out to look for people, and a skinny monkey said: "Brother Bao, don't get angry yet. The town is so big, and it's midnight. It's really not easy to find them, but the monk managed to escape." If I can’t run away from the temple, how can I fly out of your hands in this town?”

After hearing Shouhou'er's words, Zhou Bao's expression softened a little and he said, "How is that batch of goods now? They will be delivered tomorrow."

Thin Hou'er said: "Brother Bao, don't worry. The goods have been prepared a long time ago. It will definitely not delay the delivery tomorrow. Moreover, there are several top-quality goods this time. Why don't you bring one over first and let Brother Bao try it to relieve your anger?" ?”

"Then bring one here and let me have a taste first." Zhou Bao was full of anger now and really needed to calm it down.

The thin monkey walked out and soon came in with a girl. She was dressed simply and looked very pretty, but she was very young, only in her teens. She was obviously still a child.

Zhou Bao's eyes lit up immediately, and the girl was so frightened that she trembled all over and made a loud noise.

He knelt on the ground and said: "Uncle, please let me go home. My mother is sick, and she is waiting for me to come home to make medicine for her..."


Zhou Bao slapped the girl on the face. The girl's face suddenly became red and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were bloodshot.

"What the hell, it would be better if your mother died. Let me tell you, if I feel comfortable serving you today, I might keep you. If you make me unhappy, you will be sold to Dongyang."

Zhou Bao tore the girl's top in one go, his face full of lust.

"Uncle, please let me go, I'm still young..."

"What the hell, you dare to bite me, little bitch, I'll kill you..."

Ji Wufeng followed Guan Yao into Ye Xiaoyao Nightclub, walked through the noisy hall, ordered a bottle of beer, and went straight to the guest room on the second floor.

The second floor is very luxuriously decorated. It is the most luxurious gold-selling cave in town. It is said that the cheapest rooms here cost more than a thousand yuan, which is even higher than that of star hotels in big cities.

Walk directly to the end of the corridor on the second floor, which is the most luxurious room in Ye Xiaoyao Nightclub. It is also Zhou Bao's bedroom. If Zhou Bao is still here, then he must be in this room.

The door of the guest room opened, and Skinny Hou'er came out and cursed: "Bitch girl, you are dishonest if I don't let you know how powerful I am. Brother Bao, please take your time and enjoy it."

The thin monkey turned around and saw Ji Wufeng and the others, and asked, "Who are you?"

The thin monkey only felt a figure flash before his eyes, and Shangguan Yao had already rushed in front of him and grabbed his throat.


The skinny monkey's neck was twisted at a weird angle, and his body slowly collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"Ah, Zhou Bao, even if I become a ghost, I will never let you go..."

The girl's extremely shrill screams rang out in the room. Ji Wufeng's face turned pale and he kicked the door open. He saw a girl lying on the ground with scars all over her body. Zhou Bao was preparing to use his bow with a ferocious look on his face!

"Who the hell is that? You..."

Zhou Bao turned his head and looked, his face suddenly changed, he immediately threw himself on the front cabinet, took out a gun, pointed it at Ji Wufeng and the others, and laughed ferociously: "Haha, you guys are so brave, you actually delivered it to the door yourself. coming."

Shangguan Yao took off his shirt and put it on the girl, then held her in his arms gently and said, "It's okay, it's okay, little sister, don't be afraid, my sister is here."

Zhou Bao laughed evilly and said: "Just in time, before the little beauty has even been eaten, here comes another big beauty!"

Ji Wufeng picked up the cigarettes placed on the coffee table next to the sofa, lit one for himself, and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, I came today to make a deal with you!"

"Hmph, you're going to be a dead ghost soon, and you still want to negotiate a deal with me?" Zhou Bao turned on the gun's safety.

"Yeah, since you think I'm going to die soon, just listen. Why are you so anxious?"

Ji Wufeng rubbed his head, vomited for a while, pointed at the girl and said: "Look here, you are said to be rude and you still don't admit it. You have scared this little girl like this, can't you be more refined like me? ? You have to pay for mental damage, and you scared my wife today and she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. We have to settle the bill!" Shangguan Yao said with a chill on his face: "Then I will do it now. Go and kill everyone in the Zhou family!"

Within the scope of her knowledge, the best way to solve the problem is to kill people.

Ji Wufeng also had bright eyes and said, "Since Zhou Bao is so rich and powerful, I think his family must be very rich, right?"

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door. It was only the village chief who opened the door. He looked at Ji Wufeng and sighed: "Xiao Feng, I've heard everything about what happened on the street today. You guys are so reckless, Zhou." Leopard will definitely come to take revenge on you, I think you should go out and hide quickly."

It seems that this Zhou Bao is really notorious. The village chief was so frightened that he came here in the middle of the night, for fear that Ji Wufeng would be retaliated against, and at the same time, he was also afraid that the village would be implicated.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose and asked with a smile: "Village chief, is this Zhou Bao very rich?"

"Of course, all the entertainment venues in the town are his business, and other merchants have to pay him protection fees on time every month..."

"Then he is really rich."

Ji Wufeng smiled coquettishly at Zhuang Zhiling and said, "Daughter-in-law, if we don't do something, we may all be homeless. Look..."

Zhuang Zhiling was still hesitant, thinking that if Zhou Bao was not dealt with, they would have to leave the village, so she had to say: "This Zhou Bao is really hateful, you go and teach him a lesson, but remember, you must not do anything illegal." matter."

"Don't worry, there are many ways to deal with that little leopard."

Everyone knows that the boss behind Ye Xiaoyao Nightclub in the town is Zhou Bao, and it is also the headquarters of all his forces. If there are no accidents, Zhou Bao will definitely spend the night there.

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, but the nightclub was still bustling with people. Under the dazzling flash of light, young men and women in scantily clad clothes were twisting their bodies crazily, and the pungent smell of alcohol and cigarettes was spreading. smell.

In Zhou Bao's office, he smashed his wine glass on the ground and said angrily: "You haven't found it yet? If you haven't found it yet, just keep looking for me and ask everyone to go out and look for it. Damn it, I must do it today." Let them die!”

This was the first time Ji Wufeng and the others had appeared in the town. No one knew them at all. It was not easy to find the village.

All the men ran out to look for people, and a skinny monkey said: "Brother Bao, don't get angry yet. The town is so big, and it's midnight. It's really not easy to find them, but the monk managed to escape." If I can’t run away from the temple, how can I fly out of your hands in this town?”

After hearing Shouhou'er's words, Zhou Bao's expression softened a little and he said, "How is that batch of goods now? They will be delivered tomorrow."

Thin Hou'er said: "Brother Bao, don't worry. The goods have been prepared a long time ago. It will definitely not delay the delivery tomorrow. Moreover, there are several top-quality goods this time. Why don't you bring one over first and let Brother Bao try it to relieve your anger?" ?”

"Then bring one here and let me have a taste first." Zhou Bao was full of anger now and really needed to calm it down.

The thin monkey walked out and soon came in with a girl. She was dressed simply and looked very pretty, but she was very young, only in her teens. She was obviously still a child.

Zhou Bao's eyes lit up immediately, and the girl was so frightened that she trembled all over and made a loud noise.

He knelt on the ground and said: "Uncle, please let me go home. My mother is sick, and she is waiting for me to come home to make medicine for her..."


Zhou Bao slapped the girl on the face. The girl's face suddenly became red and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were bloodshot.

"What the hell, it would be better if your mother died. Let me tell you, if I feel comfortable serving you today, I might keep you here. If you make me unhappy, you will be sold to Dongyang."

Zhou Bao tore the girl's top in one go, his face full of lust.

"Uncle, please let me go, I'm still young..."

"What the hell, you dare to bite me, little bitch, I'll kill you..."

Ji Wufeng followed Guan Yao into Ye Xiaoyao Nightclub, walked through the noisy hall, ordered a bottle of beer, and went straight to the guest room on the second floor.

The second floor is very luxuriously decorated. It is the most luxurious gold-selling cave in town. It is said that the cheapest rooms here cost more than a thousand yuan, which is even higher than that of star hotels in big cities.

Walk directly to the end of the corridor on the second floor, which is the most luxurious room in Ye Xiaoyao Nightclub. It is also Zhou Bao's bedroom. If Zhou Bao is still here, then he must be in this room.

The door of the guest room opened, and Skinny Hou'er came out and cursed: "Bitch girl, you are dishonest if I don't let you know how powerful I am. Brother Bao, please take your time and enjoy it."

The thin monkey turned around and saw Ji Wufeng and the others, and asked, "Who are you?"

The thin monkey only felt a figure flash before his eyes, and Shangguan Yao had already rushed in front of him and grabbed his throat.


The skinny monkey's neck was twisted at a weird angle, and his body slowly collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"Ah, Zhou Bao, even if I become a ghost, I will never let you go..."

The girl's extremely shrill screams rang out in the room. Ji Wufeng's face turned pale and he kicked the door open. He saw a girl lying on the ground with scars all over her body. Zhou Bao was preparing to use his bow with a ferocious look on his face!

"Who the hell is that? You..."

Zhou Bao turned his head and looked, his face suddenly changed, he immediately threw himself on the front cabinet, took out a gun, pointed it at Ji Wufeng and the others, and laughed ferociously: "Haha, you guys are so brave, you actually delivered it to the door yourself. coming."

Shangguan Yao took off his shirt and put it on the girl, then held her in his arms gently and said, "It's okay, it's okay, little sister, don't be afraid, my sister is here."

Zhou Bao laughed evilly and said: "Just in time, before the little beauty has even been eaten, here comes another big beauty!"

Ji Wufeng picked up the cigarettes placed on the coffee table next to the sofa, lit one for himself, and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, I came today to make a deal with you!"

"Hmph, you're going to be a dead ghost soon, and you still want to negotiate a deal with me?" Zhou Bao turned on the gun's safety.

"Yeah, since you think I'm going to die soon, just listen. Why are you so anxious?"

Ji Wufeng rubbed his head, vomited for a while, pointed at the girl and said: "Look here, you are said to be rude and you still don't admit it. You have scared this little girl like this, can't you be more refined like me? ? You have to pay for mental damages, and you scared my wife today and she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. We have to settle this account!"

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